Yuan Bo & THE DREADED ZHANGU WAR DRUM! Cathay vs Ogre Kingdoms - Total War Warhammer 3

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ladies and gentlemen I hope you're all doing well and welcome to the showdown between Grand Cafe and the ogre kingdoms it's gonna be myself with the on Beau facing off against Professor pohn who's going to be coming in with these sweaty ogres the slaughtermaster and they recently changed trappers who have been nerfed in this patch they've gotten a 50 gold cost increase and lost their bonus for his infantry which I think is an excellent change and certainly a step in the right direction but we're here to talk about Grand Cafe and some of their new goodies so this is the zhangu war drum and this thing is uh pretty interesting it does give Harmony so both Harmony so if you have archers it'll give them Harmony if you have melee units it's going to give them Harmony as well so if you want to go with like a cafe melee build and not bringing the archers let's say you're playing a faction you're a little bit worried about facing a lot of dive a lot of flying pieces harpies warhounds and you're having trouble protecting your back line well you can go with the melee Cafe build bring the war drum and it's going to be giving either the Yang Harmony or the Yen Harmony which is a really really cool combo I think this is going to be uh pretty interesting I don't I know in Land Battle it'll be very good because Cathay can kind of have these boxes and really benefit from it in zombies think it'll be good for fighting on points for sure so yeah it's a neat trick it also has a leadership of and two different modes you can choose from so it has disdain of the Dragon Emperor which gives ITP to nearby units and melee attack for like really buffing up a blob fight and it also has the Bastion of the great cities which gives 24 armor to nearby units so in this case we're going to be switching between the two depending on what we're dealing with and honestly against ogres both of them will be good especially the armor one considering ogre Bulls don't have a ton of AP now you on both the J Dragon this guy is for sure my favorite Lord and Cafe now he has an execution ability which is very strong it doesn't necessarily Auto kill your target but it does a massive amount of damage so it has 366 to 732 damage uh per second for two seconds so it can add up to doing a whole bunch of damage and basically just finishing off targets but even if he doesn't finish the target it'll lead them to Route it'll lead them to crumbling disintegrating if they're demons and it's really nice I can't tell you how many games I've lost but things just getting away from me at low health and man this guy gets the job done so he has some mixed lore magic I have Jade Shield who support my units and then all also the net of Emma talk to let me execute my targets and catch them on top of that he's got a couple other abilities he's got armor of the dragon's gaze this gives himself Ward save and nearby units uh ITP and Leadership so yeah very very strong kind of synergy with that uh ground style of play here and he's an armor-piercing anti-infantry duelist himself now the other forbidden Tech here is going to be Sky Lantern so sky lanterns on this map are pretty sweet because you can float them up on top of this pillar here that doesn't mean ogres can't use lead belchers but it really sends a message and establishes dominance on the battlefield and you know I usually find that sky lanterns and really grindy games can get their value back and do well for you so see how it goes Celestial Dragon guard gonna be jumping on this other point Professor pohne going to be coming in with a very strong build over Bulls backed up by nobler Trappers and a basic knoblar Slaughter Master of the great Ma other side more knoblars no surprises there and there will be some light belchers and the powder guts are a nice inclusion from pone as well these guys have really good armor piercing attacks and can put some hurt up on my lanterns I can snipe you know big targets just shoot my infantry dragons whatever powder a great unit for sure so first call-in for the professor is going to be the lead Belcher so lead Belcher is of course an ice answer against a lot of my elite units if they can get in range but we do call in a cannon of Our Own so Cathay great can and certainly pack a punch looking to shoot down the ogre bulls and some of the iron guts which we did hit now yuanbo is going to be getting into combat looking pretty cool he's got some sweet attack animations and you can see he gets in there just a little bit of a jade surfboard and goes after the knobbler Trappers which you'll notice are missing their bonus first infantry so certainly a very good reversion so Celestial Dragon guard are bracing the drums of the war are being sounded in Grand cafes the Cannons tear into the ogre Bulls now you might be wondering to yourself where are the crow men Crow men are basically they're kind of like a mixture of harpies and Furies uh and I find them to be very good Sebastian The Great Gate is down and you can see these guys are now up to almost 120 armor which is pretty rad so the wardrum could be keeping the boys nice and tanky as our lanterns look at the Forbidden Lantern Tech sitting up here dropping some serious Thunder and of course we're going to be using every new unit this is one of the new ones it's the jet line and what's cool about him is he has a bound missile mirror ability so you can just cast out on a nearby lead Belcher a nearby powder gut whatever any of those type of units and honestly it's a pretty good little armor-piercing fighter I do wish they cause Terror but I don't know if maybe it was too much but um they do cost 1100 1200 something like that so I could see them justifying Terrors and students were being still so Canon shot's going down trying to shoot at those lead vouchers but hone is a cunning Foe and he takes a nice angle behind the trees so my cannons aren't able to reach the lead vultures and the fighting does rage on here's the war drums the zhangu war drums keep the boys motivated to fight and the Celestial Dragon guard are so far doing pretty well against the overable models over here we do see the Celestial Dragon guard fighting with Ron Beau who's gonna be going into Dragon form right now so it's time it's Gotham's Reckoning uh he's gonna be switching into Dragon form very soon if I'm not mistaken because if memory serves we're gonna be hunting down that Slaughter master and trying to get that sweet execute for you guys it's up in the sky sky lantern just sitting and shooting very tough for the ogres to kind of take those bad boys down the Wardrobe really buffing at my Troopers and the Jet line providing a little bit of punch to help get through these units and Cathay did kind of black that stopping power before but the crow man give you a lot of agency on the battlefield not necessarily aggressive capture weight but they uh they can definitely push and having the jet lines I I don't know how they're gonna be like at a Super Hyper competitive level but uh something certainly to keep an eye on uh you know Cathay when I first looked at the DLC I was kind of like not as excited as the other factions but the more I've been playing him I'm like okay these Crow men and these other tools are really nice like the Onyx chroman they tear apart Furies like absolute karate shot Furies um they can deal with warhounds they can deal with screamers of zinc they really are good at Defending Your backfield and or diving things like lead vultures which Grand Cafe normally would have to use Cavalry for now you can just fly right over it's a huge boon yonbo going for the kill hunting down the slaughter Master but the slaughter Master is slippery and able to get away you're in the trees you can see the powder guts are causing some Havoc shoe to get you on both so check this out we get the jet lion and I believe we cast the spell shield here in a second or the spell reflect or a missile effects yeah you can uh help our boy out or it's gonna be coming at some point during the game don't you worry and here are the Onyx Chrome Endive in so they have good sets 35 32 45 weapons rank 60 models they can definitely tear apart light armor pretty heavily so they get in there and they just rip apart these live belchers and they've been one of the big MVPs on a lot of my games obviously they're going to lose this fight now they're getting ambushed by a pretty strong unit in the saber test packs but they'll do some damage on the way out and hopefully uh you know do themselves proud so Jetline here getting the disdain of the Dragon Emperor giving a little bit of punch to my front line so suddenly Celestial Dragon guard rocking almost 50 melee attack and also buffing up the jet lion as yonbo comes back to the battlefield the forces of grand Cathay do take control over objective number one granted ogres who have quite a bit of healing so you have to respect that as the slaughter master has been dropping heels on this side you can see I am being pressed on this objective now normally you know I'd have to use some maybe Cowboy to come in but you can also use these and look at that oh the bombardment from the empress's crow man so cool so they dropped the hand grenades of nangao they blast the knoblar Trappers and then they give a little bit of back pressure here to the knoblars freeing up that objective and uh that's they're fast they have a lot of speed if I'm not mistaken on a speed so falling back to the objective the jet line moving back here yon Beau coming as well and ogres are very very good at getting objectives back so he certainly can't take my foot off the pedal as the Cannons continue to tee off until the iron guts back here so I'll steal Dragon guard fighting slightly overextended but the novel are trackers without their bonus for infantry are certainly far less devastating it's it's it feels a lot nicer to play against them and check that out these are the crow man I was talking about earlier these bad boys fought very well we even moved the dreaded Sky Lantern over to try and give them some Harmony I'm fighting here in the fourth quarter of their lives and they actually fend off those saber tests and are holding those knoblers in place which is very very impressive so looking at the jet line the disdain putting his stats up I believe he does have some sort of a ability as well I'm still learning all this stuff off the top of my head but yeah he does low add miscast chance and lowers physical resistive a Target so not useless for sure if he's attacking like a character let's say like a cougarth or a Festus or something a little bit of miscast chance certainly isn't bad it's free damage so Sky Striders are summoned in and they immediately are targeted by the dread cannons over here we get the crow man hanging on to the objective so the empress is croman and some Spears as well as Jade Lancers coming up so this is going to be a nice combo because if the ogre bowls come in these guys can recharge them and if they're not iron guts not heavily armored the 44 melee attack and 45 weapons strength is gonna be able to rip them to shreds the skystrider is going to be getting a big heel here but having to move into the fire and brimstone of cathay's grand canons Jetline and yanbo could take a little bit of a pounding here might need to go Dragon form but we do drop a net of amitok so great utility having Nets on Cafe is very very good um they're a gunline faction or have access to really powerful gunline units whether that be crane Gunners cannons whatever right so being able to net those down is a huge boom foreign I'm moving the Celestial Dragon guard Yambo gonna be falling back with his pet jet line looking extra cool there and here on the side you can see the crow men going to be ambushing these ogre bulls that are moving in to go after the objective these are no mercrom and these are the empress's uh Champions here as they tear apart those Bulls in tandem with the Jade Lancers certainly looking like the ogres you're not going to be able to get that objective back and here now we're going to be going in for the kill so the dragons Fang is a pretty sweet ability uh it gives him a ton of weapons right if you actually pop that in Dragon form his weapon strength goes up over a thousand it is nuts but keeping him in in human form isn't bad either because it makes him a very hard target and here he's just bullying this Slaughter master I mean that guy is getting pounded skystriders on their way in as far as my reinforcements go we're good to be calling in Jade lanterns not Jade Lancers Jade lancers and now the lanterns have moved over and are putting some okay armor-piercing DPS into whatever they can hit skystriders really anchoring this down powder guts also getting into combat they did use all their ammunition having it done a decent amount of value here at 1700 shooting by Jade Lancers but now they move in with their melee prowess and to start to get some work done the jet lion uh hopefully we'll be able to take down the slaughter master and ladies and gentlemen fasten your seatbelts uh that execute is going to be coming soon we do net this bad boy down and when you get into execute range with yonbo an icon will appear above their head so check it out it's going down right now so he's gonna get it the emperor's execution are going to be dropping it and boom he's gone so it creates like a jade vort like a jade kind of explosion around him and basically takes that bad boy down so Jade Lancer is moving up here the powder gut's going to be bullied back most likely by the extremely durable leadership here of the Celestial Dragon guard and my opponent is gonna tap out GG well played I think that game was a really fun Showcase of the different units uh the war drums you know giving a little bit of a Harmony buff so you don't need any range units of good Harmony if you bring the war jumps and they also give an armor buff and still have a little bit of melee prowl so that was really cool buffing up the dragon guard on top of his capabilities the execution ability his melee presence uh dragon form a little bit because you can net something then turn it into a dragon and attack but unfortunately you can't cast the Nets in Dragon form that'd be really good the lanterns I actually liked I think they were just kind of a little poking presence I added up over the course of a long game and the crowman I think are of all the pieces um yanbo is very good I think he's going to be extremely common like John Beau gottrek and Felix is a nasty triple combo of Heroes but the crowmen are extremely solid uh they it's weird like they look super underwhelming or just like ah our Harpy type units Really Gonna help Grand Cafe but like in the matchups I've been playing here in the Early Access man they they have been helping me so much um and not just for aggression either like Defending Your backfield if somebody comes in with like flying pressure that your Cavalry can't intercept you get yonbo you net those bad boys down you send the crowman after them then you use Jade shield on them and they'll out trade like anything up in the sky like fell bats uh harpies Furies whatever they take all of them down which is really really good the jet lions and and the Jade lines I don't really know how I feel about them yet I don't think like the ogres is the best matchup for them I just kind of threw it in here because I wanted to show you guys but um even still it's a cool unit um yeah more testing to be required I haven't really drawn any conclusions about that so Gigi well played for the ogre roster 1900 on the Bad Boys the guns there and uh yeah these uh these guys certainly got shut down those Sky Striders got pounded by the firepowered all the halberds all right guys take care of yourselves we'll be back with more sweaty action soon and that is it for tonight take care foreign
Channel: Turin
Views: 37,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oH44TZ4Ofh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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