¨The Forgotten Power of Fasting¨ Sister Emmanuel Maillard

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my dear friends my dear friends today my topic will be a fasting I know some people do not like the idea of fasting because it it's costly it is costly actually it is demanding but the fruits are extraordinary we see that from the Bible we see that today I thirty years here in Michigan a when I've seen people not fasting and people fasting I can tell you there is a huge difference I want to quote for you first of all the beautiful fruit of fasting first of all with fasting and prayer of course fasting and prayer goes together like twins it's fasting and prayer you can defeat Satan with fasting and prayer you can obtain healings spiritual healings and in rulings and physical innings so praying fasting you can deliver the souls from purgatory your dear ones that are suffering in purgatory it's an act of charity through praying fasting something very not something that's not very known but very important but I already said that so friend fasting you can find out your vocation not only when you are young and what way to take but also after that when you're wondering what is my special role in the body of Christ in the church you know in the world so you find out your specificity your identity in the body of Christ and your call of course your call another thing is very important also and you'll be interested by that is that those who fast and pray they manage a special space in their soul in the heart for the Holy Spirit an extra space so those who fast are more inspired by the Holy Spirit more led by the Holy Spirit that those who do not fast so this is marvelous I want to quote if of course the the main message from our lady but fasting and this is from the beginning of the operations dear children I invite you to fast on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays because your children only through prayer and fasting can you stop wars prevent Wars and suspend natural laws aren't you aren't we in a period of war spiritual war now the war today is raging into even the church today in the world it's a war and already gives us the mean to defeat evil it's prayer and fasting and she said only through prayer and fasting now I want to quote what happened in the winning of the war in 91 father Slavko god bless him organize his first retreat praying fasting here on mijoo gory there was no many people the war had already started so he gathered 20 people for his retreat on fasting and bread and water 5 days now at the end of the retreat the last day he called maria Pavlovich the visionary and said to her listen Maria why don't you come and pray the last rosary of the last day with us and so she came she prayed and our Father and father Slavko astra asked our lady during the operation if she has anything to say to these 20 people who had these five days of of retreat so Mary came Maria saw her at the end of the oppression hear the message that that Maria conveyed to us my most beloved ones very very tender word you know judiciaire children know my most beloved ones how easy it would be for me to stop this war if only I could find more people who fast and pray as you do just more people doing that it would have been enough the war stopped in 95 and that was at the end of 91 can you see all the damage and and the suffering and the death and the blood could have been avoided if only we had listened to that message and put it into practice now why is fasting so strong so powerful against satan against evil well because fasting is demanding you know you can give your money you can give your time you can give your skills but when you give your body it's your his it's your flesh it's your body and it's demanding because you change your habit of of the meals and you it's demanding and because it's demanding it's an offering to God and Satan hates those who fast and he will always convince you that fasting is stupid is useless and and he will convince you that you cannot do it I can't do it I can't do it it's above my possibilities this is the enemy who doesn't want you to fast all the sins have been fasting and our list said fasting has been forgotten in the in the Catholic Church we we fast on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday I'm not sure we can take on layoff I'm not sure we take only bread maybe we take a fish a good fish if possible and we die whether we have been fasting forgot sick know already know fasting has been practice all the time the Jews were fasting not the same days we have a document from the church the decade and it is said there from the first century of the church which mean it includes Our Lady's episode the first disciples and the first Saints the first mark years or so it said that well the Jews are fasting and one on Monday and Thursday but we in the way of Christ we fast on Wednesday and Friday which means she fasted on Wednesday and Friday now healing in the first years of the operation some people were presenting to already some sick whether sick children or parents whatever sick people and they would ask marry mother would you please heal that person and already said I don't ill I don't heal Jesus God alone heals but I will pray to my son for the sake of that sick person but I am invite you the family of that sick person I invite you to pray and fast for that person because if you pray and fast you obtain many more healings so many healings are suspended above like this and do not fall on us why because we don't fast and sometimes we don't even pray for the sick so this is very important now for the souls in purgatory of course it's an act of charity I'll give you an example suppose you walk along the street and you are shocked because you see a child that been a child that has been run over by a car and now his his leg is bleeding what do you do you rescue him you you call you you manage to get it to the hospital you rescue him now when you pray and fast for the souls in purgatory just know that the souls in purgatory they suffer much more than in a major suffering on earth so do you want to rescue them you want to allow them to get to heaven and and and no facing the beautiful face of God the know the best bliss we can imagine you know so this is an act of charity now through fasting and prayer you can also understand God's plan for example I know a monk in the Franciscan he was asked by Jesus to fast many years on bread and water you know he had that grace but thanks to that he hastened the day of the first apparition of McGorry it was revealed to him when he stopped his fasting it was the first day of the oppression and thanks to his fasting asked by Jesus you know he prepared the oppression of magorium you know it is very powerful now the another fruit is that you manage this extra space for the Holy Spirit I know a woman she is a mother of family and she complained that the kids would not listen to her and she was really sad because of that and when she came to meet you Gloria she converted with her husband and she started doing what Ali said she started praying and fasting fasting two days a week and she was very surprised to find out that from the moment she started fasting the kids who listen to her incredible so she was very happy the kids and she would speak to them the same way but their ears were attentive you know I mean it's impossible to name all the fruit of fasting now I want to explain something why bread and water you know everything that I already asked in Medjugorje is linked with Jesus and especially she's a lover of the Eucharist so when she speaks about bread even basic the basics food of course bread in her time but maybe today again it's because Jesus made him bread of life you know Jesus didn't become the banana of life or the onion of life of the potato of life no the bread of life and why bread because bread has to go under the ground the grain the seed under the ground and die and then resurrect the grain of wheat has to go on the ground under the ground and die and when he's dead then he can produce much fruit it's abundant harvest but it has to and there you have the life of Jesus he died so that he may be resurrected risen from the dead and the fruit is salvation this is why Ali is so attached to to bread with the width can be also in other 0 but because Jesus made him in self bread of life this is very important now I want to add something about the bread that is very important because I don't want you to quit fasting because of the wrong bread you eat is a wrong bread and there is a good bread now the wrong red is the bread of wheat that we find in any shop the white bread because the elements of the wheat has been modificated you know and now it gives you headaches and different symptoms like that so in one word avoid the wheat from the shops because it can harm you so I recommend that your honour take spelt spelt is the queen of the Searles according to central de garde the quality of your bread is very important because you have to be in good health the goal of all it is not that we are hungry or sick the goal Authority is that we are healthy and close to Jesus with good bread she was making the bread in Nazareth so she knows what is good bread pray to her now why two days a week Wednesdays and Fridays because in the middle of those two days there is a Thursday and our little insisted that every Thursday would be lived by us like Holy Thursday which means remembering the Last Supper and the day when Jesus made himself bread eatable that he may come into our hearts in the Holy Communion so this is the Thursday we celebrate the gift of the bread of life now she puts us on bread before so that we may enter the mystery of bread and after the Thursday we she keeps us on bread one more day so that we don't leave too quickly the the mystery and the meditation on the bread of life you see and this is all about the Eucharist this is typical of holiday everything she asked is centered on Jesus so many people ask many questions and said how about the sick well the sick it depends of the sickness of course but the sick do not have to fast because they have already a heavy burden with the suffering of the yes they can fast if the doctor allows but we have to be prudent also what sort of bread how would quantity of bread you know you take the quantity of bread you need to be strong because these days or days of work they are not vacation days so you've got to to take enough food enough bread in order to be able to to work normally and I recommend that you drink a lot during the days of fasting because it's necessary drink a lot drink double and as already said bread and water what's offer water she didn't give in a detail about the water can be boiled water cold water freezing water could be a little bit of tea for the Slavko in his retreat always allowed tea I remember a little joke that Marianne as a visionary made there was a lady from America and when she heard that we had to fast on bread and water she asked Mariana Mariana what if in early morning I take a little bit of coffee and a little bit of sugar and Mariana answered yes but be quick before already gets up you know we learnt a lot from fathers Slavko dear father Slavko and one thing struck me a lot one day a man came to him and said father Slavko I agree with fasting but you know I have a problem because I'm get along very well with my wife very well but on the days of fasting I'm nasty with her so I'm going to quit fasting say no no no no don't do that my friend don't do that you know why you are nasty because there is a sickness in your soul that is hidden on the normal days but the fasting has a power to reveal your sicknesses in your soul in your heart so why are you nasty with your wife now work on that because it's like you know somebody who had a tumor of cancer for example he doesn't know it does not know but that tumor can grow and and be very dangerous so what is fasting doing fasting is like a cat scan you know you go to the doctor you are perfectly alright but the can scan reveals Wow you have a tumor we've got to remove it before it's too late you see same thing with the fasting you know so the first thing will help you to discern what's wrong in you and it comes under there fasting so fasting it's something that reveals a lot of things and then we can work on it you know I can share with you some testimonies because I've been here for more than 30 years and I've met many people who profited from fasting for example family comes and they are very devastated because the son is on drugs and all that comes and another son is on gambling and now the son may be on where the wife is nasty or the husband is going to leave from the family or whatever Satan is working in the families so they come in there's a please pray sister and I say well I pray of course I will pray for you I promise but do you fast for this problem well no sister we pray a lot but you don't fast know why well you know we we we we are attached to food who is not attached to food so I recommend listen do you really want the health of your son who is now on drugs do you really want the salvation of your other son who is on a gambling do you really want peace and your family harmony love tenderness between the members of family do you run the healing of your family yes yes okay now you will continue to pray but you add the fasting who doesn't have a war in the family if not maybe the the close family maybe in their relatives or at work in the office we have so many worth today and there seem to increase so I always recommend fasting because I said you'll see the fruit if already said that if she practice food if Jesus 14 days in the desert to fight against Satan is not just because he had nothing else to do it's very powerful so use that fasting as already asked you to do and you see the fruit and they come like six months later one year later and they tell me sister we had the victory no more drugs no more gambling normal alcohol no more and purpura teas normal nastiness and you know the cleaning of the family don't you want peace in your family only whisper and fasting says already you can stop wars and the first war is that that I carry in my heart when I hit somebody also in my family when ii cannot stand each other and of course in your parish in your city in your country in the world so fasting is extremely powerful and why should we not use it so the efforts you have to do to fast it's paid more than hundredfold in fruits comparing to the sacrifice you have to do believe me this is the unknown power of fasting use it now I would also end my presentation telling that of course of course as everything our lady is asking us to fast with love with the heart not out of duty not out of fear not out of whatever out of love when you fast you don't see automatically where God is using your fasting you know maybe there is somebody in China who is going to commit suicide and he used your fasting to prevent that guide to commit suicide maybe in your town there is a child that is dying in the hospital and the parents are devastated and your fasting will be will be used by God to heal that little boy you know your fasting can be used so an old man who is on the deathbed and is cursing God and is going not going to be well placed in the other world and your fasting will helping to repent and to say praise be Jesus instead of cursing God you see and you'll be saved you see you don't the incredible fruit of your fasting but you will see in heaven maybe before but in heaven maybe someone will come to you and said thank you thank you for your fasting because I was in grave sin and thanks to your fasting the Lord took me out of sin gave me the grace of repentance and conversion and thanks to that thanks to your fasting I'm here in heaven today so many people will come to you isn't this worth doing tell me I'm sure you're convinced so please make your fasting a beautiful offering to God with all your heart with all your love and it will bear so much fruit now I want to add something because of what we are experiencing now all this said as I said in the beginning remember always this method dear children only only through prayer and fasting you can stop wars prevent Wars and what is the third thing suspend natural laws which means earthquakes flood tsunamis fire plagues coronavirus if you want these coronavirus to stop harming the world you have to fast and pray with the heart believe me already is counting on us because it has lasted too long because we are too few to listen to this message and to put it into practice so be those instruments of God a postal of holidays love to stand with her and to hasten the end of the catastrophe you can do it don't ever say I can't do it because this phrase is not from God so many times it's from the enemy because you can do it if you you decide to do it are the grace of God to be with you prepare with a prayer the day before the days of fasting prepare with a prayer and you'll do it you can do it and you will do it and we rejoice because thanks to our fasting all together the plague the viruses the earthquake the flood and all this catastrophe will diminish especially the peace will come into the families the peace will come to your heart the piece will be overflowing into your heart like a river may God bless you [Music]
Channel: Maria Visión USA
Views: 220,956
Rating: 4.938633 out of 5
Keywords: JCN, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ Network, Maria+Visión, M+V, mariavision, Canal 85 Comcast, ComCast, Miami, Canal Católico de Miami, Iglesia Católica
Id: AYyewBfCVI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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