name is Mike McDonald. I'm a product manager
on the Firebase team. I'm here to talk today about
everyone's favorite topic. How many people are
here for business? Let's start with that. Your company is paying for you? Let's imagine-- you've been
out all day in the sun. It's hot. If you're like me, maybe
got a little sunburned. You are now going to go
to the local drugstore and pick up some aloe vera. You pay for that,
and you're going to expense it, because the
company's paying for it. You got sunburned. And you have to deal with
everyone's favorite problem, which is expense tracking. Right? You all love this process. You get back from a really
great trip out to I/O, and then you just have
this cluster of emails, and cluster of receipts
that you have to deal with. You have to upload
all those receipts, you have to scan them. You have to determine
how much it was. You maybe want to know,
oh god, am I spending more than everyone else on my team? Wouldn't it be awesome
if I went on a trip, and I had a receipt-- you can check out my burgers and
beer from a trip up to Seattle. I want to just take a photo of
that, have some magic occur, and then know, hey, that
cost me $51.74 dollars. And have that
automatically tracked. That's kind of my dream. It would be even better
if I could allow everyone on my team to do that. Maybe I have an iPhone, and
my co-worker has an Android. Or maybe I want to access all
of those things on the web, after the fact. I don't really want an app. I need this app to be available
across Android, iOS, and web. If I just sat down and started
building an app the way I normally built an
app, not only would I build all of those
front ends, but I would build a bunch of
backend infrastructure. I would have Compute
Engine VMs, or maybe I'm using App Engine, or serverless
things like Cloud Run or Cloud Functions. But I'm writing a
bunch of back end code, to do authentication
and authorization. Maybe I have an ORM in there
to talk to the database that I'm also managing. It's kind of a huge pain. It's a ton of
infrastructure, overhead, and all I want to do is
upload receipts and scan them. It should be easy. I'm going to use Firebase to
help me build this application. Firebase is Google's
mobile platform. It helps you develop
your applications, understand what's going
on in your application to ensure that
it's high quality, and then helps you
grow your application. Firebase apps are
different, because they don't require that you build
all of that infrastructure. It's a bunch of
managed services that let you do things like
upload files directly from your phone to the
cloud, or synchronize data across devices. We're going to start off. I'm going to invite a
couple of my friends out. Frank, Jen, and Kat-- I need some help
building this app. [APPLAUSE] FRANK VAN PUFFELEN:
Thanks, Mike. We're going to build
a few apps here. I'm going to give the team
a few moments to set up. We're going to talk
through what we're actually going to be doing. Mike already said, we're
building an expense tracking app. Who's excited about that. [AUDIENCE WOOS] FRANK VAN PUFFELEN: Not too bad. I'm not sure about you, but
when I am out having dinner-- when I'm traveling--
when I get the receipt, I want to take a
picture straight away. I grab my phone, and
I take a picture. I never actually do my
expenses for my phone. I file my expense reports
from my laptop, in a browser. I have the same
app on my phone-- typically an Android
version for me-- and in the browser,
a web version. I need to see the same
receipt images there. We need to store
them somewhere where we can access the same files
from any version of the app. We're going to use
Cloud storage for that. Cloud Storage is Google's
exabytes scale storage solution. It's used to back some
of the biggest apps that you may have on your phone. For example, Snapchat relies
on cloud storage for its files. That is great, because
even though we're just starting with the
four of us today, this means that we know that
the app will keep working even when there's millions of
users tracking their expenses. We're going to access
cloud storage straight from our devices. We're going to read and
write files to the cloud straight from within
our application code. We're not going to
spin up any servers. We're going to just use
the Firebase SDK for Cloud Storage in each of our apps. That means that we'll write a
file straight from the iOS app, and then later we can
access that same file from within our web app because
we're using the Firebase SDK to access cloud storage. We can share the file with
users worldwide if we want, but since in this case
we're tracking expenses and we're actually
storing receipts, this is probably somewhat
sensitive information. We can also lock it down to
just the users that we want to give access to these files. I've been telling you that it's
very easy to actually write this code. How about we actually
write some code? Can we switch to the
split screen, please? As Mike says, we're going to be
building three apps here today. We're going to be building the
expense tracking app for iOs, for Android, and for the
web at the same time. We're going to do that by
writing them in parallel. We've split the screen
into four pieces. At the top left,
you see that Mike is working on the iOS
version of the app, and he's doing
that writing Swift. On the top right,
you see that Jen is working on the Android
version of the app, and she's writing Kotlin. On the bottom left, you see that
Kat is working on the web app, and she's doing
that in JavaScript. Now each of them has already
done some prep work on the app, because we don't want to bore
you with UI details and things like that. If we run the [INAUDIBLE]
now, we can see the prep work that we've done. We'll share the code for the
entire app after the talk, so that you can see
what we've done. We're not trying
to hide anything, we're just trying
to save some time for things that are
not relevant to what we're talking about today. We have a very basic app,
with a very simple layout. We can select an image,
or take a picture. If we do that, nothing
happens, because we haven't wired up Firebase yet. That's what we're
going to do next. If you look at the
bottom right, you see that we have the
Firebase console. This is where you manage all
of your Firebase projects. As you can see, I
have a lot of them. We already created
a project that will serve as the back
end for these apps. All our apps are
going to be talking to the Firebase backend
services in this project. You can see that on the left, we
have lots of Firebase features that we can use from
our apps, like storage that we're going to start with,
a database, authentication, functions. I think that's the ones
that we're using today. We've already added information
about each of the apps to this project. We added information
about the iOs, Android, and web application to
the Firebase project so that it knows what apps
it's going to connect with. Based on that, Firebase
generates configuration files that we downloaded
and added to the IDE. We took Google
services info.plist and we added it to xcode. We took a Google
services [INAUDIBLE],, and added it to Android Studio. And we took a
configuration snippet and added it to the web app. With that, we're
ready to start coding. From here on, I recommend
that you follow along with the technology that
you're most interested in. Top left, for iOS. Top right, for android. Bottom left, for web. In each of these
ideas IDEs, we already added the configuration
data and the SDKs that we're going to be using. We've done a plot install. We've done a gradle
dependency, and we've included some script snippets. Now, we're really ready to
start writing some codes. Remember where we started off. We took a picture-- or selected
a picture from the gallery-- and we need to upload
that to cloud storage. When the user selects
an image, this on image selected method gets called. This is where we
need two things. We need a reference to the
local data of the image that we just took, or selected. And we need to know
where in Cloud Storage we're going to write this data. We're going to build a path
into Cloud Storage-- called a storage reference--
out of three pieces. We start with a fixed
name called receipts, which is just a
folder where we store all the receipts for all users. If we ever need a
different type of file, we would store it in a
different top level folder. Then under that, we create
a folder with a user ID for each user that
uploaded the receipt. So Mike's receipts are
going to be in his folder, and Jen's are going
to be in hers. Then, we end with a unique
ID for the file name. It's really just a
unique ID we generate to make sure we never
have file name clashes. Next up, we're going to tell
Firebase to start writing the data to Cloud Storage. We do that by calling
on the storage reference to put the data
to Cloud Storage. This is all we need to do to
get Firebase to start uploading the files in the background. And note, all the things
we did not have to do here. We did not have to check
for network connectivity. We didn't have to spin up any
background tasks, or threats. We just told Firebase to
start uploading the data, and it went to work. Now when the upload completes,
that can be one of two cases. Either the upload
succeeded, or it failed. If the upload
succeeds, we're going to display a message that it
succeeded, for the moment. But when the upload fails,
we take the error message that we got from Firebase, and
we display it on the screen because this might be
really useful if we need to troubleshoot something. This is all that it takes. Let's build and run
the application, and see what we
actually can do now. Now, if we select
a picture, you can see that the upload starts
and we get a very nasty error message in some
of these devices. If you look carefully, it says
that permission was denied. We don't have permission
to write any files, which sort of makes sense. But we didn't talk
about that yet. So let's switch back to slides,
and see why this happens and how we're going to fix it. Remember when I said that
if Mike uploads receipts, that probably only Mike
should be able to see them. And when I upload
receipts, that only I should be able to see them. That's actually
what's happening here. We store files in
user specific folders that only the user
can access, and we do that based on the user ID. These are Firebase surface
hide security rules. We've written these, and
these are automatically enforced on the server. Because remember, we are
accessing cloud storage directly from within our app. So we can't do security
through surface hide code. We have to do it
through these rules. And these rules tell us
one very important thing. In order to be allowed
to read and write the receipts/userId
folder, you must be signed in as an authenticated
user with the same user ID. That explains why
nothing works yet, because we didn't sign in yet. Let's fix that by adding
Firebase authentication. Firebase authentication is
the second product for use, and it's our secure
serverless sign-in solution. By just using the Firebase
SDK in your application, you can allow your
users to sign in to any of our supported providers. This includes email
passwords, phone number, maybe even a password
word list link in email, and many social providers like
Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Twitter, GitHub-- I think we have a few more. By just writing
client side code, you can sign your users in
with any of these providers. When the user signs in, we
generate a unique user ID for that user. We do that the first
time they sign in, when we create their accounts. This ID will stay the
same for the user, for as long as they're
using your application. It's the same, no matter what
platform they sign in from. So if today, Jen signs
in on her Android app, and tomorrow she
signs in on the web version of the same application,
she gets the same user ID. That is great,
because that means we can access the same files
that she wrote from her phone. You do all of this without
writing any surface hide code. So no triple-legged
OAuth validations. You just write a few lines
of client's hide code, and Firebase does the rest. There's more to
authentication than just code. You actually also need UI. You think of some of
your favorite apps-- you know that there's a
lot involved when you first signed into them. You need to sign up, or sign in. You need to enter your email
address and your passwords, and wait. As soon as you enter
an email address, you probably want to
send a verification email because if the user
ever forgets their passwords, you need to send
them a reset email. All of these things
require that you have a user interface for
these actions, for these flows. Let's be honest,
all of these flows have nothing to do with
what your app is all about. None of it is about
expense tracking. We've built a library
called Firebase UI. It's built by the identity
experts at Google, and includes years
of best practices in building good sign-in flows. This library is available for
iOS, Android, and the web, and we're going to
be using that today to build our sign-in flow. Let's switch back to the
codes to actually do that. Can we switch back to
the split screen, please? Just like before, we already
included the Firebase authentication SDK. We have a method here that gets
called when the user clicks the sign-in button. What we're going to
do is we're going to add code to call
out to Firebase UI to start a sign-in flow. This is a single
call to Firebase UI, but we're passing a few
parameters that tell Firebase how to actually display this. The most important
parameters are the providers that we want to enable. So in this application,
we're going to allow the user to sign
in with email and passwords, and with a Google account. Now as I said before, we
have many more providers, and if you want to enable
those, you would just add them to this list. You would also enable them
in the Firebase console. This is all that we need to
do to kick off a sign-in flow. See again how little
code we have to write. When the user completes
the sign-in flow, it's again going to
be one of two states. Either the sign-in
succeeded, and in that case, we're going to
display the username. Or the sign-in
failed, and just like before if the sign-in
failed we'll take the error message that we
get from Firebase, and we'll display
it to the user. Let's build and run
these apps again, because I think this should
be all that we need to do. Now, if we click
the sign-in button we get a pop-up that's
asking us to sign in. We can select our
account, or enter or email password credentials. If this is the first time
that we sign into this app, we actually-- for
OAuth, we get a prompt whether we want to
give the app access to our basic information. When we sign in, we see
the user's display name. With that, we should actually
be ready to now upload an image. Let's see if this
time, it succeeds. That looks much better. It's a bit hard. We don't do anything
with the image yet, so right now you have
to take my word for it. Let's look at the Cloud Storage
console in the bottom right, to see if any of our
files actually uploaded. Kat, can you go to the
Cloud Storage console? You will see that we have a
folder called receipts, just like in our code. In there we have
three sub folders. Only two of them
completed so far. In each of these, we have
a file of the receipts that they just uploaded. If you look at the
metadata, you can see that the time-stamp is
really what just happened. So our files are making
it to Cloud Storage. That's a pretty good basic start
for what we need for sign-in. We've just signed
into the app, we've taken a picture of
a receipt, and we've uploaded it to Cloud Storage. I think the next steps that
Mike was talking about, is that we need to get some
information from these receipts and then start storing
that in a database. Jen, how do you feel
about actually doing that? JEN PERSON: Sure,
I'll give it a go. Let's go back to the slides. We've stored the receipt images
for our expenses in the Cloud now. What's next for our app? Right now, we just have
a bunch of receipts that are sitting in Cloud Storage. We don't really show
anything in our app. We could ask the user to enter
the details about the receipt themselves, manually,
but this is Google I/O, and machine learning
is all the rage. So we really want a
software solution to this. We are going to use Google Cloud
Vision to extract all the text from the receipt, find the
total amount of money in there, and write that to the database. We can't use Cloud Vision
right on our device, because that would give
all of our users access to our API keys, to run
their own Cloud Vision jobs, which we certainly do not want. We could also use ML
kit on iOS and Android. But for this specific
case, we really want to ensure that we know
that the amount on the receipt is correct, so we
don't want that access to happen on the client. What we really need is
a trusted place where we can run code, that
automatically gets called when we upload an
image to Cloud Storage. Then, calls Cloud Vision to
get the amount for the receipt, and securely writes
it to a database so that the app can read it. To solve this, we're going to
use Google Cloud Functions. Why use Cloud
Functions, or let's say, any server solution,
or serverless solution. There are several reasons where
this would be an advantage. For one thing, security. In our case-- and
many other cases-- there are things that
you don't want the client to be able to have access to. You want to be able to
process data in a place away from the client
that can be secured. Also, it's really
nice when you only have to write your business
logic once and have it work across platforms. A server or
serverless environment enables us to do that. And finally-- and perhaps
most important to your users, from their perspective--
is if you're doing something that
is battery intensive, or data intensive, you
really want to do that away from the client. That's going to be a
better experience for them. They're not going to be
too happy with an app that is draining their battery. In this case, we
could solve this by spinning up our own server,
VM, container, but in this case we are working like a
serverless microservice. We need to run just
a tiny bit of code in a trusted environment
that automatically spins up and down as needed. That's where Cloud
Functions comes in. Cloud Functions
are event driven, meaning that they
respond to events that are happening in your app. This could be a user
logging in to Firebase Auth for the first time, writing
a document to a database-- triggering an analytics
conversion event-- or even triggering directly
using an HTTP trigger. Whatever one of
these events occurs, your Cloud Function
is activated and you can act on this
information as necessary. This could be all sorts
of different things. Maybe using Firebase
Cloud messaging to send a notification
to a user. It could be uploading
or changing some data in Cloud Firestore, or
performing some modification to Google Cloud Storage,
or even Amazon S3 because it's going to work with
third party services, as well. Cloud Functions are written
in TypeScript and JavaScript, on top of no JS. And thanks to NPM-- the world's largest
repository of Node.js models-- you have over 350,000 packages
available at your disposal. So there are lots of options
for how to use Cloud Functions. Cloud Functions automatically
scale up and down to meet user demand, which
means that even if your app is an over night success, we're
going to have you covered. At the same time, you
only pay for what you use. So if you scale
down to zero, you're not going to pay anything Here you see Cloud Function
scaling up and down. Clound Functions work inside a
privileged Google environment, which means that you can
make use easily of Firebase and other Google
Cloud Services, often without having to perform
any additional configuration or setups stats. You don't have to worry about
getting the credentials. They are automatically
provided by Google. Let's see what this
looks like in code. Let's go back to the code. Where you're going to want
to draw your attention is to the bottom right,
because that is where our Cloud Functions code is. Here we have a little bit of
setup that we have initialized. Let's get right
into the functions. Our first step is going to be to
create a Cloud Storage trigger, which has a format like this. You'll see functions. whatever the
Firebase product is, and this one is on finalize
which means this code-- whatever we put inside of here--
is going to run anytime there's is a change made to our
cloud storage bucket. The next thing we're
going to want to do is determine the user
ID and file name. We're going to need this
information when we we use Google Cloud Vision
to extract the information from the receipt. Let's get back to
that part, where we extract the information
from the receipt. That's just going to give us
any text that is in the receipt. But what we really
want is the total. We have designed
a custom function that searches the receipt,
gets all that information, and looks specifically
for the total amount. I'm not going to go into
what that does right now, but you will be able to
check it out on GitHub if you're interested
in how that works. There's still one more
step, because right now we have the information. We have the total. But we haven't put
it anywhere yet. So we need a database
in order to store it Let's go back to the slides
to talk a little bit more about that. Here we are-- we
uploaded the receipt, we extracted the amount from it. What comes next? It's a good time to
talk about a database. Most apps these days
need to store data, and our app is no different. Right now, we're just looking
to store the total amount of how much a single receipt
costs, but it's possible that we'll need more
information in the future. Maybe it could be a cost code,
or maybe where it was spent, et cetera. There's a lot more information
that we may need in the future. For our database, we're going
to be using Cloud Firestore to store that information. Cloud Firestore is a
hosted NoSQL database that we can access
directly from our app. It comes with a rich
client library that makes interacting with
Cloud-based database easy, and it provides effortless
syncing so you can check out changes as they are happening. Cloud Firestore also has
a robust offline mode, so your users can keep
interacting with your app, even when data is not available. If you don't need
real time syncing, you can still do
one-time fetches. Cloud Firestore is
Cloud hosted, so we can share data between
our users, which is exactly what we need. And we can access Firestore
directly from our application, meaning we don't have
to write any server side code to make the read that
our app is going to do. We just incorporate
the Firestore SDK. Cloud Firestore is
a NoSQL database. So if you're familiar
with SQL, and you're used to rows and
columns, we're not going to have that
structure here. Instead, our structure is going
to look a lot more like this. What we have is documents,
which have all sorts of fields in them where the key is
a string and the value could be all sorts of
different object types. These are grouped together
in what we're calling, collections. Each of these represents
a collection of documents. Specifically, let's zero
in on what the structure is for our own application. Here we have a
collection of users and you'll see their user ID. We have some fields, user
cost and team cost-- sort of foreshadowing what
we're going to be talking about in the future. Under each user, They
have their own collection of expenses which lists
out all of the expenses that they have uploaded. Here's a look at
some of the rules that we would use to
secure the database. This allows us to access
the expense documents. A user can only read their
own expenses in this case. We don't allow users
to write directly because we're doing that
from our Cloud Function. Speaking of which, let's
go back to the code so we can add that
Cloud Firestore code. Again, you're going to be
looking at the bottom right screen to check out
the Cloud Functions. What we're going to do
is write the total amount to Cloud Firestore,
which looks like this. It uses the admin SDK. Whenever you have to
do any sort of server side or serverless
side work, you're going to think of the
admin SDK in order to access Firebase products. We still have one
more step to do. We are writing to
Cloud Firestore, but our applications
are not reading from it. Let's take a look at our
client apps for a moment, and see how they're
going to set this up. Our first step is going to
be to attach a listener. That's going to be updated any
time a new expense is added. This is going to read
the most recent expense and then, we're going to
want to display it in the UI so that you can see it. Let's see if this works. We're going to run our apps
again, add a new receipt, and see if we can see
the most recent upload. We still have a
couple numbers there that aren't listing
any information. We really want to know
about some total amounts, so I'm going to pass
things over to Kat, who's going to be able to
tell you more about that. KAT FANG: Thanks, Jen. At this point, we
have our receipt stored in Cloud Storage, and
we've pulled out the totals and saved them as
Firestore documents. This means I have
all of the data that I need to get useful
aggregate information, and answer questions like,
how much am I spending? Since I have access to
all of my documents, I could do this
on the client side by pulling all of my expense
documents for Firestore onto my device and summing
up the total there. Now, that works well if I have
a couple of expense documents, but as I travel more
the number of receipts I have will keep growing
and I could end up with hundreds or
thousands of entries. And it can get a
little expensive to pull down this
many documents. It's not efficient to pull down
this much data when all I want is a single value to
answer, how much am I as an individual spending? Instead, we'll
optimize for read time. How can we do this? We can use another Cloud
Function to help determine the total spend for each user. Just like we triggered a
Cloud Function every time we uploaded a receipt, we
can write another function that triggers every time
an expense document is written to Firestore. When we get a new
expense for a user, we can update
their user document to add the amount
from that receipt to their running total
in the user cost field. Let's take a look at what
this looks like in code. Again, we'll be in the
lower right hand screen. First, we'll need to
create a new function. We'll call this
calculate user cost. This should trigger
whenever a document gets written to Cloud Firestore
by an earlier function. We specify this by
putting in our function a document path pattern. This function will only
trigger four documents that have an expense
ID and are associated with a particular
user by their UID. When this triggers,
we will get a snapshot of the data, along with
some other event context. Now we can read the
amount from the document, and grab that UID from
the document path. Using this information,
and the admin SDK, we can get a reference
to the user document that we actually want to update. We use a field value
dot increment, and add the new expense account to the
running aggregate for the user. We also keep track
of the last updated time which we can get Firestore
to fill in by using the server time stamp function. You'll see here we're
using merge true and set. This allows us to either
create or update the document, depending on whether or
not it already exists. And like before,
we return a promise so that the function continues
to run until the work to update the user document is done. At this point, we
deploy our function, and that will write
the data to Firestore. Now we just need to update
the clients to read this data. Let's turn our attention back
to the other three screens for each of our three
client platforms. Next to our existing listener--
getting the latest expense we uploaded-- we'll
add another listener. However this time, we know
exactly which user document we want to listen to. Instead of using
a query listener, we'll use a snapshot
listener that points to that particular document. Then, we will pull
out the user cost field that holds our individual
total and update our UI. Now if we go ahead and
upload a new receipt, we'll be able to
see it upload, which will then trigger the function,
which parses out the total. And that will in turn
trigger the function, which adds it to our own user total. Awesome. Now I know how much I'm
spending as an individual. But I'm also interested in the
aggregate information of how much we are spending as a team. We'll be adding this to
the user document, as well, so we only have one
document that we need to read to get all of
the aggregate information. You'll note in our UI code, I've
already pulled this information out and we're updating the UI
with our team cost as well. The last thing we'll need is the
actual team cost data itself. Let's go back to the slides
to see how we can do this. At this point, we
have three apps running on three platforms,
each scanning receipts and summing up how much we
are individually spending. Since we're often
traveling together, I want to know how much
we're spending as a total, just to make sure we're
not going over budget. However, we can't read each
other's expenses or user documents, so how
are we going to be able to get this information? This is another place where
Cloud Functions comes in handy. As Jen mentioned,
functions is trusted code, which means that it is allowed
to access everyone's documents even if I, as a user, cannot. This time we'll write
a function that gets triggered whenever anyone's
user cost document gets updated. If it does, we'll
calculate the delta and add that amount to
the team cost build, and fan that data
out to all the users so everyone has access
to that information. Our functions pipeline
looks something like this. When Jen uploads a receipt,
that will trigger a function to use Cloud Vision to
parse out the total, and store that as a
Firestore document. That in turn will
trigger another function, which will update her aggregate
user cost in her own user dock. And that in turn will
trigger another function, which will update the
team cost for myself, and Frank, and Mike. But, wait. If I update the team cost,
isn't that in the user document as well? Wouldn't that, in turn,
trigger the function which would update
everyone's team cost again, which would end up
in an infinite loop? Yes, it could. So we'll need to be able
to detect this case, whether it was a user cost
update-- like in Jen's case-- or if we have updated the
team cost, in which case we want to stop the
potential infinite loop. Let's go ahead and
take a look at what this looks like in code. We're in the bottom
right hand corner. We'll need to define
a new function. We'll call this one,
calculate team cost. We want this to get
triggered anytime a user cost gets
updated, which means we'll want to write a trigger
for on write as opposed to on create, as we did
in our previous function. Where on create functions give
us a snapshot of the data, and on write function
gives us a change object, which will tell us
what the data was before and after
the write operation. Having the changed
data allows us to determine if this is the
case where Jen's uploaded a new expense, and we
have new information to fan out to all of our users. Or if it's the case where Mike's
team cost's got updated, which means no new data was generated,
and there is nothing to update. We can do this by getting
the old and new user cost. Old total here uses the
change.before fields to find out what the user
cost was before the write. New total here uses
change.afterfields to find out what the user cost is now. If these two totals
are exactly the same, that means the user
cost field was not updated, which is
the case of what happens when Mike's
document gets updated when Jenn uploads a receipt. In that case, we don't need to
update anyone's information, and our work here is done. We can return true to
get out of the function. Otherwise, there is an
update to the user cost and we want to add this to
everyone's running team total. To do this, we'll need to
loop over every user document. We'll use the admin
SDK once more, using the get function to
fetch all documents in the user collection. This gives us a
query snapshot, which we can loop over and update
each document in turn. Like with user cost, we'll once
again use the increment value to ensure that this amount
gets added to the team cost transactionally. Again, we want to make sure
that the function doesn't quit prematurely because
all of these updates are happening asynchronously. We'll need to keep track
of the promises returned for each one of these
updates, and we'll return promise.all, which
will ensure the function waits for all updates before exiting. Now, we've already
updated the UI to pick up the team cost as
soon as the data field is there. Let's try uploading a
receipt one more time and see if we can get the team
cost update across all three platforms. You might notice
that the team total is a bit smaller than expected. This is because
the function only picks up on new data, which
means that earlier receipts are not calculated as part of this. We could have another means
of back filling this data. However, that's all that
we have time for now, so if you have
questions about this, find us in the Firebase area. Mike, what do you think of
our expense tracking app? MIKE MCDONALD: I just
uploaded all of my receipts, so I think it's awesome. Can you go back to
the slides, please? I came to you all
about 38 minutes and 15 seconds ago
with the problem of, I want to keep track
of my expenses. Frank walked us through how
I can sign in, get an OAuth token, securely upload
my photos into the Cloud, and then handed
off to Jen, where she walked us through how we
can actually respond to that. We can call out to
the Cloud Vision API, run our magical
algorithm to find out how much money a
receipt cost, and then wrote that to the database. Kat has helped us through
how we can aggregate that information in
various interesting ways to get our team cost, as well as
our individual user cost that's then written back
through Firestore, and synchronized out
to all of our clients. It was a really,
really cool project, but we're not done yet. We want to share
this all with you. If you want to go to xpnz.io and
start uploading your receipts, you can just share
that cost, and then we can aggregate across
all of I/O to see how much we have all spent. It's a nice, fun
way to not feel so bad about what you're expensing,
in relation to what all of us are expensing. The code will also be up
on GitHub at a later date. Don't worry if you didn't
quite catch everything that we're doing. You'll be able to
build your own expense trackers in the near future. Thank you all very much. I hope you all enjoyed
the first day of I/O. Go out there, put on sunscreen. Don't get sunburn like me,
and have to get some aloe. There are a couple
of other talks. The What's New in Firebase
talk, Wednesday, at 10:30. A deeper dive on Firestore
data modeling, and then also architecting
mobile web apps if you're really
interested in the web. Thank you all very much. Enjoy the rest of your day. [MUSIC PLAYING]