Yugyeom and BamBam being best friends
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Channel: IGot7 Inspirits
Views: 481,844
Rating: 4.9861898 out of 5
Keywords: yugbam, got7, yugyeom, bambam, kpop, real got7, yugyeom bambam, yugyeom and bambam, kpop friendship, got7 bambam, got7 yugyeom, yugbam friendship, got7 jb, got7 mark, mark tuan, got7 jackson, jackson wang, got7 youngjae, got7 jinyoung, yugyeom being yugyeom, yugbam being yugbam, bambam being bambam, yugbam funny, yugbam cute, yugbam weird
Id: ZHrKau0xZPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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The main reason they don't work out is ESTPs being dickheads to us
This is hilarious to me. I'm an INFP and my best friend is an ESTP. We have (almost) never fought, we get along incredibly well, and our synergy is shocking. You wouldn't expect it, but in practice it's not as far fetched as you'd expect. INFPs, despite being flaky and all over the place, are very grounded individuals. People underestimate Fi Si and sometimes Fi Te. ESTPs that I know enjoy that chill, unbothered mannerism. They dont spend their time thinking over more serious subjects/emotions unlike the INFP, and they definitely don't take many things to heart, but they have an incredible ability to get your head out of the clouds and have fun. INFPs are naturally exploratory/adventurous people, sometimes we need a catalyst for that need to explore, and ESTPs are perfect for that. Now I will say that sometimes ESTPs can come off as fake, or inauthentic, which for me is my biggest pet peeve about them, but I've known my ESTP friend for a VERY long time now (I'm a senior now and we met in the fifth grade) and there have been a few moments where they truly open up and reveal what's swimming under that vast ocean of popularity, charm, and intense rationality; it's nothing short of incredible. Then again, INFPs tend to enjoy relationships with deep connections, and in those few moments where they were totally transparent, I realized how much I appreciated my ESTP friend.