Zechariah’s 8 Visions | 100 Bible Stories

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[Music] the names Zachariah means the Lord remembered Zechariah is known for his visions hmm listen to me I have received visions from God and I will tell you about those in this vision there was a man riding a red horse standing in a groove of myrtle trees behind him were red brown and white hoses the angel of the Lord explained that these horses were sent to all the earth and found the world at peace and rest but Israel was not at rest and peace in fact it had been exiled for 70 years and Jerusalem was in ruins God sympathized with the Israelites and they declared I will return to Jerusalem with mercy and there my house will be rebuilt my towns will again overflow with prosperity and the Lord will again choose Z on the message of this vision is that God was angry at the nations of the world which destroyed Israel and that he would bless and restore Israel okay [Music] in this vision Zacharias saw four horns and four craftsman when asked the angel was clear in explaining the meaning of these symbols these horns represent the nation's trying to destroy Israel the craftsman holding the saw have come out to cut these horns of the nations who tried to harm his people the prophecy shows that God raises up powers to destroy those people who's against his land and his people [Music] in this vision Zechariah saw a man with a measuring line go and measure Jerusalem to find out how long it is when Zechariah asks him where he's going the man replied I'm going to measure the City of Jerusalem the city is to remain unrolled because of the great number of people and cattle in it the Lord will protect her as a wall of fire and he shall be the glory of Jerusalem this is an incredible prophetic statement because Zechariah was seeing his visions and giving his messages to the returning exiled of Israel who were in the process of building a wall around Jerusalem the vision was showing that they would be a day when Jerusalem would grow to vast proportions and not need a wall because of God's protection though this mission God showed him his blessings on restored Israel [Music] the first three visions pictured Ezreal being freed from captivity her expansion and the prosperity of the land however in the full tuition God is showing him the eternal state of Israel which is in need of cleansing from sin and reinstatement as a priestly nation this vision is a bit different from the others and there is no question about it the characters are identifiable we see joshua the son of josedech the high priest who returned along with israelites from babylon joshua is seen in filthy clothes because of his sin but the angel commands are the angels to take it off from joshua the filthy clothes represent his sins and by lifting them away it shows god's forgiveness and love once forgiven and cleansed by the Lord the angel had instructions for Joshua in order to retain his new form he said if you will walk in my ways and keep my requirement then you will govern my house and have charge of my coats it meant that if Israel remained this clean and as a priestly state God was promising that Joshua would rule Israel in days to come [Music] in this vision Zechariah saw a gold lamp stand with the foul of oil at the table from red seven lamps were burning on the stand then there were two olive trees standing on each side of the lamp stand with two gold pipes that continually supplied oil to the stand these seven lights represent the eyes of the Lord and they light the whole world the olive trees represent the anointed ones are priests who stand before the Lord and connect him with the people the whole vision is connected to the rebuilding of the temple it showed him that they will be able to finish the construction of the temple with the help of abundant supply of the Holy Spirit [Music] the last three visions showed Zecharia about the judgment for the sins in Israel and on their enemies in the sixth vision Zechariah saw a flying scroll 30 feet long and 15 feet wide the scroll was not rolled up but flying open so that one could read both sides the angel explained to him what it meant this is the curse that is going out over the whole land for according to what it says on one side every thief will be banished and according to what it says on the other side everyone who swears falsely will be banished it will enter the house of the thief and the house of him who swears falsely by my name the vision is a call to righteousness in Israel and the scroll represents the word and law of the Lord that judges the sinful God desires that his people and his land remain holy [Music] in this vision Zechariah saw an ephah which is a measuring basket for grain whose lid when lifted was a woman sitting inside the angel children that a woman represented wickedness and he pushed the wickedness back into the basket and shut the lid then Zachariah sought to woman with the wind in their wings like a stalk and they lifted the basket up into the air when Zechariah asked where the basket was being taken he was told that it was being taken to Babylonia for building a house for it Babylon is the place of ancient idolatry so it was an after location for carrying out the idolatry from Israel so this vision in shot meant the removal of Israel sins and rebellion against God [Music] then zechariah saw four chariots coming out from between two mountains in this instance the mountains symbolize the righteous defined judgment of God against sin the chariots were going to execute his judgment the first chariot had red hoses the second one had black horses the third had white ones and a fault was dappled it has been suggested that the colors represent red for war and bloodshed black food debt white for tribe and dappled once stood for pestilence the angels then told Zechariah these are the four spirits of heaven going on from standing in the presence of the Lord the one with the black hoses is going towards the North Country the one with the white horse was going towards the rest and the dappered one was going towards the south they were sent to all the world so in short this vision showed the divine judgment of God towards the Gentile nations the Lord will wipe away the Vic admit and injustice from this land and purify you those messages are wonderful yes is a true prophet all that he sees is going to come true just like the words of a Mohs and Isaiah the people accepted the teaching of Zechariah heeding his advice the people of Jerusalem completed the construction of the temple in a few years and Joshua was coronated as the high priest of Israel the Lord appoint you as the priest and the king of people Zechariah also made several prophecies and all of these came true he had prophesized about a future king who arrives on a donkey many of them were fulfilled by Jesus Christ in the New Testament [Music]
Channel: 100 Bible Stories
Views: 26,537
Rating: 4.8039217 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet zechariah, zechariah visions, prophet zechariah story, Zakariya story, visions of zechariah, zechariah 8 visions, zechariah bible, 100 bible stories, 100 stories from bible, bible stories for kids, animated bible stories, bible for kids, kids bible, cartoon bible, bible cartoon for kids, English bible for kids, Sunday school lessons, Christian stories, Christian kids, holy tales, giggle mug bible, gigglemug bible, gigglemug bible stories
Id: 4lQqo4n-nlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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