Yu-Gi-Oh! - Egyptian God Archetype

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the egyptian gods series are a set of cards focused around three of the most powerful duel monsters ever created in the yu-gi-oh anime and manga obelisk the tormentor slifer the sky dragon and the winged dragon of ra in the anime series these cars were actually so powerful that anybody who had anything to do with the creation of them actually died a most painful death the only exception to this was maximilian pegasus who decided to create them all by himself using his millennium eyes powers to protect him however after the cards were made pegasus still feared their devastating power and so decided not to release them to the mass public instead he sealed them away hoping they would never be discovered of course though if we flip it into the real world we did not heed pegasus warning as there are thousands of egyptian god cards everywhere even fake ones i actually have three fake ones myself oh my god what have we done did we not see what happened to odion when he used a fake god card the man got struck by lightning what have we done anyway interestingly the egyptian gods came out in two different ways the first was their illegal novelty forms resembling their anime equivalents these cards couldn't be used for tournament duels but you could play them against your friends and give them the broken anime abilities from the show which were always a little bit vague so you'd always get a couple arguments when you played against your friends but still pretty fun the second wave was their official legal prince giving them balanced real world effects however while the new obelisk and sly fair got to take their effects from some of the yu-gi-oh video games released at the time and thus had their effects remain almost identical to the anime the wing dragon of ra unfortunately took a massive nerf to all of its abilities since now it can't be special summoned it doesn't gain attack equal to the combined attack of all the monsters used for its tribute and its ability to dump all your life points into the monster's attack got reduced to all of your life points but one two everything but a hundred doesn't seem like a massive difference but the yu-gi-oh card game one extra attack points can still get over a monster so it's a shame and unfortunately again all three of the egyptian gods lost their immunity ability that they had from the anime which in my eyes meant that they could no longer be seen in good right as unstoppable gods that you would honestly fear if they ever hit the field instead they just became regular strong-ish monsters anyway how about we take a look at each one of the god cards as well as their support cards starting with obelisk the tormentor known in the japanese as giant god soldier of obelisk first wielded by seto kaiba in the series obelisk's illegal card text reads the descent of this mighty creature shall be heralded by burning winds and twisted land and with the coming of this horror those who draw breath shall know the true meaning of eternal slumber god that's awesome his legal versions affect reeds requires free tributes to normal summon cannot be normal set this card's normal summon cannot be negated when normal summoned cards and effects cannot be activated can it be targeted by spells traps or card effects once per turn during the end phase if this card was special summoned send it to the graveyard you contribute to monsters destroy all monsters your opponent controls this card cannot declare an attack the turn this effect is activated so how about we start with this monster's name obelisk is the only one of the three egyptian gods not to actually be named after an actual egyptian god instead his name is derived from the word obelisk which is a giant stone pillar that rises to the sky the pyramid-like shape at its peak obelisks were a prominent part of egyptian culture though as they were used as a form of religious monuments depicting a ray of sunlight piercing the clouds and then hitting the very earth they were usually placed in pairs at the entrances of ancient egyptian temples in the yugioh gx series seto kaiba created a dueling school called dual academy as part of the school there are three dorms that elicit the members skill level in dueling and as such it also determines how good their living conditions are these dorms are slifer red raw yellow and obelisk blue as seto kyber was the wielder of obelisk the tormentor you can imagine which dorm he made the best on the card artwork for the illegal obliged the tormentor is from yugioh duelistual 89 the god of the obelisk where kyber is standing with its materialized form obelisk also has an alternate artwork which was derived from how it looked in the dawn of the dual arc of the manga it took the same form as well in the yu-gi-oh r manga specifically when yugi would use divine evolution to upgrade obelisk unsurprisingly as well this card has inspired two counterparts a wicked god counterpart called the wicked dread route and a sacred beast counterpart called raviel lord of phantasms out of all the egyptian gods oblique is the only one to have base attack and defense points written on its card as well is the only one of the egyptian gods that does not take influence from a dragon in terms of appearance as well as the only one to not be summoned in the yu-gi-oh gx anime finally obelisk's attack name in the anime is called god hand crusher in the japanese which was then watered down to fist of fate in the english and then watered down again with fist of fury his effect to increase his own attack to infinite and basically make him go super saiyan was called soul energy max who is powered up attack being called god hand impact oh and it's pretty worth mentioning as well the only one of the three gods that got a summoning champ that had to be recited before its summon was the wing dragon of ra this is because it's a higher class and it needed like an extra level of security to make sure nobody used ra to you know destroy stuff or whatever obviously didn't get one however he did get one in the dawn of the duel arc of the series and it went a little bit like this legendary gods of egypt please hear my call in the name of every pharaoh that came before i now beseech thee awaken mighty obelisk and rid the sacred palace of this darkness i summon obelisk the tormentor slifer the sky dragon or in the japanese sky dragon of osiris first wielded by strings in the series and then taken by yugimoto slifer's illegal card text reads the heavens twist and thunder roars signaling the coming of this ancient creature and the dawn of true power his legal cards affect reeds requires three tributes to normal summon cannot be normal set this card's normal summon cannot be negated when normal summoned cards and effects cannot be activated once per turn during the end phase if this car was special summoned send it to the graveyard gains 1 000 attack and defense for each card in your hand if a monster is normal or special summoned to your opponents field in attack position that monster loses 2 000 attack then if its attack has been reduced to zero as a result destroy it this card's english name is a funny old thing a man by the name of sam murakami who was the one in charge of the localization of the yu-gi-oh cards at the time at four kids decided to not name this card after its original japanese name of osiris but to instead name it after a fellow four kids employees last name that man's name was roger slifer and because of yu-gi-oh his name shall now live on forever in the form of a children's trading card game and if you're a fan of yugioh the bridge series that is why slyther gets the nickname slifer the executive producer because it's named after one of the staff members at four kids i summoned schleifer the executive producer anyway his japanese name of skydragon of osiris is derived from the egyptian deity of the same name known as osiris he was the god of life and death and as such he served as the god of the afterlife weirdly enough slifer actually takes very little influence from his egyptian god counterpart as osiris was typically depicted as a man with green skin slifer has red one association you can make between the two is the fact that some people call osiris the king of the living so the fact that slife the sky dragon is able to weaken monsters some into the field and to reduce them down to zero attack and destroy them as if sending them to like the afterlife or something i guess you could make a comparison with them too just like obelisk this card too is associated with a dorm at dual academy in the yugioh gx series slifer's dorm is slifer red and unironically since kaiba created the school and yugi was the one who wielded slifer he made it the lowest ranking with the least luxuries in the school which is kind of ironic because all of this is based on the battle city arc of the series where the egyptian gods were mainly used and if you look at it like that it was in fact yuki who came first in that tournament marek ishtar that came second and setokaiba that came third however kaiba has placed the order in the opposite way with obelisk coming first ra coming second and then slifer coming third so yeah i thought it's quite funny now slifer's illegal artwork is taken from yu-gi-oh duelist all 113. summon the nightmare from when this card was summoned while its latest second alternate artwork is taken directly from the darksider dimensions movie schleifer also inspired two counterparts one being the wiki guard counterpart called the wicked eraser and the other is a sacred beast counterpart called uriah lord of searing flames in fact speaking of inspirations very famously slifer and yugi made a cameo appearance in a manga called bobabo bo bo bobo in that he emerged out of boba beau's afro during chapter 104. sadly for the anime adaptation for this chapter this bit was actually chained since toei who produced the tv version of boba beau no longer had the rights to yu-gi-oh anymore so ah it's a bit of a shame still cool though finally when slifer attacks his attack is called thunder force while its effect that launches a weakening blast from its second mouth is given the name summon lightning impact in the japanese and lightning blast in the english dub the winged dragon of ra known of the japanese as winged divine dragon of ra wielded by marik ishtar in the series ra's illegal text reads spirits sing of a powerful creature that rules over all that is mystic his legal card effect reads cannot be special summoned requires three tributes to normal summon cannot be normal set this card's normal summon cannot be negated when normal summoned other cards and effects cannot be activated when this card is normal summoned you can pay life points so you only have 100 left this card gains attack and defense equal to the amount of life points paid you can pay 1 000 life points then target one monster on the field destroy that target the winged dragon of ra directly takes his name from the ancient egyptian god of the sun ra ra was believed to be the sun deity whose eye is in fact the very sun in our sky meaning ra would grant his light and warmth and all those that worshiped him in stories of ra in a human form he is always depicted with golden skin and blue hair knowing all this it is all reflected with the winging dragon of brah's design as in the anime before ra could be summoned he starts out in his sphere mode which is very reminiscent of the sun itself as well ra has a golden colour scheme with a blue gem on its forehead much like ra's human form golden skin blue hair and we've said it for the other two we might as well say it for this one as well in the dual academy in the yu-gi-oh gx series there is a dorm dedicated to the wing drone of ra it is the middle dorm and that is raw yellow and they get the uh they're alright dormitories ironically marek ishtar once said in the yu-gi-oh manga that the wing dragon of ra was in fact the most powerful of all the gods in fact so much more so that it would be considered in another class entirely this is even shown in the manga and the anime because it has an extra layer of protection having you have to recite its summoning chant in order to get this monster to even be summoned now i find this ironic as this may be true in the anime and in the manga however in the real world ra on its own could be considered the weakest out of the free due to its heavy nerfing however though to circumvent ra's real world weaknesses it does have some alternate forms that make it pretty strong its first is the wing dragon of wrath sphere mode whose effect is it cannot be special summoned requires three tributes from either side of the field to normal summon to that side of the field it cannot be normal set then shift control of this card's owner during the end phase of the next turn cannot attack your opponent cannot target this card four attacks or by card fx you contribute this card special summon one the wing dragon of ra from your hand or deck ignoring its summoning conditions and if you do its attack and defense become 4 000. now this effect is a reference between the duel between marek and my valentine where mai was able to steal and summon ra to her side of the field however it emerged in its sphere mode due to my not knowing the ancient incantation to properly call out raw wait hold on have we not done the the call out yet oh man it's like famous uh yeah well uh here we go great beast of the sky please hear my cry transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight envelop the desert with your glow and cast your rage upon my foe unlock your powers deep within so that together we may win appear in the shadow game as i call your name winged dragon of ra there's a couple variations to this champ but that's the one that marek used anyway against mai so it's the most fitting one anyway the effect of summoning response to the opponent's field and then shifting it to the other is a direct reference to what actually happened in that door shifting over to ra's second form we have the wing dragon of ra immortal phoenix its effect is it kind of a normal symbol set it must be special summoned by its own effect and can be special summoned by other ways if the winged dragon of ra is sent from the field to the graveyard while this card is in your graveyard special summon this card cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this effects activation this card is unaffected by other card effects and you can pay 1 000 life points send one monster on the field to the graveyard once per turn during the end phase send this card to the graveyard and if you do special summon one the wing dragon of ra sphere mode from your hand deck or graveyard ignoring its summoning conditions now immortal phoenix is direct reference the egyptian god phoenix form marek made the wing dragon of rara take in his duels in this form it gained the ability to destroy all monsters on the opponent's side of the field when it was summoned as well when it battled amongst that marek could pay 1000 life points in order to guarantee its destruction the coolest thing about this card has to be its effect that it is completely unaffected by other card effects which in my eyes really cements the wing dragon of immortal phoenix as one of the truest forms of the egyptian gods in the real world making it a scary monster to have on the field in fact while we're at it as well we might as well mention that ra has two counterparts a wiki god counterpart called the wicked avatar which takes its appearance from its sphere mode it also has a sacred beast counterpart called herman lord of striking thunder and as a side note as well horus the black flame dragon level 8 is almost identical this card in terms of appearance albeit is more silver rather than gold a simple explanation to this is that horus is named after an egyptian god as well in fact there are a lot of egyptian god cards in the yu-gi-oh card game that aren't technically a part of this series we'll just quickly blast through them all right now we've got the horus level monsters uh all of the hierarchic monsters all of the new order monsters mystical beast of cirquette cbec's blessing embodiment of apophis and sacred phoenix of nephis they all have names that are associated with egyptian gods anyway lastly the winged dragon of ra's attack name in the anime and manga is called god blaze cannon and its ability to instantly attack the turner is summoned from the grave is physically named instant attack as well its effect to transfer all but one life point into the monster is called point-to-point transfer hello kitty the creator of light known in the japanese as horikafe the creator god of light its effect is it cannot be normal set it must be special summon from your hand by treating three monsters whose original names are sly for the sky dragon obvious the tormentor and the winged dragon of ra this card's special summon cannot be negated the player that special summons this card wins the duel now this monster is the fusion of all three of the egyptian gods and it made its debut in the final battle against the ultimate evil zork necrophades cited as the most powerful god in all existence in the yu-gi-oh series this card is so powerful in fact that they still haven't released it as an international version god damn it whenever you get this card it's awesome it's japanese name of horokofi is taken from the egyptian title of ra horokovi which was created to show the link between ra and horus since they were both gods of the sun and as such they created the title to express how the sun journeys from one horizon to the next so from ra to horus since this card is a fusion of three divine beast type monsters it was given a new typing completely unique to this monster it is a divine creator god type monster just like all of the other egyptian gods haruka v2 has a sacred beast counterpart in the form of armatile the chaos phantom which too uses its sacred beast monsters in order to summon it harukov's ability to give the user an instant win as soon as it is summoned is not an easy task to accomplish in the yu-gi-oh card game in fact i made a top 10 about just this subject and if you'd like to see where horrock if you came on that list you should check it out after this one why not finally in the egyptian god series there are three support cards ra's disciple whose effect is when this card is summoned you can special summon up to two ra's disciples from your hand and or deck it cannot be attributed except for the tribute summon of slife for the sky dragon obliqus the tormentor and the winged dragon of ra you cannot special summon monsters except by the effect of ra's disciple we also have mound of the bound creator a field spell with the effects level 10 or higher monsters on the field can be targeted or destroyed by card effects if a level 10 or higher monster on the field destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the graveyard the player who controlled the destroyed monster takes 1 000 damage when this card on the field is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the graveyard you can add one divine monster from your deck to your hand and the final support card is the true name that effect is declare one card name excavate the top card of your deck and if it is the declared card add it to your hand then you can add to your hand or special summon one divine monster from your deck otherwise send it to the graveyard you can only activate one the true name per turn and with that guys that is all of the egyptian gods done
Channel: TGS Anime
Views: 2,883,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, reviews, yu, gi, oh, duel, Cards, Deck, Opening, rules, vs, Yugi, Muto, Yusei, Fudo, Jaden, Yuki, Judai, Yuma, Tsukumo, Yuya, Sakaki, Yuri, yuzu, yuto, yugo, dark, magician, blue, eyes, seto, kaiba, abridged, egyptian god cards, yugioh gods, slifer vs ra, obelisk vs slifer, yugi vs kaiba, yugi vs marik, joey vs marik, slifer the sky dragon, obelisk the tormentor, the winged dragon of ra, osiris, slifer the executive producer, little kuriboh, mega ultra chicken, marik blishtar, melvin
Id: a9Jt2HCDkew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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