Zelda: Majora's Mask *OLD 2013* Randomizer (See Description For Better One)

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all right hey what's up you guys I'm bill from good oldies gaming and this is Majora's Mask randomizer what you know from clicking on this but this is from 2013 and as you can see we're starting out as human link in a purple tunic the tunic is always purple from this 2013 version of the randomizer this is a little bit different than the most recent randomizer that gained popularity with Ocarina of Time the way this works is it's all based on the random number generator based on what you name your file so I named my file bill so if you were to download this I'm fast-forwarding this by the way because who cares we've seen it a million times he's randomized the items you'll find I wonder how he will fare against the horror that is RNG okay now since we start out we're not limited to the stupid Deku scrub section we have the ocarina already which is actually I could talk to this guy and learn the song of healing immediately and yet what's going to appear as the Deku mask but it could be either the Goron mask or the Zorro mask in addition to the Deku masks and that's another limitation of this older randomizer is some of the things you pick up are still going to appear as they normally would and it's going to force you to pause the game and scan your inventory manually manually to see what exactly it did give you so it looks like we got the deku mask we could have but yeah yeah yeah geez all right what did we get let's see goron mask okay well all right I'm gonna go collect the stray fairy in Clock Town and get magic and I'll probably cut all that out all right I did the basic clock count stuff I can't pop Jim's balloon of the Bombers dang to see what the Bombers notebook would be this randomized as well I'm gonna grab some rupees here that's another thing look at the wallet down there the starting wallet holds 250 rupees rather than 99 the adults wallet goes up to 500 and the Giants wallet goes up to 999 so should be able to get there all Knights masks pretty early now since this randomizer is so old it is not built in such a manner that it works around like it expects you to do glitches that's the best way I could word it you need to know how to bomb to hover or you need to have the gameshark levitate code on which I do have on I do know how to bomb to hover it's been a while but I do know how to do it to a certain extent it's just really annoying and not fun to watch to me it's one of the reasons why I hate speedruns of this game because it's just a giant glitch fest and it starts to get annoying so I would rather just do the game shark levitate code and only in those situations where I would normally have to bomb to hover which as of right now I'm just playing the game normally and hoping that I'm able to get some items to progress normally without having to use glitches but again this randomizer it's built in such a way that it expects you to be able to do glitches dangit cutscene alright another thing about this randomizer is we're approaching an owl statue that has Deku nuts and Deku sticks right next to it they're part of the randomized logic so I could cut the grass right over here and get potentially something like fire arrows or something so it's a little bit different than the most recent Ocarina of Time randomizer where it's strictly limited to NPC gifts and treasure chests so what do we have here dots are nuts as usual and sticks are the root key that's of weird all right that doesn't really change too much so first order of business is same as usual let's go get the red potion which is not randomized to avoid any kind of issues so I'm still gonna get a bottle with red potion here from the witch there you go the pictograph box is randomized so we'll see what that is in a moment here when we go to do the boat tour but since I don't have the Deku mask I don't know that I can really do anything in the Deku Palace area I didn't get bombs either alright pictograph what are you picked Oh box whatever is the hookshot dude wow that opens up some stuff I think okay I'm back here in the bomb shop I did slightly try to do some stuff in the deco region but I can't and I didn't have bombs to do any kind of glitches so correcting that now let's get the bomb bag and since we're here and we have the Goron mask I don't even need bomb shoes we could get a great day you just got to do the bomb jump thing with the Goron mask so we'll be able to see what the zora mask is in a moment could still be the Soraa mask or it could be Deku I'm actually hoping that it is Deku because then I could get the song of soaring and do most of Deku Palace but I don't know because I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get spring water or magic beans from their usual spot alright first try another that's hard it's just I haven't done it in a while [Music] alright Ora mask so it seems also sorry about tales lightbox there it's the graphics plug-in I did a little test of this and there's nothing I can do that's as best as I can get it is the Deku mask okay well since we're here let's activate the owl statue and bottle items are randomized aside from that initial red potion so I'll go bottle the fairy that's behind you [Music] alright let's go catch this ferry in a bottle and see what ferries are again the seed is based off of the file name so if you were to download this randomizer and name your file bill it will be identical to what you're watching right now alright ferry is you are a mushroom look at that it still says ferry but look at the sea button it's a blue mushroom so let's go give it to the potion hag lady since we're going that way anyway I got a gift for you lady yeah umm what's his face amazing Ampharos the guy responsible for the 2.0 randomizer of Ocarina of Time that's really popular [Music] that guy he is working on a Majora's Mask one that's kind of a dent identical to that one except it's very bare-bones right now and not really so great whoa okay blue potions are milk or is it no it's it's Romani's milk bottle that's weird I guess that one's considered a gift so I don't know if blue potions are all milk I'll have to find out later but we do know fairies are mushrooms so I'm not gonna need to bottle any fairies anymore alright let's go to Deku Palace and see what we could do there let's hope this three hearts are good at novels whatever you do do not turn into human link okay we're good okay so in here I'm going to be expected to do bomb to hovers in order to get to the song if I do not get spring water and magic beans which counting on both of those being the same as the vanilla game is probably like a 1% chance I don't know but again I have the game sharp press l to levitate code active so in any case where I'm going to have to it's gonna require me to do bomb to hovers I'm gonna just use that code instead to make it faster and less annoying to watch [Music] this I think this is the right way - yeah there's the hole for the magic bean salesman and if I remember correctly he gives you the first magic bean for free and then I think you could buy more from him I don't know it's been a while since I've even bought a magic bean in this game I almost always glitch my way around all right what do you got - I think you have to be a human the razor sword okay well hold on does are the actual beans different though [Music] okay I guess he just keeps giving you the razor sort well that's cool you could come here to refresh it if it breaks that's actually really cool all right let's see what spring water is go for the old scoop there's also a chest up there but it's just rupees and they're not randomized blue potion look at that it says spring water but look at the see button I'm gonna drink that that's cool too because you could go to the Curiosity Shop at 10 p.m. and sell the blue potion I forget how much they sell for them now I do have the hookshot I don't have a magic bean to get up there but ya heart pieces and rupee chests are not part of the randomized logic and I think tingles maps not sure on that one and great fairies those two I'm not too sure about yes okay I got it this should just be 20 rupees like usual yeah okay so now I need to bomb to hover to get the Sonata of awakening but I'm just gonna levitate my way over actually you know what let's get caught first and then go to the proper side [Music] yeah links tunic is always purple in this one too and the one that amazing anthos is working on that should be very identical to the most popular Ocarina of Time randomizer going on right now I was reviewing the readme file for that and I did not see a tunic color option rather that particular randomizer allows you to start the game as either human link Deku Link goron link or Zoar link not fierce deity unfortunately eyeless levitator way let's get the heart piece to I so that's kind of interesting and there was also parameters to randomize the stray fairies which in this particular 2013 randomizer I'm playing right now stray fairies are not part of the randomized logic so they're all normal base game and the one that's being worked on currently if you have Python version 3 hey you know I'm just gonna levitate to this to just the save time this is pointless I could just Deku flower over here but so we'll get the song a story that'll be help and I could do I could try to do would fall I don't have the bow and there's no telling that we're gonna get the bow in there but what I was saying about Python 3 if you have that you can play the most recent majora's mask randomizer it's just very bare-bones and not all the kinks are not worked out yet but it does give you more options than this particular randomizer that goes based off a file name one of those options again you could random ice tray fairies randomize how you start the game like what form of link you play as and you can also randomize the requirements to get access to the moon where you fight Majora's Mask I think there was three options that's either open so long as you have the oath to order or you could set it that you need every single mask in the game or you can make it that it's just like the regular game where you need the remains of all four bosses but end the oath abode both to order before you can actually get up to there so it's kind of neat it gives you a little more options than this particular randomizer but you definitely need Python to install it at the moment there's no easy windows you know installation thing yeah you know about this hookshot it's really bothering me that tail is a giant square light box I'm using the glide 64 plug-in of project 64 for this I tested it a little bit with the plugins that are available and the other plug-in there's like so many different animations made the screen completely black so this is the better of the two but unfortunately it makes some stuff look weird most notably tail looks like us whoops but I think that should be enough explanation of this I think I touched on everything that I'm aware of again I'm not sure the great fairies are randomized as far as what they give you and I'm not sure about the maps tingle cells all right so what swamp title day what the heck that's normally Deku nuts right there's the room key again so Deku sticks are definitely the room key over and over again in this particular file named eyeless let's do some of ward fall but Deku nuts I guess each one is random I don't know there's something weird about deck what the heck am I doing here it was ridiculous man I'm using a gamecube controller so it's a little bit harder to play these songs than see buttons in my opinion I I don't have the great fairy mask either I tried getting it from the great fairy in Clock Town but she was acting as if I was in Deku forum and was like return to me when you return to your former self so I wasn't able to get her normal mask gift which of course would be randomized I think that is random that and probably the iconic Canyon great fairy who gives you the great fairy sword normally considering both of those things they're items and not actual like power up things like spin attack or double magic I think they are random I might do some levitating in here as well because if I had Bond shoes which I easily could have I just didn't buy him I would definitely have to do some bomb to hovers in order to get to the second floor area where the bow is I think because I don't have a Deku stick at the moment and Decker sticks are the room key over and over again whoops I like that sound effect Oh straight fairy number three see those art-deco nuts that's the thing I do remember reading that about this randomizer for some reason every time you pick up Deku nuts it acts as if it's the first time and it plays that little you know spinning animation thing rather than they're just letting me pick it up which is kind of annoying so I probably won't be going for too many more deco notes unless of course every single one of them is randomized which would be really annoying actually all right so we should be able to again Deku sticks though we might be limited because the next room that this key goes to actually I don't think I don't know if dungeon maps and compasses are randomized that'd be might be another feature that you can set in the newer randomizer that's still getting improved on whoops there's no flour always way didn't reach it oh yeah I'm addicted to these things man a Link to the Past has always been fun Super Metroid randomizers are phenomenal because that's the greatest game ever made this is number two if you watched my 52 favorite games of all time number one is Super Metroid this is the second one for me yeah that's not like Ocarina of Time and you actually have to wait for him the spin I don't have the fairy mask so I can't easily get the other two that are in this room I don't have Deku sticks but I do have the Goron mask and the Goron punches with a flaming fist so I kind of wonder if by some weird chance that is capable of burning a web also well even if this was a stick in this pot it would be the room key again alright let's test the Goron mask boom-boom no this music is half good and half really annoying nope and I kind of thought so but I have to test it anyway oh no no quick Deku link are you kidding me don't die wink due to the stairs luckily I have that milk bottle if I make it oh thank god Eilis let's talk everybody in Smash Bros and strength at milk all right um I guess we're gonna have to be doing some levitating if I had purchased bomb cheese I probably would bomb to hover to the bow just to see what the bow is at least so let's do it levitating it's so much faster than bomb to hovers call it cheating if you will but this is mostly for fun anyway this randomizer stuff and as I said this particular randomizer is so old that I don't want to say it's not well-made it's just it expects you to do glitches which if you want to look at it technically that way I guess the logic is a little bit rough around the edges like to me the fact that it requires you to be able to know how to do glitches is makes cheating fare like a levitate sheet is fair if bombchu hovers are considered fair all right bo what are you I don't even know what I wanted to be at this point wait what it is the bow I don't have the bow was it a quiver I don't have a quiver what the heck did that give me there's definitely no quiver right there there's no bow I have no idea um you know we could just beat this anyway I wanna I have the levitate sheet I'm not sure how many bombchu hovers I could do without this code I forget what the maximum I hate this animation with levitate I can't move link I have to make him dive in the poison he's like frozen I can't move him I don't know what it is about that particular animation and the levitate code but like he gets frozen it's weird alright the bow I wonder if the hookshot can damage him and I wonder if I can even get out of here with the song of soaring if for some reason I can't hurt I don't know maybe I can use the sword I don't I can't remember if he actually is damageable when he gets off of the ceiling try the Deku bubble maybe but that wouldn't work all right let's grab this heart piece luckily it did let me song of soaring out of there again heart pieces are not randomized nor are rupee chests I guess let's go to Clock Town actually yeah I could check in with Anju and get the room key maybe I don't know I didn't check the time how late is it in the day cycle is that like I don't know if the Goron checked in yet or not I mean I have the room key anyway so screw him it's like 4:00 p.m. dude he's probably checked in cuz this isn't it like 1:30 is the earliest possible time you could get the key oh my gosh he's right there too long I'm talking to you no not you and you don't shut up bow tie bow tie excuse me talking to you lady acknowledge my existence what is no stop oh my gosh oh you're kidding me dang it bow tie I'm stealing your rupees in your room man I don't care I have the key to the room stupid bowtie go on I do like that guy though link Goro for smash I don't know actually you know what I could go deposit these and get the adults wallet now which will enable us to be able to afford shut up the dance that you're doing is doom how they do it where you from mr. Elliott aside yeah since the adults wallet now allows you to hold 500 rupees I could save the old lady at the bomb shop and since we're over here let's check in with mayor or madam aroma and see what caffee's mask is Kathie coffee cafe I never know how to say his name hey Toto what do you got for me big boobs Camaro's mask speaking of the dance that you're doing is dome so that's another thing we could do although that's always a heart piece so that's not gonna be randomized but a bunch of girls do it in the look fun how they do it where you from you know what let's hover over this guy I don't even care cuz there's another 100 rupees back here although I don't need that but we can't see what the moon's tier is that's randomized and then I guess we could get the heart piece from the deku salesman that hovers in his little hole alright now I'm just kind of abusing the levitate code whatever yeah no no I just I'm addicted to these random ideas man every single game I've played a randomizer of has been a lot of fun it adds so much replay value to these classics and rainbow steps rip rainbow stairs on the 3ds there's only some things about Majora's Mask 3ds that I like but n64 still takes the cake in almost every aspect like Zora swimming good God why did they ever change that yeah shake your butt at me buddy oh wait that's not yet moons Tears place your best what do you think it's gonna be there's still like a plethora of items that it could be yeah he goes with a butt smack did you see anything interesting boy I tell you okay well I'm gonna levitate over the fans but what is this they're great fairies masks sweet okay well that'll help in would fall when we go back let's get the heart piece from dude buddy over here so I said on him Deku sticks though don't have the bow so I still can't go back to would fall [Music] okay let's check in with Goro Goro see what the Bremen mask is sing a song about a mask Deku stick well there we go okay so would fall is well I don't have a bow like only one more room of wood fall is doable okay so what was I saying before well have you ever got this heart piece up here that's just a hard piece though Camaro's mask I have that I could get another hard piece after this too so do that then there's Camaro himself on the rock out there but that's midnight and later the adults wallet I got to do that Curiosity Shop actually there's the fish we could see what a fish in a bottle is too from the Trading Post shop you could just scoop one up the dance that you're doing this dumb check this one out stupid [Music] that mask has always slightly creeped me out the way it removes links face entirely right all right let's go deposit these rupees get the wallet and then I guess we do have to save the bottle shop lately we could go for the all Knights mask this cycle but I do want to check the the fish too it's 500 rupees we can buy the mask now that's awesome on day three to finish off this milk okay so the fish can be a bug it could be the Deku princess which is really weird gold dust are you serious wait a second I could cash in the razor sword although I can't I don't think I can't get all I can get over here sack on I'm gonna say sack on cuz it has sack in the name oh wait is it another weird quiver glitch thing if that's actually the Poggi that changes everything I don't have to bomb to hover into snow head slow everything down because I think we just changed everything yeah we could go to snow head I don't have a way of melting the fire in the shop it is the ball but okay then was that other thing the quiver no because it still says 30 unless I just missed out on a quiver okay well hold on it's after midnight we could go give the swamp deed that I randomly got to the toilet god that's just the heart piece though but it is after midnight so we could check in with Camero himself play the song of healing for him and see what he gives us which is normally Camaros masks which we already have and then I guess we will go to snow head we could at least start some of the gorons cycle stuff but that's the thing too hot spring water there's no telling what that is it could be a bug in a bottle it could be the Deku princess it could be the seahorse could you imagine if the Deku princess or the seahorse is hot spring water how difficult it will be to melt the elder and get gowron's lullaby oh man I really hope that's not the case but okay let's go towards snow head check in with Camaro actually I don't even know if it's possible okay warp with hot spring water or is it kind of like ocarina of time when you warp with a yellow timer thing it's like nope can't do that start over [Music] fire arrow is doing it wait so we can cash in the razor sword now all right snow head here we call you all the way to second I need 100 rupees right I can't remember I mean technically I have to raise your sword so no but just in case there's the dodongo cave right here that's 100 rupees right there this is weird how fluidly it's working out so far kind of I don't want to jinx it though I love the razor sword - I never used this thing I always just get it cash it in and I think it's cooler than the gilded sword personally even though it's weaker [Music] I also have no idea how many times I've used it all right that's fifty rupees [Music] will this be another hard container or did I already do that I have any move it pay attention to the pieces apart all right well we have the hundred rupees just in case for some reason it thinks I don't have the razor sword already so that'll be the first thing then I guess got the lens of truth which is not randomized by the way the ones of truth is always where it normally is for reasons I'm not sure why since it expects you to do have to do glitches anyway I have fun I could do the powder keg test and see what the powder keg guy gives us and otherwise just get Goron mask which is gonna be Zora mask which then opens up the pirate's fortress there's so much we could do a man it's exciting mountain village snowball balla balla valley let's hit the statue first just in case we'll be coming back here yeah I guess Deku sticks and nuts are probably the only thing that are randomized magic and arrows don't seem to be I'm gonna melt your furnace and you're gonna Forge my sword it's gonna be cool quite actually it might not cuz I might be swordless it just occurred to me yes I do already have it and I do have gold dust I got it from a fish how amazing is that and I believe you could sell this gold doesn't the Curiosity Shop for like 200 rupees fast money baby alright well now I'm swordless and I might remain swordless I didn't even think of that all right well Goron mask it is ya levitating actually I wonder if that guy down there I'll check it in with him I don't think I have enough rupees but I think those guys are randomized to so he normally gives you the biggest bomb bag but that could be something [Music] all right actually I might have enough money for that thing now I'm not sure I forget how much it costs let's levitate over to the Powder Keg test and see what he gives all those [Music] stupid no you're not you're almost gonna but you can't fix dude I've got a purple tunic and the three years why purple I mean why not it's randomized I think the newer randomizer doesn't even change the green tunic at all hey dude this hopefully is normal at least the test part of it yeah I'll just go do this real quick let's see what this guy is all right I did a dude the ocean title deed that's a useless actually does the guy out here know he wants the swamp I just had this Swamp Thing - wait when did this get here what gave me the Pictou box and how long has that been there that I haven't noticed it I have no idea I guess I'm just so used to it being there that I didn't see that it got there well let's check in with this guy I don't know if I can buy what he has well okay so he has potentially two items and all the baby levitate yes cheating don't care let's go bring this and see what don gyros mask is Don Garrow whatever the fraud the Bonnie hood dude I love you that's like the best mask ever for human link form okay have the ones of truth so darmani which by the way that's another thing the lens of truth does not work with this plugin so I'm gonna levitate like I could turn on the lens of truth and it should reveal the steps to climb normally but it does not I tested that on a previous file that I was just seeing if this would work and the one plug-in makes the screen go completely black and this one doesn't even let the lens of truth work on you back from the dead yeah who cares which is weird because the other majora's mask ROM I have works fine [Music] all right what does hot spring water because unless maybe that's not part of the randomized pool of items which would be convenient red potion well ok ikana canyon the soldiers the stone masks almost forgot about this let's see what the gilded sword is which might not be a sword and then I'm kind of screwed what that's like the last Anju Caffey item and I haven't even started that stuff so Anju doesn't even know that I'm looking for her boyfriend so how the heck that that's useless I can't even trade that thing in I don't think all right let's let's do this legitimately without levitating too early well you know what screw it let's pretend I did it on the first try nobody saw it didn't happen you know what screw it no patience all right ones of truth gotta love my lack of patience man I mean you know I don't care so here we go you should be able to see him right don't see him thanks the wide 64 plug in here have a red potion invisible guy who's still invisible I can't even see the red potion interesting a little late though well okay I do have the Sonata of awakening so let's go fight what's-his-face we're gonna need the Guan masks cuz I don't have a sword I'm used to doing this though because normally I come do this mid raise your sword business I'm so abusing this levitation but I don't care it's day two isn't it so I could kill the bats for is it a heart piece or rubies and I can't remember and what does this guy's name ketta yes it is whoa what the heck just happened there Jonte broke the game actually wait there's bomb shoes down here although bomb shoes and bombs are not randomized so that you can do the glitch so knowing that these bomb shoes might also be the same unless they're specifically talking about the ones you can purchase at the shop but bombs you should only be a specific digit in memory anyway so these should be bomb shoes yep right let's just check yeah they're bomb shoes you know yes some more gold dust from a fish selling at the Curiosity Shop later we got to get up to 500 rupees for the all Knights mask since we saved the old lady all right let's go take out what's-his-face kita captain kita I love this dude though I'm having so much trouble with this song there we go it's the sea stick on the Gamecube man I try to do it fast and then it messes up buttons are easier gonna shoot an arrow of you're gone yeah alright that should give me enough time one punch one punch arrow oh yeah we got this me and you pal point two boy oh he does actually try to hurt you with his but later if you're unfamiliar yeah I'm coming for you out like the eyeballs on goron link when he shocked well here we go one more baby yeah all right captain's hat what are you how sweet would it be if this is the great fairy sword or something not the great fairy sword what did nothing looks new there wait a second this was not here before is it actually on my Biba end though none of the masks are new nothing's new there holy crap I have the gilded sword what I was just saying how cool I swear to you I did not play this before I named a file link and tested the plugins that's it and this is a whole different scene thanks to it being named bill yeah that other file I did that was named bill was my non-randomized to play through I did recently also I just levitated again but I mean if I had bomb shoes I would have fallen to hover here anyway to hit this owl statue and I have the ocean deed so we can get whatever the dude gives us is normally 200 rupees so I'm not sure if that's gonna be random he likes fish so we got to be a Zora I'm trying to think ikana canyon though I don't have white arrows I don't have the mirror shield oh god the bottom of the well dude see the thing is if I get light arrows we don't have to do the bottom of the will okay that is normal but that's helpful because we need those 500 rupees for the OL Knights mask it all makes sense now get out of here pal nobody's got time for you and let's levitate because nobody wants to bring up the inventory menu anymore and you know what's cool with the levitate code with zora link if you swim and you don't jump out of the water and you levitate you can swim in the air it's awesome yeah it's cheating and no I don't care no I said that like eight thousand times already there's a fairy you know what no wait I have full bottles I was gonna grab it to sell at the Curiosity Shop I'm not sure how much mushrooms sell all right yeah I can't I mean I could levitate or bombs you hover into the castle but I don't have light arrows to get to the bottom of the well where the mirror is and I don't have anything okay let's finish this song great we have the bow we have fire arrows this dungeon is gonna be nothing and we have the great fairy mask cuz yeah I was thinking and Akana I can't even beat the three economists er guys King Akana or whatever his name is ego stay account I forget what his name is but that requires the mirror shield to defeat them and I can't get to the mirror shield and the mirror shield might not be the mirror shield there's so much to consider here but for now let's just focus on woodfall last thing I kind of can't wait for the more current randomizer to get up to speed I just don't lens install Python stuff and do it that way and there's no windows installer for it yet and cutscenes are not removed yet in there like they are in ocarina of time as of recording this like the site currently it says the last time the thing was updated was May 28th and it is now mid August great well it's still early August I guess now this is probably the worst room in the whole dungeon right here just because it takes a while I've been watching reruns of Family Matters you know Steve Urkel I do have a Decker stick and thank God because there's no other way to get this because the Bremen mask was Decker stick [Music] so that it it's good well I have fire arrow so this would be doable what the heck oh the middle torch that's right I've never played this game and not gotten all the stray fairies I don't know why it's just I think when I was little I had a player's guide to this game and I followed it to get all the stray fairies until I memorized it in myself and do it without a guide or anything screw it levitating don't care not dealing with these things that's also way faster than bomb shoe huggers but I guess yeah cuz it's cheating what was I saying I don't never ever whoops I thought I could reach that I guess not I have no idea what I was talking about shut up I don't want your nuts again that sounds weird is that it right eleventh one yet we're ready for the main chamber but we got to get the boss key I call it the main chamber it's the last room before the boss I hate these stupid frog bosses but we got to do it you want to know about the gilded sword too bad I can't fight the rest of them with speed is everything know why that's a thing I mean first time playing these games I want to read every bit of dialogue that's why I love majora's mask is because of the dialogue and the story and everything but when it comes to replaying it and gameplay I have no patience I just want to skip through everything and just do it just weird those guys give you a heart piece normally right yeah so I'm definitely not doing that I don't have the Bombers notebook yet either I mean I've already done some vomit notebook stuff that's another thing I never do with this game it's like every single time I play Majora's Mask I get all the stray fairies and I 100% the Bombers notebook it's like a must for playing this game because the side quests of this game are what make it so good the dungeons themselves is in fact whatever yeah although the straight fairies I would argue are not this animation again I can't control link I'm trying to steer them to the right and it's not working alright let's just go to the best room of the dungeon this is the worst dungeon of this game if you watched my n64 ranking of Zelda dungeons this is number eight what falls the worst then snow head then stone tower and then crate Bay's the best and because we're impatient we're gonna levitate you know what they should add great fairy mask young the link to Smash Brothers - why not if they're gonna add Crom and like 8000 other Fire Emblem characters that are all sword users why not add another young link in there just to piss everyone off no no who cares this just smash brothers man the games that the characters are from are better than Smash Brothers alright a dual wall what do you know about the gilded sword I'm gonna destroy you yeah whoops too slow on the draw there do it dive at me yes you did it's ridiculous I don't know I think adult law on the 3ds might be might be a better flight but otherwise the 3d has also ruined all the ball sprites of this game to me okay I swear if this is hot spring water it is damn it can I even warp with this stuff because if not I don't know if this is completable cuz I need it to get into snow head I don't know how to well infinite sword glitch is how you don't fall on snow head it did let me warp now the question is where the heck is the fat elder guy on day 2 [Music] there is okay don't walk into the ice whatever you do but get close I hate this part of the game this is the worst part of Majora's Mask is this stupid elder and his dumb baby alright I have enough money man what do you have for me and I also have the swamp teat again from would fall I picked it up again the mask of truth is the biggest bomb bag okay and okay I need to be a Deku and swamp ass here you go enjoy sweaty swampy put Powder Keg much almost forgot the cash in these dudes now I'm not sure we're gonna find out if this is randomized or not sources have told me this information I just forget like I think nitro rads video about this years ago details it and you could also see it from where you downloaded his eyes spin attack it sounds the same but that's not telling only way to find out is to test it yep it's the same okay [Music] on my way to snow head with cheats don't care thanks for the extra heart I hate the corner Allah bye [Music] alright Snowhead temple we already have fire arrows this is gonna be nothing man fly through here the only reason we're here is to obviously get that mask remain so we could fight with jours mask and see what fire arrows are I do need more bottles though to do the Zora regen stuff and I don't have the captain's hat so I can't get the song of storm to get the gibdo mask which might not be the gibdo mask so Akana is really up in the air right now without levitating through everything which that's too much cheating I think but even if I were to do that there's no telling like I could levitate to the top of stone tower and get into the temple and levitate around the blocks but if I don't pick up light arrows in there and I can't do anything so light arrows are the thing we have to find and it could be part of what Andrew Kaffee sidequest wit that is gonna suck because well it might not be completed but that's the case because I already have the gilded sword so if I go back in time which I don't even have the song of time yet this is still the very first cycle I haven't met the Skull Kid yet unless I already have this on a time I don't know if that's a thing since we started with the ocarina you know what I don't care I'm not even really paying attention to this dungeon all right fire arrows will do this but I'm more concerned I'm thinking in my brain right now like what what could be a situation that I'm gonna run into and Andrew caffee is definitely a thing that could ruin this entire seed but I'm not sure how much testing went in to see if every seed is beatable depending on like what you name your file because we know that getting the gilded sword from the smithy gives you an Jews pendant and since I permanently have the gilded sword now I can't ever get the pendant again and I've already missed out on everything else Andrew Cathy okay it's fire arrows but what the heck is it actually not a mask quiver no ball that's the same moon steer that was not there before okay so fire arrows were the moon's deer that could be an item we got to trade that with the dude yeah back to the dungeon yeah there's ferry at the bottom I still got a grab I could do it later when we have to go to the green rooms that are frozen over let's go to the yellow door where is it there it is did it stop block puzzle for the two fairies in these rooms that also lead to the third fairy so yeah if the Andrew caffee items are not I don't know like oh I'm definitely not completing the Bombers notebook now which I still don't even have Oh nobody's got time for this I'm trying to think nothing I don't know man some stuff might be tied into bombers notebook quest items like there might be something in Ramona's ranch light arrows in the mirror shield are definitely very big at the moment the Soraa eggs should not be randomized I would sincerely hope not [Music] dang it okay wait let's count a little bit more no no you know what let's go to normal bones that's what you get for trying to be fast at least that worked okay fire arrows yeah at this point I'm not only levitating in place of palm tree hovers I'm levitating to speed things up like instead of pausing to get the hook shot now instead of on freezing that block and pushing it I'm just gonna levitate and get this ferry because who cares [Music] it's like if you had a choice to sit through traffic or go 80 miles an hour and get to where you need to go which one would you choose I would hope that you don't choose I want to sit in traffic because then I would say you're a very strange person alright don't need the small key in here because I'm not opening a specific door earlier don't need it very in the ceiling not even gonna use the lens of truth because the lens of truth does not work anyway is it a stupid plugin got it first shot sweet so I need more bottles to do the zora egg stuff I don't even know where the Deku princess is since she turned into hot spring water that's ridiculous watch her be like bugs or something or the seahorse is gonna be the Deku princess watch which I don't necessarily need the seahorse but I do have to look up how to do that without them actually I know that's way easier than the Haunted wasteland of Ocarina of Time to navigate that pinnacle Rock area without the seahorse [Music] well you need three bottles at least to avoid having to do a second trip that so we got these two ferries in here from these guys I got a drop down get the one that I still haven't gotten on the bottom floor and then go into the green rooms and get the final one and then go just fight the boss yep thirteen so the one on the bottom the one in the green room boss key I gotta grab this and then we'll just levitate the boss because who cares [Music] you know for as much as I love this game there are a lot of annoying moments like the Zora egg stuff Goren's illallah by obtaining that and dealing with that stupid baby and that fat dad it's terrible and this guy who's in like every dungeon I guess the first time it's like oh okay it's this clown again but then after a while you just don't care anymore but that's the thing about Zelda games for me the most appealing thing to go talk to your friends about is the story and things like that but the gameplay stuff is like you're ever caught talking about that like oh yeah I'm a little boy in a purple skirt and I wear this like fairy mask and I collect fairies and like ride a horse and stuff people would be like are you what's the matter with you [Music] I don't know that's a never-ending debate in my own brain video games is it truly a thing only for nerds or is like at what point is it acceptable and at what point is it just too nerdy of a thing levitating to avoid the Deku mask and everything else again all of this levitating could be achieved through bombchu hovers so technically it's not cheating unless you consider bombchu hovers and glitch abusing cheating which I guess it is but again would you rather sit through traffic or get to where you're going as fast as possible stop and smell the roses or destroy the roses I don't know what I'm saying anymore all right we're done here boss you're somewhere up there let's go to the loan that left door looks very boss ask [Music] this guy should be done in like 20 seconds once I unthaw him unless of course he hits me sometimes he hits you with the stupid electric attack he those other times you're able to just fire away with their arrows and he's doing it seems kind of random I don't know all right regular arrows to speed things up and that we're gonna need let's do it [Music] hide kind of by the pond that was close not all of my shots are connecting for some reason it seems like all right you're doing I do like that boss though anyway you fight him is usually fun so goron races now that's open you know I guess I could grab the heart peace with the zora mask too but you really don't need hearts in this game at all the only the most dangerous thing are the iron knuckles in the graves [Music] nothing else in this game really damages you what the heck what is going on here what was that I was not even doing the levitate thing or anything I was strange actually I wonder if there's a way to levitate the Goron race and always win there probably is I'm going to discover that a stupid baby you done crying [Music] I was lucky in my most recent playthrough to get it on my first try but sometimes there's got to be a bridge somewhere I could like this bridge right up here can i levitate on the top of it wait hold on now I'm gonna say yes I'm just not at the proper spot I'm trying to cheat this game yes okay wait which was the way forward nope he's facing that way which means this is the finish line haha stupid gowron's who's faster this is why cheating is fun it's all about the replay value in how much nonsense you can tolerate again it's just like would you rather have somebody poke you constantly all day or would you rather slap that person and not have to deal with them anymore free potion alright is it actually a green potion though yes it is okay so cool dust is green closure caching in the fair is almost always forget to do that and man it does suck when you do forget and then you go back in time hey buddy I got a moonst here for you give me something good please a quiver you know I don't know why I'm just thinking this now but don't you want something other than a harpy it's like isn't this normally hmm it's normally a quiver I haven't done this in years man but I remember it being difficult to get perfect the Gamecube control stick is definitely a lot better than 64 [Music] trying to think are there any other minigames where you win something other than a heart piece maybe the couple that dance around on certain days I always skip that do I hate them [Music] bombs you basketball I don't know the prize Mike isn't the prize bomb choose one of the days I missed I can't remember if you need perfect well I screwed up I don't know if you need to get perfect or not though I think you do for the heart piece but for the quiver prize [Music] so lucky there what the heck control stick well look what ok well that answers my question dude I have been very lucky but I'm still questioning though is this even beatable I'm about to go see if I can give this thing to and you even though I have yet to speak to her hey I have this like one-time only thing for you and yep she won't let me give it to her well that sucks we'll never know Zhora stuff I guess right what else can we do dang it I'm selling this joke the gold dust should give me 200 rupees I think yep and green potion I don't know how much that sells for yeah take it we need to get the OL Knights mask how the eggs everybody's favorite thing I don't know what's worse this or getting the gorons la la vie and having it speak to the stupid dad and the baby like 8000 times I still say that's worse I would take this egg on cuz at least you get to fight the Gerudo guards and there are always a lot of fun well actually I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna skip them and go through the exit doors [Music] but in a normal play through there's no avoiding the stupid dad and the baby but here at least you get to have some fun in between the eggs tough question is I don't have the stone mask though so can I take a decent-enough pictograph to get the seahorse is that can't even remember the last time I've attempted that without the stone mask where's the first exit I just did this - I'll wait over here that's one yeah I just did a levitate code long play that's like four hours long on my channel I wasn't intending to abuse the levitate the way I am all of a sudden but it's that whole I don't care mindset you know you do it once and when I realize it's actually pretty effective and fast and I would take that over [Music] anything else and he did although I do want to at the same time do a legitimate playthrough of this without any kind of glitches or anything and actually like take my time and read the dialogue again but that's the thing though like a lot of this game it's one of those things where you remember it's so much better than it actually is because at the end of the day it is still you're playing as this kid and the skirt that has fairy friends and stuff and everything that seems deep and dark isn't really as deep and dark as you can read into it being like when I listen to the soundtrack of this game especially like the remixes people do like I always get super excited and like want to see like a Majora's Mask full HD remake and like potentially a movie or animated short or something and I get like so hyped up on the idea of like how amazing the story and the theme of this game is it's fast forward they're screaming but yeah then like I go and play the game and it's just like oh by the way me and Angela we're supposed to get married but this guy turned me into a child it's like oh I guess that's sad it's like here's this thing go give it to her I don't know that nothing's really as big and meaningful as like I make it out to be anyway cook chef what are you the hookshot that scampi right what did it give me nothing seems new no new mass Quivers not bigger I have no idea I do hate this aspect of it that you have to manually search for what something gave you that's another reason why I want the most recent thing although wait the Bremen mask that wasn't here before right anyway egg but yeah I do want that other randomizer to get a little bit more work put into it and see what that one's like a little bit all right well that's two eggs let's go see if we can grab a picture which I don't even know what gave me the Pictou box I still don't I wasn't paying attention when that appeared which again it's kind of it speaks to the randomizer where you have to manually search for this crap but I mean it's still fun though the fact that things are randomized it is replay value that normally is not there and I greatly appreciate that kind of thing because I would much rather like replay this then whatever like the big newest game is I don't know maybe yeah eggs hurryin seahorse you're the DECA princess aren't you a dollar says it's the Deku princess no it's the seahorse I guess I owe somebody eight dollars I need another bottle though that means I got to do the beaver raise which might not even be a bottle I hate the beaver raise stupid beavers [Music] he did it little brother yes he did big brother whether it's a bottle but is it really a bottle there's only one way to find out it is a bottle thank God alright seahorse lead the way cuz I kind of remember but I kind of don't write and then you go straight and then you go left and then you go left again and then you go straight for a really long time and then you go right and then you go yeah this is really easy you don't need the seahorse alright I'll probably cut this crap out because this is another stupid part of the game to me I'll get the heart piece though cuz I don't I don't know where the eggs are I never memorized that you think I would is how many times I replay this game is this an egg no it's not an egg you will give me an egg this one might be an egg we almost have 500 rupees but it's not even the night of day three yeah dang these guys are almost as scary as the mario64 eel all right two more eggs somewhere in here I saved your girlfriend thank you my eggs are deposited let's do this grab the last two really just flying through this game without any care at all I mean one could argue that's what a randomizer is right you don't you're not playing it to replay the game necessarily maybe kind of you're playing it for what the what newness it does add how it mixes it up this should be the last exit door right I do like sneaking through this area legitimately though and it's been a very long time since I have probably since I've played the 3ds version which I hate that they move the stupid stolen mask guy in that dang it you had the climb it didn't you [Music] all right play the song and then I guess we're doing the dungeon actually you know what we have never discovered what the red potion is because the first red potion from what's their face is not randomized [Music] I'm gonna buy a potion even though it's gonna cost a ton of rupees it's a fish [Music] to board the turtle and do my favorite temple I love this place man bye turtle all right let's do a great fairy number one get the fire arrows also I have 40 arrows I forgot about that I might do some levitating in here even though which actually defeats the whole purpose of it you don't need to turn on any single comp at all question you do need to mess with a few of them I think Hong Kong yeah cuz you have to get the red to switch the current but otherwise like the green pump stuff you could just levitate past every single one and it doesn't matter but that takes the fun out of it whoops wait no stop you need this or a mask first it's not going on time yet yelling at myself I know better than this it's that perfectionist attitude I don't know is anybody else get like that when you've done something so much that you could potentially consider yourself good at it and be able to do it without any kind of mistakes so then when you do something slow and stupid like an extra pause you get mad at yourself I do that kind of stuff all the time and I have very little patience for my own failure wow you must really hate being alive then haha yeah kinda couldn't resist making the obvious joke get over here take off the mask scary time goron time or a bomb you don't need the Goron mask for the next ferry yeah in my video of ranking the n64 Zelda dungeons I did get on a little bit of a rant with this one because this one was my number one but it definitely could have been a lot shorter but I just kind of kept going on and on trying to push how simple this dungeon is and how the design is ingenious but I ended up like repeating myself three or four times which was unnecessary tonight I noticed I tend to do that that's why proofreading is a thing you would think being somebody who studied creative writing that I would know better but I guess I don't view YouTube as like writing a term paper right you don't need to proofread so much on YouTube because it's YouTube I'm not making money off of this crap that's like in my real day-to-day life I would be highly embarrassed to tell anybody that I have a youtube channel unless it was like this big thing that I was making money off of and it was an actual career then yeah okay then that's that's a whole different kind of thing right oh no even then I think since it's gaming related I would still be highly embarrassed about it going back to that hole where is the DeLong where do you draw the line for video games like when is it acceptable I don't know like I have a brother-in-law who works like a dog six days a week ten hours a day and maybe like an eighth of his time per week is him sitting at home playing a game online like Call of Duty or I think fortnight has been his latest thing and that's acceptable right cuz that's like not even ten percent of his life as him playing a video game the rest of it he's working and doing redeeming things right responsible things that make a man a man not sitting around playing Majora's Mask for the 80th time this guy is always a pain in the neck but yeah that's my whole thing dude all right hook shot do you work yeah that's my whole thing with video games though like if you're somebody who makes money and you'd make videos and you play video games every single day and it's what you do if you're making good money off of it and you're you have a good following and nobody really hates you then okay I guess that's respectable but even if that was the case and it was me I would still be like you're an idiot get a real life but that's just because it's me but because it's somebody else I can be like oh yeah that's respectable that's pretty cool you know it's the whole self-hate thing like I don't know I don't know how else to describe it now there is a way to whoops I think you need to palm jump actually I'm gonna try to do this without using the levitate trick as I once again just kind of plow through this dungeon without much regard I know what I'm doing I'm just doing it subconsciously long rambling on over here alright let's try to do this I know I've done this legitimately on my actual n64 console several times to avoid fighting this mini boss which is stupid because it's one of the better frog bosses well he is there's only two frog bosses all right so you place a bomb turn into a Zora and wait for their proper time too early anyway if you do that right let's pretend I did it right this will happen you get here early you've grabbed the ledge and everybody's happy and says wow how did you do that and you say I didn't she who cares shut up anyway but this is another case though you would have to do some bombchu hovers this is a great example I don't have ice arrows yet normally you get ice arrows so we got to go fight what's-his-face the most difficult boss in this entire game he's easy but there's just so much of him that it I take the most damage on this guy but yeah this is another pump that a lot of people bombs you hover - he's the great fairy sword what is this guy's name I always forget it but he's like the 3d version of the Link to the Past boss in dark world dungeon - except he's not named the same I know that much and this guy's way harder than the link to the past version of him you're supposed to use your hook shot I think that's the whole idea but I always just go bombs and spin attacks and apparently the game almost freezes if I remember correctly the great fairies blade is big enough to somehow strike this eye without having to actually use arrows it's the final day everything is shaking this is why this boss is insane because half of the time I'm doing this I'm taking damage from these guys at the same time all right here we go let's just go nuts and hope that we hit him ouch say look at my heart situation open your eye and get over here yes that wasn't so bad there's a lot faster than I was expecting it to be alright ice arrows [Music] this dungeon is fully completed without ice arrows if you know how to bomb to hover or if you have this levitate code so it looks like ice arrows but we know better that it's not it's it's light arrows okay that just opened up ikana canyon assuming that the mirror shield is still the mirror shield I don't know if that's randomized because you do need the elegy of emptiness to get all the stray fairies in stone tower levitate don't care because once again you could just bomb to hover anyway without what I see arrows why don't you hovers in this game really aren't bad you just do infinite sword glitch with a bomb and that's pretty easy to do it's very finicky sometimes especially on an actual n64 when you deal with the random lag that happens but when you do get it and you get the feel for it it's pretty easy to get your first try and that makes it so you could just do the bomb to thing and then I I kind of forget actually it's been so long but the hardest thing I've always remember with bombchu hovers got to go this way I could have done this with the levitate code earlier but I was I guess assuming I was gonna I was trying to do it legitimately and assuming I was gonna get ice arrows even though I know better than to assume that but yeah this is what you would normally do anyway you get ice arrows from that dude then you come back here and do exactly what I'm doing right now only instead of levitating for this you would use your ice arrows or bombs you hover if you want a glitch you may even be able to bomb jump as Zora link and reach that platform I'm not sure on that one though I think it's too creative a distance and then you would swim through here which takes you back to the compas room and then you remember the hardest part that's easy for easily to forget is to grab the boss key in this room right here by getting to that little alcove but we already got it let's go flip the switch actually we could do the first green pump right now as well which might be right along this wall according to the pipe yep let's do it this stupid animation again that makes link hard to move forward like he's I can't do anything and now the currents going insane what's going and why not let's just levitate to the poem since we're cheated this far the fairy on the ceiling of this room is probably the most annoying to get in this dungeon usually because the ice platforms with the arrows are only there for a very short amount of time and if you don't have them lined up perfectly with the hookshot point on the ceiling it can screw you up and that could be frustrating I suppose you know I'm wondering at the moment can I one cycle this and complete stone tower in time to get to the top of clock tower and beat majora as we have light arrows as soon as long as the mirror shield is I mean I can't do I even really need that though that's just for the elegy of emptiness and if I levitate which apparently this has turned into levitate everywhere instead of a randomizer this is my first time doing a seed of this aside from testing the to see if the ROM even worked and considering its old and expects you to do glitches I was kind of going into it expecting not the greatest and I mean that kind of would be the case if I didn't have this levitate code active I would be having to do these bombchu hovers everywhere or I would have had to obtain those ice or light arrows get out of this dungeon and go see what I could do in ikana canyon which I wouldn't even be able to get to a counter Canyon without any kind of bomb shoe huggers because I don't have the garrow's mask to activate the hookshot point to get up there which who knows where that is I don't know I think ocarina of time is definitely a better game for a randomizer than this because this one is designed in such a way that it's very hard to randomize things without requiring glitches I think like he gets a one cycle this game it's very hard to do without any kind of glitches I don't think you can actually yeah you can no you can't because you need a pony I mean it may be possible to beat would fall and Snowhead fast enough well actually you don't even need to you just need to get as far as the fire arrows and snow head by early day one get the heck out of there complete the Powder Keg test and go to Romani ranch before it's too late then it is possible to one cycle the game I think no because you also need to get to the hookshot No you need the song of storms to get the gibdo mask and then the bottom of the well is gonna be the biggest obstacle after all of that yeah because there's no way to quit or there's no way to get into an iconic castle and complete it without glitches without doing the bottom of the well first which requires a whole bunch of trading items and that could really screw up the whole one cycle frame this is my favorite ferry to collect in this whole dungeon and we're at the end just like that I haven't even been consciously paying attention to what I'm doing come on get up there I guess that's kind of sad that I could just kind of zone out and still do this dungeon no problem I got excited I tried to go fast with the Z target movement now this is extremely unnecessary but I got to do it I gotta turn it yeah we're doing this man this is a race now to complete stone tower and beat the crap out of majora and be done with this seed in one cycle that's my new goal but I do need to get 500 rupees and at least see what the old knight's mask is the mirror shield is the biggest question right now that could throw a wrench in that plan but I've been so lucky so far man to cash in my sword well to even get the razor sword that early be able to cash it in that early have that slight risk of being swordless for the rest of the game and then like two items later I find the gilded sword completely by chance that's insane and just finding the white arrows right now there was something else I feel like that was really lucky the sword was definitely the biggest one though well now I would probably the the ball when the fire arrows were probably the luckiest I levitated that sometimes would make guy or behave strangely but luckily he doesn't seem to be I'm not gonna do that anymore though there we go time the hops and you're good to go where'd he go get to the middle I know he's jumping I love this music man [Music] it's where there's so much about this game I love way more than ocarina of time but I have always said and I stand by it that ocarina of time definitely has the better overall story because this game is just like a giant sidequest the theme is great I missed ya like the theme of this game the darkness of it and how creepy it is plus all the depression and anguish of the characters and the fact that the characters have so much life to them and a schedule said it's so high above what ocarina of time has offered but in terms of overall story like all the moons falling in three days and you're in like this random parallel Hyrule okay whereas ocarina of time is just like the perfect good versus evil story it's a Link to the Past story just expand it a little bit kind of there's a little bit of a difference because I guess I'll link to the past is all about the maidens whereas ocarina of time it's just Sheldon and Ganondorf and the Triforce history I like how link waves goodbye to her sometimes it's only in the later fairies though I've noticed all right let's do it light arrows we've got plenty of time it's only midday of the last day worth doing this even if this isn't the mirror shield I'm gonna levitate and beat stone tower because I don't care anymore sport although I am curious where all the other masks are but the problem is so much of the Bombers notebook is not completed I don't even have the Bombers notebook still like Andrew Kaffee is definitely the biggest trade sequence next to the title deed things and I can't complete that because I can't get Andrews pendant anymore all right this is it this is is this the mirror shield makes you miss gyro aiming doesn't it how slowly turn like that it's probably gonna show up as the mirror shield but maybe not necessarily be it wait I think my shield did change it is yes okay well we're getting the elegy of emptiness now screw that thing let's just let it take light arrows yeah the all Knights mask doesn't even matter anymore but we did trigger it so we probably will grab that before fighting majora just to see what it is let's grab this heart piece - why not I love the music of this place I don't have any kind of monster mask so we don't get any dancing Rita's apparently or unfortunately you just levitate over or bomb to hover over that block anyway hmm maybe if I levitate into the middle yeah there's the money for the masks these guys are actually pretty tough if you don't have an upgraded sword I think the Kokiri sword in general in this game is insanely weak compared to what it was in ocarina of time let's do it man we're all the time crunch here I think we're good though stone towers fast when you know what you're doing not to sound cocky yeah I just have it's actually the opposite of cocky I'm ashamed that I know this game that well it's almost like proof of how much I've wasted my life alright let's do it what's his name II do stay account hurry one of my favorite things to do in this room when I was younger once you get the song is to stand on his throne chair and make a statue of all of Lynx forms I always did the Goron on the chair because the gorons pose man that was ridiculous with his sword all right let's do it we got the song we're going I'm just gonna love it I hate climbing stone tower it's the stupidest part of this game now let's not we've already established that the stupid dad and the crying baby is the dumbest part then probably the zora eggs no yeah and then this so once again how is this my second favorite game of all time if every area of the game has an annoying section that's the truth of it too every area of this game has a really annoying pre dungeon section followed by a really good stuff with woodfall being maybe the only well would fall and snow head are kind of bland all around screw it screw the song I'm not playing that nonsense it's like dual enjoy playing Zelda's Lullaby and the water temple I would hope that your answer is no because it takes it slows the action down and that's exactly what the elegy of emptiness does to this dungeon and that entire climb out there I think you got to play it like twelve times or something ridiculous and in here you got to play it six times if you're playing legitimately whoops yeah that's very number one now we get abused this place with light arrows that we already have [Music] ouch thank you for keeping me up here get out of here alright we're not going to the elegy of emptiness I'd make this thing that's for later though right yeah [Music] yeah the other side is the most annoying room in this game because it requires you to play that stupid song like three times just don't have the patience for then all right we need the fire arrows yeah the Sun is underwater that's right you can't get that yeah I don't think there might be a way actually there probably is a way if you activate infant sword glitch and bomb to hover you might be able to shoot a light arrow into the water the question is does the light arrow retain its magic when it passes through water cuz that I don't know if so then yes you could technically activate the Sun and grab that great first ray fairy early [Music] yeah this temple I don't know it's I like it I ranked it number four out of all the n64 dungeons recently levitate nobody cares it's like my motto apparently for this whole thing I used to really not like this place though because of the song and the fact that you have to revisit it to get the all the fair you know apps I thought you could swim under that as all right now if we go through this locked door over here you can skip that elegy of nonsense crap and get to where it leads since we already have the white arrows we do not need to yeah we don't need to bomb that thing but we do need child masks I think we might not even need this small key but better grab it just in case but the real reason we're down here is to grab the stray ferry which is hook shot able up here that's the map right yeah these guys are the key right you know back to what we weren't doing cuz this is kind of just a pit stop Oh run right into it why don't you so this leads to that crazy mirror shield puzzle room but we have light arrows so it doesn't even matter plus every single block in that room you could bomb to hover over or in this case levitate there's straight fairy number what is it I haven't even been keeping count yeah I don't know yeah I really do think that randomizing this game is not as exciting overall for the long term as ocarina of thrive because it throws a wrench in the order in which you do things like side quests which is the heart of this game it definitely works better for Link to the Past Super Metroid in ocarina of time where it's all about item progression and stuff here it's more about time management and seeing how much you could get done in one cycle or like in as little time as possible that's part of the excitement of this thing is scheduling it all in your head like okay I'm gonna do this temple and then I'm gonna take a quick pit stop to do this and you Caffey sidequest part and then I'm gonna go do this like that's the fun of this game to me a lot of people hate that aspect of it because it creates pressure that they would rather not have like to just be able to wander Hyrule Field at your leisure without any kind of time limit alright so this is why Tara's we actually have most of the items now it's the masks that we don't have don't have ice arrows don't have magic beans the latter of which we really have no use for we don't even need ice arrows anymore [Music] Erik's what are you [Music] they were ice arrows okay so those two swapped that would be really annoying if you didn't bomb to her / levitate that's the thing with these randomizers is like it definitely does usually make every single game longer than the vanilla game like in the Zelda cases you typically have to revisit dungeons instead of just going in there and getting it all done in one swoop really it was magic and some of these things maybe that's later oh yeah let's lava - who cares make a counter for how many times I've said that so far this dude [Music] really careful we have no magic refills here dude okay wait I really gotta focus here what am i doing well that was sloppy but okay that's great fairy number something that's it for this great fairy section now we got to flip the thing wait magic first though aha he killed you and I believe it's the right switch that activates the thing yeah so stupid so long dude there we go blah blah blah hi Ben alright now this part we could levitate straight to the ball ski and just do it but that's too much cheating I think you see there's a limit to these things yeah if you just levitate to the left of this room it leads straight to the boss key and then you just levitate to the top of this room and that's how you get to the boss itself well let's get the fairies we're already doing it those fan things are really annoying when you actually use the deku thing hey guess what time it is time for the song again [Music] did you imagine if real life had sheets I mean it does it's called being an asshole and a manipulating other people that's how you cheat in life it always seems that way anyway they say hard work and stuff is what pays off and sometimes it does but sometimes I think I would say more often there's cases of hard-working people getting screwed over what the heck was that I've never seen them push me like that without damaging their okay so the room at the top of this room leads to the most annoying aspect of this dungeon where you're constantly flipping it and pushing your locks so we're gonna avoid that and go to the boss booth or should be right here it looks weird for some reason well we could fight this dude no yeah this is the right room this is all right well this is the Giants mask which actually just occurred to me might not be the Giants mask but that's okay we can still beat twenty little with arrows I haven't done that in a very long time I think the 3s1 requires its yeah cuz you get the Giants mask mid-flight once the other one is dead that's right alright Giants mask what are you and have you been randomized in this old randomizer [Music] fierce daddy wink really um I guess that's actually really lucky - that's gonna make the majora yeah that's pretty much all it's lucky for because fear state is actually terrible for this boss let's just do this boss key time I love this mini boss though dang it you know it's okay I have the great fairy blade [Music] [Music] I was do a great fairy where are you I [Music] can't shield this is a two-handed weapon that's all right I'll take the headset off here nice swing it's like how the reeds you just died in the Simon Belmont reveal trailer Smash Bros I really really hope that there's cutscenes in a story mode and the new smash cuz that's like well no I was gonna say that's the only reason brawl was good but every Smash Brothers is good it's just but the cutscenes definitely made brawl what it was since a lot of people say mechanically it was a step down from melee [Music] in smash 4 is the only game that made me so mad that I actually saw stars like I freaked out one time because I got to master core or whatever and I died like two or three times in a row at like the very final thing you had to kill and I was pissed man I saw stars literally I thought that I never understood that phrase I thought it was just like a weird phrase for when somebody was really mad but yeah I got so stressed out that my vision went insane and I saw a little specks everywhere cuz I still say no Smash Brothers game has been as difficult as Smash Brothers Wii U and 3ds I guess even though I didn't play that version like Master Core if that was ridiculous man no Master Hand variety thing was ever that tough not even taboo and brawl and that's about the point where I like stopped caring about Smash Brothers and like this is just a too competitive and stupid and anymore I'm not a kid anymore my days are donuts just do this boss and stop talking about smash brothers but I am excited for the new one though because King care rule man finally it took 19 years maybe less than that since it wasn't until melee where Bowser and Ganondorf came along so that's when people really started questioning well what about King K rule so since 2001 right not 1999 okay don't Z target [Music] yeah [Music] I think fire arrows do more damage than regular ones but depending on the magic situation I might have to just use regular arrows soon I mean we could try fierce deity's mask but from past experience in this fight it has absolutely no use Giants mask is the way to go dang it oh yeah I gotcha Oh can you hit their heads I know you can with the sword ouch oh this is too close to time too early I could have had been to the other one gotten away and screwed up my waiting for the thing dude all right we're doing it this is stupid because it's not gonna work I mean it does work it's just still hard to hit these things all right well I think that was just a lucky hit though because normally this doesn't work too well [Music] [Music] at a time it just right oh that would have been in one too but he belong to me 7:00 p.m. and we got a mop this guy up and get to the Clocktower 10:00 p.m. the Curiosity Shop opens so we can see what the all Knights mask is and whatever it is doesn't even matter because we can do majora now so this seed is already beaten basically not 100% I think a more modern randomizer would be a little bit more fun than this but it definitely was as is the case with every randomizer it is pretty exciting at first sweet passion my health situation scaring me a little bit there we go okay I might need to switch back to regular arrows though feel like that was more successful than fear State yeah I feel like every randomizer has that unfortunate issue it's it's inevitable there's no avoiding it it's just it's exciting for the length of time definitely at the beginning when you're getting all these items out of order and it stirs up them your brain starts chaining the logic like Oh what does that mean what can I do early now or what does that give me access to but eventually that's gonna fall fall flat once you obtain most of the stuff and you're just kind of going through the game as usual and I feel like it's more prevalent here with Majora's Mask being that this whole thing as I said is centered around the clock not so much the items as well it is but I don't know how else to describe it there's definitely a difference though ouch I saw him coming I just couldn't react in time I'm gonna get hit again [Music] where are you oh come on we got this don't miss you missed you missed again you're doing all right I think I'm actually standing where the portal spawns though which is kind of stupid although I think the game checks for that doesn't okay it's usually in the center of the boss fight but if you're happen if you happen to be standing there it usually puts it somewhere to the side oh no it waits for him to go away okay let's do it get the fairies we have time although I'm kind of one did I grab all the ones while it was inverted since I skipped around with levitating 13 14 is here with the Zora mask and that's normally it so I did miss something what the heck did I miss the Keith at least the stupid flippin of this rooms and the pushing of the block which leads to the POE room which has the secret room to a small key that dumps out at wizzrobe wizzrobe has a straight fairy I got a flip the thing again dang it okay you stupid clown times 9 I don't even know how many times we fought this dude yes I will take the hit as long as I hit him [Music] blah-blah-blah-blah yeah yeah yeah we've seen this a thousand times I'm just here for the ferry yes okay one more to go I get close dangit stupid fire that was in the way I would have had that man light arrows you're thawing get to where the chest spawns and let's get the heck out of here all right lady what do you got for us it's now 10:00 p.m. curiosity shop is open we got to get the clock down man wha-ha-ha-ha-ha you got a sword it's not a sword though what is it okay what the heck are you nothing looks different I have max bombs I don't have any new masks I may have gotten a quiver I did not get a quiver I don't know maybe it gave me arrows or bombs or something anyway here we go sometimes the back pedaling doesn't work and he does that weird sideways back pedal which is not fast all right let's see what the all Knights mask is this has felt like a very slow cycle almost as if the clock itself is moving slower but maybe it's just my imagination [Music] all Knights mask is Priority Mail that's another Anjou Caffey item one time only again proving my point that randomizing this game is kind of weird because of these event items that are so key to completing the Bombers notebook I mean all things considered as terms of actual items there aren't that many most of the items in this game our regular pickups like bombs Deku nuts Dekker sticks you can get them anywhere bomb tubes you can get anywhere all the arrows are the dungeon items including the bow the only other thing there is to randomize our bomb bags and Quivers everything else in this game is a mask well I guess that's that's the answer right there masks but the event items really throw a wrench in it dang it I don't have the cowl mask all right postman man I was hoping for Chateau Romani with madame aroma too I thought you could get in there though on the third day regardless of the mask it's one of those small details that I typically forget I guess but we can at least see what the post man's hat is and then fight majora and it's done here you go man [Music] please don't run away I've had it before where this guy gets to where he's supposed to stop to talk to you and he just runs away what and it actually did take away my shield [Music] in the moon skipping all that cutscene nonsense I already have fierce deity mask even though we don't have every other mask in the game let's go majora what why did he did he really just give me the Giants mask I gotta check that hang on a second he did anyway well thanks I guess I guess they changed that so that even if you don't have all the masks he still gives you a mask as if you gave all of yours to the kids well this fight is nothing so it's over that was the seed named Bill of this 2013 Majora's Mask randomizing that goes by file name I mean it was kind of fun a little bit at first I like replaying this game but I think replaying it vanilla is better when you include in your cycle rushing the Bombers notebook side-quests specifically Romani ranch and Anjou and Kaffee trying to get all those done in one cycle is probably the most fun in replaying this game actually that that's that is the most fun of this game is trying to get everything done in one cycle if possible which it isn't possible because madam aroma and the postman conflict with each other there's something else too oh the old lady you can't do the all-night smash stuff and Angela and Cathy in the same cycle as majora appeared in Smash Brothers mask as right as a assist trophy but not this kind of majora with whips and everything well there you go that's it it's John pretty cool that it was able to get done in one cycle that was a really lucky seed though considering the bow the fire arrows the razor sword and then being swordless in fear technically in a way and then instantly finding the gilded sword anyway without any prior knowledge of how this scene would play out that was definitely the highlighting moment I would say of the randomization but anyway I'm not gonna watch this credit sequence so there you go that's Majora's Mask randomized and they're working on a newer randomizer not all the kinks have been worked out yet but it's on github same guy who did the Ocarina of Time one recently so check it out
Channel: Good Old Days Gaming
Views: 532,544
Rating: 4.7074614 out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Majora's Mask, majoras mask, majora, randomizer, randomiser, seed, lucky, lets play, let's play, LP, good old days, Bill, 2013, 2018, amazingampharos, amazing ampharos, github, nitrorad, commentary, laid back, Legend of Zelda, N64, Nintendo 64, 3DS, 3D, Nintendo, Link, goron, zora, deku, happy mask, clock town, woodfall, snowhead, great bay, stone tower, stray fairies, walkthrough, guide, purple link, masks, rom hack, deathbasket
Id: T4Pfz-ImQZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 10sec (8470 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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