حوار مع أسترالي محترم لديه فضول للتعرف على الإسلام ينتهي بنهاية رائعة - الجزء الثاني

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you know there's an eye in the quran there's a verse in the quran that says if i had wanted to i would have made them all muslims god is talking to saying if i had wanted to i would have made them all into believers but so then this the thing that comes to mind is okay then if that's not the if that's not the aim here making everyone believe us because that's that's the image that this story portrays that it's just like yeah hook or by crook we're going to make everyone into muslim and that's the goal that's what's the replacement [Laughter] because allah says on the day of judgement when a mata came up and you stayed silent why did you stay silent and the person will say because of the reaction of the people allah will inform that individual it was better that you have feared me so speaking about being free something that and we spoke you spoke about it briefly before he spoke about um homosexuals yeah so where do i sit am i welcome in islam so today i felt free the sun was out went down to the local park summer summer english summer i went down i went down to the local pub and i had beautiful pork roasts yeah and this is not just doing there's not too important of course this is a genuine question it's not to invoke hate yeah yeah i went down had a beautiful sunday roast pork sat there with my boyfriend and we had a great time am i welcoming islam you can have a boyfriend who's a friend you can't just you can't do things with that boyfriend that allah has made forbidden not only between two men but also between a man and a woman so the lbjt plus community yes right which is six to six to ten percent as well it's actually a lot less than that no it's it's six percent it seems to be growing anyway let's put it that way six percent you have a six percent chance of having a good start you do and hopefully not but this this is the reality of the the numbers in this planet yet they're not welcome in islam that's not true so there's a there's a lot to unpack there okay so because it's great we'll leave the pocket because let's just we don't need to go down that subject the reason more about that should we move under the tree somewhere get out the rain you guys are right should we get out of there get under that tree i think if you'll move the camera it's all about better perspective some people get wet and others get to feel the right well it's better than their trees that's going to be worse there i think we're okay okay no problem you're not getting where are you from you're already good so there's a lot to unpack so one of the things is um that whole scenario of going to the pub and the poor growth it's a good example of a social norm let's say the same point applies if you were somewhere else you'd be getting baklava and getting your tea and this will be your afternoon you know coffee or whatever so the real point is about the lgbtq and the homosexuality and these kinds of things so that's a great question i forgot i had a b-world soda as well so i just but we know that surrounding us muslims because according to our sharia for us if you're not a muslim then until you accept islam the sharia does not apply to you right but it's your job to find out whether the sharia is the right way for you and that god exists now when you rationally logically reasonably come to that conclusion then i think you would agree that if the creator said look this is not good for you don't do it okay but you would abide by that right if you believe that if you believe that the creator said that you're right but to the point about what you're about to say about homosexuality and being gay not being welcome in islam so there's so there's a few things we need to unpack so the first thing i would say is that there's a difference between so the first question is how do you treat people okay let's just let's start with that because it's almost like almost like a disclaimer so islam has that we have a legal system okay and the only people that can apply the legal system are the rulers the societies the courts this is how it would work in a muslim country there is no vigilantism no tom dick and harry can go through anyone else and say i've seen you do this it's not allowed i'm gonna go for you they're not allowed to do that that would that's taking the law in your own hands it does happen it happens it does in lots of places lots of people get attacked for all sorts of things we would say they're wrong but they're not part of the law of the land so that's one thing so we're not i'm not allowed to mistreat anyone in any way whatsoever that's just almost like the just so that this individual wouldn't have a i wouldn't have anything personal happen to them the second thing is the term homosexuality is not found within islamic texts there's nothing that refers to that specifically what we get reference to is men sleeping with men in and that's not allowed in what sense in the public sphere okay because the laws of islam the rule of the sharia is to protect the society from influences that are negative to whatever so whatever the society deemed is good whatever we we said that comes from the creator to protect the people from that society from that thing so for example seems like a must be a police so if you're if you're for example um if the law is not allowed to come into your home and spy on you to see what you're doing so in islam we have this concept of there are things that you can do that are we would say sinful private public but if you do a sin for example in private say if i was drinking alcohol in private and that's a sin that that the resolution of that sin because no one else has witnessed it and no one's applying the law to me the punishment for that it becomes between me and the creator now that's a for me as a muslim like that scares me because i think that's a i don't want to be on the bad side of god do you understand don't you're scared of the queen you don't want to be on the wrong side of that so the lord won't come into my house and say oh i saw you drinking i saw you with this guy with this girl he won't do that if you're if you're in public and you're having uh sodomy in public literally apologies for the graphicness that is what it would be you'd and there were witnesses it would go to court you'd be tried then there'll be a punishment applied to that but even walking holding hands with it no with another man if you're going to start in middle east listen mate if you've got a start my cousins all grab my hand when we're walking and i'll go away leave me alone but that's that's the culture well that would be a bit uh that's not sodomy arabs but they're not they're not french well that would probably raise a few eyebrows i mean but that's not sodomy but the punishments will apply to that so what you're not what you're not punished for is your inclination that's the key point here for your punishment the public act on the society there are muslims who are openly gay they they say that we gay but they don't what they say just as a just just just as a just as a non-married man would restrain himself from sexual pleasure because that's his test or a woman would prevent herself from sexual gratification and pleasure outside of marriage the homosexual also has a test which is that he would not commit so why is so hard for homosexual homosexual muslims in this world because they've got all that they've got they're humans they should have the same rights they just heterosexual an incredibly difficult life yeah if they if they choose to be homosexual and muslims so the first thing question is take you back to your barometer why do you say they why are you saying cause you're a great guy a good person and i can understand he's coming to dinner with us oh great oh great that's excellent so i get that this idea of and this is a modern idea if you were born in the 50s you wouldn't have this idea it's a social consensus i was a homophobe 15 20 years ago yeah i'm not this and that would have been probably a normal view at that time absolutely and you've you're changed so now i'm saying to you is how would you speak to your previous self and say to them why he was wrong what would how are you going to say that to them i'll have that much to say what does it mean is it islamophobe what is it like a phobia or a fear of that's careful is anyone scared of gay people yeah that's another point you're right i i think the term more is uh bigotry it's not a form of no no i'm just saying i think the concept is more more like the one of the points that you raise about why do certain muslims who are homosexuals get a hard time if i constantly publicly announce that i drink alcohol i'd get a hard time why because people will say if you're doing a sin it's between you and god why are you bringing it to the public why do you want to why do you want to keep telling me that you're drinking or you're fornicating or you're doing adultery it's a matter between you and god why are you bringing into prophetic arena what that what some of our brothers and sisters who are homosexual and lesbians they do is that they not only want to bring it to the public arena but they want me to go against the foundational teachings of islam that sodomy and they want me to accept it and i will say brother what you do in private it's a matter between you and god almighty okay don't enforce your view now which is purely subjective upon me just as i'm not telling you that somehow just because i suspect that you are homosexual or whatever i want you somehow punished because i don't get on with your life don't try to change the religion yeah that's my point so the only reason they get a hard time is they want to make it something public and acceptable within the public discourse and that's not going to happen because in islam what we don't do as other religions have is panda and to the enslavement of social consensus because people now say oh you are so backward you're medieval for saying that the sodomy is a bad thing what's wrong with you there's nothing wrong with wrong with doing that if they choose to they're not hurting anybody and i'll say well the one the one that created me that sustains me they gave me the yardstick okay since it's wrong i don't care what you say but you at one point felt it was wrong today the social consensus and the fashion has changed so you've changed we haven't changed we stop we stick to what we what we've been told and if the entire world was to ridicule me for the view that sodomy is wrong i don't care because allah says on the day of judgement when a mata came up and you stayed silent why did you stay silent and the person will say because of the reaction of the people allah will inform that individual it was better that you have feared me not the fear of what the people would do to you or say to you so we live by that principle can we test the limits of this yeah yeah that's that's great with a moderate he's like a like a moderate western western brotherhood islam is moderate being being a follower of islam islam is moderate the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi said don't take your religion to extremes islam is moderation it's only viewed today in practice ah but look it's only view today because society has moved so far into this nutcase liberalism to the extent where anything goes my five-year-old can come home from school now and say you know as a boy i'm a girl i'm a girl daddy i'm not i'm not either i don't want to be called i don't want to be called umar anymore you have to call me uh you know homera or sharon or whatever that makes me feel uncomfortable no but my point to you brother is this i can't say anything according to the law here if i now say no son you're a boy and your name is omar i'm gonna be in trouble i'd be in trouble i could be arrested my child could get taken away like they can't they can't determine lunchtime or bedtime or what they're going to have for lunch or breakfast or something but anyway that's a different you're going to test the limits let's test the limits here one thing i just want to say to you before iran comes in the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi warned it's about this time he said there will come a time when lewdness crudeness you know sins will become open and they will be perfectly completely acceptable to the people they'll accept it sex people will have uh fornication in public and the sahaba the companions people would do this in public and the prophet sallallahu and so this is where society will go and the one who's truthful and honest will be ridiculed and the people who are sinners and the liars and the deceivers will be the ones who will be held in high regard so the prophet salallahu warned us that these actors these uh actors these minstrels these singers these uh comedians who stand in the bazaar and they uh you know perform to get a few coins will become the prostitutes will become the highest of society and the people will aspire to become like them and the companion said these people these people who we didn't give it like a penny did whatever too right scraps too he said these people become the highest of echelons in society and the people will aspire to become like them and what do we see today you're a chef you're an actor an actor would be somebody who'd be standing here as a jester dancing around and making fun and the people would throw him a coin today the people aspire to become the actor become the singer become the uh uh you know the the the chef the entertainer yeah social media now it's a long it's a long bow draw that that's social media now if you're lewd and you're crude and you do your little clickbait titles show a little bit of flesh you become very popular even 30 or 40 years ago right your mother your father your aunt your uncle they would have looked at you know a fellow community a family member doing such a thing don't you have any shame you know you're behaving in this way you're showing all your body like this you don't know my family i'm just saying but i'm giving you an example of how things work right but today you're fully naked you're having sex on the screen reality tv oh it's a reality we all have sex we do it live on tv wow people want your autographs they want to have dinner with you they want to be your friend because this is where society goes this is the effect of liberalism and ultra liberalism which is there's nothing wrong with that but i think the point is this what does it what does it result to be does it result to a harmonious society where marriages are strong where children are brought up in a in a in a structure which benefits them to their maximum are they stable i i believe that marriage is a pillar of society right i believe that right and what happens when these things become prevalent in society does it make marriage stronger does it make society stronger does it create less alcohol dependency drug abuse suicide it doesn't it does the exact opposite something called contrast effects it does but the presence of sin and the ability to to sin whether whether it's whether it's drinking whether it's homeless whether it's homosexuality um whatever your sin may be whether it's drugs having that in your life it increases yes like the the sin in the world increases so muslims believe that sin right and pleasure go hand in hand yes no no no no no no no no not necessarily okay so it's like the fabric of society in this world that this this world is interesting because we have so many different beliefs and so many different some people sin some people don't it's ultimately the person to decide if they want certain sins or not i don't believe some yardstick that's been placed before us but it's is it so what that because that's that goes with it we're sort of doing the same yeah so what we're saying is everyone's personal decision about how they're going to do things is equally valid and that goes back to the inside that serial killer who's doing what he does makes him feel okay and i enjoy this okay that's fine if that's the if that's the if that's the that's what he's thought about and this is what he wants to do you're saying that i have no way to tell him no way to explain to this individual so this is wrong and all of the things that you've given about the society the societal consensus we've we've pointed out the pitfalls which nazi germany is probably the best example to give well aborigines in australia civilizational matters you know we've seen millions and millions of people in congo yeah in belgium human music zoo but you see brother also brother imran's point and my point to you was you become a slave to your pleasure yes possibly and the pleasure pleasure as imran explained to you for another person could be the most heinous act of murder for example yes or for example dick cheney uh before the gulf war what does he say to one of our uh reporters here trevor mcdonald he said the reasons as to why we went into iraq irrelevant what's relevant is it was in the american interest it's in the interest of my country my nation to invade iraq because we could not have saddam hussein controlling one of the largest oil reserves and hold america to ransom so you see how he rationalized it he rationalized a mass killing of over a million civilians because it was benefiting to my country he rationalize it now who could tell him as a matter of fact as an absolute that's wrong who's going to be able to do that because he'll say well might is right hey we control the world we've got the most warships so we'll say what's right now when you when you study islam allah says very clearly persecution is worse than slaughter so if somebody's persecuting you to just let them persecute you cannot be done you have to fight and defend your land and defend your property and defend your people because persecution is worse than killing them but uh do not become the oppressor in other words don't become the one who persecutes others so why does that happen so much in the yeah if you're sticking your car into the back of somebody or jumping like something that's not the rules you can't blame the the book of the driveway yeah it's the same people because what people are doing is they're deciding yeah they're making themselves the department so the rules might be right but the application of it around the world doesn't work and and yeah and it shows that the application of islam around the world doesn't work practically it works you're right there's lots i believe i'm working here not wrong have you been to many muslim countries [Laughter] morocco i've been in many african african countries i've been to saudi arabia right on the street um raping a woman or harassing a woman on the street in front of people you will never find that in saudi arabia if you dared to do that that woman who is safe the man who just did that would not be safe you now go to america 500 000 rapes are reported every year and those are just the ones that are reported drugging the the drinks date rape there's no reporting in saudi arabia if there is a rape that's not true that's absolutely not true if a woman reports a rape in saudi arabia under the islamic law her testimony and dna evidence would be enough because her chastity would not be questioned in england it would be or she might be a loose woman she might have been sleeping around she's just accusing this guy in islam in islam her honor her respect is guaranteed so you can't now start claiming oh she might have been a bit of a hussy you know right so so what i'm trying to say to you brother is this islam is the perfect teaching muslims are not perfect representatives perfect students they're not as a whole you will find that the majority of muslims the vast majority won't drink but there will be some that will yeah the vast majority of muslims won't take drugs but there will be some that will the majority of muslims will not do things like rape or these sort of things not only because it's morally inherently something they feel is wrong but they know the consequences of doing it in this world will be a very very severe punishment and in the hereafter and even more severe punishment so even the man who has that inclination so let me give you an example a lot of people when they do you know when they study um uh humanism right what is a good human they go by the harm principles more pleasure less harm is good so let me ask you a question a woman has passed out [Music] and if you raped her she would never know never never feel a thing right wouldn't even know would it be wrong to rape her well she'd wake up and know no she doesn't know let's see she won't find out would it be wrong to do that obviously through through my beliefs and my upbringing right of course what what would you say to the man who says but i'm getting pleasure and she's not getting any pain that's like saying the tree falls down in the woods is anyone going to hear it it's the same kind of vibration my point is this though morally how would you persuade that man since since he's claiming what she was completely pleased that's humanism that's not what i believe my point okay how would you persuade that man who says but hold on um she was passed out she didn't feel a thing she never even knew what happened i'd probably bash the out of him so would i that's that's what i'd say i persuaded so would i through force so would i but how would you rationally objectively say to him that that is a hundred percent wrong someone that's a madman that does something like that you can't rationalize you can't rationalize card however i can't right i can't you can't such an act is obscene and the punishment for it but that's that's irrational because he doesn't believe in allah my point to you is this what it does yeah sorry what it does give you is we have it gives you then because we're now because now i'm not saying i'm imposing my will on you we're not saying that imposing the will of god on you you're saying that there is a higher being who has who we can evidence that exists we can talk um i'm saying the evidence is that if we believe if we be there's a being that exists who's outside of creation who we believe has contacted us with rules and that being claimed to be the one who made us and there's a purpose for us being here which is why there is the carnage that we see as well as the greatness that we see because that serial pillar and then we have you about great examples of the opposite ends of humanity yeah yeah so we see me on the opposite side to the serial killer it's a positive thing we would have invited you to dinner mate if that wasn't the case we do like self-preservation this gives you this it gives you the idea that we're not homogeneous there are good and they're bad for us but if we can say look that this being has given us these rules to live by for the our betterment and for the fulfilling the purposes of what we're here for we don't believe this is paradise it's not meant to be utopia this is this this existence is specifically for a reason and that's really important which is why these discussions are important and this being has told us that this act is and this is the law within this area if you do this this is the punishment for you and then we can detain punished etc now we do a similar thing but our in these countries in every country but this social consensus this the legal system is whatever the law decides so if you you can get a scenario where we go down to the dominant common most common denominator so if for example enough people are smoking pot eventually and we're getting to that stage yeah it's me legalizing what everyone's doing it just don't make it illegal anymore if enough people are doing something else right for safe enough people were so for example if alcohol were made today invented today it would be banned because of the havoc it causes in societies you just go to a e on a friday night you'll see how there are chinese who are now advocating that child porn should be okay there are because they say because that's the limits because they're arguing they're coming to that that this is something that they naturally inherently feel is okay they have an attraction for they have an attraction they can't help it for children they love them now let me ask you a question foreign and his son want to uh uh you know willfully exchange in an act of sodomy or twins make it take their father or twins because the father could be in a position of power yes that they wish to have sex with consensual sex with one another now how would you be able to say to that person first of all is it wrong right how would you be able to do that do you think it's wrong do i think it's wrong or wrong that makes me uncomfortable yeah right but pro-choice i believe it's their choice still i still believe it's their choice it's how i feel like i feel that it's their choice but if if i met them i'd be very very awkward and i'd seek to understand in the situation the father and the ch and the child that's it's completely completely wrong well if they're both grown adults let's say his daughter is uh there's always that there's always a power of dynamic from father okay okay well let's say she's forty-five let's take it a step further then okay what about with animals with what with animals with animals yeah so human being you know animal enjoys the act willingly will come for this um you know there's no obvious harm is happening through my eyes i don't see that as being right the question is why because why is that because because the animal doesn't have a choice no no no no no no no no no no no no no the animal right because the animal has the animal may get pleasure right and the pleasure reduces the animal's ability to have a choice right because they're because animals that by their very nature do by they feel and they're instinctual they they don't from our knowledge they don't have a prefrontal cortex and they don't have the ability to to think beyond themselves and to reason beyond their feelings and what they want to do instinctually in that moment so that that's why i believe that that's a great great response you've mentioned some really great things in there so let me just unpack that so some animals do have prefrontal cortexes the higher primary yeah the primates the dolphins so they so that exists secondly if the animal itself is involved like actively instigating that instant diet and you have no issues yourself as an individual then reasoning would fall down and the other thing is you said something amazing pleasure itself reduces your ability for self-control it dis-inhibits you yes so now i'm going to take you right back to the beginning yeah i've give i've given you i've given you i'll give you ammo but that's right i can handle it thanks ben right back to the beginning being a slave to your desire this inhibits you from realizing right and wrong and so if if you're not conscious but the consciousness is is the key part of what well because your desires are being disinhibited right so i might have desired towards towards cocaine alcohol we whatever it might be yeah so if i choose that i get disinhibited my my the pleasure disinhibits me but if i'm mindful of that i'm subconscious my free pre-frontal cortex i can choose a different part yeah do you always do that do you know what that's cool absolutely i don't know as a human no humans do right but that's why we need something outside of ourselves that's why the same concept sorry i'm saying sorry so the same concept that you just described there that you regulate your desires by being conscious so we have something called so everything that we do if i drink some water in the name of god when i'm finishing my food i'll handle i will pray this to god when i'm walking into my house from my right foot the piece of the home etc in every act that i'm doing my prefrontal cortex is engaged with am i fulfilling my am i living my life as i meant to do according to that creator and this this this god consciousness within your life you're just describing something very similar but you're talking about and what i do with that so when i see the woman who's scantily dressed hello on my gaze why am i doing this creators told me i have to lower my gates it's better for the society why we're protecting the family so there's something called a contrast effect in psychology so when you see all these instagram posts of all these women or on youtube or movies what happens is that and these are not these are sort of adopted images they're not real people they're all artificial you know no blemishes you know nothing no wrinkles nothing you really started a lot so what that does to you is it it creates a false contrast when you then go home and you look at your wife it's what it creates within you is just hasn't got that smooth skin it hasn't got that you know and this is some consciousness contrast i could i could watch porn for months and months and then i can look down when i'm having sex and think completely i don't have a 12-inch black absolutely you know that's what's the same we'll have to sense it the 12-inch player if you did that would be quite a problem anyway people will be wondering those bits don't quite fit together but what that is what that does tell you though is that um when you're if this is where that consciousness comes in when you go home and you become dissatisfied with something that's absolutely perfect this is your wonderful wife that you love and anything that you need in terms of a human being you have for this person but that this these sorts of things they where there's a false image of what's available is given to you what it does is it destroys the family so even if you look at the for example so this sort of stuff where this is presented is harmful to the society and we're seeing this you know insects is rampant we have a rise of single mothers where you know some guys had intercourse they've had a child they walk away from it because they're looking for something younger better you know this one doesn't allow this it says that you you every the what the prophet peace be upon him say to us about this scenario if you see someone and you're aroused whatever that might be you might find someone that's right too what should you do go to your wife simple solution that's the person that you are allowed to fulfill your desire and so we we recognize the nature of the human being islam require because our information comes from the creator of the human beings so the injunctions that are given are to benefit you so we know that alcohol there is there's some benefit in it the crown says how might weighs it avoid this thing don't go near to a door tree so example if you if this is the line that i can't cross i should be standing over there shouldn't be standing on this edge and having a little what's this thing so we're sort of told to avoid the even the temptation and this society is very you can't do that and also just one point with that ben every time you do something pleasurable something is released in your head in your brain dopamine don't mean yeah you name it endorphin surgery you get strong drugs oxygen it's a good field strong drug right so don't become addicted to the dopamine and that drug and then govern your life chasing those highs but re-engage with the creator follow the teachings so you have that better life i came here to the document today yeah you know and therefore you'll have a better relationship with your wife thus a better relationship with your children society as a whole crime suicide mental illness so many other pitfalls that we have in society will be diminished you will never eradicate them because it's always going to be some temptation from some avenue even in a muslim society you'll find a minority of people that might publicly be doing bad things right but let's start with the broken family well allah has uh you know instructed us through the teachings of islam would you say to allah supreme what he has taught us is a way of life that safeguards and stabilizes our life as much as possible nothing's perfect because we're not perfect but it gives you the best chance the more you follow the teachings the more you protect yourself you protect your wife you protect your children you protect society as a whole okay and the less you follow it whether you're muslim or you're not muslim the less benefit you derive and the less benefit society derives my mind goes to fast forwarding 50 100 150 years ahead where this this world is a muslim world and everyone in this world is forced to be muslim you're not forced you can't talk to anybody if everyone's muslim no but no but you can't you can't well you actually can no no you can't if every everyone on this planet was muslim they would not know any different right and they would be forced by world government or every single government to to there's a funny thing yeah i hope you hear it to the stronger teachings of islam people leave islam don't they even now maybe they're i speak to people but not without fear not without incredible amounts no i speak to ex-muslims rather imran speaks to ex-muslims al-hamdu lillah some of them because i have a lot of miscellaneous praise be see we praise allah all the time because because all guidance comes from allah okay even the words i'm speaking to you i i might think that these are my words clever about is coming out with all this stuff no allah says to us everything all good all knowledge ev it comes from allah right so so there's not not free will on that by that argument well when we say there's no free will i'm choosing to speak but who gives me the ability to speak so right who's given so to go to go to that future that we spoke about where the whole world is muslim and islam controls the world which i actually think is going to happen because of the the rise of islam but it's the fastest growing religion in the world they're having four to one of our not not four to one children to to non-non-muslims it's just a matter of time before this is islamic world i see it as a very bleak future a bleak world where there's there's very little variety yeah the family might be might be very sacred but i see there's no variety to life there's there's no there's no italian food there's there's the joys of being up travelling but the joys of being out of trouble and see so many different cultures in this world are gone right and islam is uh muslims have shown that islam will destroy would work through through many many hundreds of years so other churches other other belief systems get destroyed so that so that islam eradicates if i believed what you believed no i wouldn't be muslim and i understand why you believe it because that's what you know this image of islam that you've been portrayed i mean even this idea that islam will take over the year you know birth rates etc this is a great replacement theory it's sort of going if you look any right wing sites this is the fear that's put into the people that these guys are coming in they're out breeding you they're affording to convert your daughter this is that sort of narrative and that within a few decades you're going to be swamped by these people who are going to apply the sharia law no it's a it's a i would say that's a fast mythical thing it's happening in indonesia at the moment what's happening like indonesia is the biggest so now i even have fear to talk what i actually feel and think no no no but i do through the through potential future persecution for what i say now brother that's look let me explain something to you i restrained after restraints let me just say one thing to you even at the time of the prophet muhammad peace be upon him there were people who didn't believe in islam they didn't accept the prophet salallahu they died on disbelief his own family even his own uncle his uncle on his deathbed the prophet salallahu said just say these words and i will be your advocate i will argue with allah for for you on the day of judgement and guess what he didn't say the words he didn't accept him so what happened to him so he in islam as i told you allah judges by intention if you are convinced of the message that we've given you is true and you know that this is from god and then you deny it very grave consequences if you're not convinced of the message you feel perhaps it's false because the information was given was wrong or it wasn't explained properly you will be judged differently and there will be a different test for you on the day of judgement so by that point the people you spoke about that have left islam but let me just explain one thing to you brother the prophet's uncle didn't uh accept islam right his other uncle abu jahl allah what does allah say allah says that he will not accept islam basically his him and his wife both they won't accept islam they will die in disbelief he died eight years after this verse was revealed they died in disbelief did anybody kill him as a consequence for not accepting islam no they didn't not as a consequence of not accepting islam this is the verse here you read that it is in english that's that was this in itself a is a prediction and a miracle right because if i were to say if i were to say that then and and and by the way ben this is in the quran right so the quran anyway if you don't mind that this person and his wife won't accept islam that they will die in disbelief so what did the disbelievers do they came to abu lahab and they said listen let's falsify the quran just pretend that you've accepted it just say to the people all right okay i've accepted it's not look the quran is false it said i wouldn't accept you i've accepted it he said no he said i won't do it i won't do it please and allah predicted that prophesied that in the quran and so it reads prediction overtake both hands of abu lahab sorry a petition overtake both hands of abu lahab and he will perish his wealth his wealth and what he has earned will not avail him he shall not be he shall soon burn it in fire and flames and his wife will be the bearer of the fuel upon her neck and halter the stronger twisted road so basically there was a prediction this man won't accept it now was he killed even the quran is saying he's going to die in disbelief if the whole world became muslim and somebody else if if and if my muslim brother attacked you for not accepting islam i would stand in the middle and i would say you're wrong don't do that leave them alone i believe you would there's a saying of the prophet muhammad peace be upon him if a non-muslim is living in a muslim land he's paid the jizya he's under the protection of the muslims right and he's treated unfairly i will be his advocate on the day of judgment it sounds good so these are explicit teachings in islam now if there are some crazy people who say oh i don't care about those teachings i'm just going to be a deviant and i'm going to be a criminal and i'm going to persecute men because he doesn't want to accept islam then ben they will be on the day of judgement question for what they have done and you will get your justice you know there's a lie in the quran there's a verse in the quran that says if i had wanted to i would have made them all muslims god if i had wanted to i would have made them all into believers but so then this the thing that comes to mind is okay then if that's not the if that's not the aim here making everyone believers because that's the image that this story portrays that it's just like hook or by crook we're going to make everyone into muslim and that's the goal that's not that's the replacement for the replacement theorem that's not that's not islam is amount sure is this is this finest that's not an english word but um from from my understanding it's it's allowing you to do something that's contrary to the teachings of the quran is yeah so by definition it would not be true now is it lying no it's not true now what are the three instances where it's permitted to do that in islam yes when you're lost on the threat yes i don't know if your wife said to you do you still find me beautiful yes as one of the reasons you might not you might not actually believe that but you're permitted to say that to your wife yeah and the third one is if you were caught by a an army and they say to you where are your people hiding and you say i don't know you're permitted to do that now let's look at when you're not allowed to do that an explicit teaching from the prophet muhammad peace be upon him a man comes to him and he says i do this wrong and i do that wrong and i drink alcohol as well and i and i lie and i do this although the prophet sallallahu alaihi says to him peace be upon him i want you to just give up lying so he goes away after some time he comes to the prophet muhammad peace be upon him prophet says what is your condition he says i stopped everything he said but i told you only to stop lying he said yes but if i do those bad things and i go home and my wife asks me or my family ask me yes then i have to lie to them yes so i had to stop everything the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said to him peace be upon him the roots of all evil are lies don't lie so takia this temtaki that's thrown around has some weapon against islam when you actually study the teachings of takiyah it's the most beautiful thing that you could ever have in your life because it is because you would accept that if you said to your wife actually love you were the hottest thing on the face of this earth 15 years ago but no more but guess what actually i think your sister's a lot more attractive oh my gosh [Music] i think there'd be a few problems mate you might not even get the couch yes but what islam would say to you is first of all lower your gaze from her sister don't pursue don't pursue that because it's haram have some respect and decorum and and restrain yourself and be faithful to your wife be faithful to your wife so if you said to my love you're still the most beautiful woman on the face of this earth she will be in a blaze of oh yes you're so sweet darling you know right now and what does that do what does that do it makes your relationship stronger the foundation of the family's translation of the family is stronger this is the beautiful teaching of takiyah yeah at that point which has been brutalized by right-wing by right-wing cases islamophobes to mean that i can teach you about islam and i can lie about islam which is prohibited in islam it's forbidden in islam so sorry so your version might be correct no this is the version right or i'll never know which one yeah and the problem that you have and today's today our conversation you you put together an ideal islam yeah which is ideal teaches the crime right and you've been banging on every point but practically in this planet on this earth it's not working practically brother you do not work your perception of islam and the perception of islam working is based upon your nurture and your nature the media in particular but you go to muslim countries and you ask the woman you asked you you know how is your husband with you and the one who is practicing islam and he gives her her rights and he's faithful to his wife okay and he's looking after her which is the majority of cases it's the majority of cases but what the west portray about muslim and islam is that somehow we're all medieval backward savages that's not my beloved i know because you're you're because you've traveled you've experienced what muslims are like brother you go to turkey there's loads of people blogging today about turkey istanbul and what have you look at even the turks who don't practice their religion that much but because they have the islamic tradition flowing they're offering you a cup of tea brother come sit down have a cup of tea with us have a dessert with a baklava whatever where does this come from because within islam the traveler is your guest a lot of people say to me oh but i see muslims doing this and i see muslims doing that you know you're just giving this painting this rosy picture right i'm not denying that there are a lot of ignorant people out there some of them happen to profess to be muslims but they want to go and kill innocent people right but that's not the islam that i follow that's not the islam that one point six one point seven guarantees 1.7 billion muslims in the world if we all believed in killing innocent people there wouldn't be a living soul left on this earth the reality is most the vast vast majority of us clearly don't believe that you
Channel: EFDawah بالعربية
Views: 82,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EFDawah بالعربية, efdawah arabic, حمزة, دعوة, الإسلام, مسلم, مسيحي, حوار, محادثة, الله, قناة إسلامية, ايمان, ملحد, نصارى, الكتاب_المقدس, الانجيل, الحق, القران, مناظرة, لندن, تحدي, ركن المتحدثين, منتزه الهايد, مؤسسة الإيمان للدعوة
Id: JVjHeLxktuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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