ZF Graveyard Mage Solo SOD 150k+ EXP per hour

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so guys this Dy and today I'm going to show you the Mage solo ZF boost SL farm for talents we are running fire for the kill phase and frost for the the run there I recommend having dual spec for this Farm mainly because if you're trying to level through here at level 43 and Beyond you would want um ice block and Ice barrier just so you could live level 50 you could just save fire the whole time I don't recommend using impact just because it can mess up your grouping but other than that you could use any fire build you want probably with Arcane consecration for Clear casting but if you have blade of Eternal Darkness don't to worry about it too much this is my gear obviously I'm pretty geared right now you don't you could be in All Greens you could be in all of the eagle gear for stamina int for this doesn't really matter for runes I run transporting for the shield living bomb obviously hot streak um I don't really use instant pyro blaster in the pill because it uses a lot of Mana I only really use it if there's like one or two mobs left and they're high HP CU mobs that you don't hit for a long period of time with direct damage will heal over time you could just use frostfire bolt instead spell power obviously molten armor um other than that for the run there want to pop your ice shield and Mana barrier I'm in fire so it's only going to be Mana barrier at level 50 you won't pull really anything at the start but at lower levels you will pull pretty much everything in this room so when you pull something just make sure you run by and turn your back so you don't get days and dismounted do a quick 180 jump we're going to run up this hill hug this wall you might not pull the bascus or if you're lower level you might you probably will going to turn this corner our first reset spot is going to be in between these two rocks go ahead and Dismount and if you have to if you're a taller character just do SL sit or sleep so you can sit down once they deago I'm going to quickly eat some bread we're going have to kill that totem you might have to kill totem sometimes all right we are going to eat up this is before you run you want to make sure there's a pat that this Pat is not coming by because they can kill you pretty quickly just wait for them to go by go and pop your Shields run down this way get close to this wall you only want to aggro these guys a level 50 you won't right up the hill jump on top of that ear turn around this corner make sure you turn your back towards them so you don't get dazed not back towards them but make sure you turn your back away from them this rock right here is a reset spot if you have to use it if you get this mounted just blink and keep going run up this little sand pile jump up here hug this corner if you wanted to not risk getting hit by range abilities if not if you're not patient just jump on this statue and then jump over here and we're going to wait all right now that we're done we're going to eat some bread again if you're any other class that's not a or race that's not a GN you could probably just jump up here but if you're a GN just G your Mount jump up here Mana Shield make sure you Ager the boss when you jump down here so the Zombies Run to her if you don't Agra her and open the graves the zombies will immediately start killing you make sure you Agra her spam click these Graves and the reset spot is going to be right here behind this ear we might have to wait for that Pat deps how long it takes all right we're good and spam open these Graves if you miss one or two is not a big deal blink over here up that sand pile into this little water wall thingy and just wait for the mobs to deagro sometimes when they deagro some of them will immediately reago on to you so just be wary of that that can't kill you just wait in here until it's safe and be careful of this Pat when you jump down here we're going to open these graves right here let get them all jump back up here and hide in the corner or you could just jump on the Statue to the top now for Ping them I would recommend using rank one flame strike just so you're not using all your Mana get your M jump back up here we're going to Flame strike these mobs here might be able to jump over here and get a fire blast off if not you can rank one flame strike these guys here I'm just going to do it just because it looks like the nagro pull that guy all right now that they're up here you want to make sure you group them up close to the front area so if you kill them on that hill right here you won't be able to loot any of them which is pretty makes this whole thing pointless so just be careful of that just make sure sure you don't fall off it happened to me last round and I I died pretty quickly if you have the no more gone crafted helmet I recommend using it UNP you're using all your Mana pop a man Jade here I forgot to pop Mage Armor I recommend using m armor for this for Passive Mana regen and if you have to evocate make sure they get close to one side and evocate jump and evocate on the other side so you get the most mana mana you can I'll just evocate right here finish this last guy off and we will loot I forgot to clear my bag so I'm just going to delete some stuff make sure you vender before you start a run so some space now the main way to make gold here is just just enchanting all the greens you get because the depending on your server the enchanting Ms do sell for quite a bit I've gotten um oops I've gotten a night blade last night the Epic the world epic uh two-hander um while I was leveling here on my Mage 403 50 I managed to get myself a gut Ripper so that was really nice when you're doing the kill phase again make sure you don't kill them up uh too far up on this hill you won't be able to loot any of them which that would be really sad now for the scarabs we're just going to take care of this guy real quick he's not Elite Mig deal now for the scarabs it depends depend if you could do this or not will be the mo patrolling mob here I forget which one hexes you but whichever mob is the one that hexes you you can't do this at a lower level unless you could manage to kill them at level 50 it doesn't matter which mob it is you could just kill them pretty quickly here I'm going swap to Frost fire bolt for that so I kill this guy faster go ahead if you're a lower level you could just shoot the guy and do the pole and include him in there get away from the Scarab all right so the fun thing about scarabs is that they are social so you only have to living bomb two or three of them to get all of them so what we're going to do is make sure we see the boss he is in a good spot so we're going to living bomb that top scare him run over here and living bomb that one and that should get the rest in here and blink pop a shield Frost over here okay he didn't pull jump up here jump on the Statue turn around jump on the wall the scarabs should follow I heard the scarabs can drop Edge Master's handguards which I don't know how true that is but guess we'll find out same thing just living bomb and uh do the uh do the pull as he would as the zombies they will put a poison down so not going to do anything to you catastrophic they will start going really fast after a while for go ahead and loot now there's one way of resetting there's there's one of two ways of resetting this dungeon one requires you to have an ALT account or someone in the guild or a friend who could invite you to a group you pass them lead you will log off once you are completely logged out they can reset instance and you will just teleport back you would just teleport back to the front of the instance the other way of resetting would to be going inside the cave with the boss and this can be kind of difficult you might die doing this it's not a big deal honestly just in case they almost kill you just put car athetic preservation on your boots this cuz I did this I tried to doing a logout skip with 400 HP and I got one shot so man we don't need Mana okay and this log out skip is pretty similar to a cave log out skip you will be kind of halfway in the air so the game gets confused and places you at the nearest uh graveyard slash portal don't want to pull the boss that be bad just go around and no matter no matter what level you are you will pull this boss it's a Zone trayer type pulls of a boss did not want to pull her and jump up here do that go ahead and log out hope I don't die I'm going to try that again I had to heal it's just a switch doctor is doing a lot of damage to me see y make sure your character is hovering over nothing and when you log back in you should be at the front of the dungeon just run out and reset go back in and do it over again easy day now for leveling wise I recommend doing this at level 43 because any lower than that you will have a lot of issues with Mana getting one shot getting days constantly XP per hour if you get really efficient at this and you kill the correct amount of mobs which seems to be around that's bugged out 64 plus sometimes 75 you could get around 150k XP per hour which is a level every one run early on maybe and then two runs equals a level to 50 and for those in the comments who say it's 150k XP per hour or this isn't making me a lot of gold you are doing something wrong or you are not doing these lockouts fast enough if you're doing these lockouts really efficiently with the correct amount of pulls you should be locked out for a certain amount of time before you could do your next five instances so yep thank you for watching the video today and good luck on leveling or farming gold
Channel: Daki
Views: 203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, ZF, ZF solo, ZF mage solo, sod mage, sod fire mage, sod frost mage, sod mage farm, sod gold farm, sod level fast, fast leveling sod, season of discovery, level fast, mage aoe farm, mage aoe leveling
Id: XZDhip5XleI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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