Zara Larsson - Unpopular Opinion

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wow he ate her up his dish was her yeah remind us of your old and popular hi it's our Larson and I want to hear some of your unpopular opinions so what I wanted to do is the first ever unpopular opinion Revisited so we're gonna go back even better in time to some people that you spoke to four and a half years ago and we'll start on line one with Julia hello Julia good morning who are you Boss yeah we're good welcome back what was your unpopular opinion back in 2018 well trampolines are an anti-social Abomination and should be banned I remember you I remember this was our reaction last time wow that's that's harsh why do you hate Joy I don't really enjoy I just avoid children and noise all right does it ring any bells this I mean it's a lot a lot of life has gone past isn't it Zara yeah I'm struggling to remember these as well but do you still hate trampolines I don't hate them I just think they're anti-social please refer they can't annoy me you didn't turn on popular opinion last time you were on but you did share one should we play it and we can just say it yeah people say oh if you want to talk during a movie you shouldn't go to the cinema lies if you don't want to hear people talking during a movie you shouldn't go to the cinema it's a great unpopular opinion it's very unpopular yeah are you a chatter throughout the whole thing a little comment here and there I think you know in real life I do whisper I'm not disrespectful right so in an ideal world you would have a pause button in the cinema oh 100 you go hang on I think that's the guy from again but you know I think it's just like what I really wanted to say about the talking in the cinema was that I want people to just be um a part of the movie in a way like I want us to watch this together and feel um it's like a really wild crowd at a daytime show imagine like Jerry Springer [Applause] [Music] I want that I want that in the cinema but honestly like in yeah again in real life don't disturb people like don't be disrespectful but a little a little mouse whisper here and there come on okay we're gonna go again and let's sing to caller number two here we go a reminders of your old on popular opinion I wonder if it's changed or it's still the same try to join you there It's Tricky it's so good though when what was it Theresa May is an incredible dancer really dates it really puts a time stamp on it Theresa May was the prime minister at the time it was like a Party Conference or something and she came out to was it Dancing Queen it was dancing so it's Dancing Queen and so she just was kind of doing like she was she had to walk to the podium showed us I'm fun and serious in a pencil skirt or something yeah I'm gonna walk and do robot poems dancing and like oh I'm I'm with it I'm hip I'm cool yeah and you loved it yeah absolutely incredible politics has always had its uh its problems but it did feel like a simpler time didn't it win yeah at the end of the day she showed us that she was one of the people and she's got the boots they're not sure what people but she's definitely the robot people yeah people [Laughter] um okay so the big question is when do you still have this unpopular opinion absolutely I keep watching it on YouTube all of the time I love really oh that's a regular revisit is it yeah it makes me happy it's one of those I can go back to and just think yeah life's okay that's okay is it I don't even know if it is this is what win said last time take the politics out of it whack a cup on her and she is busting it Zara do you have a go-to YouTube video that is your favorite that cheers you up when you're feeling sad is there a go-to thing I was actually thinking about one today do you remember that one um who got really upset about the money for dying what was it dying come dine with me in fourth place is Me Oh What a Sad Little Life Jane What a Sad Little life jacket isn't it because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tires on wow he ate her up his dish was her enjoy the money I hope it makes you very happy yeah like a classic video like that yeah that's a guy called Peter yeah he's an absolute icon on the subject of tick tock actually there was a very funny tweet from you when there was a rumor that there was someone at Tick Tock that was controlling the button that makes things go viral oh yeah and you tweeted you were like okay who should I sleep with yeah and I've checked your Tick Tock number it went viral so did you did a really good job so you didn't need to in the end well who knows because I'm just gonna keep quiet you know it works out I was gonna say those numbers are strong either it's great content or you've intervened yeah and you've and you found someone yeah I think it was just I think it was just good content but I was a bit surprised I was like look at that all right let's go again let's see if I know the lyrics first before we um get you to join in remind yourself you're old and popular opinion I wonder if it's changed or is it still the same and next we go to Amy The Notebook is not a sad Stone yeah I kind of agree with that well last time your reaction Zara was this the film The Notebook just isn't sad at all that's actually hilarious and yes it is oh so have you flipped no I flipped I flipped okay I changed my mind I grew up maybe I'll put it to you that you just don't like the notebook yeah we're sad beautiful it's it's beautiful it's beautiful and makes you cry but it's not necessarily that doesn't necessarily mean it's sad movie I would say is it like a Swedish pop song yeah perhaps elements of joy and happiness totally a little bit of tinge with sadness maybe remind us of your old and popular opinion I wonder if it's changed or if it's still the same yeah [Music] thank you
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 31,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AN0AM4cWiLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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