Zapier and Microsoft 365 With OpenAI Beginner's Guide To AI Automation | Tutorial For 2024

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we got a pretty big update from zapier we can now start integrating apps within the Microsoft 365 system now this is a pretty big deal as up to this point I've made a playlist dedicated to artificial intelligence and automation it's over like 80 videos long and a lot of the times I couldn't use or integrate the Microsoft 365 system because it wasn't available such as Outlook or Excel so a lot of these videos I would always use the Google ecos system Google Docs Google Gmail Google Sheets so in today's video we're going to go ahead and integrate the Microsoft 365 system into zap your profile and on top of that let's go ahead and automatically create an email with artificial intelligence and automation welcome back you on this video we're going to go ahead and set up a real quick Automation in order to automatically create an AI generated email for Outlook this is a big deal as up to this point I've always shown Gmail so it's time to show some other ecosystems so first off let's go ahead and just integrate Microsoft 365 one thing I want to point out before I integrate Microsoft Outlook is it doesn't seem like it has word yet but it does have Outlook Excel teams OneNote so a lot of their 365 system within zapier's automation to integrate seamlessly but doesn't have word yet so maybe request that let's go ahead and integrate Microsoft Outlook I'm just going to come up here and type in Outlook we go we're hit connect we're going to go ahead and hit accept and perfect we can go ahead and start doing automations within our zapier profile let's want to create a new zap I'm going to come over here to create new zap once we're in our new zap here let's go ahead and name it to AI email Outlook enter here and let's just start off here today's video is purely just to show you the integration of zapier with Outlook on top of that you're going to learn a little bit about prompting when it comes to CH gbt on top of that I'm G to leave a playlist at the end here that is over 80 videos long that shows you a ton of stuff now if you want a really comprehensive video when it comes to how to handle your customer service with AI and specifically emails and receiving emails and automatically responding to emails because no one likes to do that maybe you want to drink your coffee and listen to the a podcast check out that video right there it will show you how to automatically set up different flows to respond to emails that video is on Gmail but now you can integrate it without Outlook because of our use case today we're just going to set up a trigger of scheduler this is the kind of trigger I like to use when I'm just messing around you know maybe want to do like some manual work do schedule by zap year if you don't know what scheduler is basically this will incur the automation on a certain time increment so we can do every hour every day for use case we'll just do every day continue time of the day we'll go ahead and choose 12:45 a.m. test trigger here and this is just a dummy trigger so we're going to go ahead and proceed with our action now before we even go ahead and prompt our Chad gbt block I'm actually curious on what Outlook can do on a service level here so I'm going to go ahead and click Microsoft Outlook let's go and see it's different events okay so we got create contact create draft email event send email all right pretty standard stuff here y'all for the most part this is pretty up toar with what we could do with Gmail's integration but here is one really really really big caveat compared to the to it seems like within Gmail in order to access it at an API level EG allowing me to create a draft email through automations for Microsoft it's free it's just part of your account but with Gmail it does cost you to have a business email eg a workspace account that costs around I believe last time I checked $7 a month so in order to do the type of automations you see in my tutorials when it comes to gmail you do need to pay $7 a month but it looks like with Microsoft Outlook that's just part of the free plan so having access to Microsoft Outlook just a regular email you'll be able to set up automations today's video we're going to create a draft email before we create that draft email let's go ahead and set up our chat gbt Corbin I don't know how to integrate chat gbt what is Chad okay you probably know what chat GT is at least you've heard it on the news if you want to learn how to integrate it and you want a really in-depth video I encourage you to check out that video right there for 40 minutes long it's one of my more popular videos on this channel I think it's like over 60,000 views up this point maybe 50,000 there's also another video prequel to that to learn more about AI itself check out that video if you want to learn we're going to go ahead and create conversation we going to event a conversation continue make sure to connect your chat gbt account or in this context open AI I have noticed that if you do have an active working chat gbt connection sometimes I'll ask you to sign in that just seems like a glitch so just go back to your apps hit reconnect or Test action and you can go ahead and seal prompt up here just to show you what I mean basically if sometimes it says sign in but you're like I connected this already what's going on is this like did I not connect it it come back over here simply click these three ellipses and hit reconnect or sorry not reconnect test connection when you get that response of test successful it will show up in your automation so we're going to go and choose our account here I'm going just do this one right here we're going to go ahead and hit action let's start filling out some information here ignore the messages okay here's the most important part when you make a chat gbz blocking zapier done a lot of videos on this as well is the user message the model and memory key everything else it adds a little bit of nuance a little bit of differentiation on the output you don't to care about as much so let's go ahead and create a user message here where we're going to go ahead and create the subject line of our email when creating user messages what's great about this is that we can actually add previous data blocks so that the actual output is more lasered in on our specific automation so in this context it doesn't really make sense but let me just show you an example we're going to say context we are generating a subject line for an email that will be sent out and just to show you what I mean by putting in previous data we're going to put the pretty date of April 8th this could be other stuff this could be information you got from a PDF information from an email you received as you'll see in those tutorials that I referenced earlier for now we're going to do that I'm going to say generating we are generating a subject for an email about our new dog product chewy bone very creative name right uh going say format Max of eight words include date we can do plenty more here we do plenty less here when we choose our model typically what I like to do is when using 3.5 this is going to be for data formatting data reformatting finding specific data points as we jump into a lot but in this context when a actual person's going to read it we could stay of 3.5 but I like airing on the side of four if a human's going to read it coming over here we can go ahead and do gbt 4 Turbo preview for our memory key this is ensures consistent output so if you like how an output looks like when coming with a chaty BT block you're going to want a memory key this can be a random string of 32 characters or it can be really nice like email sub what just to prove it to you random string of 32 characters we're going to hit continue here and test this action notice within our subject line we get our date which was referenced in our previous block here in addition it followed our formatting rules where we wanted less than eight words so we're not getting like 20 words in the subject line but what you'll notice is that within the subject line we get quotation marks so there's two ways we can remove this the first way is we could in theory add it to the prompt in order to ensure that it doesn't use quotation marks in the actual email subject the second way which I like to use is more of a code heavy way but with zapier it's a no code way so that probably didn't make sense but basically what it's doing is it's making the changes with code but for us it's just drag and drop right here right so we don't like the quotation marks as we don't want quotation marks in the email and if you do leave him there so we can go ahead and use a format of tool by zabor this allows us to manipulate the data and do stuff with the data so we're going to go ahead and do format format by zapier this used to cost us zap usage but now as of recently I think within the last one or two months this no longer cost us anything this is completely free to use in our automation flow so no expenditure is done do transform here we're going to do replace there's a ton of other stuff we can do here and on my channel we go over the other stuff we replace here we're the input of this conversation which will be the reply and then we are going to find what we don't want so we're going to replace it right so we're going to find the quotation marks I don't like the quotation marks we're going to replace it with nothing so we're going to continue here test step and we're going to get our nice subject line with no quotation marks boom First Step done now we need a sub or a body to get a body we're going to go ahead and to make my life easy I'm going simply just click these three ellipses hit duplicate now that we have duplicated the block we can go ahead and drag it so I'm going go move this over here also you'll notice add air handling this is I made a video on this it actually doesn't get a lot of views like basically no saw it so if you want to see how to add a air handling so when an automation airs out for whatever the May reason may be especially in the context of AI you can check it out right there you show different ways to circumnavigate that I'm going to go and copy this bring it down here as this is the next step in the automation flow and we can go rename this to if you need to know like this like uh body email I know y'all I can't see it either so body or b e email and it has most of it filled out it will have most the stuff we put in previously filled out which is nice we go ahead and say this this is the the subject line to our email so make goine parenthesis previous output but not the conversation the formatted one generate an email body that says we will have a 10% coupon called uh chewy 10 maybe I should do a doc company uh and then we're going to do format here Max of four sentences and let's go and see this output actually I'm I'm going purposely mess up this output max if four sentences include apples and bananas something that's just going to throw off this output let's just say we were just messing up and we have our memory key here we want to switch it so we're going to go ahead and just do this and continue here and test this step so we get our emao body here what you'll notice is a couple things well first off this is actually good this happen so it has a subject line we don't want that obviously and then it should yeah let me say loves apples and bananas this is a bad output I don't like this how do I fix it come back to action here we're just going to add a one to our memory key it's going to completely refresh it think of it like starting a new chat within chat gbt flesh fresh slate doesn't remember previous outputs and on top of that it's going to fix some of this stuff so max of four sentences do not just output the body of the email no text before or after we'll try this boom so we're going to continue back here retest this step there you go so now before it was a subject line and there was like a little outro there with a variable point we don't want that now we just got the subject on now we just got the body now that we have both we can go and proceed so we're going to go ahead have our Microsoft Outlook Outlook email hit event here crate draft actions we're already connected two emails we're going to go and send it to ourselves contact at webcafe AI we're going to add our subject line here which is going to be the first formatted block here introducing Chey about let's go ahead and add our body body is right here since there was no formatting necessary there was no quotation marks we can just do the reply our body form is a choice between text and HTML I'm going choose text for now I've gone over in other videos how to deal with HTML to make it look a little bit better in the context of sending it we're going to go ahead and hit continue here let's test this step and there we go got our subject line got our body on top of that if you wanted to maybe add more fixed text so for example maybe every single email you outro it like best regards XYZ or zyx or x u z you can add that and that will always be in every single email or create draft to do so just automatically be there you don't have to write out your own signature and that's pretty solid now that we have the ability to integrate the Microsoft 365 system with in zpp here I encourage you to check out the playlist at the end here which is over 80 videos long it goes over a lot of stuff when it comes to the Google ecosystem of Google Dax Excel Gmail Google Sheets and basically now with those videos you can basically do the Microsoft version now make sure you leave a like it's completely free I do a ton of other stuff when it comes to AI on this channel on top of that we go over just this new market that's emerging which is artificial intelligence and software and how to get involved with it I'll see you in the next video that's the playlist I was referring to this is one of my first playlists on this channel it's over a year and a half long 80 videos really good stuff in there I think if you are like how do I do this in zap here high probability you'll be in this channel I've been all over this platform so you'll learn a ton of stuff when it comes to Ai and automation that's a random video that's my face I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 3,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials, software business, entrepreneur, start a business, passive income, digital nomad
Id: YkzdB3wOjGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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