£16 Million Superyacht Tour : Majesty 120

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foreign [Music] this is a Majesty's new 120 arriving at the Cambo show and we're here on the key ready to give this one a full tour here she comes for that I think would agree with some pretty impressive maneuvering look how tight that is this is still alive that is a big yacht in a small space [Music] ends going on you can see the guy on the radio here he's actually talking the captain in how far away they are from the key how far away they are from the other boats well that is probably pretty sure how far they are away from the other boats you know so that is not far at all the burst of a head just to stop the yacht you can see the prop wash down here [Music] engines are off thanks very much no problem [Music] so this is the Majesty 120 and literally this is the last boat I'm filming here at the Canon show we're about to leave for the airport and we're a little bit behind schedule so there's gonna be a reasonably Swift one but nonetheless we are of course gonna go into every area we're going to start here right at the back in the cockpit you can see the door is up there for the garage we'll have a look down there with later of course the crew are still putting the boat to bed we might see a couple of those as we're going around but they know we're here so we're all golden this is the saloon look at this this is beautiful amount of space that we've got in here you must excuse my voice by the way I've been talking non-stop filming boats down here at the show and we're right at the end but yeah that is that is impressive level the light finishes everywhere and then these accented dark panels that's great it's a TV there that will of course retract and then we'll carry on through up to the dining area really big comfortable dining area love this chandelier above it and the way they finish this panel across here that looks really really good we'll head on forward again there's a sliding door here open at the minute as you can see we've got storage in places like this you can go out onto the side deck from here as well so the whole area becomes very accessible without having to go through the saloon if you don't want to there's a date heads up here that's in this one and then over here that is the laundry it's really well placed because obviously you can cater straight through to the owner's cabin which we're going to see in a moment but also down to the guest cabins which we'll also see after we've had a look in here again you've seen this beautiful pale wood everywhere and the dark accents looks really good it's a massive dressing area here so these doors will slide like so we've got a safe in here as well of course and then this great big hanging closet double rails so plenty of space there but as that's not enough you've got yet more of it here another hanging rail you get more storage and then this is the main deck Master look at that that's absolutely beautiful really really good I love this backlit Stone across here that's such a nice feature and again you're seeing these sort of accents around the place now the ensuite for this is here there's doors that slide across to enclose it we can have it open and across the shower and The Lure then off separate and the TV is there as well you can see it on the rear bulkhead Ford bulkhead I should say that from which way we're pointing of course you may ask the question well that's great but if those doors are shut you're not going to see it and you're right that's when you invoke the one that's in the ceiling that powers down so you can still watch your movie uninterrupted if you want to if we carry on into here that is that TV that we were just talking about and you've got the two sinks here as well of course and then if we look over here beautiful big rain shower and then the lures on the other side with the bday big window there obviously there's plans to go over these windows you can have previously if you need it but if you're out of anchors then we'll watch a view that's just fantastic let's press on back a bit further we're going to look at the lower deck this is a six cabin layout it's a really big boat so we're gonna head down this way and we will go aft initially because there are two cabins back here you can see that we've got the air conditioning controls and the lighting controls you can set up for welcome lights ambient lights and so forth and that's a very very nice cabin hanging lockers as you would expect they're tucked away in at places like this there we go and even these got their own individual safes love this little detail Lighting in places like this AV Equipment of course and then the ensuite is over here you'll notice as we approach it's got motion sensors so as we come in it lights up for us like that beautiful um sync of course the toilet and then again the rainfall shower but a lovely spacious space and all this lovely light material again looks really really good we'll come back out of here and we'll cross the corridor and we will discover a very similar cabin so your wardrobe dressing tables your Dressing Table rather over there your bedside tables AV Equipment and then again we'll see different light up as we come in and There She Goes this has got um storage in behind as well of course and there's the shower okay so that's two of the cabins down here on the lower deck we'll press on forward a bit further look how big this is when we're coming through here and walk through it's fabulous down here we've got a load of storage for all sorts of bits and pieces for housekeeping really and there's another fridge tucked away down here as well so if you want to just grab a bottle of water or something and they can do if we head on forward we've got two more cabins these are twins as you can see and again wardrobe in behind here I won't open them all you probably can guess what our wardrobe looks like on the inside and uh and then the shower again and the toilet and the Basin and then as you want to expect we've got a similar deal over here twin beds for AV Equipment adjustable lighting and then the ensuite in here we'll keep moving lots and lots to show you on this one we've got an upper deck and a sun deck it's all going on this is the VIP guest cabin look at the size of this how beautiful is that and again I love the way it's all done with these very pale materials but then the dark accents just to stop it looking Bland works really really well this one's got its own walk-in wardrobe and that's a really good size I've seen cabins on boats that are smaller than that I should have saved my wave I went off too early there it is another one and then again an ensuite of the like you might expect for a VIP guest cabin with the the shower in there of course superb that is the lower deck much much more to see we're going to press on back this way because when it comes through here you get the impression of the size of the boat the length of this Corridor down from here that's what I mean you've got one two three four the VIP that's five and then the owner's cabin that we saw in the main deck that's six big boat so what we're gonna do now is we're going to come around here and we're going to keep circling on round because if we come around here we'll find another stairway this is taking us up to the upper deck love the lighting they put in here that's gorgeous and we'll come right on round and we will head forward first of all and this is the Wheelhouse hi I'm okay to film perfect thank you so much this is a very very commanding position because you can see you've got the forward sloping screens tremendous view out and this is the kind of thing you need when you are captaining a ship of this caliber look at this it's superb across here you've got all your multi-function displays your engine controls autopilot all the usual bits and pieces Communications all that kind of stuff is all there there's the engine a lot of battery information rather these of course is all selectable it's um give you an overview of the whole ship and that's the steering wheel if you're wondering where the steering wheel is that's where it is you're very very rarely use them because you spend most of the time on autopilot so that's able to catch really to a minimum once you're out and cruising that's just set on autopilot and Away you go come over here the workstation for the captain but the other thing we've got is the captain's cabin that's back here very nice cabin it is pretty much the gas standard as you can see you've got this one which can fold away so double here and a single here so you could use this as two singles or you can use it it's a double depending of course on how the boat is crewed and then you've got storage in behind here another safe drop that back in there we go and then there's an ensuite just in there very nice there's more crew cabins I think it's an eight crew on this year it's it's proper Big League stuff let's press on a bit further what we're going to do now is we're going to head back and I'll show you the upper Lounge area there's another day heads as well on this deck that's in here like so again with the motion sensor lights that come on we come back again and this is the upper Saloon a little bit more casual you've got the bar up here some very comfy seating about the place very very nice extra area and then we can come right on out to the AFT deck great place for dining obviously it was wonderful big dining table so you want to eat outside of course there is a dining table downstairs as well but you've got this one for external Alfresco dining beautiful feature panels in this overhead and then a very comfortable little area to tuck yourself away back here if you want to but there's yet more these are life rafts on the outside here and here and they're on this side as well of course you have a couple of people on this boat you know eight crew plus all the guests something else you hope you never need but very important to have if we had it on up here we will discover the sun deck so another vast area you've got some bathing up here on the bow and I think I'm right and staying there as a Jacuzzi underneath there as well and if we can tell very easily yeah pretty sure that's what that is there and if it isn't I'm sure you could have one but a storage about the place but you've also got another bar area up here so that's somewhere you can sit and have a drink of an evening have a chat love these comfortable bar stools if we come around here oh we've got to stop and watch the helicopter taking off look there it goes ah I'm a simple boy at heart fantastic so over here we've got the sink fridge ice maker oh bin actually just stood on in the Tabernacle so that is all of that what's in there just a bit of storage okay let's head on a bit further so much ground to cover so we're gonna head down here and what we're going to do this time is we're going to loop around this way it's going to take us forward again back past that upper Saloon back past the helm station that we saw and we come right on up it's a Wing Station underneath here I wonder if I can open this sure I can here we go there we go so you've got your throttle controls and so forth so that you're birthing somewhere like this as we saw earlier this clearly is where you need to be keeping an eye on everything you don't want to be in that wheelhouse you want to be watching what's going on carry on forward love these rails for super rails where they've sort of like an oval station and then another great area up here on the bow just beautiful I'm in a position here on a day like today would just be fantastic the helicopter coming in very busy with helicopters here in Camp huge great sunbathing area out across the bow this beautiful seating area here and then Jet Skis up here on the bow you can see the crane in the center to lower them into the water and your capstans for your anchors it could have come right up to the bow as we like to do we're going to watch that helicopter land as I like to do uh it's just so cool we're watching a helicopter over the bow of a row of super Yachts how cool is this and we're in the south of France I love it just fantastic let's get back to looking at this stunning stunning yacht that's what she looks like from here you can see those Ford sloping Windows about forward slaving actually they're vertical but they're certainly not raked back so let's come back down from here let's head on aft we'll come up these steps the voice is just about hanging on in there a lot of talking this week it's another Majesty here it's a Majesty 100 I believe we do have a tour of one of those on the channel already but back now past the helm station it's just there and now we're going down these steps you might remember when we came out of the main Saloon and headed forward I said there's a door admin for the passageway there and that is just here we're gonna go back in here because I haven't yet shown you the galley area and we'll discover that if we loop around here another doorway out of that side Passage and then we can come into here hello if you mind if I just do a very quick bit of filming through here is that okay you're so kind thank you can I show them to hear a moment yeah we literally two moments there we go it's like a pantry area really isn't it that's fantastic and then we've got a wine cooler here brilliant and use the storage for the old glasses oh Superbad yeah when the door on the left side you will it's very kind thank you so much here we go hello do you mind if I do a very quick bit of filming you can stay there it's okay as long as you don't mind being in it give it give the guys a wave so this is the galley area obviously this boat clearly is in use at the minute so we're going to skip through here reasonably quickly but we've got all the usual facilities we've got the cold storage here a lot of storage up around here this is Cold Storage down here those Ovens of course it is it's a good job you're in charge of cooking and not me isn't it so Evans are down here huge extractor fan as well and then I guess what have we got on here more Cold Storage I just here yeah fridge there and all in stainless steel microwave up here we won't linger we won't take up your time thank you so much okay let's head on back a bit further is this um fridge is here I was wondering yeah okay so on this side ah brilliant so lots of Cold Storage brilliant thank you so much bye-bye right let's head back out through here we'll pause just to take that in again because that is spectacular isn't it and then we'll come right on back we want to look at engines and crew cabins and also the garage so when it come around this way that's the steps back up to the main deck again sorry the upper deck we're on the main deck so yeah if I just show you just to orientate you that's the upper deck we saw that big dining table outside and that was a steps up to the sun deck so we're going this way coming on round and then this area here takes us down to the crew accommodation also the engine room so we'll step down here and what we find is a really nice mess area down here now I mentioned there's eight crew there's three crew cabins all twins down here and then plus of course we had that Captain's cabin that we saw so two four six and then eight if you include upstairs if we have a look into this one we've got permission to have a look at these hello do you mind if I have a very quick look is that okay thank you so much excellent you're very kind so crew cabin is here we've got the two berths got a bit of storage over on this side big wardrobes as well and if we back up a little bit then we've got the toilet here and then the shower area is just in behind over there so times that by three that's pretty much what we've got for crew domination they're in here as well thank you thank you for time so yeah there's another one very similar and another one very similar there and if we have a look over here a load more cold storage for this area and then over here dishwasher down here obviously they're in the galley as well um microwave little sink and so on so it makes for a very nice self-contained area okay let's press on back a little bit further because here we have engines check this out we've got The Fringe running because as we saw earlier in the video this ship has only just landed but these are the motors they're absolutely magnificent and we've got in here is a pair of mtus they're 16v 2000s 2 600 horsepower each and they're giving the boat a maximum speed of over 20 knots I think it's about 22 knots flat out and the cruising speed of 16 knots or you can drop it back to 10 knots to get the range and then you'll get about 1 500 miles of range so it's got some serious legs to drop this feedback it's got some serious performance if you want to crack on we have along around this side you can get right around these engines they're very warm for obvious reasons the boat's just been out and running so it won't go too far I think I might have seen those air conditioning over there thank you back up a little bit and then on the other side water maker over there generators back here and here big generators on here and that's access it's like emergency access out through the garage at the back which we're going to look at next so we'll come back out through here with all the electrics on this panel here control system for the boaters over there as well fantastic there's two big watertight doors here so when they're closed it's pretty silent even with just one shot there we go that's pretty good isn't it okay let's press on back we just got a bit more to see and that is the garage so we come right back aft there we go back pass this lovely copper area big overhang on here plenty of shade obviously if you want Sunshine that's up top see what's in here okay just a bit of storage and a Rudder indicator yeah intriguing so we'll come back down here now there is space on the platform here for a five meter tender in fact these guys apparently use a chase boat they don't use a tender on here at all or they're apparently they're going to put a tender on here as well at some stage and this is just a beach club or a massive massive toy store so this is where you can keep you know your um your flyboards and your kayaks and your paddle boards and well whatever really it's huge whatever your imagination as you can tell you or you can just put chairs down here and say or and you can just put chairs down here you've got the overhang for plenty of shade and it's a great place to be right at water level is absolutely fantastic and then over here because it is a beach club we've got the sink we've got the ice maker fridges in there and then storage down here for the rest bits and pieces glasses or or whatever else but this whole area here you probably set yourself for this whole area is the transom so when you're underway this powers back down seals this and that's all Grand brilliant okay let's Press On I think we have fairly comprehensively covered it and this is an emergency steering connection that explains well there's a Helm indicator in here so as a real emergency backup you can still control the yacht with emergency steering fabulous let's go right up to the top shall we to finish off actually no we won't we're just somebody go up there we'll go up onto the bow there we go crew are very busy on this keeping it absolutely perfect for the show look at this this is can a wonderful place I love it down here we've got a big boat maneuvering in at the moment and we got this for our view just brilliant so that's it that's the full tour as I say sorry about the voice it's pretty much the last bit I'm filming I have actually got one more to do and then we're heading straight for the airport it's that last minute rush but I really wanted to get this one because it is spectacular I know you guys love a Majesty yacht let me know what you think of this one huge thanks to Majesty Yachts for organizing this tour a massive thanks as ever to you guys for watching let me know what you think of this one and we'll catch you on one of these real soon take care bye
Views: 360,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boat, boating, boat life, yacht life, yacht, yachting, fun, joy, bliss, boating fun, superyacht, super yacht, superyachting, Millionaire, millionaire lifestyle, super rich, luxury, luxury lifestyle, luxury living, luxury homes, luxury travel, yacht tour
Id: J4NlrFi2zJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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