Zunesha Is Pluton. Here's What Happened.

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hey everyone so zunisha is very likely the ancient weapon pluton that has eaten a mythical zone fruit that is a popular theory that is going around right now that zunisha might in fact be the centuries-old ancient weapon from the ancient kingdom the great battleship pluton that has simply eaten a mythical zone fruit presumably some sort of mythical elephant zone to transform it into what we know of today as zou shout outs to benny uzuma on twitter who was the first person that i personally saw saying this so it's not my own initial idea however the more and more that i have thought about it the more and more evidence keeps lining up like an absurd number of things that suggest that this very well could be the case zunisha could just be pluton in zone form so i've actually got a surprising amount of evidence to share with you all today and before we get into it make sure to subscribe for more one-piece videos every week now before we can talk about zunisha today we need to first talk about two arcs alabasta and annie's lobby i think many many people have recognized that wano has strong parallels to both those storylines and features many callbacks to both those storylines alabasta was the first time taking down a shichibukai a long-running mission that started from the first time the straw hats entered the grand line wanna was the first time taking down a yonko a long-running mission that started from the first time the straw hats entered the new world the straw hats were roped in as outside allies to escort the royalty of alabasta back to her country and help her in the conflict there the straw hats were roped in as outside allies to escort the royalty of wano back to his country and help him in the conflict there both times a large scale war specifically a rebellion was a centerpiece of the conflict in any slobby the main enemies were zones in wano all the enemies are zoens we see the same power-ups that were first introduced and debuted in any lobby finally being addressed explained and upgraded once again in wano we have cp9 trying to capture robin we have cp zero trying to capture robin we have traitors and hidden identities even the orochi kaido relationship was reminiscent of spandamucci just in general we have a lot of simple callbacks to both alabasta and any slobby and i mean like really really specific moments even just thematically alabasta any slobby and wano are the three arcs in one piece that focus on leadership with a bit of progression in each alabasta being heavy emphasis on vivi as our first real model for what a great leader a great queen is like and luffy actually getting to learn from seeing her leadership in action then any slobby was the storyline of luffy now having to finally come into his own as a leader with heavy emphasis on his growth as a captain and now finally wano is the arc where we've come full circle and it's a reverse of alabasta where we started but now it's luffy being the established great leader and momonosuke the young royal who is trying to learn from watching him and so naturally wano is the ark that centers around conquerors hockey and the disposition of a king of a leader for that reason so there is that continuing thematic train between those three arcs alabasta and islami and wano as well that's why the parallels of similar story elements and deliberate callbacks are not a mistake a leads to b leads to c that's how i've always looked at the connection between alabasta and islabi and wano remember that relationship between that trio now so when i first saw the idea that zunisha is pluton i was like okay that's interesting and then i remembered this ohara tweet i saw where he brought up funk freed the sword that ate an elephant fruit in any slobby and then the more i thought about it things just started to connect bit after bit after bit so hear me out i think this is interesting so first pluton itself pluton has been a prominent plot point in only two arcs prior to wano and interestingly those arcs are alabasta and any slobby in alabasta crocodile's goal was to resurrect pluton in any slobby the world government's goal was to resurrect pluton those were the driving goals of the villains in both of those arcs to get their hands on pluton in wano once again kaido and big mom's primary goal is to get the ancient weapons now we don't know which one first just yet but is it possible that the elusive pluton the key missing piece from both alabasta and any slobby just showed up on their doorstep second trend is the idea of weapons eating devil fruits before wano there were only two arks where we were shown weapons that had eaten devil fruits first was alabasta where we found out that a gun a weapon could eat a devil fruit then was annie's lobby where we got a sword that had eaten a devil fruit specifically an elephant fruit and now we're in wano and zunisha just showed up the product of some devil fruit whose name has been hidden begging the question what is zunisha actually is it also some inanimate object that has eaten a devil fruit now if we imagine that the three arcs of alabasta and islami and wano make up a sort of set it's possible that the first two arcs are building up the mystery of the ancient weapon pluton with pluton being a heavy focus throughout both of those plot lines then the third arc wano is finally its reveal so if the final reveal to where is pluton is that pluton has eaten a mythical zone and turned into a giant mythical elephant then let's backtrack to setting up that reveal in the first ark alabasta oda established that weapons can eat devil fruits then in the second arc in islabi oda foreshadowed the truth by showing us a weapon that has specifically eaten an elephant fruit and then finally in the third arc oda gives us the truth that pluton is a weapon that has eaten a mythical elephant fruit i personally think that would be a very nice progression of ideas and hints now here's a few more pieces that i think fall into place so first of all something that i see people saying that i looked up and realized is actually incorrect is that well zunisha cannot be pluton because zunisha is supposedly a thousand years old if zunisha is a thousand years old then this doesn't make any sense right because why would pluton have been fed a mythical zone fruit and been made to walk the ocean you know even before the ancient war and the void century and all that stuff well here's the thing actually zunisha is never said to be a thousand years old that's an exaggeration made by luffy what is actually said is that zunisha is nearly 1000 years old now the void century was the period between 800 and 900 years ago if zunisha is not a thousand years old but rather close to a thousand years old then suddenly the void century is a suspiciously viable period for the birth of zunisha so think about it we know that there has long been a bond between the minks and the kuzukis and there must have been a strong bond between the kazukis and the d tribe as the kazuki's are the ones who created the ponoglyphs that the d tribe you know littered the world with in fact there are some amazing theories out there about just how tight the relationship between the kazuki's and the d tribe and really the ancient kingdom and wano are some have actually argued that they're one and the same but that is not for me to talk about here there are some existing great theories on that which aren't really relevant here all i'll say is that at least we know that the d tribe and the kazuki's are very tight and at least we know that the minks and the kazuki's are very tight so whatever was going on back in that ancient war back during the void century if we assume that the minks were likely on the ancient kingdom side by association then perhaps as things were falling apart and pluton needed to be hidden it was fed the mythical elephant zone and commanded to walk the seas with the mink tribe escaping onto it as a safe haven however the big question then is who specifically fed pluton the devil fruit and who ordered it to walk and why was it atoning for a crime after all this is punishment for a crime of some sort so to start with there is potential here for even more of past arcs messaging to come into play considering what was one of the absolute biggest themes of any slobby the idea was pushed that even existence is a crime that was a heavy heavy theme of any slobby that the mere existence of something could be considered a crime this harsh view was applied interestingly to both weapons and to individuals the mere existence of frankie's battleships as weapons the mere existence of nico robin representing the potential to resurrect weapons it doesn't matter if it's a battleship or if it's a living being if it's dangerous enough then just its existence can be condemned as a crime and interestingly pluton zunisha is both a battleship and a living being we know zunisha is being punished for some crime but what does that actually mean what did it do that was so terrible was this point that something's existence be that an individual or a weapon but simply something's existence could be considered a crime was that point played up so much in any slobby partly because in the future it would be revealed that pluton itself was sentenced to walk the seas forever as punishment for the crime of existing i think that's a really interesting possibility now this does complicate things a lot as that notion of existence being a crime that does sound a lot more like a world government ideology but it doesn't make that much sense for the world government to have been the ones who turned pluton into an elephant and sent it off to walk forever as punishment because wouldn't they have wanted to keep that power for themselves as we see in any lobby though also as we see in chapter 1037 there does strangely appear to be some discrepancies in decision making between the world government of today and the world government of the past so maybe back then they had different ideas of what to do with pluton than they do now maybe but then at the same time how would the minx have been able to you know conveniently get on to zanisha and roam around the seas if pluton was first captured and in the hands of the world government so here's an alternate theory where a few more things fall into place but only if we really want to get speculative so treat this next little segment as really just very hypothetical i still think all the previous reasoning to zunisha being pluton does apply even without this next segment this is just an extra effort to use this to maybe unravel some events of the void sentry because some more things do fall into place looking first at frankie's backstory and the significance of weapons particularly battleships there we got themes of responsibility of the creator weapons being misused atoning for crimes etc with the plot being that frankie's weapons were misused to frame tom so maybe back during the void century pluton as a weapon of the ancient kingdom was used by some other enemy to frame them to frame the ancient kingdom after all as far as we know the ancient kingdom was likely good so then why did the rest of the world band against them well the ancient kingdom likely needed to be framed by some true enemy for committing some evil act that they actually would not do the ancient kingdom was likely framed by this other enemy in order to get the other kingdoms to decide that the ancient kingdom needed to be defeated that's a notion i've talked about in previous analysis videos multiple times as oda's absolute favorite way to craft storylines where bad guys cause rebellions to overthrow good ruling forces is by having the bad guys frame the good guys as evil framing them for some evil act which they did not commit to turn everyone else against them you can learn more about that in depth in my dressrosa analysis in particular link on the top right but anyway if we were to tie that back in with the story of pluton perhaps foreshadowed by the story of tom and frankie's battleships then the great battleship pluton was perhaps secretly misused by some enemy of the ancient kingdom to frame the ancient kingdom which may very well have been the trigger for all those other kingdoms banding together against the ancient kingdom which leads us back to zunisha's punishment if after the leaders of the ancient kingdom saw the damage that pluton had done outside of their control then going back to the ideas foreshadowed in the story of frankie and tom the idea that even if weapons and battleships were never intended to be used for a certain purpose they still end up being used for terrible things then perhaps it was determined by the ancient kingdom that their own weapon pluton's existence was wrong considering it could be misused in this way that's not necessarily the correct thinking as we are taught in the modern day you should not blame it on the existence of the weapon itself but you could imagine why the ancient kingdom may have thought the way they did at that time and so not wanting pluton to cause any more destruction after its misuse perhaps even with the advent of a great war against the other kingdoms the ancient kingdom decided to hide pluton and to send it away so that no one could ever uncover it and they did so by feeding it a mythical zoan that transformed it into something unrecognizable and they commanded it to walk the seas forever as its very existence was now looked at by themselves and by the world as a crime the minks were perhaps meant to be the guardians or maybe the shepherds of this weapon it makes a lot of sense as the only way to ever find zunisha to find a pluton is if you have a vivre card of the minx otherwise it's simply untrackable which means that you had to be a friend of the minks to be able to locate zunisha so essentially a friend of the kazuki's a friend of the d tribe kind of like the concept of a secret keeper from harry potter if you remember that and as we progress through the series it makes more and more sense why the ancient weapons are not just easily found the world government couldn't just find poseidon as poseidon is an individual that needed to be born the world government couldn't just find pluton as it's not buried anywhere it's been transformed into a living being that travels the seas a being that literally cannot be found without a vivre card uranus god knows where that is for all we know it's already in the hands of the world government which may be why its location hasn't been hinted at in other ponoglyphs that we've seen as there's perhaps no story reason for oda to leave breadcrumbs for uranus's location as it's just not something that the strawds themselves are ever going to find just a possibility so all of that is to say i believe it is very very possible that the zunisha that we see today is in fact the ancient weapon pluton a weapon that was fed a mythical zoan devil fruit during the void century and sentenced to walk the seas possibly as punishment for the crime of existence and ever since then no one has been able to locate it except for those who are friends with the minks so that's all for this video and if you enjoyed then definitely like comment and subscribe for more videos like this every week
Channel: Mr Morj
Views: 273,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zunesha, Zunesha Devil Fruit, Zunesha theory, Zunesha pluton, theory, One Piece, Wano
Id: vod7fi8OEJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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