Yung Joc on Tasha K Revealing Her Stepsister Trapped Him with a Baby (Part 14)

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Tasha k y claims her step sister trapped you m by having a child MH any truth I was dealing with this young lady during the time I had a situation you know I was I was kind of in that in a in a blind spot dealing with Kendra I didn't know which way we was going to go I was just kind of like I had known this woman I you know wasn't even trying to lock in or nothing on nothing that was cool I never had touched her she never said anything sexual out way to me vice versa and uh I was dealing with some things I was going through a I don't even know if I want to use the term depression because I wasn't depressed but I may have been on my way there some things I was dealing with mentally family spirit itu just all them all and um so yeah life happened uh had this child you know I had to keep it a secret because I I really didn't know if it was my child or not I just you know me and Kendra was back together I'm losing my mind I don't know what the [ __ ] to do I'm getting gray hairs I'm trying to do everything I can um and it happened so it takes two to tango so you know I don't I don't know if Tasha K wanted to just put this negative light on this young lady because she don't they don't like each other but the interesting thing is I remember when she started snooping around she was saying all these different names and making all these allegations then the night of my wedding and I already spoke to my wife well she's my wife now I spoke to Kendra I said Kendra you know I do still want to marry you and I I cannot move forward as a man um without coming clean and being forthcoming about the situation there's a child and I want to I want to let you know I want to give you the opportunity to decide if you still want to go forward because this is a very um big turning point of your life and mine as well and I I just cannot be so negligent to not give you the opportunity to decide if you want to move forward with this or not and just I already felt low about the situation cuz I am hiding a kid um I felt low about the situation because maybe I didn't you know make the best uh decision at that time in my life I'm out of a low and here I am in the church telling my wife as we're having um premarital counseling and she decided that you know we would have to work on some things and I agreed and I was up to the challenge and she was up for the challenge and we moved forward so here we are the night of our wedding right right before we say I do Tasha K this woman decides to leak this story to the shade room so by the time before we can even say I do people in the audience like oh [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] goddamn what the [ __ ] is this is this real oh know godamn hurry up and say I do so we can talk about it let's get to the reception and U so it's very interesting and that night I did speak to Tasha K I did I did I did speak to Tasha K via Instagram and I was just like man it don't make no sense how people really uh how people really just be trying to cause issues for people man and get in your business and and [ __ ] [ __ ] up whatnot and know it is what it is I don't see her name coming up but then Tasha K recently came out because she saw me on Vlad speak about her you know how that [ __ ] go people get upset oh you had nerd open your mouth about me say all these things and I did I said what I said because I didn't [ __ ] with the way Tasha K tried to handle [ __ ] I felt like that was really um it was just really lame of her but this how she get paid this her world she ain't no different than 1090 Jake she found what work for her and that's how she paying her bills right now I think when we had our conversation I think when we had our conversation uh she already knew the whole cardi B thing was looming so I think when she thought about it she said what if I'm goddamn wrong so she retracted and the [ __ ] came down that's why you didn't hear about it much all right so she recently come out doing all this boasting she said that you know this young lady is her steps sister and they used to keep her kids she ain't never have a kid she spoke about some [ __ ] about you know she had something to do with the death of her kid's father and she just spewing out all this this this this this evil [ __ ] man this toxic ass [ __ ] and she kept saying how you know they step sisters where is the story just to be real clear real quick uh glow father married Tasha K's mother but they they didn't have a relationship at this point they they weren't talking they you know she had never really even rocked out with Tasha K and so I believe what happened was Tasha K wanted to be a part of the mix like kind of like probably with a pure heart at that time like you know you my you my sister you my you know how people could be like I want to [ __ ] with you but then in the sense you like she not rocking with her own father so why she going to rock with anybody associate with him you know I go sometime like look I don't [ __ ] with him so what am I gonna [ __ ] with you for and I think that's what created that turmoil between them so I got a text message right here this is so funny February the 10th 2015 this is from Tasha k hey glow can you call me my mom is freaking out your dad is fine it's really Petty but she is my mom and I want her to stop worrying anyways I hope all is well with you and the babies so you can see that she's trying to be it's it's like a olive branch like I'm trying to extend his love to you that was February 11 no response February that was February 10th February 11 she says also I've been meaning to talk to you about this I sort of know a little bit about your history nothing bad or anything I would be honored if you were to share your story on my radio show I see how much you have worked hard to get to where you are if you're interested which I really hope that you are please consider talking with me about doing a full show here is my website for reference boom May 28 2009 that was what 15 hey glow it's your steps sister Tasha add me on so apparently they weren rocking you get what I'm saying they weren rocking they you a know you didn't know this woman for real and I can go into more of it I just choose not to um but man again [ __ ] Tasha maybe I should she gets real nasty with her she sweat she dropping all the jewels and [ __ ] when she really be with the [ __ ] anyway you could tell from these messages she don't even know the girl she don't even know her they never rocked out you know she was talking about how they was keeping her kids how this girl almost died on the table just doing a lot of this and I think what happens is um she probably see well okay the card B lawsuit wasn't that bad I was able to escape all I got to do is just not sure where I'm getting money at what they going to do cuz she want a lawsuit you know what I'm saying it's so much I can put out there about this lady I don't even give a [ __ ] about it it don't even it don't even make sense you know what I'm saying and with the lawsuit she got coming up she got two coming I don't even got to speak about it we'll be on here talking about it again so I might as well just let it Fester do what it do what it does and then when it's time to talk about it we will because I can't even get these other two messages to pull up but yeah Tasha K that's that's what it is I I honestly think that she actually had a pure heart and wanted to be you know considered family with glow and her family and I think it just didn't manifest and over the years she's just been hating on the girl all right
Channel: djvlad
Views: 102,610
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Id: QUy52yTaXPQ
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Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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