ZBrush 2018 Fibermesh Fur Render 05/31/2018

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so what I can do is I can go to our texture it's like the bumblebee add it to our spotlight we're going to number one we're gonna take this little guy standing in front of a window and are gonna drop that opacity down we're gonna scale it down just a little bit position them here and we'll use this to keep us honest so now we can go into let's start with we'll keep it simple going to start with a polymesh3d dragged on my cam is going to edit mode I'm gonna go down here to initialize we're gonna do a cue sphere again just really simple sphere here I have my floor turned on so we can see where Z forward is so if we turn on X symmetry this is that across the x-axis so if I subdivide this up a little bit you can see you know if I make this into a stick shift C to turn off spotlight here if we have this as a little face this is what I want to have facing forward here so we'll just start there and they'll do Z to turn spotlight back on and also if I want to like snap back to this camera view what I'm going to do is go over here to movie go to timeline show and we'll just show this timeline so I can start adding adding a little bit in there so we've got our head here let's go ahead and pull this down smooth this out so this will be the first part and you know what we don't need we'll go to subdivision level now you know we'll keep it at 3 but will delete lower so I don't want subdivisions just yet we're just using this to kind of block out our mesh hit W hold down control drag that straight back we'll go ahead and scale this up and we can rotate it back using our gizmo and I'll go ahead and shift smooth this like so and then hit W hold down control drag out another copy here and I don't know the B parts necessarily it's been a while since I've learned about bees in school but let's say like thorax abdomen head for these other parts here you know what I kind of like the sphere we're starting out with we can just do like a bi brush insert go to insert mesh primitives and grab any of these oh there's a poly sphere right in here well just use that got the poly sphere let me just pull that out so now we're on the leg here and we can scale this out a bit let's turn on local symmetry so we're scaling across that local axis here and we can rotate this down and loops back let's move that back and then again we'll drag out a copy of this thing I'll smooth this down and that'll be his little leg here and then these little leg pieces we'll figure out for this front leg if we turn on poly frame here we gonna see these legs right here are their own polygroup so I can just hit W ctrl tap those and then we can just control drag out those is a copy and you know what before we do that when it starts doing weird stuff like that just do a quick geometry modify topology mirror and weld and that'll fix that right up so now control drag this out and I am gonna change my view in just a second because I'm sure this is turning into something ridiculous for my other views here so let's go ahead and rotate this this way area we've got our leg here now to snap back to that view I didn't save it so what I need to do is reposition my body here and if I'm fairly happy with this positioning I can just click up here in my timeline and then no matter what I do I can hit the back arrow and that just basically slides this timer or this little timeline to that first dot so I can go if I had multiple references up here in my spotlight I could save a safe with view here say the view here save a view here and then I can just use my arrow keys to snap between the different views or I can just go up here and I can just slide it in between if I don't want am I going to drag them off so I can always snap back to that view and now I can reposition this arm just a little bit here so we'll go ahead and spin this up a little bit let's move this down and then let's go ahead and hold down control I'm gonna go to mask lasso I'm gonna mask out this little bottom part here invert that mask by control tapping and we'll scale this and a little bit and then out good enough we've got our be blocked out and so now as we can see on my reference I was a little bit these things went a little bit wonky so what I'm gonna do is go into polygroups here and we'll do a quick auto groups and that's gonna give us anything that's not vert welded where we at I don't know I don't even know where it is in there I'm just gonna go to my custom menu here Auto groups and then we'll do a quick mirror and weld so now what I can do is I can at W I can control tap any of these poly groups here and now we can go through here and make this look a little bit better so obviously these things should be touching here and out of that now that I have poly groups here I can also go to my move brush go in here to auto masking and then you can see we have masked my poly groups I can crank that up to 100 and now I can just go through here you can also instead of doing masked by polygroups you can turn on topological and then anything that's not vert welded and the first one you touch will be the only one that it kind of modifies so either way I'll go ahead and do mess with all the groups I will do shift Z to bring my spotlight back but snap our camera back and now we can just very quickly go through here and match all these bubbly little fat parts and then we can go through here we can make sure like okay these things can't be sticking so you're constantly making adjustments in 3d and then snapping back and then checking your reference and this goes for if you're matching a concept or anything else you can always go back and it's just a way to kind of keep yourself honest so now that we have that let's go ahead and start refining a little bit he's mostly going to be covered in fur so I'm not overly concerned about the particulars but we can go ahead and clean them up just a tad and it looks like we're making a very specific type of beat type of B they're kind of all over the place as far as you know it looks like some of them have more segments than others some of them have a little bit chunkier segments and another thing I can do since this is a fairly simple model what I'm gonna do is go here to subtool and we have poly groups on both sides so I'm going to do a quick split group split and now every single one of these will be in its own sub tool so I can just alt click through and select them like that let's do a quick save and we go in our quick save here hold on just a second just in case quick save load that back up there we go a straight quarter and we will reposition that right here okay turn that off cool let me catch up real quick you think Houdini can compete with my max in terms of modeling yeah sure modeling yeah I mean I can do faces extrusions bevels boolean z' I don't know what else I'm kind of modeling I would do you can put things along a path I mean you kind of have to put yourself in the mindset of the node based system but I'm sure there's ways the model around that I don't do a lot of modeling in Houdini but I should probably give it a shot but really for just modeling purposes as long as your modeling package can do that's like cue mesh you can do an extrusion and you can do like a bevel and I think that's usually and I know boolean operation so for example if we go into like bi brush insert boolean here and we'll go ahead and grab this thing go ahead and pull this off we'll go ahead and do a split unmask points will drop this down soak that underneath and it will turn our boolean render so as long as you can do like billions and extrusions and bevels I think it's all I really that's all I ever use so I don't know your mileage may vary but for me most modeling programs nowadays are pretty compatible um cool since people are talking about blender sculpting I want to ask your opinion on the program since the 2.8 up beta is around the corner blender is one of those programs where I've always wanted to use it and I've never had a reason to use it because I've always either had a license for something that I was using in development or I use e brush so I don't really have an opinion at least not an educated one I think it's cool I see a lot of people doing a lot of really cool stuff with it but it's nothing that I've had to use not to say that you can't use it or you shouldn't use it like I said I've seen master Zee on Jerry Perkins if you want to look him up he's got some really cool stuff on blender hard ops hard ops guy let's go ahead and do a split mass points here so again like I said it's one of those things where I wanted to check it out never never could really justify the time to do it given my schedule at the moment but I mean that could all I could all change let's go ahead and rotate this around here so we're gonna go ahead and put in his upper arms and they'll put in his little spindly feet for the spindly feet here let's turn off our light bullying go down about it mode and we'll go back to you know I'll keep it simple we'll make a sphere 3d drag on our camp is going to edit mode I get a poly mesh and we'll go ahead and scale it and we'll go ahead and grab our snake hook which disappeared when I had to move my boy okay be s snake hook then it looks like on here we can also use vector displacement for this if you wanted to I suppose but I'm just gonna do a real quick kind of little feet grabber here looks something like this maybe and it looks like these are we going a standard brush here these are kind of segmented as well so we gonna go ahead and start so dividing this up and using our clay brush let's go ahead and switch over start up material please it's been good and segments these and of course it's not like this is anything beautiful if I wanted to I could spend the time to go through here and make this really sing but what I'm gonna do is okay this is my model here if I want to simplify this I could decimate this down or I can just duplicate this off and if we want something like zremesh half depta size down to zero and we'll let that zremesh just again simplify this geometry so I can use it as an insert mesh brush you know have to but there's no point in throwing a million polygons little foot on your object in most instances cool thanks for showing up to weigh no problem voodoo and why is this taking so long let's escape out of that so we have X let's turn X on let's go ahead and delete that let's figure this out okay so here's my foot or Z forward I'm gonna do a quick mirror and weld here and then we'll do zremesh there we go let's do half half half okay that'll work so we'll call this my foot here and we'll go ahead and scale isn't it a little bit a little thin foot so I'm gonna go here's the bottom of the foot let's say and you know what let's scope that out a little bit hit be great insert mesh new go back to our sculpt here and so at the bottom here you can go ahead and insert a foot and I can match this up with the reference again but for now we'll just kind of stick that on there here and we'll just drag out a copy here we'll spin that around okay so insects have six legs right I think I'm done with those pieces and for this one we'll do another Auto groups mirror and weld group split shifts II go back to our snaps thing here which I think we bumped so we'll go ahead and drag that off and push that on and now we can go through here and we can go okay this arm way too big let's go ahead and mirror it or go to unmask mesh Center and we'll stick this here ish and then this piece here is way too big and then this little hand here should be something like yes that'll work if you want to move all these things at once you can go into your gizmo here and you can turn on this move transpose all selected sub tools and they can hold down ctrl shift and you can go through here and you can like tap all the sub tools you want to move at once and then you can just move them around or what I'm gonna do in this instance is I'm going to do a quick merge visible I'm going to go to this merge sub tool here and now I can just quickly go through here and move move these things around together and we still have masks my polygroups up to a hundred but a few dupes let's do a quick mirror in Weld hit X go across like symmetry here so we can kind of start moving these things around here something like that all right why do you use zremesh versus dynamesh so zremesh is if I want a little bit more control over the geometry and this going through here and getting nice even quads for zremesh and then for dynamesh this would be if I wanted to do say let's do a group split so if I want to start sculpting on this head which I'm going to start doing I'm going to sell them out here and now instead of going through here and like using my clay brush then subdividing and using my clear brush and subdividing and using my clay brush which is fine to do as long as your your geometries I'm going to change too much but do I usually prefer to do is we'll just turn on dynamesh and now we have something I can continue to see update so I'll use zremesh once I'm done doing stuff like I wish I had that back back bottom menu here once I'm done doing stuff like this it's like okay I want to dynamesh this and get all these crazy shapes going and then once I'm done with this I'll zremesh it project the details back and then I have a nice quad match that I can add subdivision history to but I want to do zremesh after I finished making major changes so if I'm just exploring the idea I'll use dynamesh and also remember in 2018 you don't have to use I mean you can use dynamic if you want to but if you want automatic tessellation you can go in here and you can use turn massive a polygroups down to zero you can use sculptures pro mode and you can just dynamically tessellate where you want that detail so you can go through here and while you're sculpting it'll just automatically and again this works with the snake hook brush as well so instead of when we were snake cooking earlier actually you know what let's do b sk o BS sphere so you can see as I pull out it's automatically tessellating and as I pull out through here it's automatically giving me more geometry so when I pull out it just keeps updating the geometry make your brush smaller it'll give you more geometry if you make it bigger and it can be less you can even go in here and smooth and get rid of this stuff on the fly so you can use and you can use it with dynamesh if i dynamesh it all goes back to my original resolution which may not be what you want you can also go into mm-hmm geometry Tessa mate and you can use Tessa mate kind of like a dynamesh Oh another thing what this one is if we say let's go mask pin ctrl W and then we can like mask just as polygroup and then when we use our brush with this and we say I mean you don't have to make polygroup see that was just just to visually show you the difference between these two separate areas here so we can go through here and we can use sculptures Pro so now if we don't dynamesh we can go through here and these things will always be separate meshes hold down shift to smooth we can smooth these two meshes separately and if we hold down our or tap our and then mask out these are always these aren't gonna stick together however if you dynamesh them it's gonna dynamesh them together and stick them together if you don't want to use dynamesh that's where you can go in here to your menu and you can do remesh by Union and let's take off X symmetry so there we go we can say that's fine I'll accept it and now with our remesh by Union has stuck those together so you can use just sculptures pro with remesh by Union instead of dynamesh to kind of get the same result and like I said before you can just hold down shift and you can just obliterate those completely if you want so up to you a lot of different options and if you want more info on that go to my youtube channel and let me double check this real quick okay yeah I go to my YouTube channel go to my playlists sorry and then if you go down to ZBrush 20:18 what's new there's all sorts of goodies in there for sculptress Pro I keep coming I call that sculptors press plus a lot in the videos so I'm I'm meaning sculptors pro just so you know how do you render an image simple just hit this little beep er up in the corner um we might we'll get into rendering I think later in this video if I have enough time alright take it into key shot but we can also do a little bit of ZBrush stuff torn clothing and ZBrush so I have that my streaming topics I'll add it I mean it should be something like I mean there's a lot of different ways you can do that I flip half of the mesh in a sub tool and merge it back so we have a sub tool I want to flip half of a mesh or we have a sub tool here I want to flip half of it I mean you can do whatever you want if you want to take like I want to take this leg only go out of X symmetry isolate it control shift visibility go ahead and split hidden and now this is its own sub tool so you can do a mirror deformation mirror across the X and then you can do whatever you want to and then you can merge those back down so to emerge and if you want to pay the same on the both sides you can go mirror mirror and weld or actually let's turn off Elsa mirror and weld so you can do whatever you want and then use the deformation mirror to get it to the other side as long as your Z forward and we're going across the x-axis let's go ahead and do auto groups mirror and weld and a little delete hidden so okay I think we've got this to a point here let's go ahead hit ctrl W and we'll turn dynamesh back on and we will let's go ahead and sculpt out where the eyeballs are gonna go and we'll go ahead and drag in a sphere something like this and I'm about to do a split mass points let me go ahead and subdivide the sphere up but for one two and if we don't like those polarized caps here all we got to do is we'll again we'll just do a zremesher same data size down to zero and now we've got just nice move Geo all right so on a behead these be eyes kind of bulge out here and then through here it looks like they're a little bit more aggressive looking here and then we can go let's turn off polyframe and again we're not going to spend a whole lot of time detailing this out but if we wanted to it would just be a matter of just looking at your reference making sure it matches and he's got his little mandibles in here which is gonna be covered in fur but if we want to let's go ahead and drop in a sphere and then we'll go ahead and split mass points and then let's turn on el sim so when I don't turn on el sim and I start scaling it goes to the world axis turn on LCM and now we can scale along its local access here and then we can rotate this in little pinchers here now inflate and I could bring in reference for this but I think I was gonna wing it so standard brush smooth this out smooth stronger that'll work and then the antennae we could do it you know let's try something else so I'm gonna go in here I'm gonna do an insert Zee sphere and then with the Z sphere selected I'm going to go hit X go across X symmetry II to scale it down turn on transparency and hit Q and on either side I'm gonna drag out a little Z sphere and then hold down shift as I drag out an Uzi sphere so now I can position a little antennas exactly where I want them this will like come out this will come down there you go so we've got that I can leave in the Z spheres or if I want to I can go all the way down here to adaptive skin if you hit preview or you can see if we hit a that turns on your adaptive skin and it's turning it into a dynamesh mesh if you want you can take dynamesh resolution down to zero and that will just give you quads density down to one I think that'll work let's hit make adaptive skin that's gonna throw that adaptive skin right out here somewhere there it is so now we'll insert that skin z sphere we don't need the Z sphere anymore so go and delete it and we also don't need these inside polygroups so we'll go ahead and say you and you are dead to me and then we'll go back in here there zmodeler brush will do closed convex hole we'll just cap that off ctrl W make it all one polygroup there we go cool now I'm gonna drink okay so let's talk about how we're gonna finish this thing off looking at bumble bees it looks like they've got big pads of fur let me just throw this in here so big pads of fern here and this is just kind of generally fuzzy on some of them it looks like they're more plated on here let's do that one it shouldn't be too difficult so what we can do is we can take this and his thorax looks really tiny compared to the other one so what I'm gonna do looks like he's very front heavy and on a lot of these other ones they're a little bit more balanced or at least you maybe even back heavy here so that could be just a weird piece of reference here if I want to match something else let's go to texture import and you know what let's take this top view go ahead and select that top view position it and we'll snap to our top view here and now we can kind of see if we're compatible here so what I'm gonna do is we'll go ahead and hit alt to go ahead and stick this right in the middle here and I'm gonna make some adjustments executive decision here so here's my I guess my abdomen or thorax I can't remember and then we're gonna put the little butt in here and then from a side view we don't really have one but I can kind of eyeball that and we're gonna go ahead and pull this out to like a little point kind of thing and one thing I've learned is getting your block out right even though it's not real pretty especially when you're doing like hard surface modeling and matching something is keep it as simple and as ugly not as ugly but it's not gonna be real impressive for a while but keep it as simple as you can for as long as you can and get that block out really really tight and then once you start adding details and stuff it just everything just falls into place if you don't do that and you move ahead too quickly you'll probably end up regretting it so I think we're in good shape anything sticking out to me okay so if we wanted to do the plating what we can do is we got our thorax here we want to put like one two maybe split this up into three different plates here I'm going to duplicate this off because always like to go back to my original I'm gonna go back here and we're gonna slice and we're gonna slice this into one to three different parts here and then also we can have the body underneath it looks like it as different plating than the top and we could even skip we can even skip skip the fuzz on here but I think this looks a little bit different than the other one so we'll make it all fuzzy but I do want it kind of layered and plated so I want different polygroups here and on the bottom here it looks like has different first I'm just gonna go through here I'm gonna slice this so now you've got these parts here let's try this let's go to zero measure keep groups on and then do same and zremesh and that'll give me different geometry keeping our poly groups so now it's a little bit cleaner and I think that'll work so now we've got these top plates in these bottom plates and we've got our original underneath that we can use for quality purposes so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna isolate hold on ctrl shift select rectangle I'm gonna isolate these we're gonna split them off and then for this bottom one here let's do this looks like there's even more plates so I'm gonna say you and you and you and you we're gonna do another zremesh keep groups there we go so this one will have more plates and then this thing here I'm gonna go ahead and we're just going to hold down alt go to the mesh Center and just scale this down so it's inside the plates here so now I've got these things if you want we can try going over here to geometry edge loop and we can do like panel loops to give us some thickness which I think I'll work then this bottom one here will create that thickness up a little bit yeah that'll be fine and then we can go through here with our move brush and we can kind of make these stick in here and then these outside ones here so now not only does that give us a little bit of a panel look insecty look it's also going to allow us to assign different fiber meshes to these different polygroups here and we'll have a little bit more control so also you know what let's do a quick I mean if you want to you can keep these groups here they're kind of useful I don't think I'll necessarily need them and maybe I will hold down shift we're just gonna smooth those corners a little bit and then on this one we'll just push these in and that'll work okay and then this guy will just gonna polypaint I don't I don't see any real panels there I keep calling on panels I don't know where they're cold be panels all right let's turn off our floor and we'll go ahead and scope this out and this head you know what I'm gonna get W I'm gonna hit X to go out of X symmetry hold on alt so I'm gonna go to this mesh center here hold down alt and reset it and then I'm gonna go into move multiple sub tool mode right here and I'm going to say I want all youse guys so I can kind of just move all this stuff out at once I just want to be able to see his head separation a little bit better that'll work turn that off I'll tap this one and we'll go ahead and get that out of his neck a little bit more okay that doesn't bug me quite as much so now let's talk about fur and using fur as something that's sculptable we'll see how well it goes so we'll start with the body here so what we can do is I'm gonna divide this a couple times just to get a little bit more resolution on here and I'm also going to go in here and we're going to poly paint this so we're gonna start with I wonder if I can just drag out no okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to go to movie turn off show we're going to grab a plain 3d go into edit mode make polymesh3d we're going to go back into our reference here and we'll use this guy down here hit Z I don't need this B anymore so I'm gonna delete it and then this B we can bring back and what we can do you know what we can actually just apply this image to this plane because all I'm doing is taking color from here so let's do that you can paint what I was going to do is like you can divide up the plane and then you can use your standard brush with RGB turned on and you can just paint that image onto the plane or your poly plane the same size as the chosen texture ooh like a flat color material we can do shift s or go out of edit mode and leave that sitting there and now we can go to back to our model here so now if we want was damn you know I learned these things and then I immediately forget it there's a way to make your text and then go ahead and say I want you to be the yellow part and that's kind of just like a little saddle as long as back here and that's it we're done no I'm just kidding so we've got this here and we need to do fibermesh so if we go down here from here and we can just sample any color we want so that's that's all I was doing we'll go ahead and take this yellow and we'll go ahead and switch to a skin shader for so you've got this one selected we're gonna fill let's see if I remember how to do this text your map and grab the B and then there's a way to alt or fill object I have that set to alt ctrl F and now we can go through here with maybe a darker black and we can say you know that's probably easier just to fill it the black and then sample here ZBrush make your plane the exact same size as your texture reference the same ratio I don't know how to do it but I'm gonna hit control D to subdivide this up and you can just use this texture sitting out here so if I do let's switch to Ramesh and we say preview now we're gonna be getting our fiber mesh here let's see if I'm about to do this modifiers the base here we're gonna do base colorize I don't remember how to do it you know what I'm gonna manually stretch this out so it looks fine now we can do oops looks like I accidentally grab that here so there's a wait and tip colorize and I want that colorize to be the same color as my mesh here so I have it looks like I have the tip down to zero and my base up to one and now it's inheriting the poly paint onto my fiber mesh and if you remember we did this with an anteater and one of my earlier live stream episodes that reminds me let me check some real quick sorry okay so we've got this poly this fiber mesh here and if you just want to like render this out we can switch over to like what do we want to switch over to we can switch over to a hair we had hair mat cap here am I crazy there it is you switch over to a hair or hair too and if we render this with BPR that'll go ahead and render all these little fibers with all the shadows and stuff and give you a nice bumblebee what will be render but this is a little bit dense for what our purposes are going to need so let's go to back to skin shader for and I'm gonna play around these settings right here so the modifiers here under max fibers we're gonna be 3d printing these out we're gonna want these pretty low and also pretty chunky so I'm gonna drop the map map max fibers down and we're gonna go over here to the coverage I'm gonna crank that up and then we're also going to do if you want to really crank it up you can change this width profile and then I give you the full full access to all the coverage here you can also change anything that has a setting you can go in here to variants so this will give you a little bit of variation between these settings and now if we take this one and we can also change our links profile so we made them really fat and they're kind of stumpy which is what this fur is basically but we cranked up our max fibers a little bit or down and then our lengths we can change and you're gonna see it kind of looks like cards if we go in here and BP our render this one you're gonna see it kind of turns into chunky cubes or that's coming in as under your PPR settings you're gonna have it's going to subdivide it so they get a little a bit smoother so they're gonna subdivide it once it's gonna say it's four sides and the radius is one so if we want to increase the side so it's not cubes we can say maybe six sides and then when we VP are into this again now you can see let's go and do this you can see now we have six sided geometry now if you want to actually see that geometry what you can do is I mean if you're just going to render it I would say keep it nice and not you can just use this and then you go to render you're gonna know it's gonna turn into chunky geometry but if you do want to see it you can go up here to this profile and this profile is gonna be kind of like the side slider here so if you change this profile up to save five it's gonna tell you if you just want to render use BPR which is what we just did this is gonna slow down or interaction so if we hit okay now we're gonna get five sided fibers here and then our segments if we crank that up it's going to add more segments so as I lower the segment you're going to see it's only going to be it's gonna stick straight out let's change our length here so we can see that a little bit better length profile so as I make these longer you're gonna see it goes one two three and then as I increase these segments to like six it's gonna go one two three four five six and now we're getting that kind of result another thing we can do profile segments so we can just use that I think and then if we change the length back down so instead of using like a vector displacement you can use this to get just big chunky fur here and also the gravity settings here so the gravity if we crank that down it's just gonna stick out like fur is if you crank it up it's gonna like make them look shaggy so probably the gravity we can just turn down to zero and then we can change our also scale root scale tip it's kind of getting smaller towards the tip if you want that more you can scale the tip down so it kind of goes to a point if you want to less you can always just make that one one and one it'll be the exact same here so then scale that route will say route is one tip we can go ahead and scale out and then our length profile and our coverage you can also change depending on how much of this how it really how much fidelity you want if you think you can get away with 3d printing this it's you can give it a shot if not you can change your max fibers down like way down and then try and crank your coverage up just to kind of fill in those spots and also that length profiles a little long so we can say let's really just kind of dial in our max fibers here so it's kind of a look we're getting so if we like this we can do we can save this into our lightbox if we want because if you go in here to lightbox fibers there's a bunch of presets you can choose from that are really cool if we do the flower if we have enough time we can do the flower and we can use some of those presets but I think that'll be fine yeah I don't work so let's talk about propagating this too the other thing so like I said we can sit save here and we can also do a any of these things you can copy these curves but I don't think it's what we're going to need so we'll call this chunky bumblebee fur and so we can always pull this back in now to go back here to the body these individual segments it looks like it's got yellow yellow and then black and then this is all black on the bottom but it looks like it's more insecty and less fuzzy so we can go ahead and keep that if you're doing like cartoony stuff you can just you know pick and choose your battles of how you want to have this created so let's go ahead and on this one we're going to go ahead and have fiber mesh turned on let's go ahead and open our chunky bumblebee fur and if we want to poly paint this we can just we can sample from here all we got to do is hit see that's another thing too you can drag here and sample or you can just hover over and hit see a little sample so we want to copy this yellowish here we can do that and then we can do Phil and then we can do these colors tip colorize here see preview off preview on there we go I guess you got to go out of preview mode and then if you want to if it's like you know what this is too chunky or it's not chunky enough you can change those settings as needed also on this back one here we know that this let's turn off preview here this one should be black so I'm gonna isolate this we have polygroups here something to do hold down ctrl shift ctrl shift a to grow just this part here and then we'll go ahead and sample this color fill it and now when we bring our preview back those will all be black fuzzies and then this one should still have fiber mesh this one should still have fiber mesh and this one I'm actually going to do max fibers up a little bit and then length profile actually we'll do link profile is fine I'm gonna do this coverage I'm gonna crank this down just a little bit okay um and doing it like dynamic solo on I want to see all of my fiber mush but it's turning them off in between that's okay now where the hair is a little bit sparse ER and again if we're just talking about 3d printing dial in your settings to get you the chunky isten and you know what we'll talk about this so what I can do is I can duplicate this off and we can turn on fiber mesh here and if we just want to turn this into real geometry you can go over here to geometry and you can say well this one isn't this isn't BPR I'm sorry so we're gonna go to fiber mesh here and we're going to say accept wherever that is or it's accept so now we have fiber mesh sitting out here where are we at here here we've accepted this fiber mesh it's going to solo mode here there we go so now we have geometry hit the accept button faster no okay so there we go now we've accepted that now it's real geometry but you can still treat it like fibermesh because you go in a brush groom and now you can do like groom hair toss and you can go through here and you can kind of comb these fibers whichever way you want and it is just geometry here so if you wanted to let go in here with your inflate brush or your smooth brush you can do whatever you want to put this geometry so having said all that what I'm gonna do is now that we have real geometry here oh you know what I'll fix this in a minute what we should do is just put the fur on the outside so we don't have all this inside fur well that looks kind of cool we can fix in a second so I've got this as real geometry here let's go ahead and that's this is the original geometry and now we have separate sub tool for our fur that we can groom was there a cap option in here I don't remember hmmm that's ok let's try this let's do a quick close holes operation now to go ahead and close all of your holes and now we can do I guess that is just geometry so feel free to do whatever you'd like to it and if you want to just dynamesh this together to give it a solid envelope you can go through here and you can dynamesh of course you probably want to crank that resolution up give it a second and we'll go ahead and turn off the poly paint as well so if we turn off poly paint here you're gonna see this is all just one solid envelope here again may not be suitable for 3d printing in fact you know getting all these little spiky fuzzy things 3d printed might be a pain so what we can do is you can say that's another thing too you can groom this back so BG groom lengthen maybe no hair toss you can kind of comb this back it might be kind of a pain what I would do is go ahead and delete that let's go back to our original here and we'll turn poly turn our preview back on I can also do is I'm going to tilt this backwards and so we're kind of this way and I'm going to turn gravity up so now that hair is just kind of flowing backwards and now when you dynamesh this you'll get the illusion of like clumping like so and also to get rid of these insides we can do is we turn off preview we can hold down control shift and we can isolate just these little top sections here from our poly groups and we can hold down control and tap so if just those areas are masked and then when we turn our preview back on now we're just getting hair on those outsides so wherever you have it masked is where your hair will end up cool let me catch up real quick cool thanks showing up d michael about your Gummer over low-res textures is IRA and painter similar to key shot I don't like marmoset very much yeah it should it's very it's similar to key shot key shots a little bit easier and you can do things like translucency and glass a lot easier IRA you kind of got a mess irate you might not even be able to do it it's you can kind of know I'm not sure if you can i rate i worries great for when you're in painter you can just at the irate button and you'll get a very very I guess retraced image it's very good shadows your materials look great but it doesn't have the drag-and-drop material functionality you have to go back into painter and then do your material settings and come back in there I Ray so you might be kind of limited if you wanted to do like liquid or glass in substance painters Irey the that just might be me though there might be a way to do it I'm not quite exactly sure what that is but yeah and you know you can use marmoset so we might go into that hockey for picking the color was see so if you just hover over anything in your scene in fact you can even hover over interface items if you want this pixologic Orange just hit C and then you'll get it or you can just drag from in here anywhere in your interface even over here you can just pick that color cool cool cool alrighty so I got this and we got this so I think we're getting pretty close so I'm gonna take this eyeball here I know it's not pretty but you know if you're doing a bunch of talking I'm hit D for dynamic subdivisions on these objects here and you know what all I'm thinking about it we need to clean this up at all now we're fine let's go ahead and do I'm gonna do a quick zremesh same adaptive size down to zero there we go just because I'm gonna turn off that image all right so for this head really really quickly we can go ahead and polypaint this thing so that I'm gonna sample here and I'm gonna sample black fill sample here and then we can paint in he looks like he's got a little fuzzy orange mohawk so I'm gonna go in here with my standard brush and we're gonna put in just a little bit of here and you can also like I said if we go in here and we turn off poly paint you can see where we want that hair to end up and you can actually use morph targets to dictate your hair length which I know we might talk about but let's say I just want the hair here everything else should be nice shiny insecty so we can say okay this is where I want the hair so we can turn our poly paint back on and then we're gonna go back into our fiber mesh we're gonna open chunky bumblebee fur and then it'll just be in that masked area so and this is nothing too so we've talked about the vector displacement part so let's make this a little bit more a little fuzzier so I'm not the vectors placement we talked about using chunky fur to get you a better 3d printed result like here you know lay them down a little bit and dynamesh them together and smooth it and then I'll give you a quick preview of like chunky farang and again it's what I did for this little cowboy dude that we made for eat 3d for his mustache and as eyebrows but what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna change these settings so I'm gonna say max fiber is up coverage down and you know what we can even do I wonder if we can do just a BPR you know I want it to be real geo because if we throw us in the key show it on and make sure it translates properly so we'll go ahead and say length profile down let's turn his gravity back to zero here so now we've got this type of fur and we've got max fibers up and our length here so now as we change the length we can change the variance and now we're gonna get the less variance you have the more even is gonna be so if you want to look like shag carpeting turn that down to zero and then the more variance you put in the more natural it kind of looks it's like some are gonna be longer some are gonna be shorter you can kind of dial that in and then we'll go ahead and say save this as bumblebee fur and now again I'll tap back over to here and we can open bumblebee fur and we'll just copy those settings and on this one it looks like we got to crank the next fibers up just a bit and then on this hair here we'll swap that over and this one I'm gonna drink crank the next fibers down so it looks like it is a little bit sparse you know on his little mohawk here and we can also change this we can groom this and make this kind of like much more a lot more variance in here but this is just kind of setting it up um okay so we've got that we've got that we've got this one for the leg hairs here let's go ahead and just quickly sample this and let's make sure okay poly paints turn off Foley so we're gonna fill this with you know let's fill that with black and then this they're kind of oranjee dark brown I'm gonna go ahead and fill this one now to make these a little smoother looking what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit I'm not gonna make real subdivisions because I don't need to add all that real geometry I'm gonna hit D on my keyboard and that's going to turn on dynamic subdivision so I can throw this into key shot later and it'll take my dynamic subdivisions in there so I hit D you're gonna see if I'm gonna sell them out here if I do shifty this is what it looks like if I do D that's what a preview of what's gonna look like if I subdivide it this a couple times I'd like to use dynamic subdivisions when at all possible instead of real subdivisions and then even on the antenna up here let's go ahead and sample that black fill and then it we could you know we could make that ten a little bit more accurate but yeah well it's at D and then for the eyeballs here we've already hit D and that'll be a different material but it will be black and then these little chompers here looks like those are also black so we're gonna fill those in and then for the underbody here all that's black and then I've got a little bit this little thing in here look at net D and fill that in tubes and we'll also hit D and D okay so a little bit of prettier here and then on the legs here it looks like on either side let's go ahead and turn off poly paint it has hair back here and then hair back here yeah I think it's gonna hard to tell if it's like a friend Nell effect or they actually do just hit you know what it goes all the way around their legs it's just very sparse so we'll go ahead and say about another preset once we get this figured out so we'll say fibermesh preview and we will say open we'll start with our bumblebee fur and we're gonna change our max fibers way down like this maybe and we're gonna turn that gravity up because these ones are long enough to where the gravity does start affecting them and we'll also maybe change our cover just a little bit yeah all right turn those back on preview on and off so we pick up the color underneath and now on this one the color is actually independent from the leg so what I'm gonna do is this base colorize I'm going to turn the zero and we're gonna just going to select or if I can just choose that orange here and then the tip colorize will do the same and then tip colorize up the one there we go and then base color eyes we're gonna make this a little bit of a darker orange so it's going to go from dark orange to a lighter orange here and we'll change that next I rose up just a little bit okay so we'll save this as leg hair and really quickly we're going to sign it here cut leg hair and then up here yeah okay I think we're close oh we got to do the wings - that'll be fun to render and the rest of this stuff - we can just open leg hair and then I'm gonna change this length profile down and also yeah way down this is kind of just fuzzy I'll tap this one length profile down we can also use nanomesh for something else real quick you know what I wonder if this orange I'm picking up isn't just pollen because it looks like the hairs are actually just that the legs are well they're bounce light is what I'm assuming this is alright let's do this easy enough just going through here alt tapping and filling okay so back to here back back into place at least we got my snake hooks back that's nice alright so back where we started so we've got this here let's go back through and do our fiber mesh so this one we needed to open streaming bumble bee like hair a lot of fires length profile okay we've got this we got this everybody's got hair let's go ahead and convert this hair you know what let's try let's turn on I wonder if there is a so under Z plug-in here there's a actually while I'm working let's go into preferences here and we're gonna go into undo history and we'll do undo history no sorry quick save stupid maximum duration we're gonna crank that up alright so we've got this and we've got this and this one doesn't have any fibers but this one does okay so I think we're good shape now under clean tool master I want to see if it has fiber mesh all hmm one thing we might be able to try let's try this does he repeat it let's do I'm gonna say let's go to our top sub tool here just because I'm nervous I'll go here now we're going to record new and we're going to say except damn let's say always yes let's end that recording and we'll just escape out of that now now that we've gone through that message I want to go here this one now let's that record new accept and record except fibermesh and then we'll do I'm not gonna repeat to all because I don't want to jinx these two right here but I'm gonna show all of the pieces that I want to have fibermesh let's see if this will just work I'm gonna turn off all of these sub tools here that I don't have fiber mesh on just in case I've never done this before I'm hedging my bets it might work it might not okay so now so this one we've already done so now all the rest of these have fiber mesh turned on and I want to go ahead and have except for all the visible ones here so we're gonna say except fiber mesh for visible yeah I guess not I was hoping that would work but it looks like it didn't so let's just go through here manually and we'll say accept and then accept and then accepts and accept accept accept and accept it so now a turn everything back on now I've got a little bumble bee here oops we need to accept this one and like I said before if you want to you can go through here and you can start sculpting out like with snake hook even Oh make sure you have RGB turned off if you don't want to you can you can't go through here and polypaint this so you can use groom you can use lengthen you can use smooth if you want to kind of like taper this down a little bit you can smooth those fibers out go through here and do whatever you'd like and then also yeah if you did want to poly paint this let's go ahead and turn off poly paint for everybody but like the underlying body here I don't necessarily want to poly paint on yeah that's true I guess I can leave that on yeah we'll see how it renders so we got all this here and then yeah if they want to we can go ahead and hold down smooth and we can hold or help yeah hold on shift and then smooth these out if we want to change like the length of these things and another thing we can do is if I alt tap here and we have these little bottom leg parts here we can go to my zmodeler brush let's hit let's do this I'm going to grab my polymesh3d here and I go to B I brush insert primitives we're gonna hit W and I'm going to steal this really simple poly sphere in fact we can even simplify this more maybe if we go to geometry reconstruct yeah so I don't think we need to go down that far but it you can reconstruct this all the way back down to a cube if you wanted to so we've got this here we're gonna use this as our Pollin so now that we've got this just sitting out here now I can go back to my B here and let's do again we've got these legs selected here so let's try this let's go to our nanomesh geometry nanomesh and it'll go we can insert polygon particles on all of these things so if I go in here and I go to my zmodeler brush I hover over a face and I do insert nanomesh on all polygons here and I'm gonna hit em and I'm gonna grab that polymesh3d we made and now I can just pull out little pollen globules on that leg and now we can do random distribution and we can also change the size down a little bit and we can also go in here to like variances just to kind of make this offset variances we right on you worry too much about and then show placement I guess we can leave that on so we can kind of put little pollen globules in here so let's go ahead make those sizes a little bit smaller here and that offset X offset I don't want Y offset doesn't matter z offsets what I'm looking for so I can kind of have it just like sitting in the hair out here you can kind of have little globules here if you're happy with this you can go now this is BPR Gio I believe so you can't go pair to geometry convert BPR to Gio or you can go here to inventory 1/2 mesh so now you can control shift click your pollen globules split those off and we go ahead and fill that colors oops fill that with yellowish or something and now you have like little pollen stuck in his hair okay we've got a bee let's see if we can like BPI render this real quick see what kind of job it does cool yeah so and there's a lot of fur on here so I might take a little bit to render but we'll throw this in the key shot there we go so we get a nice fuzzy little bee this hair back here is a little bit chunky that's okay we can we can figure that out so another thing let's do before we go into key shot is I'm gonna go to texture import we're gonna grab that top view select it I'm gonna hit I says I'm not gonna be sampling any more colors I don't think I'm gonna hit ctrl n to clear my canvas here and we'll go ahead and it's not fade we want to scale okay so I got our bumble bee and we got his little legs and it's Lantana's going now we need wings on here so what I can do is really quickly we'll grab a plane 3d go into edit mode make it a polymesh scale it up and we can do both sides at the same time if we want to we can hit X to go across X symmetry just make sure this is centered and we'll go ahead and subdivide this plane up so we can go in here and we can mask where the wings are and we can do even looks like they've got a couple wings here so we'll do one wing first and then we'll do another wing next so I'm gonna say this is my one wing we're gonna hit ctrl W to make it a polygroup here and I'll just duplicate this plane off hit ctrl W and now we'll do the second wing so we've got a duplicate plane with our little wings on here and we'll hit ctrl W so now I can isolate this right here we can go to delete lower on our subdivision history delete hidden let's go ahead and I want to round out round out those aliased edges here so we're gonna go to masking border let's go ahead and grow that invert that and then we'll go to our deformation menu I'm do polished by features and now again we can really quickly zero mesh half nap to size down to zero and just get really simple geometry for our wings to start with and that'll be the basic shape we'll go back to our lair poly plane here isolate that delete hidden oops delete lower delete hidden and the only reason I'm asking this border and trying to polish this out is just so when it zremesh as it goes a little bit faster and it gives me a little bit of a better result here there we go so we can bring this back and if we want to it's a couple different ways we can get that vein pattern on there we can even hard surface model that and if we wanted to yeah let's do this let's do a sketching so I've got this here let's go ahead and I'm at Z I'm gonna scale this up so we can see what we're doing a little bit better here and I'm just gonna do once I didn't it for now so hold on control shift get rid of that a lot of different ways you can just put this into the texture you can poly paint it on you can poly pay so if I do subdivide this up and again we go to standard brush you know we just want to like paint that on there you can definitely just paint the texture right onto the vertices there but what I'm gonna do instead because I want that to render differently than the wings themselves I'm gonna make that separate geometry so let's look at what we're doing here okay so you've got this here and I'm just gonna I think I'm going to use Z sketch and while we're here let's go ahead and there we go just kind of move this stuff into place here so this wing right here we're going to hide you temporarily okay we've got this and now what we're gonna do is z sketch this pattern on here I think it'll work let's try first I'm gonna do let's just try it so we need to do Z sketching we need to insert a Z sphere and the Z sphere here we can do it across symmetry but since I've only got one wing I'm just gonna scale it down and then go over here to Z sketch go into edit sketch mode and then see if I can't draw zeusie can I draw on a single-sided okay I can but why is it going on - let's turn on all this is flipped no double z sketching edits sketch of course it's going to the other side all right let's try this so with this sketch here let's go to our brush depth and I'm gonna pop this out to the other side ah that'll work no bet that just a little bit more little thing okay so we can Z sketch here let's go back to our reference here I've got our poly plane here so let's go through and just kind of put in where these lines are gonna go and I'm just gonna turn this into geometry later I mean it is turning it emits this is like Z is this how it looks yeah I guess it does make a little crystalline pattern here oh just lost the monitor so again we're just kind of drawing on little thin geometry here oh you know what this probably doesn't belong this goes to the other one aunts line and then right back along here it looks like the wings kind of get a little thicker okay so and also one here we'll make this just kind of a thick blob where it attaches so now as he's sketching you can't hold down shift and you can like smooth these things out if you want more information about Z sketching go to my intro to ZBrush blah blah blah blah so here we have our z sketch here and that's geometry that's sitting right on our plane which is going to be our wing and our wing is going to need a little bit of thickness I don't want to render single sided so what I'm going to do is sew in this front part here is gonna be thicker and then on the back parts gonna be thinner so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna say you are qmesh polygroup ball we're gonna pull out some thickness here turn off double so we're not accidentally doing anything crazy and then looking at it from the side let's see if we can do a hold on alt go to unmask mesh Center and let's push this towards the front and see if we can't do some sort of taper hmm exactly what I was looking for let's try to former X Y & Z oops X Y & Z resolution down to one and then I'm gonna mask excuse me mask these unmasked just these edges here and now we can scale come on scale this side down so we are going thicker to thinner here and then we will say accept and then go out of solo mode so now I just want to see my Z sketching and I probably have done that thickness before I started Z sketching and let's say my Z sketching here I want this as just geometry here so I'm gonna say just like when we were doing our z spheres if I hit a that's gonna give us a unified mesh so a good unified skin here so I'm gonna say that resolution needs to be up a little bit maybe a lot maybe all the way oh you know what it's still giving me a dynamesh resolution here hmm not down to zero there we go so turn that dynamesh resolution down to zero and now you'll get a slightly better unified skin result so there's our unified skin results and we can go through and change this however we want so I'm gonna say make unified skin I'm gonna go to insert skin z sphere let's turn everything back on let's turn the poly paints back on and so we have our wing here let's really quickly since you've seen that process we can just really quickly burn through this one I'm gonna do the little wing here I'm gonna go out of X symmetry kill that one shift Z we've got this wing here and I think I need to change and if you ever want to just make big changes here and then again go back down to I don't want to go out of that X plane and then you can go back into your deformation polish my features that'll kind of polish everything back and that'll work it's now really quickly append these fear e under these fear scale it down go into our the sketch edit sketch and I'll just put in that little crystalline structure here karat so she could also Dental a black-white image of a wing and using alpha to create 3d yeah you could do that too in fact you could just paint that image you could mask that and extract it as well if you wanted to all right so let's say we are good I'm gonna hit a unified skin resolution up that'll work Nick unified skin it's easier we don't need anymore append all right so now that I've got all these things when I hit ctrl W for all these make sure they all have a single poly group here and then we will do a quick merge visible and we'll throw them into our be scene and we'll go ahead and rotate this around here let's go ahead and mirror that and looks like Randall flip that but okay something like this and the wings dig in somewhere in here and we can actually put a little bend in there but we'll wait until this is all figured out so let's do a quick group split and then for this one this wing is already good this wing we need to go in here and do aq mesh plug your ball I'm going to give this a little bit of thickness well then flip not double flip Aereo and then this one here we'll go ahead and move that up and this one too alrighty and I'm gonna go ahead and dynamesh all this together and we can go in here and let's go ahead and thicken this side up and just to make it a little bit more uniform we can go through here and clip real quick and let's go ahead and do a deformation polish my features let's go to smooth stronger get a little bit of thick to thin on here and we'll inflate this up all right that'll work for now and this one same deal we're gonna alt tap this one let's go into if you want to you can even just inflate all this all at once if you need to I think this will work fine so go ahead and resolution up our dynamesh here if you want to clean up some of this stuff what you can do is you can turn on sculptor's Pro that I'll get rid of those and now I go in here and inflate where you need to along the top and then hold down shift to smooth if you want a taper these ends out a little bit and dynamesh as you go and then again just to make this a little more regular now if you were pulling and extracting from an alpha you wouldn't have to do the clip step but it's not too terrible and then you can go back in here with your standard brush and let's turn on our lazy radius up a little bit and I'm not doing a real b-wing study here so I'm just kind of slapping it in there making it good enough now if I want to give this a little bit of Bend which it kind of looks like it has in these images here I'm going to merge this one hold down shift shoot it to the top hold on this one chef shoot to the top merge it down I'm gonna do a quick mirror mirror and weld oops let's do a quick Marin weld actually before we do a mirror and weld let's go here and let's give it just a little bit of Bend you can go into bend arc and that'll give it an overall Bend if you want a little bit more control let's do a Bend curve and then now what we can do is we can say perversion up or down we'll just keep it pretty simple Bend here put it down a little bit that'll work and then on this one here shoot to the top alt tap shift to shoot it to the top merge it down W and does this have not you you just a little more Geo than I thought I go they accept come on you it's only 80,000 points I wonder why it's choking a little bit okay except and then we can move this big wing let's move the small wing up above the big wing I think I don't know something like that maybe and then we'll go ahead and split the wings off so hold on control shift we're gonna grab this piece here which will shift a split hidden grab this piece here control shift a split hidden we can hit D for our dynamic subdivision smooth those out a little bit and now we can do Marin weld Marin well make sure you don't have Elson turned on Marin wild Erin weld turn on colorize and then all of the rest of that will be handled with key shot materials which we got just enough time yeah I think the benda former was doing something I agree with Dirk Zillah I think the benda former was taxing my computer for some reason okay so we've got this let's go ahead and save it should probably save more often than I am doing and we'll throw this in the quiche our quick so we'll go ahead and render external renderer key shot I'll merge off and I'll have PPR and just a reminder if you want any more information on kind of what we're doing here you can go to my youtube channel if you go to my playlists I know I go fast you don't have to leave a comment about that but what you can do oh if you want to download my my menu for whatever reason you go to my Gumroad page or my cube brush page but here's my playlists you can just download and use that oops hold on let's throw this over there yeah I wonder oh it's too much okay it should be fine I mean it's a lot of polygons don't get me wrong and we can optimize that again like he said like ZBrush said you can you can use BPR settings instead of making it real geometry like we did but I wanted to show you guys the two options hold on yeah skip note man hey let's bring up Camtasia recorder hopefully this doesn't kill my livestream either if it does what are you gonna do okay videos everything's going fine okay and I'm recording this so if anything does happen I can upload a better newer version wait for it and I'm also gonna resize this window so give me a second I forgot my fiber mesh was a little heavy and also when I gave it six sides that was probably overkill what I should have done is kept it at four and then use smooth normals and then also when you do the length if I'm so this is also stupid thing so optimization you know what do you want so when I'm optimizing I think I left the segment's very long so I was showing you like hey you can make the make this really long fiber and then you can make segments to make it curve and then I think I forgot to drop the segments down so Hall are in the chat if again thanks for showing up okay sorry that took so long but optimization you always want to do that do as I say not as I do and pay attention to what you're doing it's a little bit harder when I'm live-streaming for my brain to work 100% but that's something to keep in mind so first thing we can do is we can go over here to our environments and we can say let's do a Excel check roof and then we'll go to our environment here and we'll just do a color backplate and let's go to our materials here and let's Oh lens coated I think we can just use for the wings maybe kind of give it a cool look and then for this other stuff here let's just go to a plastic hard plastic shiny hard plastic black here and we can actually probably just apply this to all of our meshes here and now I'm dragging from here let's go ahead and see if we can't turn off let's assign a material to this fur really quick a hard shiny plastic though we don't do that so I'm going to take this fur material we're gonna go into material graph and we're going to change some settings here for the texture map here we're going to change the brightness and you can also mess around with these settings here let's go ahead and move this over I was i doin oh yeah specular and ambient and roughness you can change I guess we'll just leave and they can change out a little rougher diffuse transmission you can kind of play around with I don't think we'll need to and specular transmission is probably do some crazy stuff yeah you can play around with that a little bit I don't think it's doing too much for me let's keep that up like okay so a little bit better and now that we have that material let's go ahead and rename this to fur now I have a fur material I'm just going to drag and drop that on these different areas Aereo and then on this plastic here we're gonna change that roughness up since he's not that shiny on his skin and on this one we'll just call this bug skin and now bug skin we can drop not as antennae and I price should have modeled that intent a little bit better I apologize here oh you know what so I forgot to hit the dynamic on this one this is okay so what I can do is I can go to my scene view here and we can select this geo and we can go to edit geometry edit normals calculate vertex normals apply and we can just soften those normals instead of going back and so dividing and all that good stuff so I think that's okay oh this one here also needs fur and then we'll do another hard shiny for the eyes and these ones I am gonna keep super glossy these still bugs me a little bit I mean you can keep the roughness down and if you want so you can go into the material graph and you can say let's throw in a texture of like and I'll cellular maybe and we'll throw that into the roughness and then here we can play with the scale a little bit just to kind of break up that surface and also we can change this black to be more rough or less blah rough let's say scale I'm not even sure what native scale I'm working at so that's a little bit rougher ya don't need it anyway also like I said before you can go through here and you can polypaint that let's go ahead and apply bug skin to here and bug skin to here and man depending on the angle those wings look pretty crazy so maybe next time we'll do a flower and we'll set up a whole scene then I'll do a little bit of cleanup on this guy to make him a little bit more presentable but long story short I think that'll work cool okay so yeah if I was going too fast you can check out the video that's gonna be on YouTube and just a bit but thanks for showing everybody hopefully it was somewhat worthwhile I'm gonna try and do the first and last Tuesday and so the first and last Tuesday of every month on pixologic channel here's my pavlovic workshop i'll link you to that if you go to their channel you can look up my workshop and then also on my channel obviously you can go to a playlist or the videos and you'll see the live streams I need to do a little bit of organization and stuff but anyway cool thanks everybody I'm gonna head out and see you all I guess next week cuz that'll be the first so next Tuesday and next Thursday I should be on pixologic on Tuesday
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 22,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, ZBrush 2018, ZBrush Fur, GC Fur, ZBrush Hair, ZBrush Fibermesh, Fibermesh, ZBrush Insect, keyshot, Keyshot Fur, Keyshot insect, ZBrush Insect Sculpt, ZBrush Render, CG Hair, CG Insect, Insect Render, ZBrush keyshot, ZBrush keyshot bridge
Id: BO65lhZgPKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 36sec (5736 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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