The Simple TRUTH About GOALS and How They Can Make You RICH! | Zig Ziglar MOTIVATION

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hello believe nation I started the mentor me series with the idea to spend a little bit more time with people who've done a lot more than us and hopefully by watching their videos a little bit about their mindsets their beliefs their values their work ethic the way they think rubs off onto us so that we can be the best version of ourselves so today we're going to learn from Zig Ziglar on motivation mentor music and as a reminder for you guys as Zig is talking if he says something that's really inspirational or motivating for you make sure to write it in the comments below and put it with quotes around it so other people can be inspired as well I'm not gonna spend much time on work and don't look shocked it's not that I don't think it's tremendously important because it is we've got to accept responsibility we've got to accept the fact that we've got to perform and as I tell the kids all over America today now is the best time you'll ever have in life to get ahead now is the most opportune time in America that it has ever been to get ahead here's what I say if you show up for work on time and stay there until the appointed departure time if you do what they pay you to do and then they pay you then nobody owes anybody anything now if you want to raise get there a few minutes early ask for extra things to do be cheerful and positive and optimistic and helpful don't goof off and try to get out of work deliberately seek the boss to find extra work and then I will absolutely guarantee you a raise in short order now your current employer might not be the one to give you the raise but somebody down the streets gonna see what you're doing and they're gonna say if that's the boy I want working for me that's the girl I want working for me because he or she are doing more than they're paid to do that's the way you get a raise oh don't misunderstand you got to work you you can't be like this old boy down home and you're gonna find out earlier than an awful lot of old boys down home somebody at least they're worth when I was down there somebody asked him how long you've been working for his continent he said ever since they threatened to fire me so that's about the size of it yeah but here's what we've discovered if you got a good self-image if you have your goals set in life if you've got the right mental attitude nobody has to tell you go to work that just follows naturally so this is what we're going to work on and you got to have a desire to succeed you can't just casually want the good things in life it's got to become a passion for you your dream has got to be more than just an idle thoughts you got to be willing to build a foundation under it and that's for sure we're going to be taking these steps and quite obviously ladies and gentleman I believe that these steps are what is necessary but let me let me identify to you what one of the major problems in America is one of the problems as you see we have said to people all of these things are available we've shown in the big homes the big cars the swimming pools the jet set the you know that style of living that a lot of people say yeah I'd kind of like that then on the other side of the ledger we have said everybody not only can get these things but everybody deserves these things America is a rich and affluent land and everybody can get them then we have another segment of society that says that crime is caused by poverty with one segment saying you deserve these things and you ought to have them and another segment saying that crime is caused by poverty we subliminally subconsciously plan a thought don't wait to get it go get it right now there has never been a definitive study that establishes any correlation between crime and poverty during the Great Depression the crime rate was much lower in 1939 than it was in 1930 at the end of a decade of the roughest depression our country has overhead so what we're saying is let's start climbing some steps you see we could draw you an elevator to the top but I'd have to be honest and say the elevator doesn't work you're gonna have to start taking these steps and you're going to have to take them one at a time but I've discovered that people don't mind taking the steps if you tell them where they are show them how many there are and then tell them exactly how to climb the steps but you see you gotta climb the steps you can't skip them on September the 15th 1944 in Jackson Mississippi at the YWCA at exactly 18 minutes after 8 o'clock I saw the participant over by the Nickelodeon now some of you won't know what a Nickelodeon is that's a jukebox ok and I thought to myself boy what I'd really like to do is I'd like to go over there and I'd like to grab her in my arms and I'd like to start hugging her and kissing her right now that's exactly what I wanted to do but if I had she wouldn't be sitting here is my wife of over 30 years today because I would have skipped too many steps so I did something real original I walked up to her and I said and she said hi and the first thing you know since it was a dance that we were little YWCA dancing we were dancing and I got a telephone number that night we had a lot of telephone calls and and then one day I said hey we ought to be going out and she said okay so we had a date then we had an oven in another one and then you know it wasn't but two years and two months and 11 days and one hour later that she became my very own but we took some steps along the way I don't care a bright you are in school you cannot move from 2 times 2 equals 4 into analytical geometry you got to take some steps now the mistake a lot of people make is they get on one step and sit there you know that's not what I'm talking about either what I'm talking about is taking these steps and then you will get these number of years ago Laura majors my executive assistant got a phone call from a lady in Birmingham Alabama and then of the conversation she said Zig she said I believe this woman thinks she's got an impossible problem but I believe you can solve that problem her with her in just a few minutes if you will spend that time with her I said well Lori tell her to meet me backstage I'll get there about 10 minutes early they my schedule was such that was about all I had well I got there and I was on the backstage behind the curtain on one side she spotted me from the other side and if she walked across the stage I have never seen as much anger in a human being in my life as I saw in her she almost started crying when she saw me see that oh I'm just so glad to see you I got this horrible job I hate it I hate everything about it I hate everybody I mean you talking about negative nails she was it she said can you help me now understand I've only got about ten minutes so I looked at her and one thing I have learned I don't do counseling but I talk with a lot of people who do in psychologist psychiatry and the ministry and they tell me that everybody who comes to you with a problem are not necessarily looking for a solution I couldn't understand that for a long time why do they bring your problem if they don't want to solve it well I can tell you why they want to tell you about it you about it you better you about it you about and if you foul up the deal then solve the problem they can tell you again you again they want the attention that goes with the problem and every company just about it has that kind of an individual they want the attention that goes with griping and and complaining well I looked at the lady and it wasn't unkindly but firmly I said there yes and you know ma'am I'm afraid your problem it's about to get worse she said what do you mean I said I believe they gonna fire you [Music] she was stunned I couldn't have done it more if I'd hit her in the face with a bucket of ice water she said fire me why on earth would they fire me inflation and her voice clearly said they're the bad guys I'm the good guy why don't they fire them and keep me have you ever noticed that people who are the problem never recognize that they are they're in complete denial they think denial is just a river in Egypt why would they fire me I said ma'am I don't believe there's a company in America big enough to contain this much poison in one small spot have you ever noticed that when somebody is about to lose something they've been complaining about whether it's a car a home a mate a job or whatever when all of a sudden it appears they're gonna lose them it takes on brand-new value she looked at me and said well what can I do I said do you really want to know she said yes I do that's the reason I came to see you I came looking for help but you sure haven't been any help so far I said well ma'am I've got an idea and I will absolutely guarantee you it positively definitely absolutely will work if you will just do it she said I'll try anything within reason I said okay when you get home tonight all of your household tasks are complete it's bedtime get off in a room right by yourself get a sheet of paper out and at the top of it right I like my job because he interrupted me she said that'll be easy I don't like nothing about that job don't like nothing about those people down there and I said well just as a matter of curiosity do you work there for benevolent reasons or do they pay you for working there she said well I got a confess they pay me and I said you don't like to be paid oh she said yes I do I said okay tell you what you do open your notebook right now we'll start our list of the things you like about your dog they pay you for working there and you do like it don't you said absolutely but she just stood there I said no open your notebook now and we'll get busy on the list he just stood there I said man let me let me tell you what my experience in life has been I've discovered that in 100% of the cases no exceptions people who won't take step number one never take step number two you see she had come to me with an impossible dream her dream was that nice mr. Ziegler was going to solve all of her problems and she would live happily ever after but folks I Got News for you I can't solve her problems I can't solve your problems but I will give you some steps that are absolutely definitely and positively will work for you as it worked eventually for her I said well ma'am let me tell you something unless you're willing to take step number one right now it's been nice talking with you she angrily opened her notebook before we got through there were 22 things she liked about her job now I'm gonna that not only did they pay her for working there that they paid her above average she had three weeks vacation was paid she had a retirement program she was in on profit-sharing she had health insurance life insurance and accident insurance she lived less than ten minutes from home she was in no management decisions that company senator three seminars a year to be paid for she had her own private office and party played 22 things that she liked about her job now I said man when you get home tonight everything is finished get off in a room right by yourself close the doors change one word from I like my job to I love my job get in front of that mirror and folks I cannot say this strongly enough but I'm going to try the eyes are the windows of the soul look yourself in that and with excitement and enthusiasm say I love my job because they pay me for working there I love my job because they pay me above average were working there I love my job because they have a wonderful insurance program I love my job before every one of the statements you will sleep better that night you see there's something hidden in what I'm saying to you now when she says I like my jobs is really saying I'm grateful for my job and of all of the emotions we can have according to hands sell you the number one stress pessimist in America the healthiest of all human emotions is gratitude I said you go down that list I like my job I love my job rather that is a way of gratitude you'll sleep better the first night tomorrow morning when you get up get back in front of the mirror just before you go to work get back in front of the mirror and repeat the process again with excitement and enthusiasm I love my job because and take the list with you because the reality is you see you will have started to change from a fault finder to a good finder some people do really find fault like there's a reward for it they really do take the list with you and you will be able to add to that list absolutely guaranteed do this every morning and every night and you will have an astonishing recovery from this advanced case of stinking thinking now I didn't say that to her but I'm saying it to you that's what it was it was an advanced case of stinking thinking well six weeks later I was back in Birmingham Alabama I was doing a follow up sales seminar now the lady was not in sales but she had been listening to my tapes he had been listening to Automobile University and she had discovered that everybody sells everybody will ever hear this is in selling whether you're a school teacher a civil service worker military personnel an executive secretary doesn't make any difference what you do you sell every day of your life there she was on there at the sales seminar seated on the front row grinning as to why she could have eaten a banana sideways I'm telling you you're talking about somebody that was excited she was turned on I said well how you done man she granted even more broadly and said mr. Ziegler I'm doing wonderfully well and thank you for asking she said you cannot believe how much those people down there have changed I got a lid on the line folks you're not gonna change anybody else did you change you everything really does begin with you now you see the unfortunate thing this lady had been raised in a very negative environment first her parents had told her that should never amount to anything they said you know you're always late you're always sloppy why can't you be like your brother or your sister or whatever when she got married her husband had continued it and so herself talk had become completely negative everything is he said about herself was negative out you know like dad said I'll never mind anything like my husband says I can't do anything right but when she started changing the input then some radical changes took clothes I want to talk a little bit about goes on the line of how do you lose 37 pounds and write a book I'm just going to kind of give you that as an example for 24 years of my adult life by choice I weighed well over 200 pounds I say by choice because you see I have never accidentally eaten anything I mean it's always been deliberate and when I choose to eat too much today I have chosen to weigh too much tomorrow you can choose to set goals and realize your potential or you can choose not to set them now if you choose not to set them you got to understand that the consequences are not going to be good down the road for 24 years I was going to lose that way as a matter of fact in 24 years I lost several thousand pounds of weight how many of you already know exactly what I'm talking about but he was it until I wrote it down put a date on it list of the obstacles I had to overcome identified the people the groups organizations I needed to work with spelled out a plan of action set that time limit in there and identified all of the benefits to me it was only when I did that that the goal became a reality and I lost the weight for 10 or 15 years I was going to write a book you know anybody who's going to do just a whole lot of things folks I was going to write a book but it wasn't until I got busy writing the book and writing the plans first before the book ever materialized now if it sound like I'm trying to sell you on heaven goals how many of you are getting close already how many of you being coming convinced right quick like let's you need to have those go there's no question about it the immortal JCPenney many many years ago said give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man will make history but give me a man without a goal and I'll give you a stock clerk now the interesting thing is Gold's do not care who has them let me give you a classic example of the way they work in 1950 a war-torn devastated Japan a nation who had lost an incredibly high percentage of its young men their cities were in ruins they'd been but in 1950 they got together they meaning industry and government got together and said ago the goal was we're going to be the number one nation in the world during the 1950s in the production of textiles in 1959 ladies and gentlemen they accomplished that objective in 1960 they said another gold we're going to be the number one nation in the world in the production of steel now when you understand there's no iron ore in Japan of any significance there's no coal of any significance there we're gonna be the number one nation in the world in the production of steel it seemed like an absurd goal and yet they reached their objectives they've taken all of the steps in 1970 the Japanese said another goal they said you're in the seven is will be the number one nation in the world in the production of automobiles they missed it folks one year it took them until 1980 in 1980 they set another goal and this time their goal was we're going to be the number one nation in the world of the production of computers and electronics yes indeed ladies and gentlemen you absolutely must have those goals you got to write them down you got to put a date on it you got to identify those obstacles you've got to identify the people the groups you need to work with you got to find out what it is you need to know you got to develop a plan of action and you got to write it down what's in it for me now that's a formula that I have just given you pure and simple now if I were to ask you what three times three was very is that a person here who could not instantly answer it but if I were to ask you what is 5,000 128 times 2165 odds are enormous but very few of you could pop out the answer that quickly buddy if I were to say to you get your pencil and paper out figure it out then all of you could figure it out why you know the formula you see if you know the formula it really doesn't make any difference ladies and gentlemen what the goal really is when I started to write the book I took precisely the same steps that I'm talking about wrote down the objective I wrote down the time I completed or expected to complete the book identify the obstacles there and yes I know this is repetitious it's the mother of learning I wrote out and identified the people the groups organizations I needed to work with I devised a plan of action to do it I spelled out what I needed to know and I wrote it all down what's in it for me you see the basic problem is most people when they're working on their job they get to thinking you know I really ought to be spending time at home with my family and then when at home with a family get to thinking you really ought to be out there working for my family and so in that they're working for their family their mind is back home and when they're back home their mind is back out there in the field and then they tell everybody well I don't ever have time to do anything no wonder you're always traveling you see the basic problem is not lack of time it is lack of direction we all have exactly the same amount of time whether we're a millionaire or a pauper all of us have 24 hours every single day the truth is ladies and gentlemen we must have goals if we're gonna do anything goes do a lot of things for example they enable you to chase the blues away I've never known anybody who was truly depressed who had specific and long-range goals and what goals do is they create activity and you see activity as you work towards reaching them creates the very excitement which you need in order to accomplish our reach your objectives the psychologists put it this way logic will not change and emotion but action will and as you get busy working towards of these dreams of yours and yes you absolutely must have your dreams ladies and gentlemen and what we're gonna do is look at the ways you build a foundation underneath those dreams several years ago they did an experiment with a number of college students and in this particular experiment they let them go to sleep and they hook these brain machines up to them with these brain machines they could precisely within a matter of seconds in the student went to sleep then they could tell when that student started to dream and as the student would start to dream they would awaken him or her and then they'd let him go back to sleep and that is no problem but when they started a dream they would awaken them again and with those brainwave machines they can tell exactly when they start to dream at the end of one night of this kind of treatment many of the students were nervous and fidgety at the end of two nights of this kind of treatment where they had a reasonable amount of sleep but no dreaming they became very irritable and very short in very cross at the end of just three nights of a reasonable amount of sleep but no dreaming they could tell that some of them were headed for some psychological difficulties and so what they did was they aborted the experiment now about 24 hours later most of the students were back to normal within a week all of them had returned 100% but the experiment proves something very conclusively and that's this when you're asleep ladies and gentlemen you need your dreams I'm here to tell you that when you're wide awake you also need your dreams you must have your goals you'll never make it as a wandering generality you must become a meaningful specific if you're going to work tomorrow because that's what you did yesterday you're not going to be as good tomorrow as you are yesterday because now you're two days older and no closer to the gold which you do not have you can't make it as a wandering generality most people understand you got to become a meaningful specific it reminds me of an experiment done some little while ago by John Henry Fabray the great French naturalist he took a number of processionary caterpillars so named because they follow each other in a procession and he land them around a flower pot until they formed a never-ending circle and they started going round and round 24 hours that first day and then they went the next day and the next and by the the third of the fourth day he put some pine needles into the center of that flower pot that's the food of the processionary caterpillar they kept going round and round seven full days and seven full nights but they went round and round until they literally drop dead from starvation and exhaustion with an abundance of food less than six inches away they had starved to death because they confused activity with accomplishment you've got some friends that are in the same shape they're busy busy bee all the time they're going going going going and they're here and they're there and they're somewhere else but they never really accomplished anything because they don't have those specific clearly identifiable objectives you've gotta have those goals and this story really covers all of the concepts all of the ideas in which we believe that's the reason we're going to give you this story in the detail which we are when I met Bernie you know we had a little discussion about what he was doing in Kansas City and he said I came down here the surgeon and I said here but he cost a lot of money to come this far he laughed he said with zigge thanks to my son David I don't have to worry about money I said Bernie that sounds like a story why don't you tell me he said I'll be glad to this is the story he said you know think when our son David was born I joy literally knew no bounds we already had our two daughters now we had our son and that was what we had hoped that we would have when we got married but he said it wasn't long before we noticed that something was wrong with David his little head hung to limply to the right side of his body for it to be a normal situation and he drew too much and so we went to the doctor and the family doctor said no problem he'll outgrow it but he says you know sig we knew that it wasn't quite that simple so we took him to a specialist and the specialist after a very thorough examination told us that he had the reverse of clubs fee and he said we treated him for that for several weeks and then it dawned on us that this wasn't it it was more serious than there so we found who the top specialist was in all of Canada and we went to him and this space after a very thorough examination said to us that David is a [ __ ] yes cerebral palsy he's never going to be able to walk or talk or count to ten and I suggest that you put him in an institution for his own good and for the good of the quote normal members of the family but Bernie laughs he looked at me and he said you know Ziggy I'm not a bar I'm a cellar I could not by the idea that my son was going to grow up and be a vegetable all that doctor had really convinced me to do was to go find a doctor who was not problem conscious and looked for one who was solution conscious so we went to other Dottie's that as a matter of fact we went to 30 different doctors and all 30 of them in essence said of the same thing and that is that there is no hope for this little boy and then they heard of a dr. Pearlstein down in Chicago reputedly the foremost authority in the world but he was so good that he was booked for two solid years in advance now that didn't particularly bother Bernie because hope for the first time had reared its elusive head and Bernie just figured that somehow another he was going to get his son in front of dr. Pearlstein well he found out that dr. Pearlstein was a bridge player found out his home number found out that he played every Friday night with his son he called him there and they made a deal at the first cancellation that they had dr. Pearlstein was going to call Bernie and they would put David or take him on an airplane Amelia to Chicago well just 11 days later they got the call they loaded David on the airplane they took him down there and dr. Pearlstein gave him either of the most thorough examination I believe that any child has ever had when the examination was all over he said to Bernie this boy is a [ __ ] he has cerebral palsy he will never be able to walk or to talk or count to ten if you listen to the prophets of doom but he said I want you to know that I am NOT problem conscious I want you to know that I am solution conscious and I firmly believe there is something which can be done for David if you are willing to do your part well rather obviously the live stick said doctor what is it you wanted to do spell it out dr. Pearlstein and his nurses spelled it out in my new detail he said first of all you're gonna have to work this little boy beyond all human endurance then you're gonna have to work him some more you don't have to push him until he literally falls and then you are going to have to push him some more you've got to understand now that once you start this process that there is no backing up or slowing down or staying away from it this is a lifetime process because if you ever discontinue this then he will revert back to where he was before one last thing don't let him see any other victims of cerebral palsy taking therapy because if he watches them take therapy he will pick up the awkward inadvertent movements they make and subconsciously he will make them a part of his own movements Bernie and Elaine left Chicago enormous ly excited because dr. Pearlstein had given them extra hope he had added believability to it he had presented them with a plan to tell you the truth that's what we've attempted to do all the way through born to win every time we make your promise we'll give you a plan of action you see folks motivation without instruction and education is ultimately frustrating for me to tell you you can do something and not to tell you how is a cruel hoax that we have studiously avoided throughout every time we've said you can do it we've always said here's the way to do it well they went back to Winnipeg and they went to work with David they built a little gymnasium down in the basement of their home they hired a physical therapist and a body builder and they went to work it took him a lot of months but finally one day David Lyfe cheek could move the length of his own body it took him several years but then one day Bernie got a call from the therapist he said come on home I believe David is ready and he raced home and David was the gymnasium on a mat and as he was attempting to do a push-up and as that little body it started to rise into the air the physical and emotional exertion was so great there was that a dry inch of skin on that little body and the mat appeared as if somebody had sprinkled it with water when that one perfect push-up was completed David and Bernie and Elaine and the therapist and the bodybuilder and the two sisters and the neighbors all broke down and said those tears which clearly say that happiness is not pleasure happiness is victory no you don't pay the price you enjoy the benefits that Diane was so beautifully singing about now the story is even more remarkable when you understand that one of America's leading universities had also examined David and they said there are no motor connections to the right hand side of his body he has no sense of balance he will never be able to swim or to skate or to ride a bicycle he just simply will be different it probably take him two years even to learn how to float on October the 23rd 1971 my wife and I flew to Winnipeg Canada to attend the bar mitzvah of quote little David live suit oh I wish the television cameras had been turned on then I wish the movie cameras of the world had been there to have witnessed what we saw a specialist since I've been working with Bernie a couple of times each year between of that first day back in 1965 and I had watch David as he grew and as he made all of that progress but this particular day as this boy walked tall and straight and strong to the front of the synagogue as he uttered those words that moved him into the manhood of the faith of his forefathers knowing what I knew at that particular time that he had already done as many as eleven hundred push-ups in a single day that he had runs six miles non-stop that he was shooting golf in the high eight is that he was one of the best table tennis players in all of Winnipeg Canada that he was skating on the neighborhood hockey team that he was running the wheels off his fourth bicycle oh I tell the story about David in a lot of the details because you see I happen to believe that this story literally covers all of the areas that we cover in born to win you see to begin with they dealt with David on a very honest basis they never said it's going to be easy the parents were never told it's going to be easy they were told that you've got to stay with it but if you'll suck it up and tough it out and stay where that their results are going to be dramatic they dealt with a thin character because you see character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed and there were many times when the excitement was no longer there but David stayed with it as did his parents integrity they dealt integrity of course means basic wholeness and they dealt with the entire person of David logic physical mental and spiritual the whole bit as far as loyalists concerned nobody I mean those two big sisters and the mother and the dad and the doctors and the therapists they all were loyal to an incredible degree as they worked with David helping him to accomplish his objectives and rather obviously Trust is deeply involved there because it takes a lot of trust for a youngster year after year after year to be willing to do these things when his buddies are all out playing and having a marvelous time now you talk about love when I think of the story of David Lyfe stick I think it's one of the most beautiful love stories I have ever heard you see when he was about 2 years old every night they had to put heavy leg braces on his legs now David is a beautiful boy Halle of complexion beautiful green eyes cold black hair and every night as he would lay there getting ready to go to bed he would ask his mom and ask his dad mom do we have to put the bracelets on the night or dad do we have to put them on so tight and you parents obviously will relate to this here lizz whom you love deeply and with tears in his eyes he's asking do you have to do it but Bernie and Alain life seek love David so much that they said no to the tears of the moment so they could say yes to the laughter of a lifetime when you love someone you do what is best for that person let me share with you a true story out of my notebook of life number of years ago got an incredible letter from a gentleman in Toronto with a substantial cheque in it he said my friend Steve Walker is following the wrong road model life he's working himself to death his family's falling apart he's his health is in danger and he's model himself out of his bowls and he trusts you and respects you if you will give us one hour I will fly him to Dallas and give you this cheque when you love to have a friend like then I sent the cheque back and I said come on down Steve and I had quite a little talk and in our talk I asked him why he had such a role model of why did what about this man that made him so completely important in his life and he said well he's the most successful man I have ever known and I said well Steve what do you call success now it took several minutes for him to go down the list but the interesting thing is though they're not in the same order that I have put them where they list them now these are the eight things that he said he rarely considered to be successful if a man was happy and healthy and at least reasonably prosperous and secure if he had friends and peace of mind and good family relationship and the hope that future is going to be better he said I consider that man is successful now I'm gonna really encourage you to take some notes right here and all I want you to do and you'll be the only one who'll see it somewhere right in as I go down the list right whether you get a plus on that one or a minus on that one you'll be the only one to see it but it might be an eye-opener you see most people never dare to evaluate really where they are and you know where you are before you can really determine your chances of getting what you really want out of life and so I said to Steve I said I understand but your boss is very important to you you're considered to be successful when he finally got through with the identification as I said earlier these were the eight things that he said I think that's important for success to measure success I said well Steve let me ask you now as far as Happy's concerned tell me how HAP is your Bose is it oh I don't think he's happy at all I said why not he said well I've never heard him laugh and he seldom smiles and besides that he's got ulcers I said well don't give a plus or a minus he said all you give my - please grade yourself as we go this is so important for you then I said that also tells me something about his health if he's got those ulcers do I give him a plus or minus he said you give my - I said that also says something Steve about his peace of mind because you don't get ulcers because of what you eat but what's eating you I said that would give him a plus or minus he said we give my - I said Steve I've asked you one question about what success is what balance is what's important to you one question and your boss comes up with three minuses I said tell me how prospers he is he said man he's got money running out of his ears and he's getting more every day I said we give him a plus on that one don't wait he said we sure do I said how secure is your boss he said well he's as secure as money can make you and I said well Steve let me ask you did you read where two billionaire brothers here in Dallas went bankrupt I said how does your boss come back we don't have that kind of money did you read where our race governor was worth a hundred million dollars at one point he's now back how does your boss compare I don't have that kind of money now understand Steve equated security with corporate position and bucks in the bank so I said well Steve let me ask you would we give your boss a plus or minus or dislike question mark on that he said let's be generous and give him a question mark I said how many friends does your boss have I hope you're marking these for you how many friends real friends do you does your boss have he said I don't think he's got any I'm not his friend I just haven't had my league I tell you the truth he's somewhat of a jerk I said okay we give him a minus on that one I said tell me about his family and he said well his wife's divorcing him well that one's easy to answer I said how much hope does he have for the future he said well four I started talking to you I thought he had a lot but right now don't think he's got any why did that statement come forth because for the first time he had evaluated it that's what we need to evaluate where we are are we investing that time properly using our resources properly what will the end results be well then I said to us Steve when that was over we give him the minus there I said Steve of the eight things that you consider marks of success he gets one two three four five six - --is he gets one plus and one question mark I asked Steve a question I'm going to ask you the same question Steve would you swap places with your boss right now knowing what you know he looks at me kind of stunned he slowly rose to his feet and said no I wouldn't would you well I'm one of these real fortunate people I was raised in Yazoo City Mississippi now I know a lot of people go around the country bragging about being a zoo city but I really am as you probably know it's not a big place we don't even have a village drunk we share with a little community next to us Main Street runs through the carwash so we got a mirror on the end of town make the town look bigger I mean you know it's not a real big place but let me tell you why I can tease about Yazoo City former president American Medical Association's from their former president American Bar Association is from their former pair of the Southern Baptist Convention is from their former vice president Southern Baptist Convention is from their former chairman of the Republican National Committee is from their jerrick Lauer's is from their I mean you know it's quite a place now a lot of people ask me well you know how do you account for all of that well two things had good preachers and a wonderful Superintendent of Education that saw to it that the kids got a good education I'm proud to be from years uu city we live next door when I was a child we live next door to some there's some rich folks now I know they were raised for two basic reasons number one that had to cook number two the cook had something to cook now during the Depression folks that was a sure sign of wealth I was over there for lunch one day as I tried to be every day and don't misunderstand this now even though there was a depression on we had plenty to eat at my house I know we did because if I ever place pays my plate for psychic said I always say you know you've had plenty so I know we had plenty that particular day the cook brought the biscuits out and I looked at him and they were not as thick as my wristwatch and I said Maude what on earth happened and he read back and gave that big old tummy laugh you know and and she said well let me tell you about those biscuits she said they squatted to rise but they just got cooked in the squat you know anybody gets cooked in the spot oh there I have a mind to do there so they're gonna do that but they have a minders and the gonna doors are the never dudes you've talked to him you know they they hear about a good idea you know and they you hear about it and try to get them involved and say well you know I'd love to get involved in it but it's almost time for the kids to get out of school and you know this is our busiest time of the year but I'm really interested after who gets out I won't have so many things to do with all the parties at all and then get involved in when school ends you know what happens they say well you know I didn't realize it but it seems that we've got more to do than ever before and you know I'm busier than every day you gotta take the kids somewhere all the time when the kids get back in school and then I'll I'll really get involved kids get back in school miss their well you know this is the first year in 19 years that dear old Central High has finally fielded a winning football team and I got to support the kids there wait a football seniors over there man I'll really get involved in football see then they said well you know it's here nears nearly Thanksgiving and Christmas and you know people don't want to be bothered with sort of thing this time of year wait after the first of the year man and then I'll really get outdoor now wait wait wait wait we don't know exactly what you're thinking you're thinking I've lost interest but that's not the way I am let me tell you the way I am see what I do is I get everything organized in a real one to three basis and then when the time comes to strike man alive I'll pass all these kids that have gotten out in front of me now but I'm telling you this is just not the right time of the year wait after the first of the year the first leader comes and they say did did you ever see weather like this before in your life I mean you never know whether you live in San Francisco are buffalo or Yazoo City whoever it is you live did you ever see what I like the weather like this I mean you can't depend on weightless weather clears up man and then we'll really get busy the weather clears up they say you know I haven't hit a golf ball or weather hook yeah I don't know when yeah felt like a twerk all the time you said it yourself you got to have some time for yourself will I have a little recreation and then man alive I'll get with it and they have another recreation and then they say well you know it's almost time for the kids to get out of school that's where we came in most let me taste some people who wait for a Matilda to move out or John to get on the day shift people will wait for the next senator to be elected or the next governor to come in people who wait for the next advertising program to get started or wait for the tax structure to change are wait for anything that happens out there before they do anything in year other people who get cooked in the squad the message is we need to do it now you don't have to be great to start as my friend Joe sever says but you got to start to be great I want to talk with you about the greatest profession on the face of this earth I want to talk to you about the sales profession I believe I'll go ahead I got time I just happen to believe that America is the greatest land on this earth because we are a land of salespeople we're certainly not the greatest because we're the biggest because we're not Russia and China and Canada Brazil they're all bigger than we are we're not the greatest because we have the most people why Indian Russia and China got lots more people than we have we're not even the biggest because we have the most are the greatest because we have the most natural resources though we've certainly been a bundle it blessed in that area but then so has India for that matter much of Africa parts of Russia Canada Brazil all rich in natural resources no we're not the greatest because we have the most people or the most land but we're the greatest because essentially we are a land of sales people and I don't know how you feel about it but I for one am tremendously excited about being a sales person the truth of the matter is America was discovered by a Salesman not by any stretch of imagination could you accuse Christopher Columbus of being a navigator now if you remember folks that dude is looking for India now he missed it 12,000 miles not by any stretch of imagination could you accuse him of being a navigator kids you and you might say well yeah but was he a Salesman well let me tell you the story he was an Italian in Spain now that's way out of his territory he's only got one prospect to call on and he misses a sale he swims home now you tell me was he a Salesman or not he called on Isabella told her the story she says Chris it sound like a good idea but man $12,000 for five little old ships see a lot of people don't realize they started out with five but two of them didn't go over the side and you might as well know now tell folks I'm like a cross-eyed discus thrower I don't set any records but and do keep the crowd alert and you know and I think that's imported he told his Abela the story you know and she related to it she said you know it sounds wonderful Chris and if I could raise the $12,000 I've you know I'd buy the idea too many but we don't have any money how many of you sales people have ever had a prospect tell you whether they'd buy if they had the money but they just don't have the money well Chris looked at and he said look Izzy now understand I was not there so I'm not certain this is verbatim but you you got that string of beads hanging around your neck that let's take him out of the pawn shop we'll hock them will finance this deal well your history books will clearly tell you they use some unusual methods to raise the money to finance the trip then when they started sailing in those three little ships Columbus really had a sales job because those sailors thought they were going to go over the side I mean literally and every single day he had to sell in order to say ole and as a matter of fact he had agreed to turn back towards the homeland if they had not discovered our sighted land with a certain time in just eight hours before the crucial decision was made is when they discovered the land the call came forth land ho and the most profitable sales call in history came to a close and then Columbus made the mistake that a lot of salespeople are make in our world today he did not service the account he did not keep on selling and a man named America's America's best Pearce's entered the picture and he serviced the account we did not become the United States of Columbus we became the United States of America America was populated by a salesman Sir Walter Raleigh toured the coffee houses of London selling those ignorant fearful superstitious people on the idea that they should leave the relative security of their homeland and come into this vast uncharted foreboding a weird wilderness that lay beyond the sea it was a tremendous sales job we were freed by a Salesman do you really understand the tremendous recruiting job that George Washington had to do he had to convince the farmers the merchants the backwoodsmen the shipbuilders the landowners and all of the people to leave their homes go to war against the most powerful nation on the face of this earth largest army most powerful Navy and he had to be honest and saying that look if we win this war there's no way I'm gonna be able to pay you and if we lose they're gonna hang you to the highest tree now how many of you sales folks do any recruiting kind of see your hands please now I want you to visualize this scene you're trying to recruit somebody to sail with your company and you have to tell them look if you make the sale I don't have any money I'm not gonna be able to pay you but if you miss the sale we're gonna line you up at daylight and we're gonna fire now that was the job Washington had to do but he did the job you know we won our independence as soon as we won our independence Alexander Hamilton the first Secretary of the Interior or the treasurer rather came to mr. Washington who said let's get the Congress to appropriate some money so that we might study the methods the British have used to establish their agents and factories around the world the money was appropriated I don't know if you've ever thought about this not but as you realize ladies and gentlemen for the first one hundred and sixty eight years that America was populated we had only moved to the Appalachian Mountains did you realize that with the appropriation of this money we did set up trading post and just 30 years later we were already to the Pacific Ocean yes I'm proud to sell because you see our land has been developed because we are a land of sales people now at this point you might have a question in your own mind Woolsey if that's the case if we as salespeople have done so much why is it that salespeople are held in such low esteem why is our reputation not better why is it that people do not respect their profession you know more than they do today well I believe laters an element that one of the reasons that only 2% of the graduating seniors from college today are interested in going in the profession of selling it is because we have not done a thorough job as salespeople basically there are four reasons why this profession of selling is not regarded as high as it ought to be and is fast becoming a hasten at number one did you realize what the dictionary says about the word sell the dictionary says it's a fraud it's a hoax it's right there in the dictionary can you believe such a thing like that we ought to sue those Rascals for writing such things is that number two we've done allows a job of selling the profession of selling now we've sold our goods we've sold our products we've sold our services but we really haven't done a very good job of letting people know what the sales profession is all about but we're correcting that right now and you're part of the correction because by the time we get through here you're gonna have that jumping up and down enthusiasm about the profession of selling see a lot of people are tremendously proud of their company awfully proud of their products their goods or their services but for whatever reason they seem to be a little hesitant to let people know they're in the profession of selling we just simply have not done the sales job now there's the third reason why a lot of people don't really understand what the profession of selling is all about and why they have so many erroneous ideas a few years ago a fellow named Arthur Miller wrote a play he called it of all things Death of a Salesman and they featured some dude named Willy Loman the perennial loser and a lot of people have come to identify that with these sales professional and that is absolutely weird wild insane way out that they do sense they showed that thing on a Broadway as a play they made a movie out of it a long time ago and I thought they'd finally put the deal to bed and then they showed it on television and then they showed it again on television and then they revived the play on Broadway and now they doing the same thing again I could not believe why don't they make a play entitled death of a doctor our death of a lawyer or something like that it makes even more sense absolutely and then you take the music man fella named Harold Hill the consummate con man you know the story behind it and a lot of people have gotten these weird ideas therefore from these presentations about what the profession of selling really is all about and then there's a fourth reason and that's this old Yankee pedlar image which is still a hangover yet an amazing number of people think that any that a good salesman can sell anybody anything under any circumstances that's crazy only a con man could do a thing like that selling is not making people want something they don't need nor is it making them buy something they do not want selling in the professional sense is uncovering a need and then bring into that individual the products are the goods are the services which feel that specific need now let me see if we can establish some things here with some questions how many of you folks sell a pretty good product can I see your hands okay how many of you sell an extraordinarily good product can I see your hand how many of you believe that when you sell that good product well let me ask you this way the products you sell Hemet have you sell one that solves a problem can I see your hand okay how many of you believe that when you sell a product that solves a problem but you deserve a profit can I see your hand okay how many of you believe then when you sell two products that solve two problems that you deserve to profits gonna see your hands okay now what you're saying is that the more problems you solve the more profit you deserve I'm not trying to put words in your mouth because as the late Fred Herman would say that ain't sanitary but that really you know that really is what you're saying is that it okay now how many have you been in the profession of southern for as long as a year okay how many of you still got all of the money you've earned in the last 12 months okay how many of you have got customers whom you sold a year ago two years ago five years ago ten years ago who are still using and enjoying the benefits of what you sold them a year or two years ago or five years ago can I see your hands now here's a very important question who made the best deal was it you or the customer the customer all right then is the sales process something you do to somebody or something you do for somebody isn't it for somebody see I fall in the ring two years matter of fact the whole reason I quit was because of my hands the referee kept stepping on them one of the things one of the things the coach used to always tell us when he had send us out he said now Z the first round spar around find out where the opponent is weak and capitalize on the weakness in football the coach says to the quarterback find out where they're weak and exploit that weakness in tennis the instructions are find out where the opponent is weak and exploit the weakness in the world of sellin we find out where the opponent that is the customer is weak Vettius has a need and strengthen that need by selling them our goods products and our services you see it really is true folks selling is something you do for somebody and not to somebody and that's our role that's what we want to simply bring to you what is the truth about what this profession really is all about because a lot of times people say okay Zig you got me sold that the selling profession is a marvelous profession now tell me the truth about the salespeople and tell me what the salesperson receives as a result of doing all of this selling and all of this serving basically in my judgment the salesperson is the ultimate free person you're in business for yourself but not by yourself you see the truth of the matter is you're the chairman of the board you're the president's you're the secretary treasurer you're the chief executive officer you're the administrator and oh yes you're the janitor - I mean salespeople we do the whole bit don't we but the nice thing about is you can get up any more than you want to because you occupy all of those positions you can get right in front of that mirror give that big old grin you know like a fellow I saw the other day the only guy they were seeing who could eat a banana sideways I mean that guy was bitten I mean he really was well you can get in front of that mirror and you know you can look yourself right in the eye and say you're such a nice guy or you're such a nice girl you deserve a raise and the board just met the vote was unanimous the raise will become effective just as soon as you are I mean you see the nice thing the nice thing about this profession of selling is that we do have that ultimate freedom now when we talk about Ultimates also in my judgment it's the ultimate security in the world of selling is where you're going to find it as you might recall in the last recession you know the newspapers and the television and the radio have predicted 18 of the last two recessions I mean they seem to be right on the target as my good friend Don Hudson who would say but you know when you when you analyze what they really say when you look at that last recession for example there were some pilots and attendants who lost their job there were some executives some builders some manufacturers who lost their job there were secretaries and stenographers and file clerks who lost their job there were teachers in superintend who lost their job there were a lot of people who lost their jobs these were honest sincere dedicated hard-working intelligent committed people they lost their jobs not because they were not committed not because they were not productive but they lost their jobs because of the economy that we experienced now challenge you name me one honest sincere dedicated hard-working productive sales person who lost their job during the recession I'll never forget I was doing a sales training seminar in Atlanta Georgia and these two young men came up to me and they said you know we'd like to get our money back on the seminar unless they're what's the problem they said well we just got fired from our job and we have no need for sales training if we don't have something to sell I said well let me ask you guys a question do you like to sell I said oh yeah we love to sell well trained and they were good-looking young men 25 26 27 years old sharply dressed you know they said we just had a personality conflict with the vows I said well would you like to have another job in the world of selling they said we sure would I said you come on into the meeting and I'll have you twenty-five job offers before you leave out here tonight is that a fair deal is that it's a fair deal and then that night I asked the question how many of you will ask you how many of you folks here tonight are in the world of selling and you're recruiting or hiring salespeople can I see your hand now let me ask you a question how many of you have an opening right now for an honest sincere dedicated conscientious hard-working productive salesperson can I say you're in they literally had more job offers than they could even remotely consider for at least the next two weeks now why is that simply because a salesperson has the greatest security in the world general General Douglas MacArthur said that security is the ability to produce and my friends if you've got that ability to produce in the world of selling I can absolutely guarantee you you really do have that security now you know when we do have recessions we deal with them in different ways for example in the business community and the regular business structure you know how they deal with recessions and declines and drops and business they get to eat all of the people together and the predator of the company you know gets on his best sad look anywheres this sad suit you know and he makes this little brave speech about we've got some tough times ahead but we're gonna tough it out I mean we're gonna tighten our belt we're gonna cut the lights off ready I'm sorry we're gonna have to let a few people in this department go and a few people in this department ago and a few people in the other department go and we're really gonna have to be on this austerity program but we are going to tough it out and that's the way they deal with the recession now when sales organizations are confronted with that situation they call another big meeting they get all of the folks together and say now folks you know we hear this talk about this recession but we have figured out a way to deal with it we are all just going to have to work real hard to reduce our sales and that's the way we will solve the problem and that's the way they generally handle it how do they get everybody together to say hey you've heard all this baloney about a recession let me tell you our answer to that man we're gonna put on a sales contest like you have never heard of before in your entire lifetime we got to put up prices like you cannot believe we're gonna involve here some motivational training programs and some sales training program and we're gonna have some incentives here that'll absolutely boggles the imagination and I'll tell you what's going to happen we're gonna get out there and we're gonna show them where a recession is we know business is never either good or bad out there business is either good or bad right here between your own two ears and if you're thinking it's thinking your business is gonna be in the same shape we're just gonna give all of you a little checkup from the neck up and we're gonna go out there and we're gonna knock them dead and we're gonna say all say also don't ask a question during the last recession whenever he was how many of you actually sold more during the recession than you'd sold before the recession can I see your hand in the world of selling an absolutely incredible thing yes indeed the salesperson really is an unusual individual do we make money how many of you read US News and World Report can I see your hand about a little while ago in one of the issues of US News they had a fascinating article in there you know what the article said it said that more salespeople are millionaires than doctors now I don't know how that gets to you but I kind of say aha hey what about that we make more money I had the privilege just last week of addressing a sales organization the average income was over $70,000 a year or in that neighborhood and that's one more really nice neighborhood yes you know I talk to sales people all the time who their first year in the business make twenty and thirty thousand dollars I've seen them who make a hundred thousand two hundred thousand as a matter of fact years ago Charles Schwab who really was the master salesman and Diamond Jim Brady those dude made a million dollars a year selling over a hundred years ago an amazing thing this profession of selling yes there is a substantial about a amount of income possibilities there but you know what else the conchs report revealed here about two years ago that in the world of selling we're the ones who supply by far the biggest majority of the corporate officers now many years ago it was the salespeople and then they drifted into the accountants and the attorneys and they made the corporate officers out of them but in the last five years and the trend is now on a runaway path they are realizing that what they really need running the organization is the optimistic positive thinking outlook of the sales organization and the salesperson running that organization they need somebody so optimistic they go after Moby Dick in a row take the tartar sauce wither I mean basically you know that's the kind of individual that they are looking for yes it's great to be a sales person now hopefully I've exploded a lot of the myths about the profession of selling and what the salesperson himself or herself really earns but the question comes up who is the best salesperson what type individual our personality makes the best salesperson for years and years the general public has been led to believe that it's the extroverted happy-go-lucky back-slapping hail-fellow-well-met joke-telling a kind of an individual who makes the best salesperson I'm glad you are seated because this might shock some of you but if we were to divide this audience right here in the two groups one group are all introverts and the other group are all extroverts I Got News for you the introverts will outsell the extroverts a hundred times out of a hundred that's right now that probably shocks you now that doesn't mean that maybe the best salesperson might not be an extrovert they could well be but I'm talking about over the long haul now why is that an incident elimination to add the introverts in many cases have acquired some of the characteristics of the extrovert I mean they've learned to be a little more outgoing a little broader smile a little more enthusiasm and a little better handshake in this kind of thing but I'm talking about the nature of the individual why would the introvert make the better salesperson there are several reasons for it first of all it is because the introvert is far more likely to be better organized and they're better students they study the procedures and the techniques they're not as likely to say oh by the quote seat of their pants they will follow the procedures which are their number two they're more detail-oriented and incidentally more people or they're far more inclined to ask questions to uncover the needs of the prospect and find out what the prospect needs instead of trying to roughshod run over them and dominate them with personality and tell them all about the wonderful merits of their merchandise without finding first of all if their needs will be met by what they're selling third thing about introverts is realistically folks they're more introverts than they are extroverts and so they have more people to relate to as far as the process of selling is concerned so what can those who are extroverts knew about it the same thing that introverts can do you can acquire the training the characteristics and the habits of the introvert just as the introvert needs to acquire some of our characteristics and yes people can definitely do that there's probably gonna shock most of you when I tell you this because all you've seen me here is in front a group of folks and I'm laugh-in and I'm talking real loud and I'm bouncing up and down and I exude a lot of energy and a lot of confidence and a lot of enthusiasm so when I tell you this is probably gonna shock you but I - I'm an introvert very much so now you might think I'm the loudest introvert you've ever seen in your life but emphatically I am an introvert I have simply acquired some of the characteristics of the extrovert you see you're not stuck with the way you are one of the best exciting things I can tell you is that you can change I can tell that you're what you are and where you are because of what's going into your mind you can change what you are and you can change where you are by changing what goes into your mind and the beautiful thing about the profession of selling is you have an opportunity to be with and around the optimistic the positive thinkers the people who are encouraging in building you up and helping you to do more of the good things of life when you start talking about the salesperson and the kind of individual involved in it I think one of the most exciting report I've ever read was put together by the forum corporation out of Boston Massachusetts they did a considerable study on three hundred and forty-one salespeople one hundred and seventy three of these salespeople were the top night producers I mean the super productive salespeople 168 of them were average sales people now all of them had been selling at least five years so we can eliminate the rookie factor they came from eleven different companies five different industries they sold everything from petrochemical banking life insurance real estate and one or two other things but in this analysis they discovered that from a pure sales knowledge sales skill point of view of that the 107 to 3 top salespeople in the 116 average salespeople all had almost exactly the same sales skills each group knew exactly how to get prospects each knew how to get appointments each knew how to demonstrate features and benefits each knew how to handle objections each knew how to close the sales but that was a dramatic difference in the results because there was one factor that the super salespeople had and that one factor that the other ones did not have in his larger quantity was this word called trust and my southern friends listen real good as I often tell people this is profound what they found is this people don't buy based on what you tell them they do not buy based on what you show them they do buy based on what you tell them and what you show them that they believe pure and simple which they believe now the question is who do they believe it's an old fashioned answer they believe the good guys and the good gals those who are moral is sound who have honesty and character and integrity as the regular tools in their sales arsenal you see the most important part of the sales process is the sales person very important I see that kind of shoots the myth that a lot of people have about the salesperson the career salesperson understands a lot of things for example we learned some things about human nature that helps us deal with our wives or our husbands or our children or our neighbors or somebody like that for example as salespeople on occasion we do have folks who are a little rude to us how many of you who have ever had a prospect who was rude maybe even mean a little ornery would you believe downright nasty what do you see one of the things not often fortunately but it does happen one of the things we as salespeople learn and understand is this when somebody is mean and ugly to us we learn to understand it is not because they want to hurt us but rather it is because they themselves are hurting and you see once we understand that then we can deal not only with them more effectively but also with our families and our friends and those whom we love I believe we aren't any reasonable doubt that in America if every policeman if every politician if every schoolteacher if every civil service worker if every individual on any kind of payroll anywhere if they had to go to a real gun ho sales meeting every Monday morning before they started walking their beat or delivering the mail or doing whatever job they there I believe we would have an infinitely better happier more excited producing America how many of you would agree with that now of course ladies and gentlemen everything is selling and everybody is a sales person whether you're a dentist a doctor a preacher a teacher a coach a child music matters doesn't make any difference what it is that you do everybody is a salesperson let me share a couple of examples with you of what I'm talking about when I was between the 11th and 12th grades during World War 2 I went to junior college so I could pick up some extra classes so I can get in the Naval Air Corps all right now I had to pick up an extra course in history in order to graduate and so I would be free then the following my senior year to take a lot of extra math and science well I didn't want to take American history what possible good is it going to do me you know to learn something that happened 100 years ago or 200 years ago but I had to learn it so I was going to go in there and I was at least going to pass but don't think I'm going to try to remember it I'll just transfer the knowledge from the teacher to my mind to the pad and then I'll get out of there and they'll end it but the teacher threw me a curve he was coached joby harrisonhines junior college in Jackson Mississippi and you're talking about a Salesman folks he was a Salesman he spent that entire first period selling me on why I had to learn my history he really put the story on me he also sold me that as an individual if I had any ability that permitted me to do more than support my family that I had a moral obligation to my fellow human being and my community to donate some of my services for the betterment of mankind I walked out of that classroom that day history major on the subject I made consistent A's in throughout the time in college what I do today and all of the activities outside of my actual business was directly emphatically influenced by that salesman a school teacher coach Toby Harris everything is selling I'll never forget when our second daughter was born our first child was three years old at the time and I've been out on the road not long after our baby Obama came home from the hospital I've been out on the road and I got stuck there was a snowstorm and I spent the night in a Greyhound bus fortunately on the side of the road when I got in the next morning I was exhausted that was about ten inches of snow on the ground and I'd no sooner walked in and just had my top coat and my gloves in my head off when the redhead said to me well honey we got to go to the store we got we need some things so I reluctantly put all the gear back on and my three-year-old said daddy I want to go and I said Oh Suzie I said the weather's too bad it's too cold and wet and I won't be gone long but she said daddy I'll be so lonely I said Oh Suzie you won't be lonely I said your mother's here the mage hear you baby sister is here I said you won't be lonely she looked right at me she said but daddy I'll be lonely for you I don't need to tell you she went to the store with you see the truth of the matter is the truth of the matter is everything is selling the third example at our church we recently got a new music minister now please understand that I've got the kind of voice that prompted miss Miller to write me a personal letter asking me not even to bother to sing along with you no I want you to understand my own children asked that I not sing in church but last Sunday was our first Sunday and this Minister had the congregation so excited he sold them so much on participating now he knows his music too but he had us so gung-ho that for the first time in my life I actually enthusiastically got involved in the singing process everything ladies and gentlemen is selling I mean everything is selling and that's one of the reasons that I'm so excited about it the question might come up well what role does selling play in the economy well I can tell you this several years ago the Secretary of Commerce of the United States said this he said that what we need in America today is 1 million more sales people professional sales people if you ever really stopped to figure what happens when you make a sale now when you make a sale let me ask you how many of you writes your order on an order form or an order blank can I see your hands please okay now when you make that sale do you understand do you realize fully that the auto pads you wrote it on didn't I start out as an auto pad it started out as a tree and you're the person who paid those people who went out in the woods and cut that tree down when you got out there and made the sale and then a whole bunch of people hold that to to the paper mill and you're the person who paid those people to haul that to the paper mill when you got out there and made the sale now in the paper mill you see there hundreds of people manufacturing that tree and a papery of the person who paid this beaver manufactured that tree in a paper when you got out there and made the sale but it goes so much further than that you see when you made a sale you made a profit on that sale and if you're lucky your man you made a profit if you're real lucky your company made a profit that's the way you stay in business you know and so you take part of your profits you go down to the store and you buy a can of beans and in essence the grocer man says if you know buy my beans I got to get some more he goes to the wholesaler and said need more bean Hostetter said if you know buy my beans I gotta get some more he goes to the counter and said need more beans counter said if you know about my beans I gotta get some more he goes to the farmer and said need more beans farmer said you gonna buy my beans I gotta get some more I'm gonna do that I gotta raise them to raise them we gotta have a new trader because the one I got swarming out he goes down my dealer said hey I got Elliot tractor him and instead of you know by my type I got to get another one because these are all we've got he goes to the factory and said hey gotta have new tractors and the factor said if he no buyer traders we got to manufacture some more to do that we got to bring in iron copper plastic steel aluminum lead zinc sparkplug well we got to set up factors all over the world and all of that happened because one day you got out there and made and as what y'all to tell folks why am i excited about the profession of selling I'm excited about their profession of selling ladies and gentlemen because as I said earlier I believe it is the most secure profession on the face of this earth if my son were to come to me and say dad I want to get into something that is absolutely secure what would you suggest as being the most secure thing on this in our country without hesitation I would say well son you ought to get in the world of selling but suppose my son were to say to me but wait a minute dad don't most salespeople work on a commission and I would say yes some salespeople are just like everybody else everybody works on a commission but Dad I thought your secretary Oh for example had a salary oh she does son she's on a salary and as long as she's productive she will continue to receive the salary now when she's no longer productive what's going to happen to the salary that's right it's going to go see I don't care whether you're preggers of the company or even the President of the United States if you don't do like you're supposed to do they'll get you what I'm talking about don't you now you see the beautiful thing about the world of selling I would say to my son is it's one of the few professions that I know of that is absolutely not prejudiced you see that alder doesn't care whether you're white or black or brown it doesn't care whether you're female or male it doesn't care whether you're old or young it doesn't care whether you're educated or uneducated doesn't care whether you're introvert or extrovert when you come bring in the auditors in ladies and gentlemen and they start writing those checks it's based on your performance not the color of your skin not your sex not your religious beliefs not anything else it is the most fair profession that I have ever seen in my life I love to sell now we've got or go ahead I've still got there's an awful lot there's an awful lot of selling we still need to do for example in our society today does you realize that 42 percent of the time spent on jobs is wasted that's right I was talking about the torah' doll time management and productivity expert internationally respected at the University of Minnesota I said dr. Dahl and when we were chatting and it was a length of discussion I said I read this figure but I have difficulty believing that that much time is wasted he said well Zig when you count people coming in late and leaving early extended coffee breaks unusually long phone conversation too many trips to the restroom taking time out to smoke those cigarettes of a gossip that goes on around a lot of these places too long it lies making uh writing those personal letters and all he says actually 42% is a conservative figure what we need to do ladies and gentlemen is tell everybody on doing their very best when we sell that idea I'll absolutely guarantee you the trade deficit will absolutely disappear if the producers will produce the merchandise guarantee our sales people are absolutely going to get out there and sell we really are now you're talking about import it let me tell you something when you start analyzing the sales profession even as I make this presentation around our country there are certain organizations with your own strike in various plants and mills and institutions and so forth well let me tell you to think about this if you ever have any doubts about your validity as a profession and what you do as a person wants you to think about them did you realize that if everybody in America who sold anybody anything under any circumstances where there was a piece of pie a loaf of bread a can of beans a gallon of gas a life insurance policy a home some pills from the drugstore a suit of clothes some hair shampoo a necklace around your neck or microphone around your neck if everybody in America who sells anybody anything where to go on strike just for 24 hours that you realize we'd be thrown in a recession ladies and gentlemen that it would take us months and months to recover from the damage to our economy would be absolutely incredible you see what I'm saying is the profession of selling is such a marvelous marvelous profession I'm so proud to be a part of it and I hope that the next time anybody says anything remotely derogatory about this profession of selling if they get a little negative and say something about those salespeople I hope you will smile be very gentle and be very loving but look him right in the eye and say let me tell you something friend you enjoy the incredibly high income that you do whether you're the postman or the postmaster whether you are the teacher or the superintendent whether you are the sailor in the Navy are the Admiral in the Navy whether you are a clerk in the congressman's office are the Congress where the Congress person regardless of what it is that you do you enjoy the highest standard of living that you do because sales people like me are out there selling be proud you sell ladies and gentlemen by these ideas we've been talking about sometimes have change the learners shot in here theories while they learn and find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists for over thirty years I've read an average of three hours a day read my Bible every day read the paper every day that will be know what both sides are up to and I just happen to believe that is very very important when you start looking at all of these things when you become a constant student that's when you your growth is more substantial and your motivation and your inspiration and your knowledge and here's been one of my most interesting discovers and I've now written a book on him it won't be out for quite a little while yet but how to develop a creative imagination the more you know about anything the more creative you become when you add additional information to that when I wrote secrets of closing the sale which is the first book and only booked as a manual on how the processes that you follow in sales only have booked in New York Times first time in that category that ever reached the bestseller stayed now what happened was very important when I read that book when I had 98% of it written somebody sent me a little three short three paragraph summation and what this little three paragraph said was this is the heart of a sale it was three short paragraphs I read those three paragraphs and I added 50 pages to the book I'd been selling since I was 8 been sales training since I was 21 I knew a lot about sales the new information revolutionized a whole lot of things keep on going it helps a whole lot of people when you talk about relationships Harvard Business class in 1949 almost a little over 49% of all of the graduates study was done on them in this class of 1949 49 percent of them were at least vice presidents in major corporations when asked how do they accounted for that and CNN did a telecast on these men he said well number one our wives were supportive their careers were built on integrity they were risk takers but they did not where they were not gamblers what do we do in our company how many of the things that we teach and what do I teach that are so important to me as I'm talking about it now our mission statement includes a big frying pan to be the difference maker and the personal family professional and spiritual lives of enough people to make a positive difference in the world that's a pretty audacious mission statement ladies and gentlemen but it's got to be built on character are we being successful in that well over 40 languages of what I've been teaching have been represented printed and used we've got several several ends from information bits that really really have made a difference in the lives of other people in short with 40 translations of our work in different languages we're reaching an awful lot of people and we teach things that are generally not taught in school is I already have said but I want to talk about another little factor 90% of the visits to medical doctors are directly or indirectly related to stress 90% if we can reduce stress and incidentally the same process that reduces stress is exactly the same process that will enable you to have a long-term balanced career my stress level and I face as many deadlines as anybody you know it's always a book production a class I'm teaching a seminar I'm presenting and each one of them requires time and concentration example how many of you feel like I've made this talk before can I see your hand please several hundred times I made it yesterday you know what I did between yesterday and today I spent over six hours getting ready for today you see I think it would be arrogant if I thought I could stand up and spit it out just because I did it yesterday are hundreds of times that's arrogance that's when Buster Douglas knocks out Mike Tyson that's when an expansion team in Houston beats an established NFL team in Dallas I dare not look at the people here several thousand I'm taking over an hour that several panels and hours of time where would my integrity be if I came here unprepared to make something a presentation that could make a do it's in your life there is no way you gotta prepare for it ladies and gentlemen when stress does hit you how many of you will admit that after 9/11 maybe you had a little stress can I see your hands please all right let me tell you something folks if you take their words stressed and spell it backwards its desserts when you respond to life instead of react to it react is negative you get sick go to the doctor so it gives you a prescription so Sigma tomorrow you walk in the next day she said oh it's not working we got have to change their prescription you get little nervous but if she smiled and said hey it's waking and so you have just he's just responded and you feel better because now you see some real hope in order to get ahead in life you got a couple of good friends through many many years ago we're riding around in the South Alabama foothills it was a hot August day and they got thirsty Bernard Haygood was driving Jimmy Glynn was a passenger they pulled behind this whole abandoned farmhouse and Bernard hopped out he ran over and there was an old pup on the well and he grabbed a handle and he started to pump how many of ever use one of these old-fashioned water pump can I see your hand please okay well here that's a pump in a way you know it after about three or four minutes he said Jimmy better get that old bucket over there get some water out of the creek we're gonna have to prime the pump I mean if you know what I'm talking about when I say you got a prime the pump well for you underprivileged non poppers that just means you got to put something in here before you get something out there so enforcing a lot of people stand in front of the stove of life and they say now stove you give me some heat and I'll put some wood in you that ain't the way it works you got to put something in before you can get anything out so many times you know the employee goes to the employer and said give me a raise then I'll start coming to work on time all right so many times they will come to Evans they make me the boss now I know I haven't been here very long don't really deserve to be the boss but I just function better when I am in charge of things you reward me now and then I promise you I'll learn what this business is all about later on reward me now and I'll produce later doesn't work that way can't you just see a youngster in school saying teacher if I take a failing grade home my parents gonna skin me alive paste me on this quarter and next time I'll study more than anybody else reward me now I'll produce later it doesn't work that way can't you just see an old farmer standing out in the fields in October and said Lord I know I didn't plant a thing this year but if you give me a big crop this year I'll plant more than anybody next year it ain't that way folks you gotta put something in before you can expect to get anything out well he does a pump in a way you know that's hard it's August I mean the question is just how much pumping are you gonna do Parker I drink the water and finally Oh Bernard said you know what Jimmy I don't believe it sending water down there Jimmy said yeah it is Bernard you know in South Alabama the wells are deepened oh we're glad they're deep because the deeper the well the cool of the cleaner the sweeter the pure the better tasting the water and isn't that true of life into that if you could become an MD by six weeks of summer school that the rewards would be almost minimal or nothing and how many patients would you have ended to that if you become a sales expert in three days of a training school or that the rate of pay would go down rather radically isn't it true that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you can learn to do it well we'll never know how many kids have missed a college scholarship because they didn't study an average of ten more minutes a day we will never know how we come so close to promotion but we're good discouraged and quit too soon we'll never know how much more success we would have had had we just had a little more pumping in there and pump and pump and pump and pump well finally Oh Bernard just got disgust teeth rubbers and you said Jimmy they're just no water down there Jimmy said don't stop Barnard don't stop if you stop they water's gonna go all the way back down and then you're gonna have to start all all over the reality is folks and I'm totally convinced of this this is the story of America this is your story this is a story of success this is the story of life I believe with all of my heart that if you would pump long enough and hard enough and enthusiastically enough that eventually the reward is going to follow the effort and then once that water starts to flow oh you got to do is just people to be easy steady pressure on it and you're going to get more water than you can possibly use so many times people get involved in something and they'll say well I'll give it a try and if it works out that'll be good and they did if it doesn't work out I mean hang on kill the track you know what I mean by the way well I gotta tell you something folks you're gonna pump forever like that before anything happens when you get into something grab that sucker and dig with it and then once the water starts to flow then ladies and gentlemen that's what strategies for success is all about basic situation is this right now you feel good there is no way you could feel anything but good but what we want to look at is what can we do to make certain we feel good next week next month makes you in other words how can we keep it going how can we be up most of the time and own when we need to now I'm going to put a lot of emphasis of in this session along the lines of the fact that you can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want and what we're going to do ladies and gentlemen is we're going to work with a formula we're going to give you some steps and procedures which absolutely will make a permanent difference in your life I would like to remind you that we touched on the first step in our last session when I said to you the first thing you want to do is you want to claim these qualities of life you want to simply adopt them as being yours you want to do everything you can on a steady basis to develop those qualities further and further and further step number two if you want to be up most of the time and on when you need to be if you want to build that winning attitude then you need to be a good finder I'm going to straight from what a lot of people believe is the norm in life the old look out for me first and then if there's anything left you can have it approach to life as I indicated earlier we teach a seminar in Dallas called born to win people do come from everywhere couple of years ago we had a major corporation to send in for couples now we encourage people to come with their mates if they are married but it is not a marriage seminar though we've seen a lot of husbands and wives walk in at each other's throats and walk out in each other's arms because we did fit them with those new glasses because we did teach them how to communicate again a lot of people really do think that when they take turns talking that's communication and that really is not well in this three days I lectured twice a day but most of the time is spin around a round table with six other people there's a lot of individual instruction there's a great deal of individual participation somebody has rightly said that if you hear it you forget it if you see it you remember it but if you see it and hear it and do it you understand and then you're successful that's the reason we like to get you involved it's the doing that makes the difference again you got to be before you can do you got to do before you can have well these four couples came to our born to win seminar and we had them really involved when we have these people around those round tables every time anybody says anything or does anything the other six people write them a little note and it says I like James Jones because and then they give some specific observable behavior because he is so pleasant and gives me encouragement at work you could say something like I like Bill Smith because he brings his projects in on time and under budget but of the seminar at the end of it each person there has got between 50 and sometimes as many as a hundred and fifty of those little slips and they they literally keep them for months sometimes even years well the first night these four couples went out to a late dinner at one of Alice's finest and certainly one of our most expensive restaurants they hit the jackpot with a waiter I mean he was absolutely magnificent he had been there over 20 years been a waiter over 25 years he was totally professional in every aspect of his job he was there when he was needed but he did not join the party when there was a need he filled it and disappeared and he could anticipate those needs he really it was braved when then they got his name and when they got ready to leave they left him a 25% tip which is significant I hasten to add they also left each one of them did that is one of those little I like because slips they walked out the front door they've gotten about a hundred feet hundred and fifty feet from the front door when they heard the waiters voice from the rear he was calling them wait a minute folks wait a minute they looked and there he was does he ran to them he is waving those eight slips of paper he drew of rest and he stopped he said you know folks I've been a waiter over 25 years then they said that he broke down and literally could not say a thing for it seemed like forever when he finally regained his composure he said in 25 years this is by far the most significant thing that has ever happened to me he said I will never forget tonight and with that he turned and walked back in the restaurant never a word about the tip just about those little eight slips of paper my good friend Cabot Robert from Phoenix Arizona says there over three billion people on the face of this earth to go to bed hungry every night but he says there are over four billion people on the face of this earth who go to bed hungry every night for a word of praise and appreciation of love of hope of affection of a courage encouragement wouldn't it be tragic if one of those people was your wife or your husband that or your mom or your dad your son or your daughter or for that matter someone with whom you work every day of your life a nice person a nice lady a nice guy who on the surface seems to have everything going their way but deep down they're in turmoil and a word of encouragement of consideration of kindness of affected you what a dramatic difference it could make in their lives and it would only take a moment yes words of encouragement can make such a dramatic difference in someone's life three years ago I spoke down in Melbourne Australia during one of the breaks of a lady came up to me and and she said mr. Zager I'm 32 years old she said I have two little girls they're six years old in there years old they've had psychological problems like you absolutely cannot believe including a reversion to infantile behavior she said I got your tapes on raising those positive kids and she said in one of them you say tell your kids that you love them but she said mr. Ziegler my 32 years of life there's never been a living breathing human being who said to me I love you in your tape you just kept saying tell your kids that you love them as she said as a matter of fact it was weird because it seemed every time I would put that particular tape in it was always on that exact spot if you don't tell your kids that you love them they gonna grow up and get married and have kids and they will tell their kids that they love them and somebody's got to break the chain she said one night we were seated in our den I was on one side of the room my six-year-old was literally at my feet my nine-year-old was across the room and all of a sudden she said I remembered and she said I just more or less blurted it out the girls I just want you to know I sure do love you she said had my six-year-old been on a spring she could not have gotten up any faster she was like a shot out of a gun she threw her arms around me and hugged me and kissed me and started crying my nine-year-old across the way ran across in see-through our arms around him and she hugged man she kissed me and she started crying and of course by then I was crying too she said mr. Ziegler I have no idea how long we cried might just have been a moment or two but it might have been five even ten minutes she said all I know is that when we finished crying that those tears had washed away a lot of the hurt and the pain and the bitterness even that had crept into our lives though I was emotionally exhausted there was a an exhilaration that is impossible to describe a feeling that I'd never had before in my life she said the girls and I promised each other that night that never again would we let a day go by that we didn't start that day and in that day by hugging and kissing and declaring our love she said you know mr. Ziegler you would have thought none of the emotions of the moment the circumstances that were there you would have thought that it would have been easy and natural but you know when we got away from the emotion of that moment we started thinking about it I felt awkward the next morning she said I'm just so grateful that I was mature enough to understand that if you always wait until you feel like doing things you will never really get them done and so she said though it was awkward at first because you cannot make an overdraft on the bank of love all of your life and then bring that account up to date in one deposit I don't care how big the deposit is but the next morning awkwardly I grabbed my little girls again I hugged him and kissed him told him how much I loved him and they told me the same thing took us a couple of weeks before it even approached being natural at the end of the month though we were adding an occasional hug and kiss extra and mr. Ziegler within sixty days we just used any excuse for the hugging and kissing and mr. Ziegler within 90 days ninety-eight percent of all of those psychological problems had disappeared 2,000 years ago Jewish scholar wrote a love letter to his relatives in Corinth some say it's the most beautiful love letter ever written he kind of summed it up by saying love never failure I was interested to note that when you chose those qualities of success you put loving in there because it is so important I take you back to the story of the waiter now I got a couple of points I want to make with that story but what I'm just kind of cute at least I think it's cute what wouldn't you wouldn't you have just loved to have been at the next table that waiter served man don't you know they got service like nobody has ever gotten before and their life but the real reason I tell the story the major point I want to make is a very heart of everything we do and that simply is this philosophy that you can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want why the next morning when those eight people came in and remember now the waiter said it was the most meaningful event of his entire career but you should have seen those eight people the next morning they were so high we had to pull him down off the ceiling before we could bring them into the room they bought a case of those little I liked because back because they want to give them to everybody it really does work and you know I can almost I'm not a mind-reader but I know where some of your thinking is you might sit there and say was they I can see where it would work for that lady in Melbourne Australia those were kids I can see where it would work with that later because after all the reality is he got a bigger tip because he did such a job who think you got to understand man I work on Main Street I deal with Wall Street this outfit I work with man their bottom line can you use this philosophy in the cold blooded hard-headed business world in which we live my friend it works better there than anywhere else in the December 1987 issue of executive excellence a publication of 16 pages which has a lot of very concise and pertinent articles in it there was an article in it by dr. Ken Blanchard and dr. Blanchard was or is the man of one minute manager Feynman and dr. Blanchard reported on a study which had been done concerning investing in the Dow Jones and here's what he said had you put thirty thousand dollars 30 years ago in the Dow Jones right across the board the composite he said today you would have in excess of $100,000 but he said had you taken the same $30,000 and ambassador in the 21 companies which have ethics as the base from which they operate these qualities right here ethics the base from which they operate plus they have an announced public policy that the reason they're in business is to serve the public you can have everything in life you want you'll just help enough other people get what they want today you'd have over $1,000,000 same article same article he reports on a study done by Arizona State University of the companies which have paid dividends for the last 100 years now folks that's financial stability if there's ever been financial stability and these companies have ethics as the base from which they operate and and announced public policy but the reason they are in business is to serve the public it's absolutely true you have everything in life you want if you'll just help enough other people get what they want so step number two if you really want to keep that attitude right if you really want to build that career and if you really want to do the things in life that will make you successful become a good finder now incidentally folks you know again I'm not a mind-reader but I know sometimes when people sit there and seminar you get to thinking well I don't know if I won't do all that like this idea of standing in front of the mirror and claiming all of those qualities I'd be a little self-conscious Ziglar if I do that now I'll look at him from time to time but to go through that rigmarole you talk about I don't know about that Fred let me ask you a question what have you got to lose nobody's even gonna know about it but you but suppose it does what I'm telling you will do wouldn't it be tragic if you chose not to take a simple suggestion that would make a dramatic change in your life claim the qualities number one number two become a good finder number three you need to get an education one of the things that I do in our company when we bring someone new aboard at the moment we have about 80 people and when we bring someone aboard I like to spend a little time talking with them to let them know what they can expect from us and kind of find out what we can expect from them kind of to get to know that individual recently we had a beautiful lady to join us after stead been on vacation for 23 years now those of you who are mothers will say Ziggler thought what no vacation seriously she had raised her children now she was rear end that we enter in the workplace and see what starting back and you can understand why she would be a little apprehensive and incidentally I understand raising kids it's not a vacation and I would never even bother imply that but now she's shifting gears and as she came in the first question she asked me was do you discriminate because of a lack of education and I said well we certainly do she looked a little stunned and obviously disappointed but I said we never discriminate because of a lack of schooling now there's a dramatic difference in the two you say you can finish school and I definitely think you should you can even make it easy and I definitely think you should not but you can never finish your education and it is never easy it's something that goes on and on and on I'm absolutely convinced that there's literally no excuse in America today for anybody not to have a brilliant education if you can even read at the 5th grade level and if you cannot read at the 5th grade level go to your Public Library we can put you in touch with the people who are teaching illiterate have to read in most every case once you've gotten turned on to what it can mean to you I believe you will do it there's no excuse for not being brilliantly educated all you need to do is three very simple things number one you should learn one new word every day now ladies and gentlemen that's not an earth-shattering task Reader's Digest has an article every month or a page in there it pays to enrich you a word power one new wear today in five years you can talk to just about anybody about just about anything not because you know a whole lot of big words but because they have broadened your base it's gone broader and deeper you see every time you learn a new word that words got a couple of bloodiest and those buddies have got buddies you learn one you are today and in five years I'll absolutely guarantee you it will make a difference one study involving thirteen hundred and sixty-one executives revealed and these are top level executives real a revealed that they had outstanding vocabularies Vince Roberts lives in Ottawa Canada now Vince was 37 years old he had a fifth grade education he was a cab driver and he literally spent hours every week at the airport waiting on a fare he spent hours every week at the hotels waiting on a fare and then one day something happened and Vince Roberts is life I do not know what it was but something happened he became inspired he realizes that he did not have to stay like he was our query was so a bought himself a book the book he bought was a dictionary a twenty-pound dictionary and starting on page one wait for word for a word he went all the way through that twenty pound dictionary twice he end up on in the cab company he ended up investing in the stock market becoming a very wealthy man today he travels telling people how you did it how he did it now my friend there is no excuse on earth there's no reason why you cannot learn at least one new word and it absolutely will make a difference step number two in order to get that education you need to read at least 20 minutes every day now I spend about two hours a day or more but you got to understand this is my business this is my life this is my profession I got to do it fortunately I just absolutely love to do it but 20 minutes a day will make a dramatic difference now obviously I'm talking about reading something good powerful positive biographies autobiographies self-help books motivational books books about your business your profession the industry of which you are a part looks about human nature how to deal with people if you are an average reader that's 220 words a minute if you will just read 20 minutes a day at the end of the year you will have read 20 200 page books that is 18 more than the average American reads in a year's time that will give you a colossal advantage in whatever it is that you're doing folks the reality is just a little advantage is all most of us need it's the little things that make the big difference in life you call it girlie kittens you'll absolutely love you call her a cat you got a problem friend a bad problem if you say she's a vision you score all kind of points call her a sight you're in trouble fellas can you imagine you look in your wife's eyes and say honey when I look into your eyes the wheels of time just stand still oh that's beautiful that's poetry but can you imagine what will happen if you look at knives and say you know honey when I look into your eyes the weed there when I look into your eyes I just am reminded that you got to face it stop a clock I mean ladies and gentlemen that is something that would make it it's the little things that make a big difference if my watch is for hours wrong no problem but if it's four minutes wrong I'm in trouble because you see I'm scheduled to leave this afternoon at 3:45 if it's four minutes slow and I get there at 3:49 well you can see the problem because I made a deal with the airlines that if I'm not there when they get ready to go that they're just to go ahead without me and as far as I know they've always lived up to their end of the agreement they did it last year in Dallas I can say that little things make a big difference in life the third thing you need to do to get that brilliant education is you need to regularly listen to cassettes when you're in your automobile for example the average salesman according to my friend Don Hudson spends 510 hours a year in his automobile while you're in that car and the average person incidentally I was a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California for two years and they did a study which revealed that if you live in a metropolitan area and drive twelve thousand miles a year that in three years time you can acquire the equivalent of two years of college education while you're in your automobile you can literally learn everything from Chinese art and a foreign language to the Bible to financial planning to gold setting to how to close a sale to how to communicate more effectively there are hundreds of things that you can learn in your automobile it ought to be the greatest educational institution literally in the world you spend ten thousand 15 20 30 even 40 thousand dollars on a car and yet the typical American let me tell you what if they do they stomp their foot and gripe and groan and complain every time the traffic gets a little heavier they see a gem up front and they say dag gone it all when are they gonna do something about this when the order when they see a traffic jam and saying oh boy I bet it's gonna take me 30 minutes to get through that sucker and two minutes I can learn three new words I can learn two new closes I can learn about financial planning that's what I'm talking about using the time that you have you gotta go anyhow I not get an education while you're on the way and that won't take one minute of your time incidentally folks when you talk about time let me remind you that 72 percent of the time when we're watching television we're watching something we have no interest in we rush home to see a particular cell The Cosby Show wonderful show I've already seen it twice it is a good show but a lot of times people will mash the button and change of talent what's on the other one and four hours later they say well I can't believe I've spent the whole night here doing nothing I'm talking about utilizing your time so step number three is get an education step number four if you really want to go to the top you want to maintain that attitude you need to learn how to say hello you need to know how to greet people properly whether it's in person or whether it's in the phone on the phone now I do something and I've been doing it a long time regardless of what time of day it is when I greet people I always say good morning and whether it's nine o'clock in the morning or nine o'clock at night they always respond in 85 percent of the cases that is they'll say good morning now a lot of times it'll after they said ago so it's not morning and I'm so why did you say good morning man I said I said it cause you said it I said that's right that brings out something very important ladies and gentlemen that's this when you go out in life to find friends they're very scarce when you go out to be a friend they're everywhere what you send out it is what you get back if you complain because people in a certain area are building we're not very friendly can you honestly say that you initiated Inlet friendliness yourself send it out and you will get it greet people enthusiastically whether it's in person are on the telephone now I challenge you to do this when the seminar is over go get two yellow pages out look up ten numbers swap with one of your buddies who's got ten numbers and those ten numbers in our guarantee you no more than three out of the ten again can you identify what the name of that business is you really cannot snatch the phone off the hook because if it weren't intrusion what do you mean dollars number I wouldn't bother you good monitor company and you have no more idea banned a goat who you have called I challenge you call us in Dallas 214 233 91 91 got a watch number but do you more good spend your own dollar call us down there and our lady will pick up that telephone and with considerable enthusiasm she'll say good morning now a lot of people say thank was it always a good morning it sure is and if you don't believe it you just try missing one of them then she makes a little motivational speech he says it's a great day at Zig Ziglar mine this is surely it may I help you there 11 words involved it takes four to five seconds to do that it will save you an average of nine seconds because nobody ever says how'd you say it well switch companies is where are you they've gotten the communication very clearly now when I'm at home and I do stress this is when I'm at home when I answer the telephone I answer it many times singing it or good morning to you now be the first admit sometimes there's a long pause a lot of times I was saying if you don't speak about they're gonna hang up and they'll say lose it whoever you want who do you want man you sure do fielder good today I said yeah many years ago I decided I was going to feel good today good friend of mine before his tragic death dr. John Kasich a brilliant young psychiatrist told me that over 90% of the way we feel is determined by the decision we make as to how we want to feel and how we expect to feel there 51 diseases which are psychosomatic in origin answer with enthusiasm a lot of times I'll pick up the phone I'll there say Heidi Heidi Heidi now my favorite way of answering the phone at home good morning this is James Ziggler happy husband I'll do it for two reason number one is the truth and number two fellas you just can't believe how many points I score with that Rhydian when I answer that telephone that way and I love to score points with idiot now when one of my grandchildren turn around I have two little right age for this one of them is named sunshine for obvious reasons the other one is named keeper now you know when a fisherman pulls in a good and he's got a keeper and so when we first saw her we knew we had a keeper and that's where the name comes from if one of them are around I'll pick up the telephone and I'll say good morning this is Sunshine's Prag granddaddy those little eyes just light up and think of what that does to her self-image one day keeper was over at the house she and I had been talking up in my office the redhead was down in the den and I've been keep her laugh man went downstairs and I had to ask the redhead some so I just picked up the phone and dialed her and keep her picked up the telephone she said good morning this is mammals happy-happy granddaughter i'll tell you ladies and gentlemen these kids really really get with the program they follow the Bible which is that and you might say well Zig now why do you do this well let me tell you something folks I do it because again you cannot separate your personal life from your family life and from your business life we were very fortunate early on we discovered that kids go where there's excitement they stay where there is love there has never been a generation in our nation's history that is as starved for affection and intimacy as is this current generation and they are not getting it and that is one of the reasons they turn to drugs and promiscuity the reason they get involved in gangs and some of the vandalism that take place we discovered that if their love was there and the excitement was there other kids would come play in our den and living room our children's friends wanted out of curiosity what kind of people are they up there that answer the telephone that way so they would come up sometimes we had a traffic jam but I would prefer fourteen of those kids in our den and us know everything going on then they have my child somewhere else and they have no idea of what was happening now I kind of hit the jackpot again in this the redhead is officially known as the happy hugger if it's moving she will stop it and hug it and if it is not moving she'll dust it off and sell it so when these kids when these kids would come in the red head would government give them that hug in many cases that was the only hug they'd gotten since the last time they had been there it creates an amazing environment by answering the phone that way parents I challenge you to do this if the telephone rings and your daughter is standing or sitting around mom just pick up that telephone and with a big grin on your face and a lot of enthusiasm say good morning this is Molly's proud mom that if you're there and the phone rings you pick up that telephone and you say good morning this is Paul's proud pop and you might have that old go key go click gangly a 15 year old boy standing there and he might say Oh dad but I'll guarantee you the next time the phone rings he will wait for you it is the ultimate compliment when one of my grandchildren over there they never answer the telephone they go to the telephone but they wait for me to answer that telephone I can tell you do wonders for their self-image dad let me talk to you just for a moment dr. Oz Campbell says this he says every little six-year-old boy has only gotten 1/6 there's much hugging and kissing as the average little six-year-old girl over and in the first grade little boys getting 9 times as much trouble 9 times as likely rather to have a speech difficulty as our little girls dr. Campbell said that in all of his years of research and all of his years of practice he has never known a single human being with a sexual dysfunction who had a father who was gentle and affectionate and compassionate and loving and kind and some of those other feminine qualities there's still a bunch of those macho men who say golf kiss my little boy and make our [ __ ] out of him the absolute opposite is true the kids are starved for skin they want hugging they want to know that you care fellas I'll say the same thing about your wives let me tell you something they resent it when you ignore them all day and then give them your undivided attention when the lights go out and as a practical matter how there's flat tell you if you gripe about the mashed potatoes at supper or dinner all you're gonna get the rest of the evening is cold shoulder your relationship I believe we are hungry all over this land for people who are willing to hug when hug is all they're interested in step number four learn to greet people in person if somebody asks you how you doing instead of the old negatives that you often hear well fine since it's Friday or good since I get off in 20 minutes are great since it's pay day and it's 11:00 when there's some people is my good friend Roy Hatton says when they pull themselves up to their full height and say well under the circumstances I mean he makes you wonder what they're doing under ban the first place does it now the next time somebody asks you how you do and why don't you just tell them the truth why don't you say outstanding but I'm improving or super good but I'll get better if you might say busy suppose I'm not doing super good am I telling the truth of course you're telling the truth you're just telling it in advance that's all why wait only good stuff claim and now enjoy it now step number 6 to build that winning attitude we need to shape up ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry you know what I just did I skip step number five hey you don't want to do that step number five cancel that one as we just say down home some folks could file up a two-car parade and so let's back up to step number five for 27 hours a year you do something that's kind of neat that we have to do you know negative Americans amaze me and yet so many of them are so negative they call those electrical appliances on the street corners red lights or stop lights or traffic lights but they really are put there to make traffic go so the reality is they are go lies damn ask you a question have you ever been at one go lights and you got to spend 27 hours a year incidentally waiting on the right color and you're sitting there waiting on the right color to come along you're all excited you're all enthused you're highly motivated you're listening to you Zig Ziglar tapes and you look at the side of your eye and you can't believe what you see here sits a guy over here and he is waiting on the right color to come along but he's got a good firm grip on that steering wheel I mean he doesn't want that car to go anywhere got a mouth fixed exactly right just in case he has to talk to that thing and you can't believe it you watched him he's got his foot on the accelerator his racial enzyme trying to change the color the light let me ask you a question how many of you've actually ever seen some NoDo sit down racing the car motor trying to change the color of the light can I see your hand please folks I hate to be negative matter of fact I won't be negative I'll be that little boy came home school one day and said dad I'm afraid I flunked out rithmetic test as dad said son that's negative be positive he said dad I'm positive I flunked a trip up there I'm absolutely positive by racing that car motor you're not gonna change the color of that light there was no while and I know we got some very prominent enormously successful people watching this and some of them are very sophisticated and I know some of them say well I certainly would not say super good but I'll get better or outstanding but I'm in but I just wouldn't say things like that that's a little amateurs that's even a little juvenile well friend if you think it's juvenile to say super good but I'll get better just what do you think it is to sit there and race that car motor trying to change the color of the light now that's just not gonna work good friend of mine Bernie logic in Winnipeg Canada is really more a brother Bernie is the most positive human being I've ever seen heesu positive he's never had a cold one centigrade while he has a warm he's a positive you want to even talk about the weekend he says that's negative because it's the strong and and you might say not come on Zack Lee you got to be kidding me super good strong hands go lights all that guy stuff is that necessary now you can be mediocre without it mediocre who does that dude think he's talking to I'm the president of my own company mediocre worth over ten million dollars mediocre why I have led the nation in sales every year for the last three years mediocre I've got to pH sneeze well bullet for you I still say mediocre because success is not measured by what you've done compared to what somebody else has done you might have 10 times the ability we have success real success is measured by what you've done with the ability you have compared to what you could have done with the ability you have this procedure is not designed to help you beat anybody this is designed to make you number one you see everybody can't be the biggest in the fastest and the strongest and the smartest but everybody can be number one and you are number one when you get up every morning and look yourself in the mirror and say today I'm gonna give it my best shot you're number one when at the end of that day you can get back in front of that mirror and say today I gave it my best shot you're number one with the one who is the most important as far as your success is concerned so step number five if somebody asks you ladies and gentlemen directions instead of saying you go down to the red light tell them the truth you say you go down to the go light and the minute you say go light you're granted like you walk through a swinging door on somebody else's push I mean you'll get sad about it because it will remind you of today it will bring you right back in your own mind right here and your whole pattern of thinking will be lifted step number six shape up physically now when I talk about shaping up physically they're about three factors involved remember we deal with a physical we deal with a mental we deal with a spiritual the first thing in shaping up physically is you need to get enough sleep the evidence is overwhelming that when you sleep that's the only time certain chemicals are reproduced in your brain and these chemicals are necessary to keep your body in balance you know if you do not get enough sleep the first thing you lose is that incredible energy the second thing you lose is you lose of that alertness that makes a difference and third you become more susceptible susceptible to becoming addicted to prescription drugs or the illegal drugs so get enough sleep what is enough I don't know but you do if you have to fight your way awake every morning try getting a little extra sleep if that doesn't work see your doctor you might need a physical then you need to get on a proper diet and exercise program there are many good books today that you really need to look into if you're really going to take care of your health a lot of times as I've said earlier I am a jogger many times people ask me when do you have time to jog but the reality is when you exercise whether it's a fast walk or bouncing up and down and down on rebound alright in stationary bicycles or bicycles on the street or swimming whatever you do you activate that pituitary gland it pledged a system with the endorphins your energy level goes up your creativity goes up I run five days a week and I find my energy level is always higher for the next two to five I don't spend time exercising I invest time and get a tremendous return third thing to do about your physical conditioning folks is avoid the poisons now there's some people who get a little uncomfortable when I say this but I've got to tell you what I know is truth there's an old saying that you can deny truth but you cannot avoid it the day's gonna come when it will be there every time you light up a cigarette you have just decided to die 16 minutes earlier than you otherwise would have died I'm talking about something very serious folks three hundred and ninety thousand people a year die as a direct result of smoking a hundred and fifty thousand died as a direct result of drinking we do know that every time you take a drink that it killed certain brain cells and I don't know how many brain cells you got personally I don't have a single one to spare I encourage you do the things that will make you the most functional I've even had certain people to say well you know I took a drink it sharpens me up man gives me that little edge now me and you know both no you don't really believe that let me tell you why I know we both don't believe it here's why if you were faced with major surgery would you insist that surgeon has a little snort just before he opens you up no way and you're not as sharp either if you really want to build a winning attitude step number seven you need to give it your best shot whatever it is that you do give it your best effort now in corporate America ladies and gentlemen I believe that the worker who has said I will be there at eight o'clock that's when my day to start and I'll state a fact I believe most of them will do exactly that but the question here's how do they get there at eight o'clock here's what I've noticed I've notice that most of them get there absolutely in a dead run I mean at least 200 yards they get there I mean they are all huffing and puffing the traffic was that I didn't think I was gonna pay you know they're unpacking their gear and they make their way back to the culvert I get him a cup of coffee and they come back and they finish on the back in it and ten minutes after their pay starts then they go to work now they supposed to work until five o'clock I believe the American worker is a conscientious sincere individual and I believe that if they're supposed to be there at you know that particular time and stay there until 8:00 till five o'clock I believe a stay until five o'clock but if you could turn the video cameras on corporate America all over America at five o'clock here's what you'd see little workers run a three-point stance the bell rings and boom like they're shot out of a cannon what they do then is they get out of there now they talk about the freeways being dangerous today let me tell you where the danger is it's trying to get out of corporate headquarters and out of the parking lot that's where the danger is let me tell you something you want to get ahead and what you're doing then my friend let me encourage you get there ten minutes early be ready to go at eight o'clock that's so important stay there until five o'clock and then you pack up at five o'clock and then you leave after choice rather says you cannot consistently perform in a manner which is inconsistent with a way that you see yourself this will do so many wonderful things for your image because you know you are doing what you're being paid to do you're accepting responsibility you're a discipline yourself to do the job properly and I'll tell you something else the boss is looking there and those first 10 minutes of those lies to him and it's definitely will make an impression give it your best shot when I was a boy down in Yazoo City Mississippi I was born in LA that's lower Alabama but when I was in Yazoo City Mississippi I worked in a grocery store in those Depression years we used to borrow merchandise from other stores Charlie Scott was the runner from across the street and Charlie used to come running in our store to borrow food from us like if it store ran out of tomatoes he'd come right over there to say mr. Anderson who owned our store I need a bar a half dozen Candida mater's but mr. Annan would say okay Charlie you know where they are go get them and old Charlie would go off in a mad dash he'd grab up the half-dozen Canada made it he'd bring him back he'd plop him down on that counter you know it's giving his name on the receipt he would take off like a scalded bug one day I said mr. does not come Charlie Scott always runs mr. Anderson kind of smile he said well he always runs because Charlie's Scott is working for a raise and he's gonna get it too I said mr. Anderson how you know Charlie Scott gonna get it raised he said I know Charlie Scott's gonna get a raise because of the man he's working for it does it give it to him it's an absolute fact of life that when you do more than you're paid to do you will eventually be paid more for what you do I was speaking at Clarksville I was speaking in coastal Mississippi at the University of Mississippi State when I finished that seminar a tall redheaded gentleman came up to me and he said mr. Zieg lady said one of you lysine Charlie's God I said well oh well left for the Navy back in 1944 Charlie is 2 years old and I mean he left two years before then I haven't seen him since he said you probably wouldn't even know him would you and I said no I really would he said I didn't think so he said I'm Charlie Scott his friends told me that Charlie Scott had taken the lessons of childhood until they became the instincts of his adult life at age 50 he retired a very wealthy man I simply am saying this to say to you ladies and gentlemen that it makes no difference where you start that if you will take these principles that we've been talking out throughout this entire seminar that they in fact will enable you by utilizing the principles by developing the qualities which we have identified by applying yourself by giving it your absolute best shot that you can start from where you are and get the things you want in life I will remind you yet one more time that failure is an event it is not a person I will remind you that regardless of what's happened in the past the future can absolutely be magnificent I also will encourage you to spend some of the time of your life with the ones that you love our research states beyond any reasonable doubt that if we have balance in our life we're going to be able to accomplish more of our objectives than if we only have that one financial objective and again I'm not putting money down but there are a lot of other things that go along with it I close with this believe in you you were created by God in his own image he loves you he wants the best for you believe in your fellow human beings believe in what you're doing give it your best shot believe in the good old USA I've been almost all over the world folks there's not another land like it how lucky we are to be here take advantage of its opportunities and finally that I've been on trial for my life and has you been my judge and my jury and had you commissioned me to tell you things that you needed to do to get the most out of your life with my very life at stake I would have said to you exactly what I have said so take these steps follow these procedures because if you do I'll see you and yes I really do mean you at the top thank you and god bless you thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed I'd love to know what did you think of this video that it did something changing you did you get inspired you get motivated I hope so leave it in the comments below let me know what you think and let me know what your favorite part about it was and what change you're gonna now make in your business or your life as a result of watching this video because watching alone isn't enough you got to take some action finally I want to thank Jenny chin thank you so much for buying a copy of my book it really means a lot to me those are you watching you want your chance at a shout out in a future video make sure to pick up a copy of the book and email in your receipt so we can keep track and send you the bonuses thank you guys so much for watching continue to believe or whatever your one word is and I'll see you soon
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Keywords: business, success, advice, help, entrepreneur, how to, better, life, money, work, job, career, company, motivation, education, inspiration, Evan, Carmichael
Id: e_Vyf8JvDak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 42sec (9282 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2016
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