Zimbabwe while towing my wife's vanity case

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[Music] welcome to another episode of overlanding with Bruce in this episode we will be visiting zbc in guu and then heading to the guu military museum before heading to Choi caves and chake springs and yes we're going to be towing a caravan which is also known as my wife's vanity [Music] gas [Music] we left early afternoon as we had to get to guu by 8:00 a.m. the next morning unfortunately we couldn't leave earlier due to my wife's work commitments so we're going to have to break some rules and the main one being traveling at night we arrived in guu early the next morning we I had to be at zbc Central radio for a radio interview with shepher and it's finally here where we get to do some uh overlanding with Bruce we get to talk about uh his journeys in Zimbabwe and how he has seen Zimbabwe so far and remember this special program is brought To Us by the Zimbabwe tourism Authority they said let's get to jump on and just partner this uh program as we get to talk about tourism also in Zimbabwe and also chasing Smiles uh over Al Bruce good morning and welcome to Central radio good morning I'm so sorry I'm at late but but uh I got stuck in Road works and all sorts of things but thank you so much for having me here I'm so pleased to be here as they say better late than never Linda from Zimbabwe tourism and shepher took us to the guu military museum after the interview which was a really nice surprise this is uh the Zimbabwe Military Museum it is the head office of the central region of national museums and monuments of Zimbabwe National museums is divided into five region so as a central region our major focus is the military history of the country as the military museum we collect military paraphernalia basically the guns the the the the uniforms and the are pons the medals we we have the maps military maps of course you may not see some of these things uh but you are going to see major stuff which relate to the military history of the country basically we are looking at the military history gallery and the police Gall the museum is made up of several displays showing previous uniforms and weapons then there are various Vehicles both Army and police outside with a few aircraft a few hundred meters up the road in a large hanger I was unfortunately not allowed to film a lot in the displays inside but I was allowed to film The displays outside [Music] now you may remember these Vias F Guns from a previous video of mine here is what they used to look like when they were in service in the early ' 80s this one first flew on the 28th of March 1956 with this last last flight being on the 31st of May 1985 so this one retired earlier than those ones in chutu this one started its life out on the 20th of July 1956 where it used to fly from the then yans smutz airport in Johannesburg South Africa to hea airport in London [Music] England it's pretty cramped inside and I couldn't imagine flying to London in it especially when you my size [Music] there are quite a few different military aircraft on display in the main hanger inside while wandering around these old aircraft I could not help a wonder about their history where they had flown who had flown them and how much work and effort it must have been to maintain them [Music] this Cambra beat 2 when it was delivered in 1959 must have been a massively Advanced aircraft over its [Music] time now this strange little aircraft was designed by French radio engineer Henry manette it was a result of his ambition to design a safe airplane that could be built quickly and cheaply by any amateur familiar with simple Woodwork and metal workk skills it had a top speed of 100 km an hour believe it or not not very safe if you ask me it's amazing how Technology's moved on H while wandering around and looking at all this equipment and aircraft I actually find it a little bit sad in a [Music] [Music] way [Music] this is probably one of the most famous aircraft ever built a supermarine Spitfire it's been on display in Guero Military Museum since 1993 PK 355 was built at the castle Bromwich Factory in Birmingham England and delivered to the then Southern vesian Air Force with serial number 65 on the 28th of March 1951 it transferred to the Royal ran Air Force at the time in October 1954 after its active service PK 355 was initially displayed at the bware Museum from June 1955 to 1957 then went on to be displayed mounted on a plinth at Thornell Airbase between 1960 and 1981 I just want to give a massive thank you to Shephard from zbc Linda from Zimbabwe tourism and Mr gutu from Central regions museums for the absolutely fascinating trip through the military history of Zimbabwe if you're ever in guu make sure to stop by and pay them a visit it was time to head to Cheno which was around 280 km from [Music] guu looks like the area around the old vikon in chugu has been cleaned up since last passing through here and there's a few Traders so hopefully there's people stopping to have a look at these old aircraft trying to find some accommodation in Cheno and receiving to be frank some crazy quotes for very basic accommodation in the area that were actually even more expensive than staying in places like leopard Rock Hotel for example we decided to risk it and stay at chinoi Cave's campsite against all recommendations on the internet shortly after setting our camp we had a visitor Muna who had seen the Landy and watches the channel came to say hi Muna has dreams of working in tourism one day and has grown up in a family who work in tourism great to meet you mun and thank you for coming to say hi the next morning we were awake early excited to see the chinoi caves and excited to head down down to the zambesi [Music] valley also got the opportunity to hand out some soccer balls in the morning traffic now this campsite is right next to the A1 which is the main road that heads from Harari to Zambia the campsite does however stretch back a good kilometer away from the main road the trucks were a bit noisy but it grew quiet from about 6:30 p.m. speaking of facilities the bathrooms were absolutely spotless and had obviously recently been renovated the water was hot so the shower was good too day visitors also used different facilities to the overnight guests now bear in mind this was fairly early in the morning and we saw staff cleaning up the areas where day visitors had bried the day before certainly a very welome Care [Music] Facility we also met Anin and burnt who had been traveling through Zambia on their Adventure [Music] bikes before heading to Mona pools we decided to go and see the Choi caves I had seen them many years ago when I was a kid so it was a nice walk down memory lane hopefully you can see me we're in the Choi caves and a bit of a story to get in here because uh there's no change at the entrance so I'm not sure how everyone's paying and getting their change so if you're camping here it's uh $10 a night per person and then you pay $3 to get into the cave um but there's no change so try and come with small denomination notes the bird life is surprising and almost deafening and the water in the sleeping pool is crystal clear and there's even fish in it can you believe that surrounded by a national park the Choi caves are a National Monument the caves consist of a system of tunnels and cavins and are composed of limestone and Dolomite The Descent to the main cave with its pool of cobalt blue water is spectacular the chinoi cave system is regarded as a dying one in geological time spans because they are slowly collapsing let has it that a visitor cannot successfully throw a stone across the pool as the sacred spirits who watch over the pool will catch it and bestow a curse upon the person who threw it I'm not taking any chances the cave is also known to the locals as chiro rwa which means pool of the Fallen It is believed that by local communities that the caves were used as a refuge by a bandit called yaka who murdered many victims by throwing them into the silent pool he was eventually defeated and killed by chinoi who became the local M chief to explore both sections you need to be fairly fit because there's a lot of climbing up stairs so you'll certainly get your steps in also wear some decent shoes and carry a torch as you'll see I made the mistake of not doing either I can't actually see where I'm going there's no lights in here there are a few lights but not enough to get to all channels of this cave and I should have bought a torch so if you come bring a torch okay so don't be like BR and we slops on this little adventure with some decent walking shoes it's funny some of your steps actually sound hollow so I'm not sure if there's caves under where we walking but it sounds like it is and it's quite a steep climb out of here we left Choi Recreational Park happy that we had decided to stay there I think it's also perfectly positioned for an overnight stop if you camp in before heading for the zambesi valley or kba we will definitely be back on future trips from there to short 175 km trip to the makuti turnoff to Kuba where we also filled up with fuel before heading to mororo to check in and then it's a short 7 km drive down the escarment into the zambesi valley where you turn off the main road and hit the dirt please be careful on this entire A1 route as it's narrow with many pool and many trucks from the main gate junaka sagana gate is only about 30 km you then sign in again and you turn right towards chake Springs it's so great to be in the zambesi valley again I was a little worried about toing the Caravan through to chake but was very surprised at how much the tracks have been opened up since I was here a year ago clearly more people had been visiting the [Music] area [Music] this is quite amazing how things have changed here is what it looked like almost exactly a year ago at this exact spot I've read a lot of complaints from people saying they didn't see many animals in the area well that's too be expected I think there's a super pride of I think it was 22 lions that keep all the animals on their toes so they tend to disappear fairly quickly when anything strange appears in their [Music] [Music] area [Music] our home for the next two nights came into view just wait until you see this campsite welcome to camp bobab at chiaki Springs it would be very hard for me to choose between this campsite or campsite next to the river both have their good points both are spectacular when massive advantage of having a caravan like this is that it's so easy to set up so you don't waste too much time building Camp before you can light the fire sit and [Music] relax I have seen some spectacular sunsets in my travels but it's hard to beat this one let me show you how the colors change during sunset in the zambesi valley it's really strange in the bush there's a short period where where grows absolutely silent without anything making a noise this happens just after the sun disappears below the Horizon and then this happens Dr blind so [Music] close [Music] being on high alert with all these lies around we heard some noises in the bushes nearby us thankfully it was only an elephant but as I was shining the torch something caught according of my eye it was a female lion that had run between two bushes barely 30 m away from us we headed into the Caravan and turned on all the lights only to see another female about 80 M behind the the Caravan after turning on the lights they turned around and headed back down the road and disappeared into the darkness I've been told in the past that the best defense for lions at night is a really bright torch it seemed to have worked this time I don't know what their intentions were but I'm glad I noticed him the next morning we were awake early just before the sun appeared on the horizon to the chorus of birds and the bo of baboons in the distance the moon was still high in the sky and the Babs glowed red with the Rising Sun I don't think it could get any more spectacular than this [Music] [Music] for [Music] we decided to go for a drive to the Springs to see if we could see the lies that had made so much noise last night unfortunately they were hidden away somewhere probably lying with their bellies full and tired after last night's shenanigans [Music] the Chucky river is fed by a spring and both were very dry at the time [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] oh with not much to see we headed back to camp and just decided to lay around the campsite for the [Music] day late in the afternoon a troop of baboons came and set up camp in the bay Babs above us apart from a few noisy childr that were sorted out very quickly by the adults they were fairly quiet as soon as the sun went down then on Q as the sun dipped below the Horizon the lion [Music] [Music] started in all honesty I was a little sad to have only spent two nights here but I was looking forward to the next part of our journey which would see us heading to towards chori an area I'd never been before so the next morning after coffee we packed up buried the ashes and hi it for [Music] [Applause] chori a drive like this is always like a game drive through a national park so it's less boring than sitting on an open Highway that way you're also not rushing from point A to point B the whole time which you often see in Botswana during the busier [Music] [Music] months [Music] after a short drive from the campsite we were back at the main track towards chori we were still a little unsure whether we would make it all the way because we had mixed reports about bridges being washed out during recent rains time will tell if we'll make [Music] it we find ourselves in an amazing campsite with some really thoughtful items included in the campsite that you never see anywhere in southern [Music] Africa Canon also takes us up the river fishing along the way we see some elephants take a swim to an island and we see lots of hippos I also warned Canon that I'm not a very good fisherman and that he would need to show me exactly how to do this thing see how tin this these are the ones which we used to finally I catch a tiger fish and feel very proud of myself until this [Music] happens I would also like to thank everybody for your support we've recently hit 10,000 subscribers and I'm she just blown away I don't even know what to say anymore so thank you so much for your support and thank you for watching you me
Channel: Overlanding with Bruce
Views: 30,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zimbabwe, travelzimbabwe, explorezimbabwe, zimbabweadventures, visitzimbabwe, zimtravel, zimbabwetourism, africanadventure, safarizimbabwe, wildlifezimbabwe, victoriafalls, culturalheritagezimbabwe, zimbabwelandscapes, africansafari, zimroadtrip, zimbabwephotography, zimbabwevlog, zimbabweholidays, offthebeatenpath, travelafrica, zimbabwehistory, zimbabweculture, zimbabwetraveltips, zimbabwebucketlist, dinosaurfootprints, zimbabwedinosaurs, paleontologyzimbabwe, prehistoriczimbabwe, speleology, airforce, military aircraft
Id: 8sv1R56BBVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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