Zac Poonen - Knowing God - Our Father, our Forerunner, and our Helper

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one of the words that I frequently think of in relation to the last days is a prophecy in the Book of Daniel that refers to the base of the Antichrist and you know we're living in the last days I've no doubt about that and we're approaching the coming of the Lord and the days of tribulation and the rise of the Antichrist which may be a person or maybe a group of people or a tower or something we don't know exactly when it does take place it'll be very against Christ and Christians we know but here it says in Daniel chapter 11 about the time when such forces will arise and verse 32 Daniel chapter 11 and verse 32 you can turn there for a moment it says that the Antichrist would smooth words he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the Covenant so when we interpret that in relation to what we've understood in the church and see at sea the Covenant today means only one thing the new covenant the new covenant promises freedom from sin not just forgiveness of sins but deliverance from sin the new covenant there is no one priest we are all priests in the New Covenant it's not one man running the show we are building the body of Christ together and in the New Covenant the Holy Spirit is not outside of us he's inside of us so but the Antichrist and the spirit of the Antichrist will lead people away from the New Covenant and then thus he will turn them to godlessness and we can see that happening around the world today we can see the amazingly surprising things that are happening in Christendom in Christian churches that are conducting marriages and things are completely contrary to the Word of God it began with divorce and now has gone on to so many unnatural things to godliness godlessness immens all because they have rejected and neglected the New Covenant and they're living by a standard of morality which the world has you know the difference that Adam was given a choice in the Garden of Eden between living by the tree of knowledge of good and evil which means by your own understanding of good and evil or he could live by the tree of life which is depending on God every moment like a branch depending on the tree every moment for the SAP that's a different way of life altogether the tree of knowledge of good and evil is knowledge that I've absorbed through the years and I now decide what to do and what not to do I know what's right what's wrong and that's how the world lives and that's how a lot of Christians live but as God wants man to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God it's not just reading the Bible in the morning no a lot of people read the Bible in the morning do not live by the Word of God to live by the Word of God means in simple terms like the branch in the tree produces fruit there's not a single moment when that branch is not receiving sap from the tree that is to live by the Word of God constantly from morning to light this is the way Jesus lived so that is the New Covenant they could not have it in the Old Covenant the Old Covenant bits once in a while the Prophet would come and speak and if there was no prophet in your lifetime you just missed it and now and then God would speak but not all the time even Abraham and Elijah and John the Baptist they heard God occasionally but the wonderful thing in the New Covenant is we can hear God not only every day but every moment is there a single moment when a branch is not receiving sap from the tree think about picture my brothers and sisters that is how God wants us to live jesus said as the branch can not produce fruit without being in the tree neither can you it's a beautiful picture and I always think about I think about when I get up to speak I say Lord I want to be like my branch in the tree then I'll always have something flowing from you not something crammed up in my and study and then vomiting it all out that's not real ministry I want to be like the branch in the tree all the time not just when I'm speaking but every single day every single day of my life he doesn't come suddenly my brothers and sisters but this is the life that you must long for long for a life where your communication with God back and forth will be exactly like a branch in a tree not a single moment then you'll never be dry your leaves will always be green and you will always bring forth fruit so that is the wonderful blessing of having the Holy Spirit within us in the New Covenant but it says here in the Daniel 11:32 again even though some people are in that direction the first part of verse 32 here is where we live the people who know their God will be strong and do exploits and do wonderful things for God and I want you all my brothers and sisters to not to have such a low estimate of yourself and to have such an inferiority complex because of various reasons say Oh God can never use me I'll tell you why the various ways in which the devil makes you think like that he'll remind you of all the terrible things you didn't mean a past life you messed up your life here and there for so many years ok but I believe the blood of Jesus has cleansed us from all those sins and justified means not only just as if I'd never sinned in my life that itself is a great thing imagine if God were to say to you I'm looking at you just as if you've never seen in your whole life that ik son would be fantastic for me but more than that because that's like I don't have any - marks in my life but I'm at zero but it's not like that justify means is just as if I've been righteous all my life not that I have got no - marks but I've got a hundred out of a hundred right from day one do you believe that that is what it means to be justified in Christ this is what it means to be justified by his blood and I believe this is one of the most important things that we must be assured of and convinced of if we want to be firm in God and that's the thing that will take the foundation away from the devil so he's got nothing to stand on he's constantly harrassing believers with making them feel guilty and condemned about the things they did in the past and which they have confessed numerous times think of some terrible sins you have committed in your past how many times have you confessed it I'm sure you confess it many many many times since you became a Christian you need to have confessed it only once that's how powerful the devil is influencing our mind because we just don't believe when God says I have cleansed your sin in the blood of Christ I have declared you righteous in Christ it's really difficult to believe I know I struggled with it for years but this is what finally brought rest into my heart the people who know their God will be strong and if you want to be strong you have to make sure that your founded on the righteousness of Christ and not your own determination to live a good life or saying well I really want to live do the will of God from now on I don't want to do the will or you know we speak so much about the taking of the cross every day and you can glory in the fact but I'm gonna take up the cross every day I'll tell you the devil will not buy a foundation from you be found it only on the righteousness of Christ all my righteousness including my taking on the cross every day is filthy rags in God's eyes and you say well if you take that attitude won't we have a light attitude to sin absolutely not I found when I am founded on the righteousness of Christ I have a much more serious attitude against sin and the devil doesn't get power in my mind he cannot disturb me cannot shake shake me and make me doubt the love of God yeah he is tempt of course he even tempted Jesus so he attempt you but if you know your God you will be strong remember this word the people who know their God will be strong in the last days to overcome anything not only persecution but all the fear that's going to come upon people in the last days and they will do wonderful things for God that's the second part of that sentence there but it says here further in verse 35 but some who have inside him will fall and it says here that some work a great ministry that's how it's in the Living Bible will fall if you are not careful you're not watchful should depend on your own righteousness and you don't seek to have an open heart by keeping a clear conscience you can fall no matter which church you're in no matter how many years you've been faithful some will fall who have bad insight who have understood the New Covenant will fall but even their God will be merciful and he'd used that fall to refine them and purge them and make them pure isn't that wonderful that when you God sees that your heart is sincere I believe that's what he looks for he's not looking for purity first of all God is not looking for purity in you first he's looking for sincerity and honesty that's easy purity can take time sincerity meaning what you say honesty that doesn't take any time at all a prostitute can be honest today saying I am a prostitute you can be honest you can even have lived in victory and today you slipped up or angry with someone you've just be honest say Lord I'm sorry I lost my temper forgive me that's honesty but sincerely you can be cleansed immediately don't try to justify yourself don't try and find some excuse oh it was because of this pressure of that pressure you will never be forgiven just be honest and say I sinned cleansed immediately and you can move on with God never never try to justify yourself the mark of the Pharisees was they justified themselves and Jesus said that's an abomination in God's eyes Luke 16 15 you are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men and that is an abomination to God I never in my life want to justify myself before God or before men I understand always on the righteousness of Christ and I want to keep a clear conscience immediately immediately confess my sin for thought word deed or sometimes attitude and attitude towards someone which we suddenly realize that we had a bad attitude or a judgmental attitude nobody knows about it I've never open my mouth and I'm aware of it I immediately say Lord I'm sorry I've had this wrong attitude but you've made it light for me now and I'm going to get rid of it now cleanse me in that blood of Christ and help me to have the love of God pouring my heart through the Holy Spirit that person may never change his attitude towards me but my attitude is gonna change towards him I'm gonna be loving he doesn't mean I love fellowship with everyone no Jesus didn't have fellowship with the Pharisees but he don't he died for the Pharisees his attitude was right so I may not have fellowship with many many believers also but my attitude was gonna be right I'm gonna walk in the light with God this is so important the people who know their God will be strong and do exploits and we are watchful he will keep us from falling it's very important to remember that also when we have not fallen consciously for a long time it's very easy to begin to think I have been faithful and I've kept myself from falling garbage it's he who kept me from falling when Peter walked on the water every step it was Jesus who prevented him from sinking into the waves when he looked this side and that side he sank immediately I need to remember constantly yes you can ask that Jesus is the one who keeps me from falling but we may say how can I remember that all the time my mind is other things in the beginning it's a little difficult but everything you know you saw an act it becomes a habit so you keep on saying Lord I trust you to keep me I cuss you to keep me over a period of time if you become your habit that you trust the Lord to keep you and you never never never take any credit for anything that you've accomplished at APO you've done or for a day that you lived in victory that is how we keep our relationship with God Riots God wants to be speaking to us all the time and if we listen to that we will not fall particularly these days when so many people are living in fear what is the thing that will prevent us from falling a parade of here I'll tell you turn with me to Isaiah chapter 15 Isaiah chapter 15 as I 50 at verse 4 we read the Lord God has given me the tongue of disciples that I may know how to sustain the very one with the world but I'm thinking of the latter part of that he wakens me morning by morning to listen as a disciple I want to urge you man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from God's mouth and he is speaking every morning you know why the beginning the Bible begins with Genesis chapter 1 where it says every day God said something hmm the first day said something the second day said something the second all the way until he had made man in the image of God in the sixth day do you know the basic message of that is that every day of your life in my life God wants to speak to me there was not a single day missed out every day he spoke until the final day when he will make me in His image just like he made Adam in His image that is the message of the first chapter of the Bible which is the whole message of the Bible in a nutshell and so he wakens me morning by morning not just to read the Bible for 15 minutes I used to think it was like that in the early days but I realize now he's speaking about Jesus that he woke up in the morning and began to listen to his father and he never stopped listening right through the whole day and the result is I'm sure when he was sleeping at night - God was speaking to him that even in his dreams God begins to speak to him I believe that will happen the more we listen to God more and more and more and more during the day even in our dreams God will begin to say something to us and when Jesus heard something he listened like a disciple the scenes like this are means I want to obey what I hear and no matter what may happen and he goes on to say in verse 7 the Lord God helps me and therefore set my face like a flint to do his will and therefore because he helps me who can condemn me and we can also say why do I have any fear that the Lord God is there to help me this is very very important you know Jesus said in John 17 John chapter 17 I told you we started with Daniel Daniel 11:32 the people who know their God will be strong and in the last days so this is the most important thing to know God let this be your passion towards the end of Paul's life he writes to the Philippians in Philippians 3 my passion is to know him to know him and you see Paul don't you know Christ already so much he says yes but the more I've come to know him I want to know him more and more you know it's like a married couple deeply in love with each other I wish all married couples were like this they got married and they really knew love each other when they began and they knew very little of each other when they began but they want to know each other more and more and more and more they want to love each other more and more and more as time goes on they're not happy with how much they love each other yesterday or last week they wanted you love each other more they want to know more of each other they want to know each other more and more that's the way Jesus wants to live with us too in that bridal relationship the people who know their God will be strong and Jesus said in John 17:3 this is eternal life that they might know thee as I've often said eternal life is not living forever because people who go to hell live forever he's got nothing to do with eternity eternal life is the life of God he's not a life that never ends listen eternal life is a life that never had a beginning that's why it's called eternal don't think a word never but think it never had a beginning you and I don't have that life only God has it he turn a life his life which had no beginning and I can have that eternal life God gives it to me and it comes through and knowing him this is eternal life that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent so my passion in life must be to know God to know God as my father so important God is Father Son and Holy Spirit three persons but one God the very fact that I cannot understand it proves it is the truth because God is so much above me I will never be able to explain three persons are one God but I believe it all my heart and I've seen it true in my life to know the father to know Jesus Christ and to know the holy spirit to know the father first of all John chapter one we read that one of the purposes with Jesus came to earth we know it was to save us from our sin you shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins Matthew 1:21 but then what after you saved me or is saving me from my sin what do I do that's just the negative thing I'm in sin and he saves me from it what is the positive part of it the positive part of it is I know the father John chapter 1 and we read here in verse 18 no one has seen God at any time this is talking about the entire Old Testament period from Adam from the time he was out in the Garden of Eden out of the Garden of Eden till the day of Pentecost no one could see God at any time we couldn't know him he was outside everyone but the only begotten Son has come and explained back to us explained the father to us that's the purpose with the Jesus game Jesus came to explain to us this is what the father is like you don't have to be afraid of him I love that message you know where it's you know when you see it in its context you read that in John it's at the Last Supper when Philip came to him and said can you please show us the father and that'll be enough to let a John 14 verse 8 Philip said to Jesus Lord show us the father and that'll be enough for us we just want to see the father once and jesus said I've been with you three and a half years and haven't you come to know me Philip if you have seen me you've seen the father if you look at the life of Jesus you know what the father is like and I see it in the context of what was happening there just before he said that he had washed their feet this is the Last Supper you read in John 13 he did the job of a servant washing their dirty feet and Jesus said you know the father is like that poor boy I really humbles me when I think of that then God stooped to wash my feet God Stoops to be like a servant towards me and so often we act so big towards each other we haven't known the father those who know the father will be willing servants of others will never never seek to lord it or anyone they will never lord it over their husbands over their wives over their children over their servants at home or anybody Jesus washed the disciples feet and said have you seen me you've seen the father I want to keep that vision before me all the time because I know the people will know their God will be strong and when other people follow me I will not many who are understanding will fall away because their knowledge of God and this through the study of the Bible you know it's like you study a book on electricity and there's still no light in the house you can study all you want about electricity and there's no light in the house but put the plug into the socket and the light turns on and that guy who plugged it in the socket may not know anything about electricity but he's plugged into the source of power so it's knowledge of the Bible is like knowing all about electricity a lot of people are like that there's no light in their life more than knowledge of the Bible is to know God to plug into the socket and the light comes in this is eternal life they might know thee the only true God to know God as a father who loves me who cares for me who wants to wash my feet who wants to cleanse me who sent His only Son who did not spare his own son but gave him freely for us all how shall he not with him free give us all things are you familiar with that verse in Romans chapter 8 let me read it to you I often feel I must turn to these verses because there may be some in our midst who are not familiar so don't get impatient if you already know the verse remember there are other smaller children spiritual children who don't know the verse so I'd like to turn to it in Romans chapter 8 it says here he who did not spare his own son where's 30 to God it begins with verse 31 if God is for us who can be against us that's a great word to live by in these days you really believe God is for you when you have a doubt about that then you gotta know the father and how can I know that God is for me because if I know God is for me nothing can be against me nothing can be against me la coruna virus or any virus or any human being or the Antichrist or his forces or the devil nothing can be against me if God is for me the most important thing is that God must be for me so let's look at that he's God for me how do I know that God is for me well it says here in verse 32 Romans 8 and verse 32 he who did not spare his own son how shall he not with him also freely give us all things all things so that's the confidence I have that if God gave his own son to die for me on the cross he will also with him freely give me everything without any doubt that is how I know God is for me by meditating on he did not spare his own son why freely give me everything else that I need this is the God I need to know let me think we already know him quite a bit let me show you the excitation Paul gave to Timothy after Timothy had been a believer for about 25 years and had lived with Paul in 1 Timothy chapter 6 and verse 1 Timothy chapter 6 and verse 12 1 Timothy 6:12 fight the good fight of faith take hold of eternal life to which you were called most Christians don't understand the meaning of that verse is he telling Timothy to be born again all these Christians will say the moment you are born again you've got eternal life is he telling Timothy to be born again after 25 years of his being a born-again Christian what does he mean take hold of eternal life it means get to know God and Paul was coming to the end of his life what he was telling Timothy was get to know God as your father very important to me see you already know him you need to know him more take hold of eternal life eternal life is to know God and secondly eternal life is to know Jesus Christ God is our Father and Jesus Christ is out forerunner in the book of Hebrews we read one title of Christ which is not found anywhere else in the New Testament and that is in Hebrews 6 verse 20 we followed Jesus who's gone inside the whale as our 4 runner in the Old Testament inside the whale was where you got into the immediate presence of God in the most holy place in the presence of the Father and he says Jesus has opened a way for us to go inside the whale as our 4runner I need to know Jesus the way he lived on earth and that's why we need to study the Gospels I read the Gospels frequently to see how Jesus lived I asked the Holy Spirit to show me different parts of Jesus life which are hidden between the lines not just a story a story even a child can read but the Holy Spirit can show me the Heart of Jesus as I read the way he lived his attitude to people and what he did in between and why did he go out early morning into the desert places away from his home and always seeking the Father's will how he lived day by day he's my forerunner look at the light looking under Jesus we run this race the book of Hebrews is a great book it's not a very popular book among Christians unfortunately when I took a study through the Bible in 70 hours 70 hours for 66 books I spent four hours on Hebrews alone because Hebrews explains the humanity of Jesus Christ as the one who's my example my can follow more than any other book in the entire Bible and if I want to see Jesus as my forerunner I can see in the Gospels and I see the challenge in the book of Hebrews so we need to know Jesus by seeing how he lived how he reacted in different circumstances and then I need to know the Holy Spirit's power to help me to walk that way so I need to know God is my father but the father is my father and Jesus Christ that's my forerunner and thirdly I need to know the Holy Spirit as my helper that's the other thing Jesus said in John chapter 14 in the same message where he spoke about eternal life is to know God and to know Jesus Christ John 17 earlier than that he said in John 14:16 I will ask the Father and he give you a helper another helper not a helper but another helper which means it's going to be the present helper to the desert was Jesus Christ living with them and now I'm going to ask for another that means I'm going away the Lord said but I lost for another helper I've been your helper all along in any tough situation you were in he told the disciples I was there in a storm in the lake I was there when there was sickness around I was there whatever happened I was there they could always turn to the Lord now he was going away I said I won't be away I'll send you another helper exactly like me and till now see John 14 this helper will be with you forever and verse 16 and verse 17 it says in the last part at the moment he's not inside you he's only with you like I've been with you for three and a half years and Jesus could if I were to amplify his words I was with you disciples for three and a half years and at the end of it you're still fighting with each other as to who's going to be the leader you're still scared even after my resurrection you'll be scared sitting inside a room but the day will come John protein 17 when the Holy Spirit is with you will come inside you ah then you will know him as a helper from within then he won't be afraid then he won't sit inside locked door throw the doors open like they did on the day of Pentecost tremendous things happen when you come to know the Holy Spirit as your helper it is like having Jesus Christ inside you when he was with them they could not overcome sin they still wanted to call fire down on the Samaritans if they didn't listen to them and they argued with each other and fought with each other for the highest place and they ran away when they came people came to capture Jesus all that changed when he who was with them came inside them I feared my brothers and sisters that many believers in CFC churches have never experienced being filled with the Holy Spirit we've been so distracted by the false teaching among many castles and their absence of teaching among the Brethren and others I'm not despising them there are good believers among all of them but I tell you what is needed is a constant in filling of the Holy Spirit their patience 5:18 says be being filled with the Holy Spirit that's the meaning of that word Ephesians 5:18 be being filled with the Holy Spirit that is a secret of our Christian life because turn with me their visions 5 and verse 18 don't get drunk with wine but be being filled with the Holy Spirit that means not just be filled in the spirit once yeah I thank God for every such experience and crisis experiences but be being filled with the Holy Spirit and then you will have a life when you're always thanking the Lord let me in your heart when you have being filled with the spirit all the time you'll be they'll be song in your heart even if you're not a good singer with your mouth there'll be a song in your heart it says you're making melody with your heart to the Lord there'll be a melody in my heart and always giving thanks no matter what may happen see we are living in days when there's anxiety fear tension what will happen what will happen there the food runs out in the stores what will happen if we don't if you lose our jobs what are you having if some of you lose your visas what would happen fear fear fear fear exact opposite of giving thanks always but here it says when the Holy Spirit fills you being through the Spirit you'll be always giving thanks not to one or two think so everything that happens Lord I can't understand why you have allowed all the terrible things to happen in the world is happening right now but I believe my father that you're sovereign and you're controlling this universe God is still on the throne and he never forsaken his own he's there he remembers his own he will not leave you he will not forsake you and therefore I give thanks for the way you run this world I can't understand it I would not run the world about him in my wisdom like that but God's wisdom is way about mine I mean if I were in last place I wouldn't think of a loving her own awareness to go around the world but I say her Almighty God in heaven decides he's gonna allow it you think you can go around without his permission is there a single worm or virus that can move one centimeter without his permission impossible I believe in that God who runs this universe our Father who art in heaven and therefore I can give thanks I'm not giving thanks for evil I'm not giving thanks for sickness but what am i giving thanks for I'm giving thanks for the fact my my father runs this universe like not I'm not giving thanks because I can explain everything there are a hundred and one things I cannot explain and I don't want to explain it but I know one thing my father runs this universe not just this earth the whole universe and jesus said whenever you pray begin with our Father who art in heaven that means I'm sure he's my father who loves me and I'm sure he's in heaven running this university is not given up that position and that is why I give thanks because he's running this universe I give thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and you know the other thing that happens when we are filled with the Holy Spirit look at this it says in verse 21 we'll be willing to give place to one another to be subject to one another in the fear of Christ means I'm willing to give my brother his space I don't want to crowd into people's lives I keep my space and I'm willing to give my brother his space and I'm willing to allow him to live within his boundary I will not tread into another person's boundary I will respect the boundary of my wife I will respect the boundary of my children I will respect the boundary of that week brother in the church who's not strong enough to resist my strong soul flower see some of us about strong soul power and you have a weak brother in the church who's very timid and is very easy for somebody with sole party just overwhelm him and you think you're making him believe so many things no you're not giving him his space you're not allowing him to grow as long as he clings to you his spiritual the moment he leaves you he becomes carnal because I've never gave him my space his face when he lived with me I have to give him freedom and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ that's what happens Jesus gave people freedom one of the most amazing things I find in Scripture in the Gospels is that place I always come back to it in Matthew 16 where it says well you know gee Peter Jesus told Peter about building the church and it says here he told them about that he was going to the cross Matthew 16 verse 21 Matthew 16:21 Jesus began to show you the circle you're going to suffer and they listen to this can you believe it verse 22 Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him rebuke is a very strong word have you ever rebuked anybody not give a gentle suggestion this is a world of difference between a gentle suggestion saying Lord I don't think you should go to the cross no no no this is a rebuke and the thing that's I see there is I'm amazed that Peter would ever talk like that but I'm more amazed that Jesus made himself so ordinary and moved around with his people just like wow he's decided just like one of them that they felt free to review and correct him see it's a challenge to me I say Lord this is how I must live with my fellow believers even among the young is condemned then I must not never overpower them with my personality or my strong soul power they must feel free to say speak to me freely to joke with me to laugh with me rebuke me if needed because Lord Jesus that's how you lived on this earth you never made yourself distant from people so many preachers and Christians are so distant from others you dare not come near them they give you the impression that they're so big and so important that you can't come near them hypocrites learn from Jesus this is eternal life that they might know be Jesus Christ and I know Jesus from that verse how he was in with his disciples at Peter but rebuked him and so we we are subject to one another in the fear of Christ so we know the father is our father who cares for us I'm not an orphan I'm not an orphan I'm not insecure I'm a son or a daughter we are sons and daughters not orphans we are not servants we're sons and daughters we have a father we know Jesus Christ is the one who's gone ahead of us he will never tell us to go to a place where he's not gone ahead of us when we think of the future with all the uncertainty there is in the world right now I praise God that as I face tomorrow I got a forerunner who's gone into tomorrow before me can you say that that as you face tomorrow you've got a forerunner who's gone into tomorrow before you and who says to you and me follow me that's all you got to do you don't have to go into an unknown future it is unknown to me but I've got someone who's gone ahead of me I don't know what's going to happen I don't even know what's gonna happen this evening but I know that someone has gone ahead of me huh that makes a world of difference the people who know their God will be strong the people who know Jesus Christ have eternal life they'll be strong they will not be afraid of enemies of the gospel they'll not be afraid of the viruses that are enemies of the human body no they believe our God in heaven is in control of everything every little thing he'd number his number the hairs on our head it's amazing that Jesus picked out that smallest little thing that can happen to us think for a moment which is the least important thing that can happen to your body you get up in the morning one day for a bit and you find one hair on your pillow you get old panic I've lost a lot of hair I don't get panic if I see one hair on my pillow it's okay I'll tell you why because he's numbered them and my father knows the exact moment when that hair fell off from my head to the pillow and he's realized that the number of my hairs has become less that's fine even it goes down all the way down to zeros okay he knows exactly the smallest little most unimportant thing that we never bother about he says your father knows it when you know the father when you know Jesus Christ you don't get him don't panic but whatever may happen or whatever you think may happen you ask yourself is that something that is more serious than losing one hair it is well then why should I be bothered because the least serious thing losing one hair do you say your father knows about it that is the least serious thing that can ever happen to any of us one hair from all the thousands of hairs on our head and he knows about it I praise God that Jesus took such an example he took an example of the birds not one sparrow falls to the ground that means not one sparrow dies not one sparrow get how do they die they get sick one Sparrow somewhere in the world are though the millions of sparrows got sick with some type of virus and died my father knows about it and you think your father doesn't know about you do you think my Heavenly Father will not know if some virus is in danger of coming into my body you think he doesn't know that then you don't believe in God at all let me tell you then you're an atheist claiming to be a Christian we have tempted sure we have tempted Jesus was tempted tempted to anxiety of course I can be tempted to everything Jesus was tempted to commit suicide to jump off the temple that's the most terrible thing so what temptation means nothing he just resisted it so the fact that you are tempted he may be tempted to watch pornography it doesn't mean you're evil you reject it you may be tempted to commit suicide rejected he may be tempted to get anxious rejected he may be tempted to worry about the future rejected because you say I have a father who runs this universe that people who know their God will be strong I'll be addressed in him you say what about my children well your father no they never hear the head of your children of course he does he doesn't matter how many children you have he cares for every single one of them there most sparrows in the world and children you have and if he cares for all the starters you can be absolutely sure that he cares for every single child of yours he knows exactly what problems your children have that may be struggling in school that may be struggling with sickness that may be having some deformity or defect your father knows it he knows the hairs on your head but people who know that God will be strong this is what happens and the Holy Spirit comes in he assures us so that we do not live in fear you know we could go on the whole day talking about this God is such a good God and I wish I could convince the whole world about just this one thing your father is a good father can you believe just this one thing he who did not spare his own son but gave him freely up ferzaan we didn't even ask the Father to send the son our greatest problem is not her own number as it is sin coronavirus can take us to the grave sin can take us to hell and the father solved that problem not because we asked him to he sent his son to save us from the greatest problem we faced going to hell and you think if he did that for us he's not going to do all the other things of course he will then you may say why do some bad things happen to good people why do some things happen to Christian I'll tell you I don't know there are many many questions in the world I can answer with three words I don't know why don't you know because I am NOT God but one thing I do know definitely Romans 8:28 every single thing that happens to me because I'm a child of God I love him will work for my good not just won't harm me wasn't Romans 8:28 said all things that happen to you will not harm him oh that itself will be a great comfort will not harm me aha praise the Lord but this is more than that all things will work for your good what's the condition I love them that's all and I'm called according to his purpose I want to live for him I want to be like Jesus Christ what does it mean to be called according to his purpose the purpose of God is to make us like Jesus Christ do you love him to the best of your knowledge none of us can say me love it perfectly I can't say I love God perfectly but best of my knowledge I love Jesus Christ I love God and to the best of my knowledge I want his purpose to be fulfilled in my life which is to become like Christ I don't always do it perfectly but I want it there's no doubt in my heart that I what if I believe that of you brothers and sisters you wouldn't be in NCCA if that was not your desire you want to be like Christ don't condemn yourself and don't let the devil condemn you don't let the devil tell you you're hopeless you may have many weaknesses I have many but I will not allow the devil to tell me I'm hopeless God chose me before the worlds were created and he sent his son to die for me when I had never asked him to do it why won't he do that for you he will do more than we can ask or think I wish I could go on forever talking but I think that's not the Holy Spirit to do the rest he will lead you further further along the lines you were today please open your heart and press every sin immediately don't wait I said one thing I made a law for myself I will never wait one moment my conscience convicts me about something immediately go to God he's everywhere I can talk to him anywhere middle of the mind if I wake up or anywhere I can tell Laura I've slipped up there forgive me cleanse me and God finished I move on with a clear conscience I pulled out that forum and that phone is not bothering anymore I'm moving on living like that every day keep a good conscience and one more thing whenever you get an opportunity choose the way of humility are you in a discussion with somebody getting a little hot choose the way of humility go down choose the way down that's the way Jesus went and I know this is the only two laws I live by keep a good conscience and always choose the way down in my relationship with others always always always and I believe God will be with me as he has been with me through many many years as I've sought to keep this before me to keep a good conscience and to always choose the way now never never to try to exalt myself over another person never to try to show I'm smarter than somebody or cleverer than somebody or better than someone in any way no interest in that I want to go down and I want to keep a good conscience so if you'll follow these simple two simple rules keep a good conscience and always go down I believe you'll be amazed to see how the presence of the father is so real with you the presence of God is so with you that you know you don't have to practice the presence of God like one book says you don't have to practice it there he be there and you'll know it you'll know he's there in the moment of your need even there it speak to you in the moment of decision what your decision you should take god bless you all my brothers and sisters I love you all in Christ and I'm so thankful that you are my brothers and sisters in Christ I need you and you need me we bow our heads in prayer let's pray let's be reverent before God in this moment Heavenly Father we don't take your word for granted it's a tremendous privilege on this earth that we can even hear your voice thank you lord I never want to take it for granted that you Almighty God humble yourself to speak to me I want to be grateful Lord all my life thank you for speaking to us that your name be glorified thank you for giving us a wonderful meeting today even though we are so separated by distance but in this spirit or one thank you in Jesus name
Channel: NCCF Church
Views: 15,725
Rating: 4.8901958 out of 5
Keywords: NCCF, CHRISTIAN, Zac Poonen
Id: SHFBuXffd4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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