Zwiebeln schmecken besser als Fleisch! Ich mache 15 Jahren jedes Wochenende. Super einfaches Rezept!

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650g flour. I wish everyone a nice day and a good mood! I'm so happy that people like my video recipes over the years! Welcome to my kitchen! I want to prove to you that baking bread at home is easy! 11g yeast. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon sugar. Mix well. 200 ml water. 200 ml warm milk. 100 ml olive oil. Where do you come from? I love greetings from other countries! Greetings everyone. and a good mood! mix well. Please rate my recipe from 0 to 10 in the comments! That is very important to me. Final kneading of the bread. You will need patience, take your time. Oiling the mold. A little more vegetable oil. I cover the dough and let it rise in a warm place for 1 hour until I can let it rest. 2 large onions. fry in olive oil. Salt. Sweet peppers. black pepper. Degree of roasting as desired. the dough is ready! a little vegetable oil. I'll split it into two pieces. Do you like fresh baked goods? I will share simple recipes with you. You can always use them. I cover her with a towel for 20 minutes. Now do what I show you. I'm going to need some flour. It works? How often do you make homemade bread? My family loves homemade bread. I carefully roll it up and place it on parchment paper. 100 to 150 grams of mozzarella cheese. chilled onion filling. I roll out 2 pieces of dough into a circle slightly larger than the first. cover it carefully. And I wrap the edges. Place the cake on a baking sheet. I make small incisions with a spoon. Separate the yolks. 1 tablespoon milk. Brush the bread with egg. Bake at 180°C for 25 minutes. Then another 5-7 minutes in the upper circulating air setting. everything ready! The cake needs to cool down a bit. The taste of the bread is amazing! very beautiful and delicious! it is very tasty! my kids will love it! I can't wait to try it out. Bon appetit! Thank you for your posts, likes and comments! Do n't cook chicken breasts until you see this recipe! It's super quick and delicious!
Channel: Leckere Brotrezepte
Views: 1,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Leckere Brotrezepte, hausgemachtes Brot, brot, brotrezepte, yt:cc=on, rezept, rezepte, Zwiebeln schmecken besser als Fleisch, Ich mache das jetzt seit 15 Jahren jedes Wochenende, Super leckeres einfaches Rezept, Zwiebelkuchen, REZEPT für Zwiebelkuchen, Gebäckrezept, Gebäck, backen, einfaches Rezept, wie man Brötchen macht, hausgemachtes Backen, wie man kocht, Bäckereiprodukte, Backrezept, schnelle und einfache Rezepte, gesunde Rezepte, einfache Brotrezepte, Schnelle Brotrezepte, leicht Brot
Id: kX84vJqGMI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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