Yuja Wang Facial Expressions

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[Music] yuja's fans may appreciate her flair for fashion and her endearing charm but the new york elite concert goer is more difficult to impress helping her bridge this gap is her teacher gary grafman whose apartment provides usual with the perfect location for some supervised stretching of her fingers i love gary he's so so real i can tell when people are just basically kissing my ass or they are people who are honest he's 85 and tone down a little bit but i can still see the very demanding streak in him sometimes you know i play one round i was like i think you should go practice and gary is so nice all the time when he says that you just feel like oh man i'm bad i need six hours today [Music] you're scary when i have my lessons left to say for help probably not for until now i have some pictures when she was a student graffin recognized yuja's ability immediately but it was her individuality that sold him on her potential even more than her impressive technique [Music] the best teacher for me which i was really lucky to have gary is not the one that tells you exactly what to do because that's just too easy and i can do it of course but what gary did was he was pointing at where i should go part of gary's guidance included an introduction to yuja's manager earl blackburn who has the important task of marketing her as the new face of classical music to audiences and music critics who in some cases are taking their old school sensibilities to an extreme a number of years ago yuja wore a dress that she enjoys wearing rather short dress to the hollywood bowl and the review said that if this young lady had worn a dress shorter we would have had to rate this concert r it was a silly review and user's response was the right response which is why does anyone care about what i'm wearing don't they care about my music because that's what i care about i really don't give a about what other people think of course we need other people's uh enlightenment or inspiration and but in the end it's really my decision and i'm the boss yuja first played carnegie two years ago riding a surge of interest partly due to her dynamic combination of youth speed and flawless technique now age 26 some believe her personal style breaks the mold of what a classical musician should be [Music] using knows that the stakes of this recital are particularly high the carnegie hall concert goer pays top dollar and has lofty and very specific expectations of both music and performer a sold out show is the only way to ensure that her modern sensibilities are not putting off the old-school new york [Applause] crowd [Music] i don't think i ever grow up i'm still you know being all like silly and childish fresh from the classical music conservatory many child prodigies achieve virtuoso status at the expense of personality not so with yuzhawang [Music] today she's playing at carnegie hall her performance includes several of chopin's most technically challenging compositions with the program set yuzia and her manager earl blackburn contend to the other crucial part of her stagecraft so what's the plan what can i wear this you can wear whatever you want really um so while my plan is tonight probably i have the red yeah it's always my suitcase right now yeah okay well the shoes is this and the orange i can't wear because i've been wearing the orange and the black leather in carnegie already so there's the white one which i mean i got to tell you my opinion the i think the white one looks gorgeous on you i mean absolutely the red looks terrific oh i'll be turned red and white what do you choose are you gonna switch it at intermission yeah but i have this this black baby already ah right right right yeah fantastic that's a great dress yeah it's look it's like how i talk about it it's like all about relationships so so there's like a little hole here and then there's a little hole here so it's very asymmetrical but symmetrical at the same time um and of course i can shock people and wear my burqa yes she likes certain fashions she likes wearing heels she likes being a healthy vibrant 26 year old young lady but she doesn't design that to provoke a response out there this is simply what she's comfortable wearing and simply what she's comfortable appearing as i think this white will look fantastic on stage i think you look great in it the black is great why don't you do white and black or black and white i have a feeling red red and black just the message is better it's more dangerous why does two versions are funny i think all right [Laughter] [Music] oh there's a cab i think hi thank you confident in her wardrobe choices yuja can now make her way to the venue for her the cab ride is a ritual a place to settle the nerves and reflect upon the evening's work ahead new york new york new york yeah new york is so glorious and carnegie hall gosh but today is going to be the third time i'm doing my recital there i don't have enough new dresses to cover this one it's always the highlight of course to play my hometown where i live and and i like the audience i like the hall it's not very it's not the most relaxing hall but it's good actually i'm making myself nervous now it's something i love to do playing concerts but it's also such genius music and i'm the one who actually have to be in full energy delivering it in a concert i kind of think about what samsung francoise said think of it as either the first concert or the last concert there's no other way and it's kind of true when you think that way it's like this is the only chance with 120 counselors a year you think this is the only chance i can communicate such a beauty with audience then you play it differently with only hours remaining until her one night only solo recital usual must ignore the speculation of whether the hall will sell out and instead focus on her craft oh here you got a photo of me can you see me on there right here look right there where i'm like have a good day oh it's raining ah especially in a recital like the carnegie hall recital you feel helplessly alone on stage no matter how many people you're playing in one room or in a big hall like carnegie it's the same within minutes of arriving eugene makes her way to the stage for a short warm-up before the doors open warmed up and in tune yuja heads to her dressing room to relax is there anything you need that you don't have um uh yeah my fingers oh you got your fingers baby as audience members begin to arrive in the main floor it seems a hometown sellout was never really in doubt the hall seats just shy of 3 000 of some of the world's most savvy classical music aficionados expectations are high [Music] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] when i feel good i know it's a good concert like i can tell what i mean by feel good it's like i feel like i'm creating right on the spot and discovering new things on the spot and being inspired and this is all working you know [Music] [Music] so [Music] so yuge's recital represents a coming together of a music steeped in tradition with an artist whose talent and modern flair has re-written the rules of engagement [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Moxigeren50 Gabe
Views: 227,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yuja Wang, LAng Lang, Tocata
Id: VJZXomqDiwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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