Zari Hassan Tours An Ultra Luxurious Mega #mansion In Kenya| Part 1 #homedesign #housetour

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[Music] [Music] quality finishes great textures great use of materials is one thing but it also has to be functional so the Beauty has to follow the function and that's something that I always look for in a luxury space [Music] [Music] guess who's back welcome back back like I never left Cynthia and back better than before it's me wessen wasia the curator of fine places and spaces and I'm here with none other than fine Urban construction and interior and we have done it yet again so how are you feeling girl I'm feeling as good as we look oh black and white sinking up but you know Cynthia I couldn't just come back just like that oh definitely a property like this deserves uh something a little bit extra something special yeah I might have someone that we can uh do this review with oh I know you always have something up your sleeve of course and guess what it you ready I'm ready you ready very ready yes she [Music] is look at you okay look at you welcome my lady look at you so good to see you oh good to see you all my days all my days what are we doing what are we you doing we out I'm telling you I had to I had to coordinate I kind of knew that you were going to do black on black you knew I was going to do black I knew you were going to do black my goodness look at us look at us looking stunning what are we doing here boss lady we're here to check out none other than an amazing renovation another one another one another one right foban construction and Interiors does it again this yeah amazing it's giving English kind of fail it's not really giving like African African right yeah it's giving that English you know those houses that we see on the countryside beautiful expensive but not too loud not too loud not too loud I love the colors I love the Grays I love the creams how it's you know blending in beautiful love it you're looking fantastic you are looking amazing since I last saw you I know right yes we need to take a tour of you we have to look at this place one more time because you know what Zary one thing that you can always appreciate about fine Urban construction and Interiors is that when they do it they do do it to last I can imagine how do you feel Can You Feel the difference no did you feel that the coolness the breeze right beautiful the stone around you beautiful yeah I love the colors like I said gray not too dark not too light just tone them and I love this I mean this is like a hotel drop off right the car gets like me personally I want to be dropped here they take the car to the parking I proceed to the house spoken like a true boss lady yeah so now that we're here boss lady Vib it is giving boss lady Vib isn't it so boss lady let's check out the inside of this amazing house we moved from the car we got this other tile yes and another one and I love this til what do you think about security wise to start with perfect right I love security that's number one when it to houses got to keep it safe yes it does safe after you boss [Music] lady [Music] this is nice this is the what do you what do you feel when you come into entrance yeah it's like I'm home I'm home looking to the mirror I'm home I like that the client has chosen gold gold touches of gold I love right you can see the gold accents in the tile as well and the lights that's coming out in the tiles and the lights coming out of the tiles this guest bathroom here lots of accessories lots of opulence wow look at that classy and sophisticated I mean look at that I love the mirror I love the I I love the whole setup the LED lighting at the back y absolutely amazing high-end but minimalist exactly yeah it it and now you walk through these these yes okay into the main living room living room wow give me your thoughts sorry it's I'm home right I'm home darling like I earn this I'm home it's so beautiful I love how it's symmetrical as well you've got the abstracts on either side yes you've got the curtains there which is actually blending in with that absolutely and the walls again we're not doing whites cuz everybody goes for the whites and the creams on the walls but this obviously looks amazing and can I mention something you actually look like you belong here because the color scheme is matching with you let's just have a look at that o nice black and gold nice nothing but luxury I love the chandeliers look at those I mean look how beautiful that is I love the fact that they took the golds and the blacks and the turquoise colors you know with the cartons and the wall Arts put it together and it just gives an amazing and you know these are these are colors that people would not really put together but somehow it works it does I mean who would have thought black turquoise and gold but look at it and a bit of cream beautiful I love it this carpet it feels good to walk on yeah very very nice very Lush don't make me take my shoes off no no no no girl it's all good but now we've got we move into uh another section here where you've got this ah is this supposed to be like a TV Lounge well this is uh in case we want to move the conversation from there to here and we want to catch a bit a bit of a closeup of the TV one thing I love about this space is the full length mirrors the wall I love the wall at the back the mobble look and then we have mirrors on the sides that's also now it looks like it's the same place but it looks like another space Al together so your eyes don't actually get tired and that's the thing about interior edical your eyes don't have to be tired when you look here it should be nice when you look there it should be beautiful when you turn around it's like oh my God you know eyes get tired we don't want to see something for too long but each time you're looking around it's an experience it's nice it doesn't end what I like about the mirrors is that it makes the room look bigger yeah actually the concept of the mirror you're right makes the room look bigger and I like that you've pointed out that you know everywhere you turn it does look beautiful suful mirror is aome well yeah and that's look at this this is this this doubles up in so many things it's a fireplace it's a diffuser wow it is everything you need in the modern house to give you that extra level it's beautiful right it's beautiful the colors everything else yeah and uh speaking of colors I mean you know now that we've got the gold and everything else working out one thing that you cannot ignore about this house is the lighting the chandeliers my obsession really I am obsessed with chandeliers for real they better be gold they better be gold and Crystal actually yeah let me turn one of these on oh there we are let me turn one of these on Wow how about that just how beautiful is that let there be light how and there was light and the was light I love it yeah so amazing this house is dop this is not people this is not what people think Africa is doing but this is what Africa is actually doing fine Urban Construction they like no it is Africa it's Kenya it's Nairobi guys why do we have here okay I'm I'm literally moving in speaking of Africa you know how we love to eat moving in you know how we love to eat I'm moving in right I'm moving in here it's just you tell me this doesn't scream Zary the boss lady tell me that's why I needed you to come and check it out I knew you would love this the chandeliers guys the gold the creams ah my weakness and you know once you I knew once we came here here I knew your eyes would light up trust me because when it comes to food dining the way we Africans love to do it we love food we love food but you know it's one thing to love food and be like you know let me just have somewhere to sit but no let's do it well it's so homely it's warm I love the fact that it's not your bright white lights but it's just the warm lights warm lights actually transform a place in so many ways that people can't imagine right yeah we've got natural light coming from this amazing large window you can see that right keeping the tur theme with the curtains Beau and I like that there's a reflection there that bounces off this gorgeous mirror on this end again the mirror gives it more space makes it look like it's so what's with the sink what is with the no did you just guys did you just sort the husbands out did you just do you know how do you know how I grew up tell me my mother has to bring hands give it to my dad my dad has to wash and take it bad stable right right now babe that's okay okay that's how we're doing it no you're doing too much fine urn construction and Interiors is doing 10 much it's not even too much this is 10 much who would have thought and I love that it keeps with the theme you know the black the gold it's it's not like all over the place small fits in there perfectly just open do your thing close gives enough space Also for some of the Cabinetry that you've got here open yeah beautiful experiences everywhere you look I love I love the concept look at this just Blends everywhere you see everything just Blends in they've taken their time yeah to make sure that quanity over quantity that's right the quality is amazing this is 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 indeed Zary and you know what I love as we transition out of the dining room we've got this amazing painting here to just kind of like break up all of that gold all of that opulence just kind of give you that dividing effect as we transition to the next part of the house it's beautiful it actually does break color as we transition over we've got this amazing set here which acts as a divider but also divider have you ever smashed on this like has someone ever okay you were saying moving on moving on uh yeah so you can use this for different things but now we're in the kitchen Zary you can actually use this for food yes yeah put all the food here people can dish shut from here go sit on the table convenience but you can still smash here we can talk about form over function or function over form so here we are in the kitchen saryi what are your thoughts the lights the sink beautiful gold opulence function form there's so much I want to say about this kitchen in fact uh uh uh uh hold it right there I'm going to take it over from here okay seems like it's the latest thing I mean all right okay so I'm going to take it I hope you've had fun so far I am having such a great time showing off this house it's beautiful it's amazing the lighting the colors colors I saw you talking about the gold touches all around the house everything look at this but I have only one question for you okay we have to know what are your musthaves in your in your kitchen at home my must must have like in the kitchen for to make a perfect kitchen big fridge oh definitely number one big fridges chandeliers of course Spectacular Now I'm actually thinking gold sinks that is a must it is a must now gold sinks that go with the countertops of course and an island table this makes work easy you don't need to run around and thisd you do your everything here yeah I always say I love how we design kitchens because everybody has room to help exactly you can catch side this way can we all just get together and do the vegetables yes how about that and it's extra neat you talked about a big fridge yes look at that how well tucked in everything is all around I love the fact that we have like a cabinet where we can actually put books maybe I'm cooking and the kids can pull out books or they want to do scrubble or whatever it and they just get busy here I'm busy everybody's busy we're still spending time together as a family but everyone is doing something of course how amazing it has to be multifunctional and of course it's really really bright and the tat they touches they touches I mean guys look at this oven hob look at this that is amazing Haven SE this in essay don't I'll say this one thing about fine Urban we're always going to look for the best things in the market no matter where you are word that is the word that's the key word fine Construction I mean serious I'm talking about fine the details look at look at the textures just that look at this all around this oh my good tunning there you go there you go there's nothing need to take the trash there's trash no there's so many here and take it out oh yes this is how beautiful is that open up that one right there yes oo okay okay pull that down just pull it down and see how easy it is to everything and guys ladies and gentlemen this is your want Spice frag of course spice rag why am I being a drun right now and you don't have to jump up and down trying to get to your spices com easily goes back easily neatly closed there you go and it's easy to clean look there's so many facets at this point I'm telling you the things I want in the kitchen yeah easy to clean surfaces we're looking at the backsplash those touches of gold and coming back to this s you were talking about let's just look at how much natural light is actually coming in here is that a garden oh yes that's definitely a kitchen Garden is that spinach yes so refreshing very so refreshing I love how this house is actually designed it accommodates woman not very very well yes it accommodates women and then I just got to learn it accommodates men when they're eating course they just wash their hands there there's nothing like we're bringing water for you how amazing yeah I was thinking of the entire family and I always say no kitchen is complete without having a pantry exactly we have to have a pantry so for this kitchen as well we've made sure that we have a pantry with a lot of storage space yes space is key you have to you can never have too much storage in a house wow yeah you can see how we' maximized on Space by having the upper levels lower levels it's it's very very neat beautiful yeah a continue on we have yet more room this house has so many corners to in this space as it is yes storage I guess yes definitely wow this must be the laundry room and how amazing is this space yeah do all the laundry pack it way beautiful I love the space I love the convenience that you can already see we have a counter space here if you wanted to like do ironing there's a possibility and then you can arrange neatly everyone's you're like your are this one yeah cabinet a cabinet B go find your clothes so easy neat clean everything in one place beautiful amazing amazing so let's take a look at that kitchen G yeah the one that I oversaw and the window perfect let's take a closer look let's see what our client has chosen to grow here wow that is a lot of vegetables oh my goodnesses that look like spinach yes Kuma definitely cabbage red cabbage red cabbage yeah see I know my vegetables it's really good so amazing I mean the space out here is so big that you can literally do anything you can still set up an entertainment space here to grow vegetables in the bag and still have a beautiful view from the kitchen yeah it does really look nice I think that's just a testament to fine Urban like we're really able to think about how your house functions at all angles and give you all these opportunities bringing back the old way of how we used to live yes we grow vegetables yeah you have to oh my goodness can't wait to see the rest of the house yeah let's go there's so much more to see thank you very much Cynthia oh shall I hand her over back to you I'll take it from here okay continue your tour enjoy thank you so much sinia what did you think of of the outside beautiful literally a whole vegetable garden yeah very safe secure organic and now we are back to the inside of the house and I want to just direct your attention to this little Nook that we have here yes doubles up as a storage space but not just storage it have a little bit of aesthetic there as well Decor yeah basket yeah our kids are playing get all the toys throw everything in there you know those houses where you come and you find like stuff just lying everywhere I can't I can never I can never no matter how many kids exactly so the storage is tucked neatly underneath the stairs it's beautiful it keeps the aesthetic nice and clean what's with the painting I want you to feel this I want you to feel this look at that 3d effect a right okay when it blends with the curve of the wall yeah you see this curve wow what does that do for you this is beautiful yeah look at that keeping with a theme yeah they take pictures here all day isn't it hey boss lady you know what to do with the space don't you and what is all of that this all of this this is the stairwell Zari stairwell well the staircase but it is a stairwell because you can stare at it well see what I did there that's that's new that is new stair well has a bit of gold on it L I can see that you've picked up you've picked up your favorite feature I mean this this staircase had a a feature that was a little bit rustic a little bit old but we've decided to go with a modern touch which is the glass the glass and the which just gives it that little bit more opulence but also makes it transparent so that you feel like you're kind of like floating as you climb the stairs I also realize the tows as we go upstairs change from the tows in the lounge kitchen and everywhere I see you're picking that up nicely yeah so as you walk up Zary you can see all the light accents on the stairs wow so this is for the night and there's nothing like falling absolutely oh my God and then you come here exactly what do you feel when you're here Landing right Landing you have arrived we have arrived we have arrived we have ared and just to confirm how successful you are you can gaze outside here and you know usually You' have what you call the satin drapes yes or the shears that we refer to yeah this has been left empty on purpose just so that you can have that Outside Inside It's So mind refreshing just looking outside and you see the green the plants right the sun yeah the Skylight effect natural lighting high high ceilings you've got all of this ratio of floor to ceiling which is just absolutely and then the chandeliers again chandel you noticed that yes my goodness these are so nice this is actually so different from the chandeliers that we saw in the kitchen the dining the main living room and this is like Grand this is Grand let's go upstairs want to be close to it and I like how clean it is right does it feel the mirror it's just me going to work wait wait wait I haven't checked myself o okay see easy everybody needs to check themselves out every now and then this is it this is Major this is Grand this is big yeah this is like to stay well I told you stay well I told you stare well stare well on this Landing you've got a choice of that painting there you've got a nice beautiful aesthetic there of Paris very nice that is nice I love everything how the color coordinations your Golds your Grays you know your creams color coordination yeah very important nice clean very very tasteful what's this [Music] side [Music] I believe that we are now going to approach the first bedroom which is the boys room because this is a family home at the end of the day and so this is where the boy's room is this is the boy's bedroom all suit much space so much space I love the cupboards that you know the kids get to pack everything away absolutely nothing is sitting around showing the beds are very spacious kids these days love you know sleepovers that's right so two three of them going to play video game absolutely very big bed got your TV there got your your unit and as you can see the lighting on the ceiling with the warm and the cool effect very male yeah very he can actually decide I want warm I want you know light more lights and the aerplane he might just decide to switch everything off and just leave that and that is like his overnight lamp and that's what I like about for been construction and Interiors you can obviously tell that that that is a specific customized design that was put here specifically for the person who will be occupying this you see the airplane there as well right it is definitely a boy room it's a boy room he wants to be a pilot he's thinking about that so he can be inspired absolutely traveler yeah yeah actually he's got his custom bathroom there wow a nice tiling that looks amazing yeah different kinds of effects the gray very very beautiful love it love it yeah let's see the rest of the house the rest of the house I can imagine as you notice as we move through the corridor the curves of the wall I'm glad you picked that up this is the guest bedroom no yes oh my goodness yes I'm so obsessed with the lighting because the lighting changes everything the lighting on the bed Victorian style look at the headbut that's right yeah that's right we've got this Cove lighting here yes for that effect this is so nice again we've got space so much space storage and it's so spacious but looks like for a baby girl what's with the pinks breaking color again got to have that looks beautiful the lighting also here amazing so yeah so this is I mean this is a family home so you've got your boy's room you've got your girls' room which can double up as a guest room as well I love the ceiling I love how the ceiling is coming in on all the corners and the lighting it's beautiful you can definitely tell that this is a more feminine athetic it's got a feminine touch absolutely than the airlanes we just saw got your big natural window right there yes natur bring in the natural light and yeah you've got a little couch there in case you you know want to relax and this is really nice think about I love that you can just decide to sleep and just leave the cby light on that's it for me it's it's how clean Everything feels very clean very elegant yes elegant oh my goodness oh my goodness what do we have here we have the family home office okay oh hasht staddy # bossladies lay okay you can work with that you can deal with that yes look at the paneling on the cores right up there here on the storage area which is functional wow it's not just aesthetic you can actually open and close that you've got your amazing shelving there oh my goodness you can put in different bits and Bobs it's not just your normal type of shelving I can see that yeah yeah and of course and it's spacious for a home office you know I could be doing some work my kid is probably just sitting there reading a book you know big natural light from the window yeah this is beautiful how much work can you do here Zary a lot yeah starting from smashing on the table uh-huh working on my computer goodness exactly and obviously just putting my legs up and living the life this is exactly what I would do here put a whole lot of B Energy y love the though me me time I don't want no kids I'm working or I just want to sit here and think I want to see the rest of the house I'm getting too comfortable you know this is my position knew this this is my position I don't want to leave I knew this would be exactly what you wanted boss lady we need to go and see the rest of the car let's do that Zary one thing I must tell you about this house that I really enjoy is the amount of volume that you have between the floor and the ceiling yeah talk about the ceiling I mean and the ceiling you know when you look at it the lighting that is there is really Exquisite yeah right there where you have the drapes you've got the enough space to be able to tuck in your drapes we've got your you know your panel cornicing all around the ceiling and the gypsum is it's just nice and elegant it's beautiful right Exquisite it's different I just love it yeah yeah show me now The West Wing the right wing let's go to the right to the east Wing my lady oh my goodness every we come before we do that yes notice this little Nook here y this heads to a nice shared bathroom nice shed bathroom closet we've got the washroom here so we've got your toilet here you've got your shower there and of course makeup area brush area dressing up area whatever area they want to call it your sink your mirror put your Cabinetry got your medicine cabinet there yeah I see it it's nice and private so that it's away from everything else you know it's tucked away the mirror always the mirror it's always about the mirror for me it's always about mirr it is beautiful so that means this bedrooms share this that's right nice and hidden so that no one else is interfering with it and you know you don't want that situation where you know like when you when you do your shower and then you have to like walk past people exactly somebody's taking shower someone is taking you know what they have to do that's right someone is brushing they to everybody has their own privacy in this little space all right amazing amazing onto the East wing and this has its own aesthetic vibe to it but of course we're talking about the master bedrooms Z I can imagine I can imagine I can't wait to see you want to have a look surprise me want to check it out shock me let's do it as you can see we've got three doors here what's behind door number one door number two door number three I wonder mysty mystery where do we start where do we start we can start with door number one okay right through here as you can oh hang on this is it je hi again we meet again we're me again yeah I was just catching up just making sure that everything is good tell this is the change room yeah tell me this is The Powder Room yes I see thank you very much for getting her ha I think this looks like my que to exit definitely carry on I'll see you later Z nice it is amazing this would be nice to be like I want to wear that yeah I could use this necklace I'll put on that watch and you know what makes it even better yeah we talked about storage in the kitchen more here as well the island feature the Island the island features yes everything just goes in there and the design the curvature all around I love the mirror you know the makeup you actually get your full Glam On and you're like okay I always say this reminds me of Marilyn Monroe there we go like Classic Hollywood with the lights this is so nice yeah and then you have the light is there right in your face yeah you don't need any extra lighting oh my goodness I love this I love this I love how again he went all you guys F I love how fine Urban construction just went all out you know always yeah you don't have to have your makeup displayed here to make it look very dirty and everything everything away M play is clean and we all know you always have those makeup bits you use frequently yes perfect to just have them in one of those draws every day just do a whole perfume display like jewelry box you have your jewelry box you have so much room where do we keep the clothes oh all around youing this all clothes star all of it but what makes it even better you know you have those items that you like to display show the luxury it shoes and bags yes oh my goodness tell me this is one of them just open it up look at that detail the lights this would be my shoe collection oh next one is the bags of course more shoes and bags of course is really nice everything nicely dis this is every woman's dream to have a change room which has everything your jewelry your makeup exactly and away from your bedroom so it's just you walk in for your beauty treatment it's fine it's fine Urban construction and Interiors what do you expect yes mirrors mirrors mirrors everywhere want would a lce change room be without a full length mirror miror on your on your way out you're like yes am I fine everything am I going to break rules today am I going to impress am I closing deals this is where you actually get your confidence when you look at yourself here you're like you know what I can do anything I'm out of this house I'm out definitely def show the room show me the bedroom this so nice welcome to the master bathroom wow it is the the master bathroom the master bathroom of Dre I love how we have a double sink you can brush I can brush I love how we have a TV there yes you know sometimes you want to come from home you want to Sock get into the bathtub yeah p a glass of wine turn on the TV or maybe he just wants his space he need to watch sports yeah you just like look I need to take a shower but again I need to have my spots what better way than to sock and white socer you know I love the fact that that you've been able to create that whole fantasy yes because fine Orban does it for you trust me and the shower is double shower so we can literally both shower M and there's more to it than you see it's like and yeah it's wow I say this is like a spy experience the colors are so calming a big top you can set your Ambiance with the lighting I love the T it's changed again from the kitchen and all the other spes the chandel the centerpiece oh with the gold touches it's so continuous throughout the house chandelier are so Zary we're going to call this the Zary chandel super Crystal very glossy very beautiful I love it but then again I just want to say the lasted oh we're getting to it want to see for this oh no you have those on the ceiling oh of course we have to have lights all throughout so you see everything I'm so impressed F Urban construction and Interiors are doing the most yes definely each room represents different concepts different colors and different touches of luxury so are you ready to actually go to the master bedroom let's let's go let's do this the master bedroom I've been longing to see this and is exactly what I thought it was going to be it's one of those spaces you have to stop and take it in oh yes don't tell me this is gold yes no yes it is this is literally just going with the chandelier it touches listen it's that DET that detail getting into the world of gold MH oh my goodness look at this isn't this like so it just feels so Exquisite I'll see you tomorrow you're done for the shoe today this is so nice look at the chandelier this is so beautiful you said golden Crystal golden Crystal it continues is and look at this the wall just blends with a headbut I mean it's giving all that square which blends nicely with the headbut and again I love the color pattern the blacks the golds and then you've got the Browns yeah and the light in there yeah it's a warm light it's enhancing those gold tones that black is really standing out everything off you just have that set the mood you've set your own mood in your master bedroom fireplace oh fireplace so cozy alongside the carpet the warm tones on the and the details even on the C like there's so many things we still have the pisses yes you see that it's it's simple it's one of those simple luxurious touches this is so beautiful I could leave here I could be in my bedroom the whole day like can I have some breakfast I'm not coming out everything happens here this is so beautiful it is it's wonderful and I think you've noticed as you walked through the entire house that every spot you go to you see different the C are different they're different but they tie in together so seamlessly and so much space on the side there's a fridge there's a couch there's a whole Lounge on the side there's a whole lounge and Beyond we also have a balcony no so when you're talking about like yeah we can just be here you can do that call for your coffee and just be like I'll be in my room all day I want to take it in I could use some fresh air right now I want to see some green let's go look at the green you see that green yes let's go see the green the gold came through here and this looks amazing storage or Decor area gives a nice feel you know to this part where are we going oh we are going to a balcony to the balcony to the balcony oh my day this is the fresh air you were talking about so nice yes oh my goodness this is entertainment the entertainment area is so spacious it's big and it's green and it's green I'm such a host I love hosting and for me this is perfect my it is perfect My Vibe look here look who here I didn't see you there I didn't see see you there she took over she stole me how could she she got lost in the master bedroom oh my goodness why didn't you want me I almost painted I almost went I almost had it you're in safe hands now Z okay thank you so much okay then I will let you guys continue thank you very much thank you very much than you I'm sure that must have been an experience like no other it was it was master bedroom is one of the rooms you know when we talk about interior design we must also talk about exterior when you stand here and you look out over this amazing view you've got the forest in the background the karura forest yes this is so beautiful the breeze I want you to take it all in sary it's so beautiful me the golf cart the lawn the yard the swimming pool one thing you'll notice is the lighting features yes Tastefully placed in different places look at the palm tree look at the the little stairs going up the strips at the pool the walkway right there it's so beautiful the accent lighting going around the tree the accent lighting on the Gazebo area this is so nice you love the Gazebo I love the Gazebo it's beautiful for lunches breakfast gossip with the friends with the girls just in that little corner I'm just kidding but those things happen yeah it's so beautiful out here I just love what is this is this like a play room for the kids or what is it I mean we can talk about it Zary or we can go check it out let's go check it out let's do [Music] that
Channel: Fine Urban Real Estate Construction and Interiors
Views: 526,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fine Urban, Fine Urban construction and interiors, Fine Urban Construction, mansions, farm house, mansiontour, realestate, megamansion, Luxuryliving, africanmansions, lifestyleliving, modernarchitecture, luxuryhometour, farmhousedecor, luxury, megamansions, touring, interiordesignideas, interiordecor, farmhouseliving, farmhousesecrets, modernmansion, hometour, inside, decor, housetransformation, modernhome, modernhouse, modernhousedesign, africanhomes, designing, realestatemarket
Id: ocT4EsvNH3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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