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30:16 then you haven't grabbed anything if you throw it down and he catches it it'll count in five seconds now there's no way that's gonna drop or that's gonna drop don't throw it [Music] hello my name is Nigel Jones we are here with vineyard bond-athon ladies cruise the secret Vinnie bond video Vinnie has no idea what's going on and he hates us tremendously for it we're at the skate park with Vinnie and we basically go up to him we're like Vinnie we got a secret video for you get in the car we're going he's like okay let's go the entire time he was trying to guess what we're doing he's trying to ask everyone what we're doing and we're not telling let's go I don't like this how do you feel about it I'm excited why are you excited because I know what's happening you wanna give me a hit I'm pretty good oh it's good to see it is amazing out here this is the first time I've been San Diego since I was probably like 5 years old so so many different types of oceans and Bay's over you for those of you who don't know this is Vinnie bond a professional skateboarder extraordinaire amazing incredible talented it's just if you see is skating we're not going to believe it I mean nobody really goes to the mall to just like do some random stuff yeah we're doing it right now stay positive they'll find out with pride okay so would you like to take one final guess before I announce what this video is I have no well the only guess I I mean we're at a mall where a bunch of skaters I have no guests actually I don't know I'm confused all right so well our Christmas present from Braille skateboarding to you we're gonna take you to zoomies and we're gonna give you a challenge anything you can carry we will pay for Oh the rules are you have you have five minutes we'll start a timer right when you walk in anything you carry in your hands we will pay for but the catch is if you drop something you have to put it all back all right okay we're not allowed to help you if an employee wants to put something in your hands will allow it like shoes it's like if you want a pair of shoes and you're like hey I need this size and they put it in your hands that's fine but we're not allowed to touch you or help you in any way okay Wow all right let's try this out Wow what'd you thoughts were on zoomies but hey some people don't have an actual skate shop to go to all you got then go to zoom using get a board because a skateboard is a skateboard from anywhere and the important thing to us here Braille skateboarding is just teaching people how to skateboard so if you can get a skateboard anywhere it's better than not having a skateboard you guys want a free sample do they have the opportunity use the free sample I'm not alas unless you go vegan to others I would love that does it have nuts in it though mango mango thanks dude the mango me okay I like shoes by the way where did you get them from Walmart yes bro that was amazing you have to have the mango there also red jetson calm what that mom oh these are the cutest little spoons I've ever seen thank you what what is this place yo chill shout out some milk Casino gelato I check them out on this again of the video in which you're about to partake on yes you can potentially gather up like a lot of stuff hmm what should I grab face yeah what do you really need I really don't need much to be honest well skate wise you know cuz I got all these thanks thanks to all my sponsors you know they keep me rolling so I mean the only thing I really need is probably either pants who knows probably some shoes but zoomies has been spotted hey Dan what's your prediction on how much money has been spent three hundred and fifty dollars he's gonna drop about six hundred and seventy five dollars yeah all right three two one the time has begun we're sure we're trying to start up should I start in the back you're right then you haven't grabbed anything why should I I don't need everything oh quit rushin me no I'm chillin you try and make me run around the hole for real this egg all right anything and it's gonna be all everything that somebody needed actually not that was just ways he has one skateboard in one hoodie in two minutes okay you got some sweat all right now we're getting my in business all right come on all the pants all the pants no I know you need pants those are Skeletor do you need the super skinny woman thank you thank you for calling it joggers whoo joggers go hard yeah two minutes and 44 seconds left needed me assure you need a hat do no no way no hats no hats man I'm gonna make sure I get the right side you want shoes you get some shoes yeah bet all right let me just get this one in size 9 yeah let me just get actually yeah let me get and then these ones and nines all right let's get two of each all right okay let's go let's go we out a minute 30 left okay Gabe's album if they're not down in your hands in a minute 30 you can't get them okay fine all right let me get these watches to them oh yeah watch yeah let me get that watch right there you're gonna watch and this one we got a minute 12 seconds left that one in that okay there you go - I grab one of these - 51 seconds let me get this one and then let me get this one right here 30 yeah five seconds left all right 26 seconds left let's say let's say do you need anything else that's not gonna be possible 15 seconds it'll count in five seconds now there's no way that's gonna job or that's gonna job don't throw it no no way that's not possible that's the time show is that the shoe if you can get the shoe anything in his arms you know I think I didn't see anything why is it not all right so this is this is it did you drop anything no this is it everything all right well there you go chillin that went from not a lot to thousand dollars in the span of about 30 seconds chill congratulations were the most chill thank you out of anyone day we've done we did John Hill and he was like running around the store no easy almost I was just looking for things I needed we got you own a board company Wow that's right how much to take that's something like what how much how much did I say I said I think I said I know I said 675 right something like that I think he is about the buyer who's he said on the way here I'm saying Diego when I find something I'm buying some ice and I'm like dude you know why wouldn't even have four yeah but we're not paying for that I should've just grabbed displays on this place dude next day Oh that'd be nice I want to see that one I don't know what store to take you to though like spend like $5,000 you get me in trouble you do it did you have any idea that we were gonna do this for you no I had no idea so I didn't even know what's the plan for yeah everyone does it differently handled it like a boss yeah we've seen everyone do like their own different thing I relaxed I didn't want to say anything chaos but he spent so much money dunghill was like he did I seen that energy let's go that was the goal okay oh my heartbeat all right Benny how you feeling my brother I'm super stoked I'm glad I didn't drop anything but I didn't rush myself baby at the same time he was the most calm composed contestant of all time probably that will ever be I was amazing thank you guys all right well that was a whopping eight hundred and fifty dollars that we just spent in five minutes so you just set a very high mark with no bag amazing well that is brailles Christmas gift to Vinnie bond himself for being an amazing guy an amazing skater and our very good friends so merry Christmas to you my friend thank you hope this brings you some holiday cheer really and for all of you guys watching we appreciate you there's some videos right there go ahead and check them out subscribe like leave a comment below and what store should we go to next who is our next participant leave it right down there it's up to you
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 366,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, braille, zumiez, anything you can carry
Id: J5wGmFcZCb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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