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Plums can actually be served in a cold salad. Mangoes can also be eaten as a cold dish. Have you seen it? How lively are the ethnic minority New Year celebrations in Yunnan? Just how bustling they are. April 15th is the Dai people's New Year, also known as the well-known Water-Splashing Festival. But this time, I won't join the hustle and bustle of the Water-Splashing Festival. I've decided to take you to a small town market instead. To experience the atmosphere of the Dai New Year market. Before we set off, I'll take you to meet an old friend. Hello? Hello, Xiaoyu? Yes? Yes, hello, hello! Long time no see. Hello, hello! Xiaobai, long time no see. I wanted to ask you, where is there a market gathering around here? Oh, a market? Yes, there is. Today just happens to be the market day over at xx. They're holding a market ceremony. Do you want to go see it? I want to shoot a video. Sure, shall I drive over to pick you up? No, can you drive? Come on, trust me. Alright, alright, alright. See you in a bit then. Okay, hmm. Bye. They were still saying goodbye, and I hung up. Waited for ages and still no show. Do you know what "going to the market" means? Ah, here comes the car. Is this the car? You're driving this car? Yeah, let's go, get in. What about these two? Annie and Pony are also going? Yeah, I'm taking them with me. Your turn signal is still on. Typical woman driver. How do I... How do I sit here? You can sit. You can sit, but they can't. Maybe we should switch cars? Find a car to drive over. Because it's not convenient with this car. Okay, that works, can do. What else did you bring? Clothes. I thought it was gift for me. Let me clarify the timeline for everyone. Actually, before the honey live stream, I had already met Xiaoyu. It's just that after the video was released, the sequence was pushed back. It's been over a week since I left Xiaoyu's house. Xiaoyu thought I wouldn't come back. After the video was released, everyone was saying the tea was quite good. So I returned to Menghai. Mainly to talk about their tea, how it really is, and then share it with everyone. We're sitting too close together, aren't we? Then I'll move away. I'll sit over here. It's easier to film him. You come out, your brother-in-law. Doesn't he care about you? Of course, he does. Yes, just sneaking out for a bit. It won't affect anything. What exactly does "going to the market" involve? It's the Water-Splashing Festival. The whole street is lined with stalls selling snacks, barbecue, etc. So you mean it's like a banquet? You... You said it's like a banquet. When did I say that? You just said it. I said "going to the market" is like going to a fair or something. You said it's like a banquet. That was me earlier. What does it have to do with now? It seems we've arrived, right? This is the place? Yes. Let's cross the street first. Why did you change clothes again? Of course, I have to change for the market. Right? Can't exactly come out in work clothes. Are there people here in the evening? Yes. There are people here at night. Yes, for something like this, it goes on until late. Wow, their little car is so interesting. Wow, it's so lively over here. We've arrived. There's so much to eat here. Do you want some coconut? No need. Not eating? No, thanks. Let's go check out the front first. The market is a festival for the Dai people. In each town, the market times are different. People gather on this day for rituals, opera, and other cultural performances and trade activities. To put it simply, it's a bit like going to a temple fair. Since it's the last market day in xx town, I missed all the previous activities, and only the market is left. But for a foodie like me, this is where the real joy lies. Lemongrass fish. Ah, lemongrass grilled fish. Yes, that one. Ah, this one. I know this one. It has a unique flavor, haha. Mmm. Wow, so many delicious things. Is that green moss tasty? Tasty, it's delicious. Especially delicious. Right. The sticky rice wrapped together is particularly tasty. Should we get a portion? Do you want to try some? I'd like to have a taste. Eat it directly? That's hilarious. Hmm. Not bad at all. Pretty good. Let's get a portion, get a portion. It's on me. I'll treat you. 15, right. Mmm. This looks amazing. What's that being grilled? Sour pig face. Sour pig face. How much for one piece? 30 Dip it in the chili powder. Try it, the sour taste. The sourness. This is delicious. This is our specialty, sun-dried. Let me look around first. I feel like eating everything. Right, let's walk around first. I'm craving pounded chicken feet now. Pounded chicken feet? Yeah, let's take a look. Hold on a second. Do they have it here? Hey! How much for one? 30. Wow. That's expensive. How about 25? It's the last one, no more left. The last one? Yes, the last one. Can I try it? Sure, you can try. Just grab it with your hands? Yes, use your hands. The Dai people use their hands. It's good. But not as tasty as the ones you make. A beauty like you must make it delicious. Not as good as yours. This isn't your relative, is it? Did you bring me here on purpose to buy? No, it's my first time meeting them. We Dai people are all relatives. Right, the Dai family is close-knit. Actually, this is also a specialty dish. Do you know? Mango. Can I try this? Sure, you can try. Help me pick a slice to try. Cold mixed mango. The chopsticks are right here. Pick a slice for me, I'll eat it directly. You can try it. Young man, you don't know the taste until you try it in Xishuangbanna. Sure, do you want to have a taste? I don't want it, I don't want it. No, thanks. Thank you. These are mangoes grown by ourselves. Yes, these mangoes are homegrown. Hmm, tasty. How do you find it? So sweet. Your expression seems to give it away. The whole market is about two kilometers long, mostly featuring Dai ethnic flavors, predominantly sour and spicy. Various fruits, can be eaten cold mixed like this. As someone from Guizhou, I've never seen such a way of eating. I wonder if you, in front of the screen, have ever tried it. Anyway, it's really addictive when you eat it. It's like a VR experience. Little monk, you mean here? Yeah. Our local Dai people, boys are supposed to become monks after the fifth grade. Become monks? Yeah, similar to that. It depends on individuals. some stay monks longer, others for just a few months. Some even for several years. Oh, is that so? Well, every boy must become a monk at least once before returning to secular life, only then can they marry and have children. Oh. This monk is eating barbecue? What's going on? The monk is having barbecue? Eating grilled meat? Barbecue is the most common here. Wherever we go, it's barbecue, barbecue, barbecue. And then ice cream, coconut, and fruits like these, served cold. These mangoes, for example. Hey, what's this cold mixed dish? Olives? Lychees, lychees. Plums, plums. Plums, yes, plums. Cold mixed. Plums, right. What's this? Doy. Doy? Doy, right. It's also a wild fruit. A wild fruit. Do you want to try? No thanks, too sour for me. Too sour, huh? If you're not eating, I won't either. This is papaya, right? It's delicious. How much for one? 10 yuan. They're all 10 yuan each, yes, that's right. Oh. Let's try it. Not bad. It's good, it's good. Hey. Is it spicy? Not spicy. I feel like there's a lot of chili. A lot of chili is fragrant, not spicy. This taste is kind of weird. What's this now? What do you call this? That oil cup. It's sweet. Yunnan, as a kingdom of plants, naturally, has many strange and exotic things. But this time at the market, there won't be any particularly strange items. But for me, it's strange enough. If not for Xiaoyu taking me here, I really wouldn't know about lemongrass, and that it can be used as a spice, for grilling fish. Besides fish, you can also grill chicken, and moss can be made into snacks. I really didn't expect that. Anyway, about this taste, those who like it, really like it. Those who don't, just can't accept this flavor. Brothers and sisters in front of the screen, you can share your local weird snacks in the comments section. Let me broaden my horizons. There are so many delicacies to try. Over here, this town has so many people. Right. The market is an annual event. These peanuts look so strange; inside, they're black. Inside, they're black. Black peanuts. It's my first time seeing such peanuts. What kind of fruit is this? Wild fruit, wild fruit. This is also sour; this is also sour. Right. What fruit is this? I don't understand, I don't understand. I can't even say what this fruit is called; wild fruit. Wild fruit, yes, wild fruit. What does it taste like? Sour. Sour, right. You all like sour things here, right? How much is this? Two yuan per half kilo. Two yuan per half kilo. I was just asking, sister. Not buying, not buying. Bought too much already, not buying. Not buying, right. I feel that Yunnan's markets, are really interesting. Your markets here, I've filmed many episodes already. Here you can also win drinks. Win drinks, win ducks, win chickens, and even win red wine. Right. You can even win drones. Drones, red wine, you just hit it with a sandbag. If it falls, you win. Yunnan Shiping's coated beans, boss, how much for one portion? 10 yuan. 10 yuan for one portion? Oh my goodness, there are really so many delicious things here. It's like celebrating their New Year, this is basically New Year's, right? Yeah, it's like New Year's. It's equivalent to your Spring Festival. Ah, right. Ice cream, do you want some? No thanks. Why don't you want anything? You try it. It's on me. Let's see if you can win. If you win, it's 30 yuan for a goose. It's like, ladies can come and try. Oh, I can go in? Ladies can come and try. What about men? Men can't? Men can't? That's gender discrimination. What gender discrimination? You need to aim better. Hey, demonstrate one. You demonstrate one. It will dodge, right. Does that count? You're too clever. That doesn't count. It only counts if you grab the neck. You need a parabola. Such an internet celebrity. You recognize me, huh? Xiaobai, right? Hmm. Do you follow me? Followed, followed. Ah, thank you. Thank you, thank you. Met a fan. I'll leave it to you. You do it, you do it. All yours. Get a little closer to it. You've already tried for her. You didn't win any, I'll give you a few. Give me a few? Thank you, thank you. Can't catch any, huh. Goose, goose, goose. They keep ducking. Oh no. Spent 30 yuan for loneliness. Thank you, sir. Goodbye. Didn't catch anything, man. I think catching these is just for fun. Right. It's really too hard to actually catch them. So chatty. That's right. How much is this one? Hello? 5.8. 5.8 yuan each. 5 yuan a bunch. 5 yuan a bunch, huh? Do you want some? Take two bunches. I'll do it. It's all the same, you're treating me, right? Okay. I'll carry it. It's made with glutinous rice. Made from glutinous rice. Yes, glutinous rice flour. Is it salty or sweet? Do you want to try one? Sweet, I guess. I won't eat it. Why don't you eat? You don't eat anything. Just try it. What's that made of? Made from glutinous rice. With black sesame seeds added. Black sesame? Hmm. How do you eat this, I wonder? Oh, like this. There are beans inside too. Red beans? Or peanuts? Is it good? Hmm, it's okay. Buy, buy, buy. It tastes sweet and pleasant. This is really nice. I want to open a mystery box. You go ahead. You pick one. It's so light. You think picking a heavy one will result in just a rock inside. This should be a cup or something like that. You can shake it like this, huh? That should be fine, right? I feel like they're all the same. I feel like this one has more stuff in it. Let's see what it is. There's another teacup. Okay, put it in like this. Do you want to open another one? No need. Spent 10 yuan on this. Got tricked, guys. So many people in this town. Yes, because it's not just this town alone. People from the surrounding villages also come here. Right, right. The market is bustling with people. The locals are dressed in Dai ethnic attire. It looks elegant and beautiful. After looking for a while, I noticed that the women's clothing is mainly long skirts. The colors are primarily red, yellow, blue, and green. And there's quite a variety of styles. They look very vibrant. Having traveled to so many places, the Dai people's clothing is distinctively characteristic. It's particularly striking. It's memorable at first sight. It smells so good. Is this local sweet potato? It's from Jianshui. Jianshui sweet potatoes? How much per pound? 12 yuan. 12 yuan per pound. Yes. I'll take a pound. I really want to eat it. It smells so fragrant. This one is 15 yuan. Yes. Take the smaller one. I just want to taste it to see if it's good. If it's good, I'll buy more. I won't eat it now; it's a bit hot. It's a bit hot; I'll wait a while. It still smells really good. Smell the aroma, right. Wow. This looks pretty good. But I don't particularly feel like eating it. This really smells intoxicating. There's stinky tofu everywhere. Do you want a serving? No, no, no. It's too overpowering. Wow, there's more here. Coated tofu. Stinky tofu. Wow. It's 3D-printed, huh? Mm-hmm. Ah. 3D-printed. Do you think this is pretty? How much is one of these? 48. Do you want to get one? No need. Those who haven't tried it, come and taste. 99% have never tried it. I have. Impossible. Really! Is that an old variety or a new one? It's just something someone else grew at home that I picked and ate. That one probably wasn't grafted. The seeds are very big. This is an improved variety. It's different from what you mentioned. If it's not tasty, I won't buy it. No problem, of course. Tree grapes. Yes, these. Try another one and see how it tastes. Is there any difference? It's different. This one tastes much better. How much is it? 30 per pound. 30 per pound, right. Is that expensive? Quite expensive, I guess. I'll take half a pound. It's really tasty. It's truly very tasty. 20. Right, I'll add two more for you. It's not just grapes, is it? This. Impossible. But it really tastes like grapes. I feel like these are grapes, right? Grafted ones, right? I think they're just grapes. A new grafted variety. They're really just grapes. I'm telling you. I also think these are grapes. They taste exactly like grapes. This is also Dai ethnic clothing, right? Yeah. For men, right? Like a white shirt. Why are you hiding? What's so funny? Do you want to try that one? Such a big one. Look. It's easy, clang, hit it. Okay, try one. Give it a try. 20. Ah, 20? Right. 20. Knocking it down is fine. Knocking it down is fine. Come and try. 20 for one chance. Come on, it's up to you. You don't have to hit it, right? Come on, come on. It's just for the experience. What if I can't hit it? If you can't hit it, then you can't hit it. It's stuck at the top. It's jammed? That doesn't count. Do you want to hit again? No, no, hit again. Hit one. No more. It's even harder to hit on this side. That sheep looks really nice. Ten yuan each. Is there a catch behind it? I suddenly feel a bit nervous. 32. So embarrassing, so embarrassing, damn. The boss is already scratching his neck, damn. I'm not playing anymore, not playing. How much is that one? 30. To buy it outright is 30. I think that one is easy to hit. That one doesn't look good, right? This one, this one looks good. The one in the middle, right. Okay, okay. 40 yuan. The boss said for 30 yuan you can buy one. We've spent 40 yuan trying to win one. Ah. Death is like the wind, always by my side. Yasuo, hasagi! Do you want to go inside? You guys go ahead. I'll wait for you down here. No. Aren't people going up? Yes, they are. But I'm not sure if we're allowed to go up. Is this a temple? This place is considered a Buddhist temple. Right. Buddhist temple, Buddhist temple. Feels like we're in Thailand. Wow. This splendid and magnificent feeling is really nice. It's very photogenic inside here. Do you want to come up? I can take a photo for you. Take a photo? Yes. Can we go in? Inside here? Okay. It's for taking photos inside. But you're not wearing You're not wearing the Dai ethnic clothes. So I won't go in. Not going in. It's a bit inconvenient for me to go in. Is there a reason? You can't come in, maybe because you're on your period? Right. Right? Right. I was saying to shoot that alley here, it looks very picturesque. Bought a lot of stuff today, a fruitful haul. I'm heading back now, can't walk anymore. Going back, tired from walking. The gold chains they wear around their necks, oh my god. Is the gold they're wearing real? Yes. So wealthy. Oh my. Walked back and forth several times, bought a bunch of local snacks. This market day has shown me different places, truly, the land nurtures its people. Next, I will explore more places in Yunnan to discover more unique snacks. Of course, you can also recommend places you think have unique markets or snacks. You can leave them in the comments section. If I have the chance, I will go and experience them myself.
Channel: 小白的奇幻旅行
Views: 163,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 小白的奇幻旅行, 旅行, 自驾游, 乡村旅行, vlog, 狗狗, 中国, 旅行自媒体, 安妮波妞, 蹇小白, 云南, 赶集, 傣族, 美食, 人间烟火
Id: sRYG1NeQmwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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