£20,000 BUDGET! Which one is better? C63 AMG vs BMW M3?

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a massive thanks to today's video sponsor skillshare the online learning community for creatives two very similar cars they're both german they're both v8 they're both naturally aspirated they've both got similar amounts of power they've got a lot in common um they're even the same price but which one's better we're gonna find out in this video [Music] way [Music] a massive thanks to today's video sponsor skillshare the online learning community for creatives look i know a lot of keen see today's video but let's give a quick brief on today's video sponsor skillshare skillshare is an online learning community for creatives where millions of people come together to take their next step in their creative journey no i was in a restaurant recently and i see a saying on the wall that said everybody should have a hobby and it's so true man so if you've got a hobby and you want to try and turn that hobby into a business but with skillshare you can enhance on the knowledge that you have on that 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done 30 thousand miles so right now in the used market the m3 is actually more valuable but on the assumption if they had the same mileage i.e if the m3 had 70 yards 1000 miles they'd be the same price today when they were new they were both about 58 grand news so uh depreciation they're both depreciated at the same rate and i think they're both loved equally throughout the car world like if many of us love an m3 and loads of us love c63 amg's i've actually been daily driving this car uh obviously you those that follow me on instagram but have seen it a lot on my instagram i absolutely love it um and that is why it is filthy dirty which probably don't help this this little test is it because the amg is dirty and the the m3 was just parked up so on the site and it's all nice and clean and ready to go but uh the c63 does without a doubt look amazing now as we wander around we're going to tear the cars apart visually uh this is not a video about spec levels because they both got probably equally as good spec levels but we're not talking about specs we're just talking about the c63 amg versus the e90 bmw m3 all right so this is the 2012 car that's a 2010 but again they're a similar era car and um they were both competitors of equally good german brands at the time they were built so uh both got called exhaust at the back and this is silly stuff both got the 19 inch wheel option which is uh it's very nice they're both very nice sets of wheels uh one thing i say is a negative about c63 amg's is they have chunky front arches and i'm almost bored of saying this because i say all the time and then the rear arches are the same arches as they've got on a diesel uh c-class hashtag these watches right whereas if you come over to an m3 uh they've got nice chunky rear arches they are not the arches of a three-series bmw because that is not a free series bmw that is an m3 something else that's a bit disappointing about c63 um over the m3 is the m3 has an lsd from factory as standard whereas the c63 doesn't it's got a normal open diff where i just i don't know i just don't think that's acceptable for that caliber of car uh to have an open diff let me know your thoughts now if you bought a black series the black series has got fat rear arches it's got a big spoiler on the back and it does have an lsd but black series is a mega money even on the used market i think that they're upwards of a hundred thousand pounds i don't think that's a comparable car if we hop on the inside i've left them both running it's getting warm this one has nearly no fuel by the way uh saki or orange interior i did do a video about this car a long while ago if you want to go to see that feel free to go and check it out heated seats uh this one does have the edc button which is quite an important spec option uh when you're looking for an m3 carbon fiber sort of cut off dash it's a very nice interior very refined very high quality and obviously this car has only done 30 000 miles so it's nice and tidy in there yeah the body color i prefer white i forget about a body color that's irrelevant this does look very nice in black this car has got my life in it at the minute because it is my life um it's a facelift car so it is all very nice inside uh black interior the seats absolutely love them seats we didn't really talk about the seats on the m3 did we just quickly talk about them um i do like the seats on the m3 as well they've got little m badges if we zoom in there in the headrest which is also very nice yeah back over to the c63 what else can we talk about about the interior of this car i would say if anything this is probably more modern inside than the m3 um is that a fair thing to say they didn't even they didn't change too much between the pre-facelift and the facelifts of these cars interior wise so i don't know maybe this is a little bit more modern the pre-faceted versions of these cars they've got a different dash the infotainment system uh situated a little bit differently and the steering wheel on the pre-phase if it's just like a big ugly lump of rubber uh what else can we say i think the next step of the journey oh no before we go on the next step let's quickly have a little listen to both cars so do you know let's go to the m3 first the m3s on tick over it's got like almost like a nice ticking sound i don't know if you can hear that through the video can you hear that sounds amazing cold starts were amazing uh by the way they both got the automatic version of the gearbox the m3s were available also as a manual but for this experiment it's obviously handy that they both got same gearbox but forget about that have a little listen to this induction sound is unreal exhaust sound is unreal it is a v8 it is naturally desperate you can't really go wrong with that setup now uh but let's go over to the amg because this thing sounds absolutely unbelievable i'll listen to this the whole car wobbles in fact the whole bloody planet wobbles when you rev up the engine on this car it sounds unbelievable uh it's probably the highlighting factor of this car uh induction sound isn't quite as glorious as the induction sounds on an m3 but the sound coming out the rear end of it definitely outweighs that sound under the bonnet so uh i think what we're doing now is yeah i think we're jumping the amg first should we and uh after battle driving that we're jumping the m3 alright so amg first [Music] you know what change of plan i'm gonna go out in the m3 first purely because i daily drive that c63 and i'm very used to driving it i know what it's about i feel like for me to sort of summarize this video i think it'd be better for me to go out in the m3 first uh but before we go let's quickly talk about what's under the bonnet of these cars obviously you know the engine sizes but power power is what's important uh under bonnet the m3 we've got a four liter v8 naturally aspirated engine with 420 bhp and 295 pounds feet at all this car weighs about 1670 kilos the c63 on the other end is a 6.2 litre v8 naturally aspirated engine with 457 brake horsepower and 442 pounds feet of torque which is a hell of a lot more than the m3 and that weighs 1730 kilos so it's a little bit more uh but the amount of power that it's got over this um probably outweighs the weight of the weight of the car so uh yeah let's now hit the road it's very very icy that induction sound is so nice i love the sound that comes from under the body of these cars they just sound so good gonna heat seat turn down a little bit nice option now i love a car he sees you don't know that anyway uh seven speed dual clutch gearbox this has got and then the amg has got a seven speed zf uh torque converter style gearbox which i actually really like uh both cars got some rather um dated looking paddles behind the steering wheel i am going to drive both cars in manual this car does obviously have an lsd and i'm straight away picking up that it's just put power down so much better you don't get so much power lost through an open diff and i just don't get why amg done it maybe they've just done it because they would hold out all the good stuff for the black series maybe is that is that acceptable though i don't know um obviously an m3 you've got the m button on the steering wheel which if you press it you can feel the throttle response sharpen up steer steering changes you've got different traction control settings and so on puts the gearbox into a sports mode and you can adjust all of that up on the infotainment system up here which is all very nice and nice and modern i like that um gear changes are nice and quick downshift look at that on point back end just wanted to disappear into that wall um obviously it would do because of the current weather conditions i love the sound of this car i literally love it um do i like it better than the sound of the amg camera look right that's probably a little bit better do i like it better than the sound of the amg we'll talk about that but around the amg in a sec so one thing i would say about this m3 is it does feel very high quality it feels very solid it feels very premium it feels very very well built and that is i would say a quality that bmw have slightly more of the mercedes in my opinion and i think a lot of this video is just going to be my opinion and not factual because we'll try and conclude which car we think is the best car i'm sure you look would have your opinion in the comments below which car is gonna be better well it's gonna be difficult with it but we'll always come back to calvin's opinion which is irrelevant uh but it might help you choose which one you're gonna buy if you're about to buy one so uh yeah it all feels very refined it's not nice and cozy and comfortable these seats are very comfortable not that that matters fuel economy-wise they're probably both as bad as the travel and fuel so that's quite pointless the way this thing delivers power um i've driven loads of these on my channel and back in probably the wrong day to talk about performance but this is slightly slower to 60 i think this is 4.760 and that's 4.5 to 60. uh so this is a little touch slower uh but day-to-day driving are you really gonna notice it but one thing you probably would notice if you daily drove this over the c63 which i'm kind of feeling is the difference in torque and this does feel possibly a little lazier than the c63 and possibly um less powerful well it is it is less powerful and i think on that note what we should now do is jump in the amg because i've been daily driving this uh for a good few weeks now i've really got the hang of driving it now the open diff um does kind of make it easier to drive it's a bit more forgiving you can sort of throttle it there but you get a bit of understeer every now and then which you shouldn't get in a rear-wheel drive car it kind of doesn't it doesn't go in the direction you want it to at times and you do feel yourself losing power like i said earlier through the wheel that is locked or not spinning as it should so um yeah bit of a funny one that but putting that aside it is an absolutely amazing car i think what i'll do is for this journey i'm gonna go right up here because there's less houses and less people obviously it's a nightmare today because of the weather conditions i think it's about two degrees or so i don't know where the temperature is uh in this car uh something i want to say is with this car i just put it in manual with this little dial down here and i turn the traction throw off there is no fancy truck there is a drive select mode down there but i don't generally mess around with it i just stick it in manual and jobs are good in uh it on the dials in front of you put it in like an amg mode i think that's what they call it it's got the oil temperature the water temperature the gear shift and i think that's about it all the important things you'd want to see in front of you if you're having a little tear up in your c63 gearbox there is no adjustment to the speed or the ferocity of the gear change whereas in the m3 you do have that so you've got a lot more adjustment on the m3 and you do on this car and i suppose this is more just getting it and drive it the valves and the exhaust i think they're always open it's always in beast mode this car just sounds ridiculously loud all the time and going back to the the thing i don't know which car do i prefer the sound off i absolutely prefer the sound of this car like one of the things that's motivated me or encouraged me to daily drive this car is a sound i am i'm just in love with that sound i love it love the sound so yeah it's definitely got that going for it the throttle response and the power delivery because that's a really important factor this car just feels so responsive it feels so lively and so much more powerful i don't want to say so much more powerful because that's probably a bit of an exaggeration but it does feel a bit more alive than the m3 does right not to say that the m3 doesn't feel quick because anyone if anyone drove that m3 they'd be extremely impressed with how it delivers power and how fast it is all right don't sort of see that as a negative but it's definitely a positive that the c63 has over the m3 one thing i would say about uh overall characteristics of this car over the m3 is this car has absolutely no character i mean the seats are lovely right the engine is amazing but the engine is kind of the the sole personality of this car without this engine this would not be an exciting car but the m3 on the other hand it's got so much going for it i was just driving it back just now and i do like summarizing the gearboxes i think the m3 has got a better gearbox seems to be a bit of a quicker gear change um the the the overall look of the m3 i think it's a more of a more attractive car let me know your thoughts in the comments below but not say that i dislike the look of this car because i definitely don't um i was gonna say you kind of don't know where the rear end is gonna go but forget about that uh when you look over the bonnet of the m3 you've got a nice bonnet bulge i love that you look at the mirrors of this car i'm sure they're the same mirrors as a normal c class has got whereas if you look at the mirrors of an m3 they are just put a massive amount of effort into the shape of the mirrors on that that car uh the overall appearance i think of the m3 is slightly better uh which i've just said i think uh did definitely just say that but um like i say not say that this car isn't unattractive but a really funny thing about this car over the m3 is i've got the option today to drive this home or drive the m3 home right and you'd think especially me being me i'm i get bored of cars so quickly you think i'd be bored of this car by now because i've been daily driving it for probably a good month now and i'm telling you now i am not ordered this car i am choosing to drive this car out of every car that we've got in stock at the minute daily because i absolutely love it if i was to pull it apart and look for things that need improvement i would say it's probably could do with being a bit more modern but then there is a new c63 out in there i'm just gonna say new it's been out for bloody years so this is the old car and it is actually really really good for the old version of considering the year of the time that this was created i think it's such a bloody good car the infotainment system just works there's nothing too exciting it doesn't offer loads but it all works really well and the engine you'll never ever get bored of that but to summarize whether i think this is better than the m3 i actually think the m3 is a better car there's something more special about the m3 but like i keep saying what is really strange is that i would choose to daily drive this car over that maybe because it is a bit more modern maybe this offers me as a daily driver a bit more i don't know but i think also in years to come the m3 like today they were both worth like i said if they've had the same mileage today they might be worth about twenty thousand pounds right in years to come i think the m3 value will probably creep up slightly higher and slightly quicker than the values of these will don't mark my words on that i don't know but i just feel like the m3 is just a little bit more special now i hope if you are about to buy one of these cars i've helped you conclude which one you might buy but i think the bottom line is they're both very very good cars they're both special in their own way uh but the c63 the full character and personality of this car it's right there underneath the bonnet that engine is a seriously special engine and i don't think you could ever ever get bored of it like response the throttle response at any step of the way for a naturally aspirated engine is unreal all right i'm gonna end it there um thanks for everyone that sort of voted on boards with doing this video i think it's a great shout out for a video very good suggestion it was definitely needed and i think a lot of people will see a lot of value in it so thanks very much for watching if you did like this video do me a favor hit the like button if you are new to my channel hit subscribe i'm currently trying i always try to upload a new video every wednesday and sunday at six o'clock um and i'm also on instagram give me a follow on instagram albums diary and i'll see you in my next video alright bye in the next episode of diary of car trader it's another day in my life as a car trader which involves this kia and this bmw m3 [Music] you
Channel: Calvin's Car Diary
Views: 81,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 20000 BUDGET! Which one is better? C63 AMG vs BMW M3, c63, vs, m3, mercedes, c63 amg, mercedes c63 amg, bmw, bmw m3, e90 bmw m3, v8, mercedes benz, mercedes amg, e92 m3, c63s, bmw m3 review, e90 m3, mercedes-benz, c63 review, amg, bmw e92 m3, amg c63, e46 m3, mercedes-amg, bmw m, mercedes c63, c63 s, c63s amg, c63 coupe, mercedes-amg c63s, mercedes amg c63, bmw m4
Id: BaPbP_bpY-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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