Zac Efron, Zendaya - Rewrite The Stars (Lyrics / Lyrics Video)
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Channel: undefined
Views: 97,863,259
Rating: 4.9178424 out of 5
Keywords: rewrite the stars, rewrite the stars zac efron, zac efron rewrite the stars, rewrite the stars zendaya, zendaya rewrite the stars, rewrite the stars lyrics, lyrics rewrite the stars, zac efron, zendaya, greatest showman rewrite the stars, rewrite the stars the greatest showman, rewrite the stars song, the greatest showman rewrite the stars, song rewrite the stars, zac efron songs, zendaya song, songs zendaya, pop music, pop, mainstream pop, the greatest showman, newmelody
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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