Yung Bleu Adresses Boosie Situation, Cheating Rumors, New Business and More | SWAY’S UNIVERSE

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[Applause] welcome back welcome back what do what it do the tax bracket done change the commas came up oh they know you now huh they didn't know him when we when he first came up here with drama boy for sure back in yeah let's take you Deeper Than Rap yeah let's take you deeper that was 2013 2014 yeah when you first came up here right right your people over there nodding like yeah that was one of those first breaks and then you came back into 2018 you know and um we were so impressed with what you had accomplished by then 2014 uh you was look like you was in sweatsuits and then by 2018 what kind of shirt was that you had on you remember the the gold one what you call those vers ver he had over sh happens fast sometimes this [ __ ] happens fast man and um and since then you just had one of the most celebrated careers in rap you had some good runs man Grammy nominated artist give him a big round of applause singer songwriter producer entrepreneur we watched him climb that ladder of success and what I appreciate Heather he came in 2013 2014 it's 2024 and my brother came back that's what I like too that's what I like we going to talk about this new album Jeremy give it up for the one and only young [Music] blue mood you in Andros what's your mood like man uh it it's cool man I'm I'm excited man excited about the album um excited about everything for real just to be like kind of back moving around cuz I was just you know kind of like just just building last year trying to just get my studio up and just doing a lot of like outside of Music stuff so it feel good like just be back moving around and uh you know getting back to the music you know what I'm saying when I showed you that the clip from the freestyle was from 2018 your eyes lit up you was like wow that long ago has does it feel like a blur or does it feel like you kind of remember every step every grit every grind I mean for I remember I definitely remember every grind you know what I'm saying uh that that one I knew it was older cuz my voice was just different my voice was different but I didn't't know it was that long ago though for real for real and I came like five years before that but I was like um it's just good to like still be you know just you know relevant to even come mess with y'all for that long it it do sometimes blow me to like you know be able to look back like dang I really been you know what's good about here when sway says people of family whether you had music out or not if you needed to come back here you're welcome back here what's even flyer though is that you are working and you are relevant and you are still walking in your purpose and you came back so thank you for that as well young Blue Man stud don't had a 10year career that's come on come on that's crazy got to celebrate that got to celebrate it people get 10 minutes these days word I'm saying 10 seconds you know one of my favorite things now is when I go to our artist page and I see their entire Instagram is like clean that tells me that the storm is coming yeah yeah yeah yeah and what your your most recent post the very very first one um in your caption you said fans we have a lot to discuss mhm and that you're ready to clear the air mhm can we clear the air yeah cuz I know that there's been a lot that's transpired in the last years one of the things that comes up is you going viral uhuh but via another woman uhhuh who we had never seen before yeah who wasn't your significant other yeah saying that you slid in the DM she pulled up with hella receipts with photos what's what's the truth of that cuz she said you was trying to do something yeah that wasn't n so that that was I ain't sliding her DM first but uh she I mean long story short we was talking um I was on the I was on a jet flying through uh I was flying through her City and she was like yeah I'm um she was like I'm a stylish you know what I'm saying I put stuff together and I had saw I did had saw before um on social media and stuff like that uh I had just St we was we was Landing the jet to get gas and I just was like man come come to the thing you know what I'm saying and um yeah we had flew to uh New York and that's it for real that's how that happened really yeah okay cuz according to her she was say Tracy's invested cuz This Woman's a hell of a story I don't know if it's fact I don't know if it's fiction but she had a novel for Tik Tok and she was like yo Blue's asking me to dress like a tomboy he said he want his my hair this way I'll pay for it he's like yo come to the game she no I said no I said I said um I said that uh I like how them La girls be dressing like when they had like the tennis shoes and stuff I said I like that swag to me cuz that's how she was that's how she was dressing I was like I was like that Swag like like when a girl could be cute and and wear that type of stuff you know what I'm saying and I never said uh I was never trying to man I ain't going to lie bro I ain't even on no weird stuff so like she Twisted that to made it seem like I was saying something else you know what I'm saying and like I said she just want some clout man cuz she she ain't even mentioned none of this stuff to like five months after like I'm stopping responding you know what I'm saying I ain't even on that tip no more then you want to make a Tik Tok to go vir and all that stuff like that but it's cool though man like I ain't even I talk about it I'll talk about it all I talk about it all word cleared the air yeah transparent now did that impact your relationship because that was the second headlines that started coming yeah divorce papers yeah yeah where we at with that um I man like to be honest bro like I feel like a lot of stuff just be headlines bro be headlines like my real life is really so much different from like the things people see and um headlines and stuff like that so it's like I don't know like you know now we do go through up and downs like everybody go through up and downs um yeah but at this point like I really don't know for real like I really don't know did it impact it yeah uh but it was it was stemming from like a lot of stuff it wasn't just like that like that was nothing but a I would never give her the validation to think that she you know rock rock my world or some stuff like that like stuff been happening always a build up was a build up it was a build up for marriage marriage is right do do you feel like you um did you get right married at an appropriate age uh I mean you know people say I got married too soon too young yeah u n i don't feel like that I feel like uh it's a lot of it's a lot of uh people that that do feel like that but I feel like that's what I always wanted you know what I'm saying but some of our years like you know we wasn't really together you know what I'm saying but I'm the type that I ain't really I'm always going to make it like uh like try to work it out first before before I do the wor you know what I'm saying so I don't know so yeah but you happy now you happy today I'm happy today specifically before I came here sway you could tell him I got your back before I walked up in this [ __ ] sway Tracy digging in my ass sway over here following up not not in the ass I mean excuse was not in his ass he was in his own ass this stuff is everywhere he said he was clear theend C this is we're talking to Jeremy yeah Jeremy that's facts all right cool man um let's talk about Jeremy though yeah um this project um I want you to dive into the inspiration behind this project and how does this project differ uh from the last project um matter goad go ahead goad gohe I think this project just more of like people getting to know like me besides like U it's a lot of things I talk about that's not like relationship you know what I'm saying that's not like you know what I really go through like with like everybody like family problems like all all type of stuff so it's just like a real realization of like who my real person is under the artist you know what I'm saying so I feel like I hit on a lot of topic that topics that people been wanting to uh hear from me for sure who who's Jeremy uh Jeremy is just like you know a a humble dude from Alabama who you know what I'm saying go through a lot trying to provide for so many people uh deal with depression anxiety uh you know a lot of different things like dealing with a lot of just dealing with a lot like it's it's it's not the glamour it's not the you know what I'm saying it's it's not the the side that I think people want to see is deeper you know I'm saying would it being so loud sometimes and I mean loud dealing with probably had a household yeah um having to travel to be an artist all of those things where do you go then to find your quiet space to create or just to kind of get centered a little bit um and get that Clarity that I think all artists need humans need it so where where do you go when it can get so loud sometimes uh I mean I I go into my studio you know what I'm saying I go hang out with my kids like you know my my kids a little older than I so we have like conversations like you know I be teaching my son how to play basketball like really just family time for real like when I get away from them like I delete Instagram you know what I'm saying and just get into my kids life and honestly when I delete Instagram it ca so much less scis and pressure you know what I'm saying when when I delete the app it's just like cuz it's like when you got the app yeah when you got the app open it's just like feel like you behind you missing out on stuff like and it's like you kind of into the real world so it's like I do that a lot more now you know what I'm saying so yeah yeah you need that you need it young man man I just like to see you smiling man that's all you know did a track with Nicki Minaj man got just said mm like that's nothing no no that's definitely that's definitely shout out to Nikki I mean since we saw you last everybody has been through your studio you know the big the big wigs though you know um how has that changed was that confirmation for you to to know that yo I'm that guy like I I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and I'm doing it great because Nikki wants to get on the track with me or all the different folks how how do that change your your your work at it uh it defin it definitely changed it like I um like I wanted to with my studio I wanted to HUB like to for everybody to come cuz I've been writing I've been producing I've been like doing this stuff but I used to have to like I be I I missed a lot of opportunities cuz I had to go to people like when me and Nikki did the record like I had to come to her house you know what I'm saying and stuff like that so it's like I a have my own um studio so yeah it was just me building a hub where everybody can come and just work with me and get my sound and I've been able to do that more efficiently since I built my own you know place and stuff like that I was at the house though that n Minaj house yeah she um that I don't know she still she still stay there though but um yeah no it it it was cool like it was just a we was in that oneone just talking like like normal normal people you know it was no lot of people or nothing it was just just there just chilling talking about all type of stuff like music from uh how type of stuff for real that's interesting CU you meet people and you find out that they're nothing like the headlines um as you as you made a point to mention earlier but I don't know if the audience understand or knows how different is your real life from the headlines is it like is it a total dichotomy total opposite of what they're reading it ain't the total it ain't the total opposite because like to be honest like I don't really do a lot of the crazy stuff I could like to be honest I feel like if I really wanted to I could make the headlines every day you feel me because people be waiting on like people be waiting on me to do like outlandish things I just it's just really not my personality so I I be feeling like corny if I try to do like something that ain't really me you know what I'm saying cuz people know like that my career never been based off like built off like viralist for real I always been like music so I ain't never um really felt the need to do it uh I just do my prayers I drop my music everything that kind of like then went viral for me is just to be honest was true true stuff like true stuff you know what I'm saying uh all right just because like they like finally we got some tea you know what I'm saying real [ __ ] feel like I know he was perfect you know what I'm saying type stuff so yeah it be like that did uh we had booy up here uh who's a friend and uh we know y'all history um did y'all have how where is it now did y'all ever square off you know the job ah no n like I don't you know like like man like booy he just you know he went online talking stuff about me a lot you know what I'm saying and just before he ever even had a conversation with me uh he was going on Vlad just talking about me in every interview D I hit him up you know you never giving me a response you know what I'm saying but you going on vad talking crazy you know what I'm saying so that was that and I used to always try not to speak on in other interviews you know just to try to like settle it down right yeah because I thought it was like a way we could fix it you know what I'm saying but now it's just like n like I I feel like it's it's over that eror for me over um put it behind you me I put I put it behind me and it wasn't it's nothing like you know trying to get the world to hate me make it making it feel like I'm some snake type of dude that did something behind your back man bro you just made a wrong business move bro you know what I'm saying and we know that you know that you trying to so just just imagine like just imagine this just imagine if somebody was like you had a artist or whatever right and they was with you solidly four four years help you build your brand you know what I'm saying everything ripped your brand and they was just like man I'm kind of hitting a ceiling bro like you know like let me get this so I can go to the next level I need I need such and such to go to the next level and you like no and I say why this other company fa to you know put up I come to you be like yo this other company going to put up some money you know let's work something out to where you get this and I could go move on with my career and do something else that's going to catapult my career at that moment I'm not really like steaming hot so you don't really care for real we work it out we do the deal um you know and after that I blow up now you riging on it you feel me so that's just like you got an artist that ain't really popping for real once you release him he going to get a song with Drake yeah what you going to do man I ain't know nothing about what's the only way you can beat that case man I ain't know nothing about it they forg my signature I ain't know nothing about that that's the only way you can beat that case you feel me so that's what you did like it was it was nothing like no me going to do something behind your back or nothing like that business never happened bro never happened and I still double back he said in the interview man tried to offer me $2 million mind you you never put a cent in me you know what I'm saying if somebody offer you $2 million and you owning 100% of all these Old Masters that I dropped all the mixtape stuff that I was dropping I gave that company 100% of that offered you $2 million even even though I ain't even have to M and you still want and you still mad you know what I'm saying that don't seem like you want me to be nothing you don't want me to be you want me to be hurting out here bro you know what I'm saying you want to keep building all your mansions and all your and you want everybody on your team to be messed up you feel me so I was going for that you know what I'm saying so at the end of day I got family feed just like you got family to feed I got to do what's right for my family in the long run I can't just be out here praising you just because I looked up to you and you was you know what I'm saying I just can't praise you my whole career and just say oh anything go cuz just boosted n bro at the end of the day I'm blue too I built my own name and that's how I got to go bro blessings to you and your family and I got to support mine and I did Square business all the way through never stay silent throughout man go watch all them interviews where I was accepting all them Wars what I said man shout out to bad ass shout out to boots every time like I'm always doing this you feel me what you doing you going on I'm like man boosa come to the awards with me come to this with me come with never respond never respond never respond so you know that's that yeah the business expired the business expired bro you got to move you got to move on I did fa business bro you know what I'm saying uh and that's the end of it bro yeah um I like that you said blessings to you and your family you know because that's business shouldn't end up in anything else right but business right and yeah so I resp damn all of that happened man yeah like really spoke on it though like I I really like this really my exclusive of speaking on that situation though because it's like it was always him pain The Narrative like that's just like if I'm okay if I meet you right and just say you got a business partner that you been that that's the one that signed me his brother I don't know about their relationship now but your brother signed me right this always been your go everything we ever handled TQ always handled it you know what I'm saying I'm not talking to you at the moment I'm not talking to booy at the moment but we had already discussed me leaving so if I'm negotiating my release we already you already said yeah in person when I pulled up on you on that tour bus now it's the lawyers talking the bad ass lawyer which I posted the emails of TQ the badass lawyers and them saying yeah boo agreed to this boo agreed we going back and forth to five or six months how if this your business person and this your lawyer me and you not talking how we always did business like this you know what I'm saying now all of a sudden and everything cool go back when your mind still came out he was singing on his thing so you saying you never saw who put that out so you never knew about you sank in your mind still and stuff like that you never knew that was put out on Empire come on bro you that out of touch with the business that you ain't know that that song was put out on Empire I dropped like multiple mixtapes with Empire and you just know you ain't know until I mean you ain't start tripping until you got to realize that I started making money now you want to renig on the contract you know what I'm saying you want to renig on what you agreed to what we all agreed to and say people for your name and and and and did all this I don't know what you and your brother got going but that's y'all you feel me I did Square business you feel me so it's it's really between them bro it's really between them they always had problems like you could ask anybody they always had problems they always had these type of issues you know I'm saying with not just me with everybody that they deal with you know I'm saying and I I always just look at like look at the track record bro if I would have never if if I would have never moved on from that situation where would I be yeah cuz look at everybody else over there you know what I'm saying look at everybody else over there so it's like if you say you doing Square business just make another me and that's that's all that's all I'm say about young blue man I appreciate you uh going into that cuz uh that's just been a back and forth that's been happening for quite some time and I never heard your perspective on it so uh I appreciate that man and and business deals expire business deals expire and people move on and you definitely have done that you got the new s remix Single feature little way called confirmation hitmaker made this song uh yeah another clear to air moment another clear to air moment goodness gracious anyy left y yo give me a drink man let's play the song we coming back with young blue that's Wayne on Lil Wayne on electric guitar on the end have the be the hellar it is here so hit maker collaborated with you on this music on that song right on this yeah yeah okay uh Lil Wayne is playing electri electric guitar on that song right oh shout out to OG Parker man shout out to OG Parker um shout out to OG Parker yeah what's your favorite part about the music business now man you've been through a whole lot right what's the upside um the upside man is just be able to you know see the fans the fans make it all worth it touring and actual real reaction from your music make it all worth it everything else is is is trash like everything else is trash but touching the fans and you know being able to uh see what you write in the studio from your mind transfer to energy at a concert you know what I'm saying that's just refreshing you know what I'm saying and it just make you like it it create a drive it's like a you know something that you want to keep doing you know what I'm saying just go to the studio all right come on they they love at that you know what I'm saying let me let me let me do this you know I'm see if they like this so it's all really about testing you never go into a studi just like man every song going to be a hit or everything you just kind of like testing the water you know what I'm saying like throwing it out you never know what's going to go these days you know what I'm saying with such an abundance of Music out there uh so yeah you just got to keep the more uh swings you know what I'm saying the more chances you get you know what I'm saying so I definitely that's my definitely my goal this year is to swing more you know what I'm saying I feel like I make good music is just be too spaced out you know what I'm saying giv like these days of like how you everybody like fighting for you know you got to fight for yeah you know what I'm saying because it's it's not even a choice it's just fighting for like you know the fans cuz like it's somebody new come every couple months you know what I'm saying so it's like yeah you you don't want to put out so much music but it's like if you don't it's like you ain't in a competition you ain't you ain't in the race right now miss yeah you miss you missing the race so it's like you got to these days you just got to accept some going to be hit some going to be misses you just got to keep getting on the board you can't get too caught up and thinking like Dy man it's you know um but I know me I I make good music so like I don't really be too pressured I know like when I drop it's going my fans gonna mess with it if they don't mess with it how I want them to mess with it I see what they didn't like and I tweak that in the next project I love it young blue man this guy could have his own plat well actually you do have your own platform um moon boy University yeah what's the status with that uh it's built it's a uh it's a it's a full-blown like Resort style recording studio that I book out for like artists and labels and um stuff like that I record my album there um yeah it's been open for like a month it's been doing uh hella good congratulations style yeah it's like I built it I kind of like went to all the studios in America and basically just took everything that I liked it from those Studios with a little extra and added it to one studio um cuz they got like two basketball courts got like two pools got like a villa on the other side like my old my first property uh first property I bought I turned that into like a dormatory uh for like that people can stay in and stuff like that so you can add that on to your reservation and then the rest of it like a studio indoor pool basketball gym gy um and stuff like that so it's like a whole Resort yeah Spa Studio can I live there can I can I live there yeah no you actually can no I want to live there I want to move in what you talking I going to say can we come down there and do our show broadcast our show from there man I'm telling y'all like and you could you could bring a lot of artists bring Charisma man n for real real wait so this is in Alabama where is this no it's in Georgia it's like outside Atlanta in gville okay yeah yeah yeah let's do it that's what's up de serious definitely come like we build a podcast spaces on the on the on the on the bottom floor of the Villa uh we got um I got spaces I got a lot of spaces for y'all like to set up in we could like definitely do anything we could cook in a everything we got we have shifts we you can add on Shi to we got everything like we didn't have all this [ __ ] 10 years ago that's all you thinking about that's all I'm thinking about to join his Squad are you kidding me that's a smart investment what other what other um that you can share business Investments you made that done well for you um I feel like this this was like the biggest uh investment that I ever made cuz I I tried a restaurant I had a restaurant before for uh kind of Co kind of shut that down and then it wasn't a lot of profit in there like I was making money but it was just so much overhead a lot of work she like because we have these conversations a lot about restaurants n restaurants is definitely like you have to be you probably make your money from the bar or something like that if if you make some from the and people be swiping bro like real talk you can't make no money cuz it's so easy to steal it's that's the exact same Stu she why did it take him to come tell you I've been telling him this for 13 years yo I had family that I hired I didn't had all type of people work at not saying that they was the one I'm just saying like they hire their friends and stuff like that get in once they know the system especially they know like man blue coming in there getting some food walking out like he ain't really like I was on my stuff but like I'm not able to be there 24 like and they still taking money get that money in your hand you know what I'm saying then you learn how to finesse the system you know with the studio it's like you can't that's the system like you book The Studio or you book it on the website you know what I'm saying or you calling in and I can see everybody who com to the studio restaurant it's to lot of free drinks lot of free chicken I make like $10,000 a day but still was seeing no private yep oh damn now that hurt me you was there yeah I can I would tell sway that because as a I'm a certified mixologist I've worked in bars for a long time and uh the the bar the restaurant is paying maybe 11 bucks 13 bucks for a bottle of vodka you supposed to make $400 off that $111 bottle but if the bartender is bringing all their friends in and everybody drinking drinking it's it's the money's at the bar the money's at the bar not in chicken yeah chicken ain't going to get you nothing nothing watch the bartenders I think I like to actually when I was just making like uh just base a base amount like when I wasn't losing no money I was straight cuz I was just like I man I got a restur in my home toown you know what I'm saying it's good I ain't really I'm I did to make profit but when I stopped making profit I wasn't tripping as long as I wasn't losing you feel me when I start losing and then when that Co hit it was old it was over you know what I'm saying it was old I ain't even come back after the co so I was just like I'm going shut it down but it was a nice little Vibe though we was building I just was making a lot of money but wasn't seeing a lot of money cuz I was paying like you make $99,000 $6,000 going to food oh my God you know I'm saying payroll every two weeks you know what I'm saying food loss um man find a liquor all the you got to pay the people to come clean the bathroom do the uh so many people that you Contracting POS system Wi-Fi inspection it's oh my gosh you'll end up if you did make a private be $500 you know I'm used to making fast money so I'm like man y'all look y'all look in pain talking about this [ __ ] two of y'all man y'all need to hug my gosh man hey but nonetheless man that yeah you you have a great business mind and that's one of the things I think we've learning throughout our conversations throughout the years the way you've conducted your business uh the way you bet on yourself um and it's paying off man congratulations CU people don't make 10 years in the game we're celebrating your 10 year anniversary probably more but we known him for 10 all right bless bless you young soon I came on the scene I was here my my first so y'all correct yeah man I was following you on Instagram stalking you for sure that's my like we've been Bor so long yeah man that's why he tried to come live with you my when I first came New York man I thought it was just so man cold I had on a long trench coat I had on like three jackets with uh witht turtleneck all the way up here was hot as hell in man I was so hot man I was like cuz I had never been to New York so I was like you know all the stories you hear about New York you know what I'm saying I'm like man it's going to be cold it going to be so cold up here and I was just dressing I had on he had on a long open he had on steam room clothes sweating down man Hey listen the new album is called Jeremy it's out Friday on all new singles confir congratulations young Blue Man congratulations you're blessed brother and and stay on that right side of positivity man it'll pay off okay anything you want to say in closing uh yeah man just go get the album I appreciate all my fans I appreciate y'all uh you know it's some if I could some go-to songs from the album I feel like people are really connect to um I know be okay with me and John Legend is definitely like looking for hearing that a crazy song U it's a lot like I just listen to the album from beginning to end I'm telling the story and you'll learn a lot about me you know what I'm saying as a fan and a supporter for sure young blue man get that man a round of applause blue vandros
Views: 58,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheating Scandal, Grammy Nominee, Industry Challenges, Young Blue Story, Music Creation Process, Celebrity Drama, Music Production, Talent Development, Music Career, Business Lessons, Studio Recording, Jeremy Album, New Music Release, Rap Industry, Celeb Interviews, Restaurant Failures, Celebrity Scandals, Music Industry Trends, Exclusive Interview, Record Studio Tour, Drake Collaboration, Music Success Secrets
Id: C4n5ov_kz0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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