Zac Brown Band & Jimmy Buffett Perform 'Chicken Fried' 🍗 #TBT | CMT Crossroads
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Channel: CMT Crossroads
Views: 332,044
Rating: 4.9563394 out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Buffett, Chicken Fried, Chicken Fried song, Chicken Fried CMT, Jimmy Buffett CMT, Zac Brown Band Jimmy Buffett, Zac Brown Jimmy Buffett Chicken, Zac Brown, Zac Brown Band, Zac Brown Band CMT, live performance, cmt, cmt crossroads performance, music, country music, pop music, live concert, music live, CMT, Crossroads, Live Performance, Live Music, Country, Country Music, Country Music Television, Country Music TV, songs, CMT Crossroads, entertainment, concert, Homegrown, #TBT
Id: K2MR5h4eWuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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