БОМБИЧЕСКИЙ ФАРТУК на кухне из декоративной штукатурки | Своими руками

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Hello everyone, today we will apply decorative plaster again, no matter how amazing it looks again, plaster again, plaster and it will be applied to the kitchen area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apron, that is, where any greasy stains directly hit and so on, I don’t know what’s splashing there, but such a zone we will apply plaster and cover it with a two-component varnish bags we have terrible sponges so a spatula such another spatula will probably be too chic probably not I think it will be too chic for this plaster Well, let's see, this is the area that we will apply Don't look what it is glitters here we tried on the film, that is, the effect will be under such Pat 03 thickness dense dense film let’s say so and we have a very scary surface, it’s just scary, but we’ll apply it right at the same time and we’ll see how it turned out the entire area will be covered. So , we preliminarily primed it, it is already primed with us and dried up for a long time and we will apply decorative plaster white travertine thick acrylic mass and if we will add black in the process And some other I asked what they told me some other but now we will find out in the process what color scheme It's okay We will all find out We it’s some kind of tinted in tints, that is, we put travertine in a jar of color and mix purple or something Well, yes, it’s normal Yes, gray-violet is also suitable for us, it even writes off for me when it gets into the topic, and now we also put white in another jar travertine in black color already this one I clearly know that it is black because it says in such flasks we have color, that is, when they ask how you tint these flasks, these flasks are poured into the equipment and the equipment doses with droplets Well , this is a pity for the trowel Yes, the sanction of a point is a pity for her, but she’s a little expensive and for such a hard job to kill, too The problem is completely with these white plaster we apply the water of the corner on the left we apply travertine in a thick enough layer a thick enough layer because poor preparation is very poor preparation You must understand for yourself that the worse the wall is prepared, the higher the consumption of decorative plaster will be now we apply and we understand that we will have a high consumption, that is, you should also understand, look But it gets up evenly right away, that is, we spent more material But we will spend less time because there is no need to plaster [music] something interesting will be Soon or or I will go to sleep, let's just now your drawing will form , look how cool it is plastered [laugh] [music] now on white travertine we add another layer of white with color and stretch it with such chaotic movements . green blue whatever you like and the brightness can also be adjusted darker or brighter lighter movement hand movements can be straight and can be so trembling that is, we don’t spend much time don’t wait for drying applied a layer directly on the wet mix in color By the way I want to say that you don’t need to align too much and you will understand this a little later [music] [music] [music] [music] the material is not thrown away further, all this mixture goes away, which Yes, by the way, the question is asked nowhere it is not thrown away, it is used further they ask the question often everything is already almost beautiful, one little corner remains, add a little gray one where you want And if it turned out to be too much for you gray then add white I bring out white there is a little more brown but such a red brown I would say a little [music] it will be more interesting probably in three colors [music] that's so interesting [music] look we have more mica and we decided to add [ music] [music] [music] [applause] [music] moisten a little with some water a little sprinkle we cut Pat to size this Well, yes, better this about doing it together Of course Together it’s more convenient we cut it out in advance, I forgot to say so, and now on the wet plaster, here we applied the texture and color, whatever you put in there or something there, smeared the mica there, moistened it with water and now we press this pet, let me remind you that the thickness is 0.3 maybe and leave it not Well, except for jokes You can probably put it no or it will not be, or it will be, for example, it will be scratched , we will not leave it Just apply it now and leave the juice for the juice, you can do it like this if someone does not want to buy a component varnish Yes, you can apply it and immediately glue it with glass Yes you can have the same effect, just like now, we press it tightly with a spatula dispersing the air Well, all our irregularities and all the irregularities because of this we did not suffer from fanaticism here, these craters will only be a highlight, that is, we press tightly, tightly leveling the surface somewhere with bubbles air remains Here they are and they will give a more natural look to liveliness such a pleasure 400 rubles or something But it was a whole sheet, that is, we still you can cut this sheet, I don’t know, 5 aprons can be made, you can take a large spatula with large spatulas , you can press it like this and we should As a result, we get a flat surface, one wall was applied there, roughly speaking, and immediately applied the second wall in exactly the same way Directly from the corner starting we apply white travertine mixing in the necessary colors And in the same way we glue here Pat to remove it I won’t do it again you will see the finished result Here we have it applied again showing this wall is also applied a little smeared here the color But we will leave it Let ’s see how it will be after removal we leave to dry Until tomorrow , decorative plaster under PET film
Channel: GuraDecor
Views: 33,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Декоративная штукатурка, Дизайн интерьера, Декор стен, Ремонт своими руками, Как наносить декоративную штукатурку, Ремонт квартиры, Декоративные краски, декоративная штукатурка, своими руками, как нанести декоративную штукатурку, нанесение штукатурки, декоративная штукатурка ижевск, как сделать стены, курс по нанесению декоративной штукатурки, Intonaco di rifinitura, Διακοσμητικό γύψο, Yeso decorativo, Dekorativer Putz, Decorative plaster, Ticiana Deluxe, Effectum, Decoro
Id: hmq5epmNGqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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