Zendesk Tutorial | DO's & DONT's

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hi there customer experience Community this is Dominic welcome to another video for those of you who are tuning in for the first time my name is Dominic I'm a customer experienced Enthusiast and Xanax consultant I've been doing this for nine years now I love what I do I wouldn't do anything else whatever I learned I come here and I share it with you and uh yeah let's go do's and don'ts and zandas this is going to be quite a hefty list and I'm very happy to share it with you so here we go create a request type feel Whenever you set up your zenask you have to make sure that you collect the right information from your customers in order to help them solve the request it's not just that but you want at the end of the month to be able to see how many requests have come into the system with a certain type of request for example billing technical general question Finance bug report Etc why you need the type of request field well it's because you'll be able to see what your customers are reaching out to you and you'll be able to create reports and you'll be able to improve your product based on what your customers are asked launch your web widget on your website with the web widget you have an extended functionality of Zenus you'll be able able to provide your users with the ability to search the knowledge base that you have created you'll be able to make them submit a request using a form you'll be able to give them support for chat and they'll also be able to call you from within the widget not only that but you'll be able to create Bots within that widget so a lot of functionality available for you why you need this well it's because you can save a lot of time and energy because your users will be able to use the widget and deflect tickets that potentially can come into the system otherwise you just get rid of them because they use the widget create help center articles I've been banging this drum for quite a while now it's important to have a knowledge base in place if you want to game the system repetitive requests can be answered with articles that you write in your knowledge base that your users can Google those and find them read them and then solve the request by themselves so you encourage self-service you save company money and your users will be happier turn off tags for agents why do you want to turn off tags for agents well because you can eliminate a lot of human error if there is no Convention of using tags in the system for example billing inquiry billing underscore inquiry and somebody writes it billing and then another word inquiry then you have two different tags trying to say the same thing so you eliminate this friction from your agent side and you'll be able to have much more control over the types of tags that you use in the system I can't say this enough but less is more so the less tags you have and the better organized they are the more you will have to gain give customers a case number if you give your customers a case number then they will be able to reach out to you again and say hey I have some more information that I'd like to add to this case number instead of them creating a new ticket each time with a different thought about the same issue this will increase efficiency for your agents because they'll be able to keep everything organized into one ticket thread your customers will also be more organized because you'll be able to respond to them within the same ticket thread and be able to follow the request much easier and if you save agent time then you save company money so I'm all about that create a notification for non-business hours you want to set the right expectations for your customers you want them to know when you can be reach out to when you can be able to get back to them and when you can solve the request it's not going to upset them if you are straight with them and tell them exactly when you are available they'll be much happier to know you'll get back to them either tomorrow or after the holiday or whenever it is that you're available setting the right expectations is the key to creating a meaningful relationship with your customers create a reminder automation for your customers sometimes your customers open a request with you and then they forget about it it's normal what you can do is you can follow up and say hey do you still need help with this and if not then we'll solve it for you this helps you to get rid of backlog in the system while also maintaining a good customer experience for your customer because you chase them and then if they still need help then they will reply and the conversation can go on create a reminder Automation in xenos for your agents why you need this well it's because sometimes tickets slip through the cracks and in order for your customers to not get upset by it and forgotten about and feel ignored then you can create an Automation and remind your agents that hey this ticket hasn't been touched yet hey this ticket needs your attention this way you'll be able to avoid having really upset customers that sometimes go on social media and complain about your services you don't want that use simple slas simple service level agreements like first reply time and resolution time I've seen this time and time again companies try to use all the service level agreements available in zendesk and they end up being overwhelmed by them what you can do is you can start slow even start off with just the first reply time set it up well create some very realistic times to get back to your customer and make sure that you respect those once you do the first reply time well you can add the resolution time once you do that well you can think about maybe adding additional ones but until then I advise you to start with these two also keep in mind that these are the two most important ones that are directly related to customer satisfaction if you do these well then customers are going to be happy enable the on hold status the on hold status in Xanax is used whenever you need to escalate your issue to someone else is it maybe your partner a distributor or a delivery company or somebody in your Dev team that doesn't have access to zandesk or maybe management that needs to handle compliance whatever that reason is you need the on hold status for a few reasons number one because you can tell your customers is going to take a while so you take responsibility for how long the request is going to take to be solved and number two is because you can increase productivity in the system because you know that these tickets have their own type of handling customize your email and template it is good customer experience best practice to personalize your email channels so that it reflects your company's branding when you start out with Dennis your domain contains zendesk in it and your users might be confused by that so you need to get rid of that by customizing your email then the template of your email usually the out of the box is very stale and does not reflect your company's branding if you want to have good customer experience and make your customers feel like they're part of your branding you need to customize the email template to reflect your company's branding and you can do that with some HTML and CSS it's not very complicated and you can go ahead and give this task to your developers if you want to keep things simple when you start out you can just add your logo within the template to your customers will see the brand that they are doing business with use the agent workspace forget about the classic workspace start using the agent workspace this is a new technology and is being worked on day by day while the classic one is being deprecated and will not be available anymore it might create a bit of discomfort when you first transition to it but you only have productivity to gain from it with the agent workspace you keep everything centralized into the Zenda support interface upgrade to the zendes suit you're missing out on a bunch of new functionality that zenist has enabled within the last two years within the Zenda suit so if you're still using the foundational support or foundational growth or foundational anything you might want to consider upgrading to xender suit you have increased functionality increased productivity and you have a bunch of tech that is being worked on day by day by xandas in order to improve this even more collect feedback please consider collecting feedback for any type of request that come into the system don't create any exceptions or any types of requests that come into the system try to collect feedback for all of them the reason why you want to collect feedback for all types of requests into your system is because some of them are prized for help and indications on how you can better your product from your customers so your customers directly tell you what their problem is and you can fix that obviously there's a bunch of accountability here and a bunch of responsibility if you want to do things right and you want to listen to everyone's feedback you have to be able to be flexible and be willing to put in the extra work to make your product that use VIPs with organizations organizations in zanaskar are a way for you to group your customers and for example if some of your customers are VIP and spend more money with you you'd want them to have their own group so you can get back to them whenever they need to organizations in Xanax are a way for you to group your customers in every business there is a group of people who are likely to spend more money with the business and thus have a higher importance in in the way that they are dealt with you can create custom business rules based on when these people reach out to you and you can bump up the priority to Pi so your agents know that this is a more important case to deal with all right so now we are moving to don'ts in zendesk don't use features that you don't understand there is nothing wrong with using new features however if you incorporate those into workflows and your agents don't know how to handle them then you'll end up with a clogged system don't get me wrong I want you to do that because you'll end up needing a consultant to help you unclog the system so now in all seriousness you can of course start to play out with new features and you can test them out and then once you understand them and maybe have a discussion with your team on how they work and how they can be integrated then of course you can roll them out don't over complicate the setup I've seen this time and time again in my nine years of experience of working as a dentist consultant where companies complicate the setup thinking that they're going to fix everything if you don't use it don't install it if you've installed it and you're not using it delete it why is this important well it's because you set up the system how you best understand it and then in a few months somebody else sets it up how they best understand it and then in a few months somebody else sets it up how they best understand it and that's how you end up piling up piling up a lot of unused data that leads to complicated workflows for you to solve your tickets and it will just slow you down don't add more than a few agents in your system if you give permission to everyone in the system to make the same changes then everyone will set up send us to however best they understand it and then you'll end up having a very complicated and clogged system and it just piles up into a big mess that nobody can use try to limit the permissions of people that are able to make changes in xanas to only a few people that actually understand the system this way you'll be able to have clear processes and people will be able to only make changes to what they know how to do best don't add agents that won't use the system when you start out with zenas you might be optimistic and you'll think that it will fix everything in your company it won't unless you set it up correctly and everyone is well trained and knows how to use the system and knows exactly what is expected of them to use in xenos so start out with only your core of people to use Thanos and then you build up from there this way you can be more economical and save company money don't use the same credentials for the same account I've seen this a few times where people try to piggyback on the same accounts and they share credentials with one another thinking that they can use the system from two different locations with the same email and same password well zenesk obviously has a detection for that and once they pick up on that they will of course ban you don't configure multiple Brands unless you need to Brands and zendesk are entities that have different email addresses have different content have different frequently asked questions and different branding if you are a business that operates three stores and you have a one mother company then yes brands are for you if you want to make a differentiation between internal processes and external processes with Brands don't do that don't over complicate views don't try to create one view per process in your system you only have a limited number of well views that you can see in the system plus two more if you're an admin so 14. try to keep it at a minimal less is more try to keep unsolved tickets tickets that are assigned to me and tickets unsolved that's all you need don't make exceptions for customer satisfaction you might be feeling afraid sometimes to send the customer satisfaction request to somebody who you might think is dissatisfied well if you avoid receiving bad feedback from exactly who's upset with you then you might never actually fix what is wrong with your service so I think you're missing out on great opportunity to improve your product of course there is a great deal of accountability and responsibility tied to actually collecting feedback from everyone so are you ready I hope you're ready don't over complicate the system with too many notifications it is customer experience best practices to keep as less touches as possible with your customers don't always email them and tell them whatever small detail you've been there probably I have been there where if you receive too many emails from someone you get tired and you get bored and you just don't pay attention anymore so keep it at the middle don't leave your business rules disorganized I've seen this time and time again if you create business rules and you don't necessarily pay attention to how many you create and if they're actually being used or not then you end up having a big pile that just builds up and builds up and it's going to make it harder for you to solve requests and you're going to do it with actually work around which is not where you want to be because then you'll end up hating zendas or thinking it can't do what it's supposed to it's not the case you've just been setting it up wrong don't integrate tools you don't need you might be optimistic when you start out with Xanax and try to integrate all the apps all the systems into xender skin to make sure that it's solving all of your problems well it actually does the opposite if you're not careful with this start simple and then integrate one by one the tools that will increase your productivity and increase the visibility that you have with your customers and what processes that enhance your business all right and that's it the do's and don'ts and zendesk I hope you found this useful I will see you in the next video and that's it ciao bye
Channel: Dominic The CX Guy
Views: 6,580
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Keywords: zendesk tutorial, zendesk tutorial for customer service, zendesk tutorial video, zendesk tutorial youtube, zendesk, zendesk tutorial for beginners | how to use zendesk for customer service, zendesk how to, zendesk demo, zendesk support, zendesk overview, zendesk basics, zendesk ticketing, zendesk tips, zendesk guide, crm
Id: XubMrPsmjHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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