Zorro and Ines against injustice | COMPILATION | | ZORRO the Masked Hero

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[Music] my dear iness oh flowers [Music] again H well what a pretty bouquet yes Antonio gave me those flowers he also asked me to marry him huh so there what Rodrigo malap penso's son you're not going to say yes are you Antonio isn't a bandit like his father I'm sorry little sister you're right we should never judge anyone based on another person's crimes you know that I want you to be happy come [Music] on I have excellent news friends inesta laa is going to marry my son Antonio the ranch that Don Alejandro DEA owns will soon be owned by the malap peners and it will not cost me one peso uh you're forgetting D Diego boss easy make Diego de laa disappear and iness inherits it all since Don Alejandro has no other children if iness inherits the Deo Ranch so does her husband who happens to be my son Antonio oh father what's this about making Don Diego disappear huh what I overheard everything you said father you said that Diego could easily disappear my lands no I was talking about hiring musicians to play the Fandango at your wedding party with all the cattle out there it's hard to hear anything right keep your eye on the prize iness and keep applying her with gifts you know women love that how did my son ever turn out so mushy Honesty will be his downfall we have no time to lose get to work now men this just arrived for senorita inz it's from Antonio malpensa what could this be it's enormous your Suitor is trying to impress you you or so it seems quite a good likeness of you where will I hang this thing we might want to consider building another Henda you know to store gifts from Antonio you shouldn't be making fun of how Antonio is wooing her you should take it as inspiration if you ever hope to marry your dear Carmen de vialonga ah D Diego just the man I wanted to see I'd like you to come see some land with me yeah well it's um H it'll be a surprise for senorita iness and Antonio land near the Canyons that I hear has a spring so I imagine come along with me it will give us the opportunity to get to know each other a little better after all we'll soon be in-laws and make one big happy family ah if this is a wedding present I don't see how I could refuse [Music] oh dear this is awfully high it's only high from up here if you were down there it wouldn't be high at all oh and we wouldn't be setting a trap here hey cut it out trial run just had to test the spot out got the [Music] branches there it's perfect Diego steps on this and he'll go crashing down into the canyon hurry up here they [Music] come are you sure we're in the right spot I can't imagine where that spring might be have a look over there my dear Diego while I check the other [Music] [Applause] [Music] side [Music] oops H our plan worked oh the poor boy ending like that it's sad well go fetch his horse idiot as for me the only thing left to do is to go announce the terrible news to his [Laughter] family my head apparently it's not my day come on will you rip my clothes a oh we can't do that boss they're too nice that's an order squid brains oh no no no I'd never be able to forgive myself if I did [Music] [Music] that [Music] my head it was terrible father how did this happen I was with with d Diego and oh we got caught in a landslide Diego wait where is he now I have no clue I searched everywhere I'm afraid the worst might have happened he can't have disappeared like this and I'll go search for him with Bernardo I'm going with you you know we'll find him I promise we will Maria prepare water and food for our trip while I go get a map of the canyon [Music] area what happened did you do something to Diego my gracious no you think I'm some sort of monster or what no well I of course you wouldn't hurt him you and I will go find Diego we're a team oh my poor [Music] head I've just heard the awful news I want to be part of the search party we need you kman follow me it's up there [Music] [Music] yeah I really need to free my [Music] foot it looks like Bernardo hasn't found anything it's late let's go home we will continue the search tomorrow we already checked here we're going to pick up the search in this [Music] area what a [Music] day let's take a look here [Music] H have you found something there uh no no no no absolutely [Music] nothing what let's go back iness it's getting late Antonio it looks like bernardo's horse has a little problem he'll catch up with us at the Henda [Applause] [Music] fine huh who is that hey Bernardo help me climb up he can't hear me from here I have to find a way to climb up by [Music] [Music] myself almost there Bernardo there you are for a moment there I thought you'd gone de for [Music] real you misled me you actually set a trap for Don Diego you lied to me all you want is to own the deaa ranch you don't care about my feelings for iness if that's how it is I'd rather break off this wedding engagement don't speak to me that way or I shall send you off deep into the jungles of Mexico far far away from your dear NS you wouldn't dare what's done is done I am your father and if I go to prison you can kiss the good life goodbye you needn't worry I won't turn you in but don't you dare lift a finger against any of the D of Vegas you hear me [Music] father H I guess I shouldn't worry too much about you pulling through hoess I thought I might never get out of that tight crack in that awful Canyon hey hey I missed you too my friend I had lots of time to think while I was stuck in that crevice I suspect malap Pensa wanted to get rid of me so that you alone would inherit the De la Vega Ranch no he couldn't possibly Antonio loves me I know it his father couldn't want to hurt us like that perhaps Antonio didn't know about the plan this time malap penso will go to prison for what he did all the evidence has vanished they'll go scotf free wait if malpensa took aim at you he probably has a plan to eliminate father that's why I didn't go home right away to the Henda I have to do something before that happens [Music] Alejandro my old friend please call on me if you need anything at all thank [Music] you Sergeant now that food's not yours what I'm so sad I've lost my appetite h I simply can't believe I'll never see Diego again don't lose hope Carmen Diego is look I'm sure that we'll locate him [Music] [Music] somehow quick torado [Music] if I were you I'd cut with the sword oh yeah that's a good ide huh oh yeah zor looking for something in [Music] [Laughter] particular [Music] hey I have a tiny question for both of you aside from Don Diego who else was melap Pensa planning to rub out no one boss seor Zoro now tell the truth not even Don Alejandro no no no it was just Don Diego well gentlemen that clears things up I'll leave you to your Hen [Laughter] [Music] House all right now we have two Spanish Renaissance armchairs a table from the same period two paintings by Masters ah there you are Captain what are you doing in here sir I'm doing a full inventory of the Dela estate for the tax office it's quite clear that with The Disappearance of Don Diego senorita iness is in line to become a very rich Paris Don Alejandra will see you now senoras [Music] [Music] oh my dear friend I truly do feel your pain as a matter of fact I was just thinking that if our families were joined by a matrimonial Alliance our family Unity would help you cope better marry him I'm the Man fit to marry senorita iness not this fool please allow me now to officially ask you for her hand Don Alejandro now that your son is no longer with us I shall protect your family that's out of the question lovely iness is engaged to my son Antonio ah there he is my boy isn't he well ithier healthier and frankly better looking than this Captain monasterio that's enough you aren't showing cattle at a fair you know I am the only one who will decide who I will marry get out everyone out go Sho Sho wedding gentlemen am I invited or maybe the senorita doesn't want to get married yet y Don Alejandro allow me to express my sympathy and support in this difficult moment Zoro how dare you show up here onard all right but it just means I'll beat you [Music] again again my [Music] dishes sorry about the table [Music] senorita get out I'll have no fighting in this house [Music] don't [Music] wait what's going on here hello Sergeant good day to you here I am captain on guard aha a new Contender give me that cherry pie F here [Music] you ha H what do we have here two Spanish Renaissance armchairs a table from the same period isn't this your handwriting captain my my notebook [Music] though though the notebook might be yours Don Rodrigo [Music] I will not allow you to insult my father sorrow two paintings by Masters several collector item books iness I'm not interested in that list I just want to marry you well I don't want to anymore and you know exactly why Antonio malpensa and what makes you think I'd ever wish to marry you captain no no spare him huh not even a little Z on his butt oh I just hate it when people in love argue it's so [Applause] sad oh pardon me Sergeant I almost forgot you hey go adoras and remember you're not welcome in this [Music] Henda [Music] torado H [Laughter] gentlemen Don Diego is alive I have just located him he was walking along the path oh Diego are you hurt don't worry it's just a little sprain No Big E at all Diego it's really you I was so worried D Diego you're alive wonderful news you might not believe me but I simply fell off my horse in the canyons it was really stupid and entirely my fault dear Diego I am Overjoyed to see you've made it home safe come on Antonio let's give in's family some privacy h let thy loveliness fade as it will and around the dear ruin each wish of my heart would entwine itself verdantly still you won't miss this one a letter from the governor it must be an invitation to a ball yeah what soldiers who can't even capture Zoro don't deserve to be in his Majesty's Army [Music] no hey look any one of them might be Zoro him terrible him anybody that's why he probably wears that mask Captain so we can't recognize him quiet you idiot he must have a distinguishing feature this Zoro but what one distinguishing feature of that Zoro is he's young Gonzalez say that again I I simply noticed Zoro looks young exactly he is Young good work Corporal you have just given me an ingenious idea and let cause for a promotion thank you Captain H it's just that there's lots of young men in California how will we we know which one's Zoro shut up Garcia and listen for once we simply arrest them all one by one every young man in the region until Zoro stops appearing that way I'll know I finally nabbed him I'm terribly sorry sir that was my fault throw him in jail now arrest him come now Captain Manuel accidentally bumped into you my dear DEA Manuel is young enough to be Zoro he'll be the first suspect on my list arrest him no please I have a family oh what is this Rebellion he's Young Too arrest him and toss him in prison Bernardo can't be Zoro he's deaf and mute that makes two the list grows [Music] longer [Music] let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tado [Music] [Music] H Bernardo are you all right iness H look oh poor Bernardo that cell must be terribly uncomfortable and Diego is snug in his warm bed sound asleep I tried to wake him but couldn't Rouse [Music] him I'm [Music] tired alert Zoro is here alert got got him got to see whatever you do don't let him Escape yes captain [Music] CIA you dummy behind you Zoro excellent Garcia keep on spinning like a tough you like this Sergeant I've never seen your secret pass perhaps we'll call it the Whirlwind of Los Angeles watch this catch him hurry got to take that down we got it we got sorrow this time his goose is [Music] cooked oh sorry Corporal lost my [Music] balance well my dear you seem to be very concerned for that Outlaw not at all I I'm afraid that awful Zoro might escape from you once more [Music] goodbye [Music] Senor got Zoro Captain we might as well release these two suspects since neither one is you know Zoro oh no we won't Corporal we'll keep them locked up they are part of my plan citizens of Los Angeles all young men are suspected of being zoral Lancers round them up yes sir H pardon me Captain but I'm guessing that'd be half the men of Los Angeles that's a lot of men for [Laughter] sure I said arrest them you too my dear friend [Laughter] oh let's be serious I could never wriggle into zoro's clothes even with a girdle on I am not Zoro that's plain absurd that may be but he's in here among you I can feel it what you mean I'm locked up with that terrible Zoro that Bandit that Outlaw let me out of here ah Gonzalez you're just the man I need take over for me wait I just stuffed all the mattresses with new straw sorry Corporal but I am your sergeant that was an order all finished sergeant not a single Tater left what my my then we absolutely have to hurry and take all the prisoners out to the fields and gather more potatoes it's Main because they're innocent we must set them free I need to find a way to get out of here I have a good idea for two days for Two Moons no Foods graced our Forks or spoons and this upon the captain's orders shall we never again leave these borders stop it it's horrible every man must have food broiled boiled or stewed I'm dreaming be soup and cakes for my sweet friend no Sweet Tooth please stop him you have to help us my friends no need to applaud that was my morning poem soon you'll hear the midday the afternoon and the evening poems Captain sir we've nothing left to eat and Don Diego's poetry is keeping the soldiers from enjoying a siesta from doing chores sergeant only one thing interests me my plan's off to a good start because Zoro hasn't appeared once since we tossed all those suspects into prison which is proof positive that that Bandit is right here inside the Garrison you follow me Sergeant mhm Captain you're a genius oh look H uh that one there huh if this keeps up I'll lose a week's salary you bumbling fools is this how you guard the prison if Zoro isn't here he must be here how [Music] simple with all his obsessing over Zoro our dear Captain's gone Bonkers you may be right Sergeant h huh hands off Soldier you'll get yours and so will everyone else you you said everyone does that include US military men of course Sergeant we've even brought a double serving specially for you oh much of bles ladies iness lovely to see you as always you look Splendid even Behind Bars hello Antonio you seem to need a good bath well once the captain lets us out of this place I'll come visit you you haven't forgotten Antonio I'm still quite upset my goodness Diego we shouldn't make you sleep on the ground now don't worry Zoro will come and fix all of this Zoro it's his fault that we're locked up here Zoro is courageous and he'll fight for justice forgive me for interrupting your endearing reunion but Carmen viol longa you are under arrest Carmen there must be an error I saw what she did the other evening she helped Zoro get away that's called treason and arrest inesta she's obviously her accomplice that's absurd you might as well arrest my horse while you're at it right now hey no what out of my way I've now assembled all the bait we need to attract Sor I don't get any of this isn't Sor already locked up in the Garrison do you want me to repeat that for you again I will now release one by one our prisoners if one of them is Soro he will rush back to save Ines DEA and Carmen vialonga you see what I mean how will we know which one is Zoro it's very simple see Corporal Gonzalez here gave me the idea with his Shuffle the pebble game oo uh captain could we perhaps release Don Diego before anyone else we're fed up with his poetry Thea not a chance in Hades he Zoro empty bellies growl in the prison of Los Angeles California who me is craving pumpkin wait all right does anybody have a good rhyme with Squad that does it we will set him free first thank you Captain Don Pedro you were cleared in the investigation you can go home now not like Carmen vialonga or inesta those traitors they are riding at I speak on their way to Monteray taking the Camino Real they will certainly get banished by the governor go now you're free there you go if Zoro shows up on the Camino Real then the real Zoro can be none other than Don Pedro ah my dear DEA our investigation has cleared you and you're free to go home to and my sister iness and Carmen alas I cannot do anything anything for them they're on their way now to Monteray via the Beach Road the governor will certainly banish them this error is tragic I shall protest vehemently to the governor Sergeant will you accompany Don Diego home please by force if need be sir yes sir Don Diego I'm very sorry for Carmen and your sister iness you know who's to blame Gonzalez really sergeant worst thing is he'll get a fat promotion oh no I swear it was him and it was that bootlicker who gave the captain the idea to set you free so he could see if you're Zoro M interesting the captain told you the lovely Senoritas and took the Beach Road that way if you're Zoro you'd rescue them and the captain would have proof that Zoro is you mhm the captain did the same thing with joh Pedro but told him that they took the Camino Real my gracious don't you worry though Don Diego we all know you're not Zoro Sergeant I can't possibly prevent Gonzalez from coing up to the captain but I can offer you a hearty meal back at the [Music] hend [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] tornado yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] Renardo [Music] [Applause] [Music] stay hidden men if that devilish Zoro comes or rather Don Pedro we'll flail his hide what are you doing you waiting for someone yep waiting for Zoro we're going to trick him into huh alert Zoro what look out Zoro we got him we got Sor surround him this time he won't get away Don Pedro we got you catch him [Music] missed huh and watch this shoot beautiful day for a stroll gentlemen Los Angeles is just a 2-hour walk [Music] huh I see you've arrested US and it's all just one big trap for Zoro you ought to thank me I'm willing to overlook your suspicious Behavior once that Outlaw has been identified you will be allowed to return home calm down you two it's highly unlikely Zoro will show his face here we set a trap for Don Diego and as everyone knows he'd be one puny Avenger but I preferred to enjoy the company of you lovely Senoritas I couldn't leave you all alone on this beach in the dark of the night youo Sor my apologies Captain I'm a tad late it can't be him troops go get him [Music] Z help stop [Applause] Z quite a catch we have here no small fry onu guard you can take off the mask I know who you are Zoro you're Don Diego DEA Don Diego are you very sure that's for having arrested these Two Senoritas both charming and both innocent I got seed Captain monasterio promised to let us go Senor Zoro please don't get in worse trouble by hurting [Music] it was a pleasure to rescue you ladies adios what a show off that Zoro is you can run away Zoro but I've unmasked you I have [Laughter] won [Music] let's go tornado Don Diego are you up you ready to join me downstairs for breakfast winda Sergeant I slept like a baby go on down to the kitchen I'll join you there [Music] pH da you Maria you're raisin bread please huh Captain monasterio iness Carmen you're both free how wonderful Don Diego last night you were on the beach and you are the only one who knew we would be there that means that Sor is you pathetic little Outlaw huh I was s what B arrest him no wait hold on hey stop this Captain Diego citizens of Los Angeles you can now sleep easy that dastardly Zoro won't cause any more trouble here he is huh Diego Captain I'm pleased to say your plan worked Zoro galloped out onto the Camino Real Zoro stands before you Don Pedro it's not me I'm innocent wait how could that it doesn't matter Zoro has to be one of these two individuals I released he's either Don Pedro or Don [Applause] [Music] Diego huh where are the prisoners well see they all took off pretty early last night but if all our suspects went free last night that means that any one of them could be Zoro no no big deal Captain we can simply arrest them all again Gonzalez this whole idea was yours you fool prepare to scrape horseshoes for the next month get out of my sight Captain I've thought Matter's over and I've reached a decision this can't go on arrest me huh huh I can't bear this throw me in prison you will then see I'm truly innocent when the real Zoro shows up bring me my poetry books get out this Garrison is not a hotel gentlemen let me back in please
Channel: Zorro - The Masked Hero
Views: 15,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zorro, zorro the chronicles, zorro in english, zorro the chronicles in english, zorro cartoon, zorro 3D, sorro, antonio banderas, superhero cartoon, superhero, cartoons for kids, cartoon for children, full episodes, mexican cartoons, spanish cartoons, spanish superhero, zorro full episodes, Superhero, Masked vigilante
Id: AHdf6HQwrkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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