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hi I'm Anthony Mennella and I have to do a school project on zombies so one considering all my options for the project I figured the best way to get a good grade would be to turn someone into a real-life zombie now I knew this wouldn't be easy and for me to make this work I would have to do some heavy research on what it is that turn someone into a zombie I decided to take the airborne chemical that turns people into zombies and feed it through the vents in my room when my friend Matt was asleep thinking he was just invited over for a casual sleepover if he knew about my plan he never would have agreed in the early days azam B's it was said that the creator made couldn't mind control their zombies my friend Matt it used to be done with voodoo and spells and I didn't use any of that but hey if this worked it's just even more proof that he really was a zombie so to test it I asked him to do a little favor for me hey Matt mm-hmm could you um pass me my Mountain Dew hey dude no problem Thanks yeah no problem you head to me my Mountain Dew because I asked you for it yeah man that's what bros do it's weird it's almost like I was mind controlling you or something right whatever it worked but maybe that test was a little too simple in order to prove I was really controlling him I would have to ask him a question I knew he would never say yes to hey man yeah if I asked you uh totally out of the ordinary question would you answer it sure what is it if I asked you you just say just say yeah I had a little accident hypothetically speaking and I needed to borrow the underwear that you're wearing right now would you let me that's kind of weird but sure whatever so you would yeah sure sure sure whatever so can I borrow it yeah and you can borrow but can you just please pick up the controller though we're down like 10 points my thoughts exactly the next step was to test if he was losing any of his human emotions and what does every 90s kid never failed to cry at Toy Story I just take a step out for a little bit I gotta go sure he was clearly on to me so I had to make my next test a little more subtle zombies do not like the light in fact they're harmed by it so in order to test this and get accurate results I wanted to keep him in the dark for 24 hours before blinding him with a bright light to do this inconspicuously I told him we were just playing a simple game of hide-and-seek and I set up hidden cameras all around the rooms so I could keep an eye on oh and at this point I figured that the chemical in him was contagious so I had to take some safety precautions keep gum okay just stay here count two my birth year and I'm gonna go hide and one question why are you wearing a face mask it's your fella ptosis well my breath smells bad then why don't I just go don't touch me no need for that I'm just gonna get bring the mask and I'm gonna go hide you stay this pitch-black room I'll see you in a bit all right bud my plan was working and to guarantee that he couldn't leave the room until I wanted him to I locked the door 1,000 ease birthday again darn it all right well I'll just count to another thousand then three thousand okay I'm gonna go LaFrance yes [Music] Anthony Anthony locked me out shoot he probably thinks I want to get him out of his hiding spot price seriously lockout I simply waited for him to fall asleep before I continued with my plan [Music] yeah Yuval ice wow my eyes hey med you look a little pale and I was locked in a dark room for like 24 hours okay I've got a really bad skin condition I'm usually vitamin D decision I'm probably to meet some orange juice or something man really no it's just funny cuz that's something a zombie would say what oh nothing not only was he bothered by the light but he was paler now it was time to see if he had a desire for humans zombies have a hunger for human flesh and brains all the time but there was no way he would just admit that to me so I asked him to play game of Pictionary what he didn't know is that I swapped out every single one of the cards drawing suggestions with an everyday word that could be interpreted the wrong way brain food if he interpreted it like a zombie I know if you wanted to eat me oh and I think he was onto the mask so I put on something a little less suspicious and don't get me wrong I love pictionary oh yeah me too but why on earth are we playing with you dressed up in a gas mask okay listen I didn't want to say anything before but your breath is getting real bad you're hella ptosis you need to keep up with that alright I'll just go brush my teeth no no no no let's just what all right then I go first okay that's kind of a weird one but alright don't worry um brain food yeah how'd you get it that quick oh that's just a really great drawing of a zombie that's a picture of spaghetti because spaghetti is my brain food I love eating spaghetti it was clearly a brain but since he wouldn't admit it it was time to see what he guessed from my drawing oh no me ready got this time but wait how how can we have gotten the first one in or not forget I said anything okay let's go okay is it a car no it's your house you guys it's my house getting closer is it an elephant it's brain food wait how could it be brain food I just had brain food oh that's something you played pictionary an okay so that was a close call and I still wasn't to get him to admit that he was hungry for human flesh so I asked him to cook us dinner and the only agreement that I left him in the fridge a human body where did I get the body you asked that is not important don't worry about that just um you know I haven't seen you touch your food once look I had to make do with what I had in there okay listen you did such a favor for me cooking that delicious scrumptious meat that I left for you in the fridge I think you deserve the first bite as much as I appreciate that compliment I gotta let you in on something you see this right here this is takeout wait then what's this that's the food from the fridge that I made for you and this is something over from like Popeyes or something I don't know do you wanna maybe oh no no no thank you come on no you don't it's only wasn't that bad the point being that he was getting smart I think he knew what I was doing so the final step is to try and kill him the only way to kill a zombie is by shooting it in the head or slicing its head completely off so if I tried to kill him with a knife or something that would kill a typical human and he survived that would clearly mean that he was a zombie my mountain is over there then what I've been drinking the whole time is not the Mountain Dew yeah you can borrow it but can you just please pick up the controller though we're down like ten points in mind control they're zombies hey I got what does every night as a kid never failed to cry at toys that's Fisher spaghetti it was clearly a great car it's your house a human body wasn't that bad okay yeah I see I put the mountain dew in the fence and I've been drinking the chemical this whole time well I guess this concludes my project and it's safe to say that zombies don't exist because I've been drinking this the whole time and I'm fine but I still have hope that someday I'll create a real zombie thank you so much for watching I'm Man thuvan illa and we'll see you guys next time hey guys real quick I want to say thank you so much for getting us to 75,000 subscribers that is insane and from day one on YouTube my goal is them to get to 100,000 subscribers and now we're in that final stretch there and when we reach it we want to do something big for you guys we don't know what yet and we don't know when we're gonna hit it yet I still really appreciate it I just want to say thank you with that being said thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a like leave a comment down below letting us know what you thought and subscribe for more videos coming soon if you 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Channel: Culter35
Views: 1,871,922
Rating: 4.6508255 out of 5
Keywords: Anthony Mennella, Culter35, Skits, YouTube, Comedy, Parody, Skit, Vlog, Tag, zombie, zombies, zombies in real life, zombie apocalypse, the walking dead, zombie prank, nanobots, fungi, ophiocordyceps, neurotoxin, fugu, mad cow disease, parasites, brain, brain parasites, dawn of the dead, 28 days later, apocalypse, top 5, top5s, new, prank, zombie apocalypse prank, how to survive a zombie apocalypse, survive a zombie, zombie apocalypse survival, reakl zombies, sightings, nazi zombies
Id: Ebn3kdamy20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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