Zombie Paintball! Corn Maze Zombies! Boo Barn! Great Pumpkin Farm - Clarence, NY

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laughs [Music] hey you all carpetbagger here along with Jen hi today here in Clarence Clarence now Clarence New York more specifically we're at the Great Pumpkin Farm Great Pumpkin Farm uh I've done a lot of haunted houses a lot of spooky places this Halloween so I thought we'd take it down a notch here Jen told me she said we should do some fun fall things and I'm like like go to haunted houses and she's like no there's other things you can do pumpkin in the fall involving pumpkins involving corn some good agrotourism experiencing today here at the pumpkin farm so please follow us see these Sideshow banners here it's things we can see inside the boo Barn it's a sea captain Kelly the talking pirate head the voltex it says there is a a hungry sleeping ogre evil hag witches and look at this it says there is a laughing Sal inside the boo Barn I can't wait to get to the boobard it says welcome to the Great Pumpkin Farm you can see the king of the pumpkin farm right there [Music] here's a maze of hay if you enter maze okay amazing it's a corn maze no it's a hay maze all right you were right here enter here through the hay tunnel I don't know are you following me there you are hi hey okay oh no now we're stuck in a hay maze oh wait no we do have a Divergence here which way this way that way okay oh no Jen you got us lost oh I found it I found the way out got some carnival rides over here we have the Wipeout and then some sort of uh looks like some sort of car themed spinny ride here so this is like a hot air balloon train actually have them in hot air balloons but on a train track kind of an interesting combination of a flying uh vehicle in a ground vehicle here all right so now that we've had some practice in the hay maze we head to the big time the corn maze all right here's a map of the corn maze you can see it's actually a big skull have you ever been to the Corn Maze Before yes your how your how are your corn maze skills not good not good oh no I got um lost in one until like they close and then they just escorted me out basically yeah yeah but watch out because today it says there are zombies wandering around in the corn maze oh my gosh maybe they could help us out maybe they will because they're friendly zombies of course in any corn maze there are important pieces of corn etiquette that you have to follow State on the established paths don't cut through the corn or tape don't pick up or throw corn no smoking or open Flames otherwise they'll hook entire maze to go up in flames and no alcohol because you can't have a bunch of drunk nonsense happening in corn man that's totally throwing cornet all right in to the corn we're never gonna make it out sure we will we're gonna be in here until you're your next video oh no look at that there's a corn zombie over here corn zombie watch out Chad now this corn maze actually isn't all that tall which is helpful you can kind of look around and see the different paths oh Hound it's a happy corn clown what are you doing there Cornflower oh look at slurkey oh geez that's spooky endless endless tunnels and rows of corn here oh look at this and I think I see another another zombie here in the cord so yeah the trick to beating a corn maze keep walking through the corn continuously aimlessly until you see the exit and at that point you uh you no longer have to be in the corn maze all right it says high five we got out alive do you want to give him a high five there yes we made it and we didn't even cheat all right next up we're gonna do the hayride here you can see the scare her there and the Pumpkin coach oh and there's Cinderella poking her head out hello all right getting into the hay here all right off on our great hay ride so you've been on a hayride before Jen yeah you know it's like a what a hayride is you take a tractor pulls you on a cart and you sit on hay and it's just kind of a nice relaxing fall activity I've never seen a mouse on a hayride driving alongside the corn maze here I gotta keep our eye out for some zombies oh you can see these trees over here have faces all right looks like we're going through this spooky Barn here thank you oh yeah there's something something spooky right there the little cow train there for the kids [Applause] this jungle gym here themed after Raiders of the Lost Ark see Indiana Jones there on the side [Applause] oh dear I've been there before I know what you people are feeling oh goodness [Music] [Music] this giant pillow here for kids to flop around on I want to run up and jump and catapult the children I think that would be a fun activity for all right Jim we're gonna do some some zombie zombie basketball here oh almost did that one go in I didn't see they wanted you to play basketball so did you um were you were you good no you have to run and I'm fat I'm not good at running either look this one has the bride let's see how you do yeah those are fun wait you do it one-handed who that's how we do it in Indiana that would have been much cooler if I would yes I was like that would have been very all right you need to say the line again and then do it again this is how we do it in India all right let's try it again and this is how we do it in Indiana oh and this is how we do it yay I do like I do like the football team here we got the skeleton and Satan versus Jason Voorhees and a werewolf yeah all right you Gotta Sink one in yeah all right well I'm gonna get one now is that how you doing in Indiana too oh wait hold on okay Is How We Do It in the air oh we got baseballs now all right maybe it'll be better all right oh no here we go again nope is he the uh umpire the Umpire no that's the catcher the catcher who's the Umpire I don't know I just thought it'd be funny if he was the Umpire [Music] uh maybe I wasn't I think I got on camera I just wasn't paying attention no all right next up we have the Apple Cannon blasters as we fire these cannons and shoot rotten apples at Targets do you think he'll be better at this than football oh probably I'd almost have to all right grab a bucket of apples here all right no there's a trigger on the oh all right Shoot the Apple okay I'm gonna aim for this little pumpkin oh you hit the school bus back there that's a lot of force right there oh do you need those at least just for effect oh wow that's really all right you ready all right put the Apple in hold it I think either pull it or push it in there you go [Music] oh wow all right we've got more than one apple I don't know if you didn't say I was actually thinking the same thing here do that and your arms are ready [Music] sight's a little off it exploded on the ground there you go oh you hit that guy in the back oh you have one the Apple like turns to Vapor shooting the Apple can it's pretty fun but here they have a pumpkin Cannon hooked up to this fire truck here oh yeah let's just saying hold it there and at the same time be looking out at the tree okay okay all right so we push this in geez all right it's loading loading up the pumpkin Cannon all right Jen I'm gonna do the pumpkin Cannon I'm gonna point out this way so we can see the pumpkin flyer next uh family couples fall entertainment we have the zombie paintball train [Music] all right boarding the zombie paintball train here all right Jenny you ready we ever shot zombies before I have actually it was super fun all right I'm gonna get we're gonna pop some of those evil Undead creatures for they eat our brains with paint with paint is that how is that the secret to killing zombies yes head shots with paint headshots with paint yes we're shooting real people in the head I'm not sure if the real people are just like cardboard guys all right well I don't know we'll shoot something here we go zombie train taking off oh here we go where are we going should I shoot that family oh no watch out families walk in front of the zombie train here so we had I guess we're heading into the into the corn there's zombies in the corn oh look there's a zombie it's not being a phone booth right there is that working oh there there we go oh more zombies oh my God there's something 12 foot skeleton s oh zombie zombie Cemetery over here that's a real Cemetery it's real grapes oh look at the zombie zombie bus right there maybe out of paint you're out of paint what if there's more zombies all right here's the cemetery yeah it uses like old real gravestones oh there's a zombie driving a car all right here we go we got toll booth zombie there all right gonna get in line here get a little bit of cider all right is that good it's a good slushie I don't know how you don't love cider slash I've never had one before that's insane like maybe there's pilgrimages for ciders I think this is a new maybe it's a New York thing maybe so is that a good is that a good question try the spider slushy your first slider slushies cider slushy the other one it's literally Frozen cider like frozen apple juice with frozen apple juice what's the difference between cider and apple juice I don't know cider sweeter it looks pretty good it's amazing oh look at this we have the uh Stay Puff Marshmallow Man there let's see under this giant skeleton there they're quite a few pumpkins look like pumpkins are 60 cents a pound I honestly I honestly don't know if that's a good price for pumpkins or not oh look at these bumpy pumpkins I remember one year bought some of these bumpy pumpkins to carve and they were really hard to carve they're almost uncarveable the bumpiness like makes them super like super difficult to cut through see this giant skeleton here has picked out a pumpkin of his own it's always fascinated by gourds when I was a kid actually like these better than pumpkins I liked how there are so many different weird shapes and configurations the little gourds yeah look at this tiny pumpkin right here a pumpkin in my pocket yeah no it's too big no I think that would fit here well I can't put in my pocket they'll think I'm stealing it that's possible let's see this scarecrow there in a in a staring contest with this uh with this Crow trying to scare that Crow off but the crow seems unfazed looking over here at top the pumpkin patch you have the lord of the pumpkins here we have some Day of the Dead skeletons he's the Great Pumpkin pyramid right there you can see a skeleton crawling up the side of the pyramid and then they uh well flying monkey here what's it say on his hat says a million poppies gonna make you sleep oh my gosh look at his eyes see lurking here in the pumpkin patch we have the steampunk zombie over here I'm gonna run the other side looks like a steampunk scarecrow see the skeletons glowering over the pumpkin there a lot of giant skeletons here at the pumpkin patch the Big Pumpkin mouth monster there looks like the old version of the Ecto one there a little Slimer there riding on the front Jen you want to take some of these watermelons home you don't like carving pumpkins do you like carving watermelon yes that's what we'll call a watermelon no I'm really gonna hold you to that okay are we really gonna carve a watermelon yes I promise you on camera since we're not carving a pumpkin this year that this summer no I mean this year we're gonna stop at the store and go get watermelon and watermelon's not in season is it doesn't matter we're not eating it okay I promise that at some point we'll carve a watermelon Maybe you have a corn teepee here what's going on in the TV just hanging out in the in the corner no climbing of the Corn teepee of course if the witch's brew bar here some great murals in here to the skeleton pulling his head off Vampire there there's the mummy and oh look there's Frankenstein and his bride it's like they're uh it's like they're going on a date up above this screaming tree a little flying monkey oh you got another apple cider I did but this one's alcohol is an adult that's an adult apple cider what is a poison apple poison apple how is it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] looks like we have a shooting gallery over here a little bear there in the uh in the center oh yeah a little bear head there in the middle one guy over there skeleton cowboy in there it's like there's like a bartender who's a bear all right go Jen go go go is it doing anything we gotta shoot the targets [Music] is it broke oh there we go we made the snake come out there all right moved over we're gonna try a different gun here because the other ones seem to be malfunctioning this one doesn't seem to want to take our money oh there we go let's do uh unlimited shots all right go for it Jen go for it shoot that bear oh there we go yo what did we shoot happy over here oh brings the rings the bell over Pappy's head oh look at this big guy right here he looks like he may be a former animatronic I think what's most interesting about this giant pumpkin head is he has he has gourd eyebrows pretty cool I didn't even notice that it's surrounded here by all these scarecrow pumpkin heads sorry you can't talk anymore buddy all right Jen be a scarecrow something scary if you only had a brain over here there's a witch there's a witch legs that's a pumpkin this is witch legs no you just put your waist up to the Witch Ways [Music] I don't know that's my scary noise apparently all right let me back up no no cackle we can see the witch with The Cauldron there oh no Jen you're with your part of a witch's still you're burning is it really hot oh no oh man we got some pumpkin trivia here let's see what was the largest pumpkin pie the largest pumpkin pie ever made was how big um three three what I don't know I'm gonna say 25 feet across three thousand open it up open up what was your guess three 432. that's crazy five five feet what's closer with three that's the prices right rules I would have won that doesn't even weighed over 350 pounds only five feet okay still pretty big that's a big pumpkin it's quite the ghoulish seen here a skeleton riding a skeleton horse there's a a death carriage pulled by some skeleton horses okay hey Garfield hey how's it going all right all right you got a little petting zoo over here see the cow and a white donkey and get some food here to all right how much how much corn you get for your quarters like a rhinocerosome yeah sure there's a quarter's worth of corn actually it's kind of a lot it keeps coming um there we go Mr alpaca do you want some food [Music] I can't open it very much or it'll smell like that is he not interested is he maybe he's just been eating all day maybe he's not just he's eating hay that means it's hungry there we go [Music] it tickles yeah you're not gonna roll out you're not doing that weird dance like the other um wonder the name of the goat on the goat boat and door there's like tooth grinder and who else I think it's tooth grinder and tooth gnasher I think that's tooth grinder stream you guys scream but now the fun and games and we are here at the boo Barn where we shall experience pure unadulterated Terror that sounds scary you scared all right you ready I am heading into the boo Barn oh the giant pumpkin mouth here ready to oh here's our maitre d welcoming us to the boo Barn [Music] oh these pumpkins here terrified ah look at this there's bats and UFOs and big Smiley moons the graveyard scene here skeleton in the casket I love this little goat guy here I think he's great he's really cool [Music] horrifying ghouls as well [Music] scared I am are there any jump scares in the Boot Barn no no but you just scared me and made me jump when you did that looks like pretty scary ghosts ahead this way yeah there's pumpkins the trees are scared oh look at the old witch head there oh geez why would you do that wasn't a place to scare people oh look at this alien here a little pumpkin oh there's a scarecrow and a mummy and a little singing bust there who's this guy hiding in the corner there is it whistling that's pretty cool all right some spooky creatures over here there's like a T-Rex head sticking out there just look at all these different ghouls but oh I love this guy here you can see he's got his eyes move and his mouth move what is he like a puffer pig is he like what's a puffer Pig Star Wars so he looks like a puffer pig from Star Wars yeah I don't know what he is but he's really he's really cool looking oh there's a little skull on the end table there oh the boob Barn is terrifying the ghoul's there this guy's holding a flat screen TV see American Gothic there in skeleton form actually the pumpkin wielding Dragon there oh look at the spooky witch the skeletons in carbonite does everything have to be Star Wars Peppa Pig and skeletons and carbonate oh wait there's the scaredy cat exit are you going out this character I like how there's a security cat exit but you have to like walk past this hideous clown to get there so I guess that's the chicken exit so I guess there's some terrifying things to come so this way to ghosts goblins The Troll And The Vortex let's see the goblin up there we have the the fun house mirror no there's all these cool witches here looks like a coven of witches one of these cool Little Goat creatures but look back there it's our gal laughing Sal always like keeping my eye out for a laughing Sal great to see great to see Sal here all right so I guess the true horror though oh yeah there's little cute bats I guess it truly gets horrifying in this wait this place going first you're gonna go first this is I think this is the spooky section it's getting darker oh this is oh look at this this is the Grateful Undead like you know the Grateful Dead is a band that plays instruments and this is the Grateful Undead because they're skeletons and not regular people like the Grateful Dead is grateful Undead so the Grateful Dead is a band Yes is still a band but they're skeletons instead of yeah because they're they're dead yeah they're skeletons pretty cool the big skull here is scary which a lot of scary witches in here oh yeah it's a cute little cute little rat there oh look at that witch head oh the troll [Music] so I'll have you home for dinner oh you see open his eyes there oh he's asleep all right go Jen are you too scared avoid the vortex oh did you tell me you've never been in a Vortex before I'm switching to not sunglasses yeah why are you wearing your sunglasses in a haunted house all right I'm so excited Jen Jen's first uh Vortex tunnel all right let's go in there's a chicken exit oh don't take the chicken exit all right going to the this is a dark Vortex tunnel here but uh come on in Jenkins [Music] oh no stairs upstairs be careful all right and there's the exit we made it are you mortified mortified horrified [Music] hey Jim hey you're a scarecrow oh so we exit through the gift shop but see there's even more witches a lot of witches okay okay and here next to Medusa we have our old friend zoltar looks like and I can see your future come see it too though yeah yeah absolutely we will uh give him his his dollar here I've never done a solitaire either you've never done a zoltar I am full please didn't carefully I'm about to tell you you are a very virtuous person you have children the man of righteousness and you will be very happy you are not easily influenced your relatives have a great deal of respect for you you know that you have a key in mind and an understanding nature you have a good faith of value love is one of these days oh I will put an advertisement for the gift shop here I like this little recorder here yeah it's got a little flute there nope nope no fortune though what are you waiting for come on over there you see the official Great Pumpkin Farm sweatshirt there being held by Dracula himself oh you got an evil an evil science orb there yeah you got these uh look at these skeletal musicians you can either have a Bluegrass player or a punk rock skeleton you have a witch tearing her own head off oh then this uh it's like the hunchback from Notre Dame there yeah they have a large varieties spooky oh why would you sneak up and scare me that's not funny yeah he tears off his own head thank you guys for joining us here today at uh the Great Pumpkin Farm doing some low-key Halloween activities as well as well as shooting some zombies and and the boo Barn was actually pretty fun yeah that was really cool actually a lot of cool little props actually in the boobard so uh definitely uh definitely had a good day here is going as a haunt yeah there was no jump scares I don't think yeah that's not oh that's mean thank you guys so much uh for watching us if you like these videos please subscribe uh check out Jen's Channel at uh Jenny Penny that's me on YouTube and uh if you'd like to help support this channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also selling enamel pins in the Etsy shop and all that helps go to keep this train zombie train the zombie train on the track this boat in the water and this original in the air look at my nails too they're cute Halloween's almost over so I have to show them off okay and on that note this one's in
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 31,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, fall, zombie, corn maze, paintball, paint ball, zombie paintball, halloween, autumn, leaves, pumpkings, pumpkins, pumpkin, boo barn, fun, roadside attraction, roadside america, jack o lantern, jack-o-lantern, new york, new york state, upstate new york
Id: EufO67EcQ44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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