فیلم جدید تک تیرانداز | The Sniper Iranian Movie With English Subtitles

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Look how auspicious we are! Rain started falling for them This is the worst time possible for joking! Bring them here! What the hell are you doing?! Sir, they are so young! Show mercy to them! If you don't stop this games, I'd report you to court-martial I'm going to set one of you two free, whom takes this boat and warns his friends Warns them about what will happen to them, if they come even near this place - Ghasem did you hear that? One of us is free! - So what? - Don't hesitate, go away! - Go where?! Doesn't matter, Just GO! - We must go together! - He said only one of us - I'm not going anywhere without you - He said only one of us! - You go then! - You shut up and obey whatever I say. In this situation I don't have to obey you! Hurry! Who goes? Ghasem will go! Ghasem, go now! - Ali, we promised each-other! - Screw our promise, GO! - Sir, pease change your mind - Shut up! - Ghasem, Go! - MOVE! What the hell are you doing? You are going to get us both killed! Shoot him! HOLLY GOD! GHASEM! Son of a ... Ghasem are you alright?! Oh my god! They should have shot me! Sniper! ... Sniper! Take Cover! Where are you going you IDIOT?! Go back and Fight! - He'll kill all of us! - Bastard! We started war, dreaming about the future, that Seyed AlRaeis had told us But when he showed up in the area... Our hope, turned into fear! It's horrible when you have no idea about when and how his bullets are going to come to you The only thing that mattered was death of The Iranian Sniper He was like the angel of death Taking each of us, one after the other Everyone was talking about his casualties But nobody could talk about him as a person Because they knew nothing about him Only news we could get of him, was the report of casualties he was taking from us He didn't kill privates, drivers or low category people His targets were only commanders Something had to be done Finally... Headquarter made its decision From the general headquarter of all armed forces of Iraq to the centeral headquarter of Basrah After receiving reports about an Iranian Sniper's activities in Nahr Katiban area Invastigation must start quickly and if the reports are true, whatever necessary must be done! I know you are looking for a situation to get revenge But this is a difficult task You cannot work behind the desk You know how humiliation feels like I know you love fighting Grab your gun again and fight, because it's a chance to reclaim you dignity Colonel Mon'am was one of my best men He was commander of one of our most important camps in the area Iranian sniper took two shots at him First shot to the chest, and second one to the head Sir, a sniper can solve our problem I recommend Colonel Ragheb He's our best sniper Sir, if you give premission, I'll contact him Colonel Ragheb has been killed last week He was burried in Next slide The first thing we did was going to our best snipers We couldn't undrestand from where the Iranian sniper took the shot He has been a pain for us about more than a year Last autumn in Nahr Katiban Major Adel Abdolrahman, one of the best officialdoms in The Istikhbarat (The Intelligence) The Iranian sniper always takes huge casualties from us He eliminated the target while it was moving from 500m away This guy only kills noncommissioned officers Our men are so scared Some of them have been surrendered This spring in Hoveyzeh, Major Idris Adham was killed One of the best engineering officialdoms I asked him to evaluate conditions for assault Sir, it seems that station has had become a slaughterhouse We need to improve the situation I want someone who can finish the job Leave this task to me I will hunt him down Do anything necessary I give you full authority You are the new commander of the camp Iranian books are full of legends I don't want another one Greetings sir! I'm major Abdolghader deputy commander of the camp Abort the formalitles order everyone to go back to their positions Let me show you your resting place, Sir! I'm not here to rest bring the people who ran away when Colonel Mon'am was killed to me I want to show them what does war mean Sir, our men have done their best Our men need encouragement, not fear You have also been there that night! Don't worry. I know you'd become handy Major I don't believe in encouragement Encouragement decreases after a while but fear elevates everyday Don't forget Major Abdolghader Following the orders is the key to victory! Follow my leads! New commander was supposed to bring the lost security to the camp But I was feeling insecure more than before It wasn't our war It was a personal battle between new commander and Iranian sniper Listen to me! I need brave men to hunt Iranian sniper Look at yourselves You look horrible This station is filled with fear! I don't need chickens! Iranian Sniper must get finished There is this phrase that I like so much: If you don't figh for what you want Then you actually don't want it We must know where we are and what we want We are in battlefield, aren't we? We must stay alive to achieve victory The man who runs away from the battlefield, hasn't done anything to survive Look at those chickens Feet which are used to escape battlefield, must get cut Are you afraid of Iranian sniper? Have you forgotten that I have trained some of the best snipers like: Dian and Ma'az? They will show you their skills Ma'az! ... Dian! Ma'az! Shoot the left leg of the middle guy Dian! Shoot his right leg Shoot together Yes sir! Kill them! This the destiny of the ones, who escape battlefield I'd do such a thing everyday in case of necessity We don't neet to be afraid Whoever that is afraid of Iranian sniper Can repeat my name with himself I'm Colonel Ghayoum Rashed My name gives you courage Abdolghader! Yes sir?! Order the artillery to shoot! Ehsan! Stop it! How many times should I tell You? Your voice is bad! But sir, you let me finish even once! If it was still bad I won't sing again Hush! What happened? - Listen! They are firing at earthwork again I assume Rasool has annoyed them again Here we go! The big one has come He seems so angry God bless us all What are you doing here? Go back to your work! What's going on here? - Whats wrong? You are Rasool's superior, you shouldn't let him do whatever he wants I'm aware of anything he does So he screws our work with your permission Look! He sets ambush with low food ration every ten days for us! Play fairly I'm not playing unfair! We have been ordered to get Talayieh and Majnoon Island Our guys in the agency have done alot! You know how badly we want that camp - Who he has killed recently? - You said you are aware of his works! He has killed their camp commander - Also our passage has got exposed - It seems until the arrival of new commander... They are going to stand back I don't care, you have to stop him! If I would have stopped him, we should have been dead long ago! Have you forgotten what their snipers did to us earlier! Now you want me to stop him? If you don't like me, just call Mahdi and tell him Hossein is not ideal for this job Release me of this responsibility Whenever I talk to you, you say call Mahdi! To capture that camp, he has to lay down for a while! Rasool is a one-man army What can I say to such a man?! I'm sure he won't do anything against our benefit The agancy give the interpretation of war to Rasool in command meeting, it means they want his opinion It doesn't mean we are setting targets for him to eliminate Tell him what they call Rasool on the radio They call him Khomeyni's hunter! I assure you his nickname does better than his gun in this war I beg you! Ask him not to do anything stupid Farewell Goodbye From Hossein too Rasool From Hossein too Rasool Hossein, I'm listening Rasool, are you still in you position? Yes I am! I need you to come back! Why?! I'll tell you! Comeback immediately! Hossein out! Eventually, he thinks you are doing whatever you want without permission I'm not an Individualist! Look at these tags I'm trying to prevent these casualties! They show no mercy to anyone! Those people you tried to save were Emad's crew I wish I could have got there sooner I know you want who! Rasool, they do anything to protect General Khamis Hossein, what do you want? I want you not to go where for a while Let the agency crew to do their job Emad is right too! Their defensiveness is powerful What should I do then?! You can train others This is not everyone's job I'd ask all units to send volunteers You choose the righ people - But... - I'm your superior, do as I say - Yes sir! - Thank you I don't want any harm for you before operation Let's go Farewell! Colonel Mon'am got killed in this place The sniper was too close to our camp But There is so much distance between... Their camp and our's Isn't it? Iranians attacked from somewhere, that we thought is safe I don't doubt... They have plans... For our camp We tried multiple times, but Iranian sniper... Abdolghader! I've been reading your file before I come here You have a 15 years old son, and a 7 years old daughter I've been training snipers for 15 years You've already seen an example When I say one sniper can't cause so much fear, I know what I say Write another report, state that there is more than one sniper! three or four might be good Do it immediately! Yes sir! I don't know much about snipers but I know enough to say: When only one ambush is found in the area, we can't say there were more than one sniper! Don't rush, we will get there! Take me there At ease Sir! Abdolghader! Yes sir! What weapon did Iranian sniper use? Dragunov SVD! It arms with indirect pressure of gunpowder gas 10 bullets in the magazine If you can deal well with its scope, it can hit to 1300m precisely It is a semi-auto weapon May I ask why are you speaking? Sorry, I was saying it would be great shooting such a gun Protecting your lives is number one priority First protecting your lives then shooting! How! With taking a good position Excuse me sir, how we should take position? It depends to the place In a warm area you should take a cool place so you don't sweat. Even a number of flies can expose your ambush Second, don't bring any shiny stuff to your ambush What would happen with any reflection from your position? What would happen? Of course you'll die, you morons! Alright, leave your flasks here. No food, no drinks! You'll go behind that hill about 1 km away from here! There is a disabled personnel carrier Everybody sets an ambush for himself Try to make it perfect Now go! Hello sir! Hello! What are you ding here? I want you to train me I have as much people as I need I should go back to your unit - Mr. Mohammad Jafar! - Yes? Please bring him back to his unit - But sir... - Do as I say! Nothing is touched. As you wanted! Tell me what happened We were surprised. Everything happened so fast! We couldn't distinguish where he was shooting from So you were surprised?! Go on! First, he shoot the guy in the middle Then... The guy on the right Then he shot the guy on the left Colonel... Was killed in the truck This is an amateurish place to ambush No! It wasn't his position He was passing by Unlucky Colonel Mon'am took his attention You said here is full of explosive traps! How could he cross them? We'll find out! It seems he doesn't want to come. Come out guys, let's go! He got us all! He haven't eaten or drunk Maybe somthing has happened to him - No, nothing has happened - He's right, he should have come by now - Let's go! - Are you serious? Yes! All those compliments for a man with no discipline! Akbar! Come on! Ali Asghar! Come on! He came this way Impossible! As you see, all traps are untouched! We have underestimated him He has disarmed all traps - Then you say it's impossible? - Sir - I'd order to set traps again - It's not your job! I would set traps here myself There is no need! Why should we change his way? Let him think we haven't figured it out! We'll set ambush for him We didn't know where and how Iranian sniper was trained Every battle, has its own rules You have to know the sniper's characteristics Figure out how he was trained But his techniques were unique From Hossein to Rasool I'm listening These guys have got back to the camp. They say you have left them! I asked you a favor, and you let me down Hossein, have I ever disobeyed you? I left this guys to test their patience. A man with no patience is not right for this job You gave me your word, you have to train these guys! You bring me the right guy, I will train him! Rasool out! Hossein out! It seems only I've got passed! Best place I could find was inside this tincan You again?! Sir, please wait. I promise I will learn soon! I don't know what to say to Emad You shoud go back to your own unit I can't do any good for them the way I am right now! Sir, I promised my mother not to leave Ghasem behind I gave my word to her! What should I say to her now! Say that Ghasem is gone?! What should I say if she asks me why I haven't brought him? Say I wasn't man enough to bring him back?! Get on! That's enough! What's going on here? What do you think you are doing? I was singing for these guys So you were singing! Mr. Mohammad Jafar, he sings well. Let him sing It's late, Mr. Rasool wants to rest! - You people go sleep now! - Let me sing I said everybody get out! Hi! Why did you tell them to leave? You aren't always here to know what they do You are in ambush most of your time, I should suffer because of their noise Here you are Ali I could only find a M1 for you Has a perfect touch I bet you do great with it Are you kidding me? What can I do with this? The shooter matters! Your gun is the same as Rasool's, only without scope! Mr. Rasool, can you shoot with this gun? Oh god! You should keep this gun with you like your friend then you can undrestand it. Ain't I right Rasool? - When did you become a trainer? - It was a good speech, wasn't it? - It was perfect - This gun is good-for-nothing! I beg you to show mercy to those poor Iraqians, let them at least have their dinner! Now have your dinner Put it away! He cannot eat dinner! - Yes sir - But sir I'm hungry! You must get used to low ration food! - Whatever Mr. Rasool says, you must obey! - Yes sir! - But I'm hungry - You should ignore it! God help you! - Go to sleep! - But sir, how to sleep with empty stomach? Do you know what it means to stay in your position for 3 days? It means you have to fill yourself with a bunch of dates and a loaf o bread for 3 days! - You want to stay, or you want to go? - I'll stay! - Then get sleep - Yes sir! Not there! - On the floor! - On the floor?! Yes, you should get used to the harsh situations! - Get sleep! - Yes sir! This job has its own rules, if you don't follow, you have to go back to your own unit Yes Sir! You ration of food and water is limited, otherwise you have to go back to your own unit Yes sir! If only one of your supplies gets lost you have to go back to your own unit Yes sir! If you aren't back to the camp by sunset, what will happen? What will happen? You give up your weapon and... I have to go back to my own unit That's right! I told you I'm smart, I'd learn fast! Mr. smart-guy! First you should learn how to survive! I've crawled through all these barbed wires with not even a scar! When are we going to shoot? Dian and Ma'az! I want to review our plan for the last time. So pay attention! Here is the best area and position This area is full of traps he can't come any closer Ma'az! You've seen it yourself. He has disarmed the traps so he can come back easily We'll set ambush in his way - Dian! - Yes sir! You take position in here, up the hill - Ma'az! - Yes sir! You have to go here, by the swamp, in canebrake You can cover the area from both sides - Undrestood?! - Yes sir! Watch yourselves! I don't want anything to happen to you two! Yes sir! New commander knew what to do! He was trying to guess Iranian sniper's next move! You call this an ambush?! Why you act like this? Every zone has it's own characteristics and conditions! In this zone shrubs are far from each-other and you have gathered a number of shrubs together! This will expose you place! I would kill them before they can figure out - Shut up and listen, I'm teaching you some tricks! - Yes sir! Don't interrupt my word! Listen to me Ali! If you do as I say these tricks can save your life But if you don't listen, you might get yourself killed! Stop this childish games! - What do you want me to do?! - Listen to me! The proper ambush, should make you invisble in the zone! If it's dirt around you, you should become like dirt If you are in snow, you should become like snow If steam comes out of your mouth, you put some snow in your mouth to,,, Mr. Rasool I don't care about these things. I want to shoot! Did you even listen to what I was saying?! Follow me! What are you looking at? I said follow me! Sir, now is time to shoot! Be quiet! You wait for proper moment What are you waiting for? They will go! Why don't you shoot? Don't you see he is praying? Pray of these people is not acceptable! I'd take responsibility in front of god Ali! We are not allowed to shoot anybody we want! Many of these people are drawn to this war against their will! What do you want to say to their family? But sir, we were supposed to shoot! We will! When is the proper time? I'll shoot and I'll take responsibility Don't you dare! The Iranian sniper, knew exactly who to kill! I even heard rumors of some soldiers, after their friends were executed... Wished the hunted's place to be changed ... with hunter! Shoot! I need scope from this distance Hold your breath ... Shoot! I wish there was a real Iraqi instead of this target Well ... You got killed! You miss, your place exposes! Shoot! You got killed again! If you com out of your cover too much, you can be seen Shoot! You got killed! You got killed again! I'm out! I can't bear you repeating "you got killed" in my ear! Well done! Bravo! You should respect your weapon! You don't fit this job What's wrong with you? I did everything in this couple of days to impress you You said no food! I agreed You said no water! I agreed But you don't take me seriously! You give me this garbage and want me to hit the target I cant hit it! I need scope It has nothing to do with you gun, you are the wrong guy Give it back and go back to your own unit! Even if you didn't say I wanted to give up! It's clear that you don't want to train me What's you problem with me? I can't train someone to become a murderer! You think I'm a murderer? Then what are those who killed Ghasem? That's the point! You only seek revenge! That's why you wanted to kill that guy when he was praying! Praying doesn't make a good guy from them! Now you become a theologian?! Who are you to judge? Forget it! Can even yourself hit the target with this gun? Of course you can't! If you hit I have nothing else to say! Do it if you can! Stay away Alright, you did it! But sir, you are not better than me! You think I don't know why you always go to their camp? Listen to me kid! Go back to your mom! Ok, I'm a kid. But I'll go and bring Ghasem's body back You'll see! Well, this fool kid has told you bad things! I think he is ashamed of you, that's why he didn't come back - I told him to go back to his own unit - His own unit?! Then why didn't he came to give his gun back? - Is it him? - I doubt His gun has no scope! I need to make sure! Cover me! I got you Who are you, you piece of shit? What the hell are you doing here? I'm sorry sir! I've missed him so much It's ok! It's ok! Ali! Ali! Do you remember your trainings? One of them is up there! - Do you know what to do? - Yes! Go then! Thank you sir! Thank you! Salute! At ease! - Major Abdolghader! - Yes sir! Get the tanks ready! I want to force Iranian sniper to show himself - Yes sir! - Hurry! Commander's rage wasn't going to subside! The researches of bulletology unit stated: The bullet which was taken out from commander's wound, was identical to bullets which killed Dian and Ma'az It seemed like the past was haunting commander I contacted my friends in Sniper's unit It seems all that began in Kordestan Less than two years ago in Kordestan, an Iranian sniper was making so much trouble for us Commander was ordered to take care of him But he gets hurt by Iranian sniper This humiliation ... destroyed him! How many people has Mr. Rasool killed yet? Some say 3000! Some other say 2000! But I think he has killed over 700 men at least What makes him even greater is people who he didn't kill I even saw him asking bless for people he has killed It was madness of me, going after Ghasem's body He didn't want you to know: The night which your brother got killed, he aborted his mission to save you. He was going for General Khamis. But he decided to save you, instead of killing that scum! - General Khamis ordered every captive to be killed - I'm so ashamed of Mr. Rasool, what should I do? It seemes you haven't got to know Rasool good enough Take his food to him, try to apologize Yes sir! Sorry to bother you sir, I've brought your lunch Hello Ali! Come here, have a seat It was my son's voice, Mohammadreza He has become so sweet-spoken If you've missed them, then go pay them a visit! It's not a problem But little ones grizzle a bit Little ones? How many kids you have? - Seven. - God keep them safe. Thank you! My son Akbar is same age as you! He is so stubborn, just like you! If anything had happened to you what would I have said to your children? Nothing needs to be siad! No one is responsible for my life Forgive me sir, I said bad things You don't have to apologize You made me proud last night! Well done! Are you serious? I was only trying to bring him back. When it time comes, We bring your brother's body back with honour. When I can become like you sir? When you learn not to kill for your desire or vengeance! Eat it! Yes sir! Oh Ali, here you are! Come, I need your help! So Mr. Rasool can eat with peace! Let him eat something! Don't worry, I'd look after him! Now come on! I'll go sir! - Ali! - What it is MohammadJafar? Now it is time for you to rest I've made you a sandwich Thank you! Didn't I say, you haven't got known Rasool enough He has a very big heart! You are right, he is a really good man! I'm happy to see your smile! MohammadJafar! From Ehsan to Hossein! This is Hossein! Hossein help us, here our crew is getting slaughtered! Hossein, our guys are getting killed one after another! Hold on! What do you mean one after another? I think it's their sniper! - They even killed MohammadJafar - Oh god! Where are you going? Don't you hear? The are killing our comrades! I said my words to Hossein But if you are commander, we face you! Hossein! Say Something! It's their sniper! What am I doing here then? What's this gun for then? - You are not going anywhere! - Why?! It's a trap, they want you! Iraqians are trying to find Rasool in the zone! Even worse! Our guys are getting killed because of me! You want me to stay here and watch? Hold on Rasool! We'd go together. They shot him unfairly! It was unfair! Hossein! Order to bomb phosphorous gas in the zone. They've got blinded pretty well! - I'll gor further. - Take care then! I'll have earthwork here. Nobody elevates his head until my command! Everybody go down! I've killed him! I've killed him! I've killed him! I've killed him! Major Abdolghader! Move the tanks! I've killed him! I've killed him! Sir are you sure you've killed him? I'm telling you I've killed him, move the tanks! I've blown his head, move the tanks! Then let me to get General Khamis' permission Major Abdolghader! I order you to move the tanks! I have full authority. I've killed him I'd order tanks to move right now Move! Move! All tanks move! All tanks move! Well done brave men! Destroy them! Proceed! Proceed! Well done our brave men! Bring ammunitions up, HURRY! Sniper is alive! Sniper is alive He is shooting our guys! All tanks, fall back! Everybody fall back immediately! Major Abdolghader! ... Major Abdolghader! The nightmare of Iranian sniper... wasn't going to leave commander alone! Mr. Rasool! Mr. Rasool is alive! Mr. Hossein, Mr. Rasool is alive! Thank god! Emad! Mr. Rasool Well done Rasool! Well done! You are an one-man army! God bless you Rasool! Well done! - What have you done to yourself?! - Doesn't matter, it's nothing! Excuse me Mr. Rasool! Hold still for a second! Sir, the reason of our failure was Iranian sniper I killed him. Reports states that he is still alive! I said: I've killed him! Sir, I tried to warn you! Go out! - Sir I want to tell you that... - GET OUT! Get out you animal! I killed him Leave me alone I killed him I killed him you animal! Get out! Sir, listen to me for a moment! I still have time! I have to hunt that sniper myself Those foreigner snipers are only here for money! - In war only result matters - These guys being here humiliates our army More than the way you humiliated us? Your disgrace has brought them here! - Why are you standing here? Go take care of our guests! - Yes sir! Silence! Here is a garriso, not a tavern! I won't let you to do such misbehaves! No, no, no. no, no! I can't get along with this words! Why don't you leave them alone... you great major? This isn't your war, so you are not allowed do anything you want! Listen to me you crybaby! You fools can't do anything yourselves You can't even fight! So we are here to do your job! Let's see what you are made of! Now, Get out of our tent! Now guys, we are going to hunt... An Iranian sparrow Look at him well, Abdol Rasool Zarin He hasn't gone to university! He even doesn't have any badge on his shoulders! I can't believe this worthless guy, has disabled all our armored division! I thought you could handle it! I'm sure I've shot him! You missed! He had a close call! And now, Seyed AlRaeis knows everything about him! Now he has set a bounty for Iranian sniper! You have embarrassed me enough yesterday! I won't let your personal battle, hurt me anymore! But I need you for now! These foreigner snipers are under your command! Just finish the job! Yes sir! Now I need to find a cupable for this mess! Nobody could save me from the court... The other way, my punishment was already clear - Your charge is betrayal? - I'm not a traitor! - Tell him to sit down - Sit down - He says I'm not a traitor - Let him rest a little bit I want to know what is in his head! I'm not intrested in his story - Ask him about how he got to us! - How you got to us? - I've designed the defensive ring of the area! - He claims he's desinged the defensive ring of the area! He is lying! This scum is lying to us! I would crush your ribs here! Emad! Come out for a moment! I have words with you Why are you talking to him like this? We have all the ways to infiltrate their camp - He has come here himself! - He is not going to talk here, I'll get him to the headquarters Emad! Wait o minute! - I'll not release him untill I find out what is going on - If they know he is here, they'll do anything to eliminate him - Let me keep him here untill tomorrow, then you can have him - Hossein, if I report It's not going to end well for you! - I'll take responsibility! - I can't believe deputy commander of Iraqian's camp... - Give himself in like this! - Why are you so obstinate, just untill tomorrow! - Then you are responsible with it! - It's ok. What can I say! Tell me about your new commander - Tell him about your new commander - That's enough Bring your sniper here if you want me to talk He wants our sniper here! - Come on! He's not in a position to demand anything! - Emad! Talk! - Bring your sniper here - He only will talk with our sniper here! Scum bag! We aren't your soldier! You can't demand us anything We aren't your soldier! You can't demand us anything! - He has killed many of our guys! - We talked to each-other! - Why don't you let me do my job? - I said bring your sniper here so I would talk! I knew he was lying! I knew he was lying! - It was obvious he could undrestand what we say! - Emad, get out! - Hossein, let me do my job! - I said get out! Get some fresh air! This isn't the right way! Why do you want our sniper here? Where did you learn farsi? - I had relatives in Muhammara - Khorramshahr! Yes, Khorramshahr. Weren't you afraid they'd do any harm to your family? I've sent them to England two years ago How many men do you have in this area? - I'm going to find any clue about his family - Alright Where are your troops settled? Mr. Abdolghader! If you didn't want to talk, why did you brought this documents to us? I undrestand that you ran for your life You must have been sentenced to death by now for what you did But I can't undrestand why a deputy commander, has to have all these documents with him! Why you brough all these here? I'd talk That's the reason I am here! - But your sniper has to be here! - Why What do you want from him? He could kill me, but he didn't I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him I want to repay the favor I was so young when I became an orphan My uncle raised me! I was a shepherd in our tribe But I was afraid of guns My uncle told me: without gun, the fold gets hunted by wolves. He was right! After that, guns became my friend. Sir, these Iraqians are worse than wolves? What's wrong with killing them? It's war! Exactly! We have to be cautious, because we're in a war! Sir, I got so excited when I saw your picture on the cover of the magazine Ali! All these praises means nothing! These pictures causes pride! Every time I want to shoot this gun I say to god: I'm not the one who shoots, you are! Ali! Be careful, never get too much proud of yourself! Never think you are somebody! You are nobody! - Only god matters! - Mr. Rasool? What is it? - Hossin wants to see you - I'm comming! - Watch these potatos. - Yes sir! Why don't you talk? Here you are, our sniper! Where are your troops sattled? From north: Zeyd to Hosseinie And from west: Kooshk to Talayieh 700 men are here - What division? - 19th infantry division General Khamis, comes to our camp tomorrow, to arrange the operation There is no reason for him to come! He can command the operation from Basrah He wants to execute 10 of your captives himself So he wants to crack the whip, before starting the operation! - I don't trust him - I'm telling the truth Can you hand the documents I brough over? Colonel Ghayoum Rashed, he is the trainer of special forces snipers He arranged the operation which happened couple of days ago! Bullshit! He's not bullshiting He's telling the truth! - I saw him! - It seems he's not going to settle down, until he finds you! Emad! Emad! - Why did you come out? - If you and Rasool believe him, I don't! - They want us there, so they can slaughter us! - But if he is telling the truth, our men are in danger! How can I get into the camp? The same way I came out There is a plain after your earthwork. After the plain, you'll reach the minefield In the middle of the barbed wires, there is a ring wire I assembled it again after I crossed! When you've crossed the asphalt road. get yourself to northern canebrake of Hoor Near the passage which you have used before, you will see a boat Guards will cross there every 30 minutes Untill next guard comes, you have time for getting to the zone After that, if you have gone the right way, you should see the camp Iranian captives must be brought to the camp before sunrise Listen to me closely! Best place for you to take position, is the booth beneath radar Get youself there, nobody gets suspicios about there! There is the highest point in the whole camp. It's easier for you to kill General Khamis from there! Mr. Emad! Mr. Hossein! - Hi! - Hello! What happened? Our guys found Abdolghader's family in Samarra! He lyied! If you want these badges on your shoulder again, you have to listen to me closely! You should act like you have ran away from the court-martial, and you take refugee to Iranians You have to tempt them, so their sniper steps into our trap You just have to tell them, that I am here! But, I can't! You can't? If you do not accept, you put your family in danger! Colonel Ghayoum Rashed Shows no mercy to anyone! Now put yourseleves in my place I have a wife! I have two little children! What could I do? If it was about your own family, you would do the same! I had no choice I had no choice! I was sure general Khamis being in our camp, tempts your sniper I had to do something so your sniper goes to our camp Sir! We have evacuated the camp, as you ordered! Do what you have to do! I would bring his head to you myself! I want him alive! I know what I'm doing Maaher Fozi! Do what I tell you! I want him alive! Yes sir! Rasool, we don't know about this booth the Iraqian is talking about! - And we can't trust him - What if he's right? They might have set a trap for you So we've changed your position! We've checked this turret, it's safe We hope you can save our captives! Rashed! ... Colonel Rashed! Rashed! ... Colonel Rashed! Why doesn't anyone answer me? Rashed! ... Colonel Rashed! - I'm listening! - What's going on in there? What was the explosion sound? - He has read our mind. But don't worry, we have him! - You make excuse for every mess you make! - Where is he right now? - I think I know where he is, we have him. I'll call you! You haven't found him yet? Are you making fun of me? You think I let you to play with my reputation? Listen to me! Rashed! Colonel Rashed! You animal! Fire! ... Fire! Fire! What's going on? What are these explosions for? Answer me! - I'm General Khamis, I've ordered this - This wasn't our deal! I said we have him! We'll get him alive! Dead or alive doesn't matter! I gave you everything, but you've lost all your chances! I won't risk anymore! - Sir please, give me chance to finish him! - Only result matters in a war. Your lives doesn't matter to me! Iranian sniper has to die, at any price! I'm smarter than you Iranian! "You aren't the one who shoots, but it is The God" From Hossein to Rasool! From Hossein to Rasool! Rasool! Our guys have broken their line we are comming to you! Rasool! Rasool why don't you answer? Commander Abdol Rasool Zarin In March 1984, through second phase of Kheibar operation after extreme poverty of the enemy in direct battle, in the end got killed by the artillery of Iraq's army, He is considered as the best sniper in world wide modern wars Every time I want to shoot this gun I say to god: I'm not the one who shoots, you are! Hold your breath! Put your finger on the trigger! Shoot! "You aren't the one who shoots, but it is The God" It was last days of winter 1984 My class was finished, I got back to garrison One of the guys saw me and told me: Mr. Gordaan, Your friend got killed! I asked: Who? He said: Mr. Zarin! I was shocked! Immediately I thought: Mr. Zarin with all these successful shots... Moving targets, still targets, even enemy's snipers! I was wondering how he got killed! After researching I got to know that he got killed by enemy's artillery shrapnel Enemy's sniper even couldn't spot him! After Rasool's death, there was a loss in the whole army It was like even the commander's flag had been fallen! He couldn't belive that Zarin was killed! It was like loosing multiple squadrons at the same time! Mr. Zarin was a legendary sniper! Even Reuters wrote about him! As the best sniper among 6 countries since world war 1 untill now! Mr. Kharrazi always had been telling him: I love you and respect so much, you are an one-man army! Mr. Zarin was like a whole squadron all by himself!
Channel: TPM - Top Persian Movies
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Keywords: تک تیرانداز فيلم سينما, تک تیرانداز فیلم ایرانی, تک تیرانداز فیلم ایرانی جدید, فیلم ایرانی جدید تک تیرانداز, تک تیرانداز فیلم جدید ایرانی, تک تیرانداز فیلم سینمایی, تک تیرانداز فیلم سینمایی ایرانی, تک تیرانداز فیلم سینمایی ایرانی جدید, تک تیرانداز فیلم, فیلم سینمایی تک تیرانداز, تک تیرانداز, فیلم جنگی تک تیرانداز, فیلم جدید تک تیرانداز, فیلم جنگی, فیلم درام, فیلم جدید جنگی, کامبیز دیرباز, علیرضا کمالی, فیلم کامل تک تیرانداز, فیلم ایرانی جدید, فیلم جنگی جدید تک تیرانداز
Id: DhxcYvzD2SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 24sec (6324 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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