Yris Palmer | Behind Closed Doors | The Podcast | PrettyLittleThing

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- Hi Yris. - Hi! - Thank you so much for joining us. - Thank you so much for having me. - I'm so excited to have you here. - I'm excited to be here. This is like, one of my first podcasts. - I can't believe you've chose to come on our podcast. - I know. I get asked a lot to go on podcasts, and I just was like, "No." and today I was like, "Yes, I'll go on Pretty Little Things Podcast." - What made you decide to choose this podcast over the others? - I mean, I love the brand, it's super cute, super girly and I just imagined a set like this. (laughs) - So has it met expectations then? - Yeah. (laughs) - I'm so glad. Thank you so much for joining us. Now Yris, you've had a very interesting life and career, so I wanna kinda get to know everything about you. - Okay, whoa! - So describe your profession and your life and your journey to me if you can. - Well my profession is, I'm an entrepreneur. I'm a lash artist, a celebrity lash artist. What was the next question, my life? - Where did it sort of come from? So, you're now the CEO of your own business. - Yes. - Wow, what an incredible achievement. But where did you sort of start out, how does it all begin? - I actually wanted to be an actress. - Yeah, right, okay, let's talk about the acting thing. - Yeah, so I was actually, that was like, my dream, was like okay, I had done a vision board. I was like this is what I'm gonna do. I've always had a job since I was like 15, I've literally done everything. Everything you can think of, like swirling yogurt, I used to sell Crocs. - Yes! - You know, Crocs are coming back in style, but I used to work at Crocs. - No way! - Yeah, and I grew up in West Hollywood, born and raised, I went to Fairfax High School, so I've lived here my entire life. Everybody usually comes here to pursue that kind of dream, like an actress or a model, you know, and I used to go to acting classes and everybody that was in my acting classes, was not from here, they were from Texas or from New York or whatever, and they were doing the waitress thing at night and auditioning during the day and I was always, I was working a retail job in Beverly Hills and I was a manager there and I was like, I don't have time, I don't have the flexibility to audition during the day. But I also don't wanna do the whole waitress thing at night. - Yeah you need the money. - Yeah, so I was like, what can I can do that's gonna give me like, the flexibility in my schedule to still audition during the day and make, and still survive because I've always had a job. And my boyfriend at the time, who's now my husband/baby daddy. - Oh! - Is British. - Yes! Oh my god, wow! - So, yeah he's British. So, we were long distance for five years, I was going back and forth from here to London, he's from Slough. - He's from Slough? - He's from Slough. - Oh my god! I mean we're gonna talk a little bit about him later on, but I'm excited to get into that. - Yeah, so, I was like, you know what, I'm just gonna quit my job and I'm just gonna really pursue what I really wanna do and that's acting. But I always wanted to do acting, not more for the money just 'cause I enjoyed it. - Yeah. - But I was like, I need to have something to fall back on, you know? So when I used to go to London, everybody had these lash extensions and they were like 40 pounds, 50 pounds, whatever, but everybody had these lash extensions and then I started thinking, and I couldn't think of one person in my circle back home, that did lash extensions and I was like, "Who do I know that does lash extensions in LA?" And I couldn't think of nobody and a lot of people that were doing lash extensions, like the celebrities, weren't really vocal about it. They were, it was more like a hidden secret. It's like, if you knew, you knew and if you didn't, you were doing the strips and that whole thing. - Wow. - So in London, everyone was like, had these lashes. So, his cousin actually was doing lashes as a profession and she was making good money. His sister was doing it part time in Miami and I was like, this is something I can do on the side. I was like, let me take a class, while I was in London. I was like, let me take a class and see if I even like it. So, I took a class in Reading. - In Reading, okay, I know Reading very well. - I took a class in Reading and I hated it. - Oh really? I took the class, I hated it. - Oh my god, why? - I was like, this isn't for me. - I don't know. Sometimes, I really think that when you start something, you're just naturally like, "This isn't for me." You know? And then you have to give it a few more tries to be like, okay no, like this is, you know. That's exactly what happened. I was like, I suck at it, I'm left-handed. - I guess that's the thing, 'cause its quite hard, like I couldn't do it. - It's such a like, tedious job. They really, and a lot of people, it looks easier than what it is, 'cause I was like, "Oh that's so easy." - Oh, my god, I'm sure it's definitely not easy. - No it's so tedious and I'm left-handed, everybody in the class was right-handed. I was just like, not really good at it. So I went back and I remember it was raining, it's always raining in London. But I remember it was raining, he picked me up, he was like, "How did you class go?" I'm like, "Nope, I hate it, it's not for me." And then his sister and his cousin were like, give it a few more tries and then see how you like it. So I was like, you know what, I'm gonna do a few people. So I did his mom, I did anybody who would let me play on their eyes, I did, and by the third person, I was like, I can totally do this. So I sat there, 'cause I had gone for the month, it was all month of July that I was in London and I remember we went to Wireless and-- - No way. - Yeah, I used to go to Wireless every year. - Hold on, we got a UK babe in this spot right now. I'm enjoying this, you went to Wireless? - Yeah, I went to wireless every year since I was, since me and him were together. And I was 19 when I met him, I'm now 29. - Oh, my god, so I could have bumped into you at Wireless one year, we don't know. - We probably did, yeah. - Wow. (laughs) - So I was over there and I was just, I was like, I'm just gonna create this company, I'm gonna do it anonymous, 'cause I didn't want the people that knew me here to know that I was doing it, so I was sitting in bed, I was like, what am I gonna call it, what am I gonna call it, and I'm like, I live in Hollywood, everyone wants to look like a star, like Starlash, so I got the domain for it. Mind you, I come from immigrant parents, so no one in my family owns a business. No one in my family, I didn't even know where to start, you know? And I wasn't even thinking it that it would become this. - Yeah, it was kinda like a side hustle. - It was just like, okay, let me just do this, you know? But I knew, I wasn't like, I still knew that I had to do some stuff, like I knew I had to register the name, I knew I still had to do some stuff. I googled a lot, thank god for Google. I don't know where I would be without Google. So I did that, I started posting just pictures, whatever, I came back to LA, and I was just promoting it so much that people thought I was working for it, for the company, right? So within maybe the first month, I did, I would do all of the people that I knew, a lot of people that I knew who were working with, they were assistants to celebrities or they were, you know, just in the industry. And I did, at the time I had done this girl that was doing, that was Lil Wayne's assistant. - No way. - And she was in the studio with Christina Milian, and all these people, and they had, I think Christina Milian started following me on Instagram or something, she started liking my pictures, something on Instagram, and I DM'd her, I said, hey, I would love to do your lashes. And she was like, "yeah, I love your work, let's set it up." So I went, this is me like a month of doing lashes, okay, so I went, I did Christina Milian's lashes, she was so sweet, loved them. Shortly after that, I started doing Selena Gomez's assistant, her lashes, Theresa, and after I did hers, she called me one day and she was like, "Hey," she was like, "Selena has a premiere, "can you come to the Four Seasons and do her lashes?" And I was like, "Is this a joke?" So I went, I did her lashes, she was super sweet, I was like, oh, my god, you know? Did her lashes, and then shortly after that, I did bottom lashes on, I started doing bottom lashes. Have you ever gotten bottom lashes? - No, that's kind of-- - Do you get a lot of extensions? - No, I don't, you know. These, I've got a strip-on right now. - What, they're life changing. - I need to try them, to be fair. You're actually inspiring me right now. And I'm thinking I think I need to do it. - Yeah, we shoulda done it right now, right here. - I mean, we shoulda done it, let's set up again. Definitely, you're coming back. - Yeah, so I had done, I started doing bottom lashes, and then Kylie saw that I, Kylie was probably, maybe 16 when I started doing her lashes? She was young, she was like-- - Wow. - We joke all the time, we're like, yeah, I think you were like two when I started doing your lashes. (laughs) but no, I think she was like, it was probably five years ago so maybe I think she was about 16? And she had seen my bottom lashes and then I started doing her lashes, and then you know, just word of mouth, everybody would post me, and luckily for me, a lot of my big clients stayed with me and really helped me grow my business, and then when I realized, oh, my god, this could actually be a legit business for me, then I was like, this is gonna be my business. And then I remember at first I had told my boyfriend at the time, I told him, you know, this is gonna be my business, this is gonna be a big business for me. And he was like, "You can't make that much money with lashes." and he just didn't get it. He literally didn't get it. - I beg to differ. - Yeah, and now, I'm like, see, I knew it. - Wow. - So yeah, so now, I'm like, I have three stores, I'm also invested in another business, a medical spa, and yeah, I'm just a little entrepreneur now. And just extremely grateful. - Honestly, that journey just sounds absolutely wild. Let me tell you, congratulations, that's incredible. It's so nice to see a woman doing so well in the business, killing the game. - Thank you. - It sounds like it all just snowballed for you. - Yeah, and that's what happens. They always say god laughs at your plans, 'cause I never, it's weird, I was really like, I was actually exploring religion at the time because you are what your parents tell you to be, you know? And so I was like, let me explore being a Buddhist. And I had gone to the temple and I remember I had met this lady and she had said to me, chant, chant for I think it was like 28 days or something like, chant all the things that you want, do a vision board, manifest everything that you want. So I had done the vision board, but at the time, I wanted to be an actress so I had put literally everything that I wanted in my life, I had put this on this board. And I think it's still at my dad's house, actually. I had put everything on this board, even little things that I didn't even think of, at the time I wasn't thinking about kids or nothing but I had put little girls, I now have a little girl, everything on my vision board came true, just not the way I imagined it to come true. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? Like I work with celebrities, I've achieved stuff that I'd never even thought that I would achieve so soon, not in the way I thought I would get it, you know? So it's just, life always, god always has a plan for you. - It always works out in the end, I guess, but it's just not always the way you expect it. - It's never. Or you know when you're so mad when you, like relationships or something like a boyfriend, and you're devastated and then you meet someone so much better and you're like, oh, my god, this is why it happened. - It was meant to be. - So now I live my life very, if something goes really bad, I'm like, you know what, it's fine, it'll be okay, at the end of the day, everything's gonna be okay. So I just live my life like that. My dad always stresses out and and I'm like, dad, just relax, what is that gonna do for you, being more stressed out? It's not gonna help your situation, you know? He's like you always have this laid back, like when I was at my wedding when I was getting married, I took nobody with me to see my dress or nothing, and they're like you're the most laid back bride that I was like, that's fine, just very nonchalant. - I love that. - Yeah. - And so with everything you've done, what kind of advice would you give to any young girls that wanna branch out and start their own business or wanna start something they're passionate about? - I would say number one is be consistent. There's no shortcuts to success. And I think a lot of people in this generation are just looking for the easy way out. And you have to put in the time. I used to do lashes from 9 a.m. to midnight. Wouldn't eat, I didn't have a life, I literally, I would just be doing lashes every single day, I would try to, I would grind so much, anybody that would let me do their lashes, I would go, I didn't care what time it was, I was sitting there just grinding, grinding, grinding 'cause I was like, this is, I need to put in the time, you know? And it paid off, and now it's like, I don't really do lashes like that anymore, I just have my VIP clients, I go to the shop, I take my baby to the shop, it's just, it really, really pays off. - It's paid off for you, all that hard work. What was it first like, so you work with all these VIPs now but what was it first like when you walk into a room and there's Selena Gomez or there's Kylie Jenner, like how did you feel, or is it kinda normal for you because you're from LA and you're in the industry kinda thing? - Yeah, I mean, it's very, I wouldn't say, I'm not starstruck like that, you know? But it's very, wow, these people want me to do their lashes, out of all the people, you know? And then I have had my moments where I'm like, people that I grew up listening to, like Christina Aguilera, or someone, who I've done their lashes, and I'm like, oh, my god, this is like, I'm doing their lashes, you know? I mean, yeah, it's a good feeling. It's a better feeling that they like your work. I think that's probably the most nerveracking thing about it, it's like, are they gonna like my work, you know? I think that for me, that's the most thing that I worry about and I'm like, oh, are they gonna like my work? I hope, are you lashes okay? (laughs) and then another thing is when you're working with celebrities, it's like timing, and at first, I was taking, I was trying to do it perfect and take my sweet time, and do it in two hours, and they don't have time, you know, and now when I'm hiring girls, I'm like time is money, and you, how quickly can you lash and still make it good, you know? I take 30 minutes to do Kylie's lashes. She does not like to lay there for longer. - I mean, she's a busy girl. - Exactly, so that's, those are the little pressures that I feel working with people like that. I'm like okay, I gotta be good, I gotta be quick, and they gotta look bomb. - Yeah, I'm sure they always do, I mean, obviously they look incredible. So you've actually made friends with some of the guys, some of the girls that you still work with, how is that been-- - Mostly everybody. - You're friends with Kylie now, aren't you? - Yeah, I'm friends with her-- - Tell me about that, how is that just blown up for you, how's that changed your life? - Honestly, I'm very, a people person, my personality is like that so a lot of my clients have became my friends. And actually, even before when I used to do anybody's lashes, they would lay on my table, and they would just, I'd become a therapist. They would tell me everything-- - No, that's sick. - They would come in next week, and I'm like girl, what happened with him, and you know, it just I'm naturally that type of person, I have a very inviting personality. - I see that, I see that. - So, yeah, you feel it? - I feel it, I feel it, no, I really do. - So yeah, it just naturally happened like that with her. Like I said, it was five years ago, so she was quite young, and then we started probably hanging out maybe after her 18th birthday? And now she's one of my best friends. I love her, she's super sweet and any way she can help her friends, she does. And that's also all of, very nice to see because a lot of friend groups sometimes have a little bit of competition, or you know some girls naturally are like, and our friend group, it's like we all help each other. - Support each other. - Yeah, our other friend Tiffany, she was actually her teacher. - No. - Yeah, and-- - No. - Yeah. - Hold on, what, I didn't know that. - Yeah, and she has her own business and whatever we can help each other, that's what we do, and I feel like that's what life is all about, you know? Especially in this generation like women empowerment, that's all-- - It's huge. - Yeah. And it means a lot. - So important. Okay, and standing where you are now, if you could look, if you could go back to 18 year old you or 16 year old you, would you ever imagine you would have achieved what you have? - No, I knew I was always gonna achieve. - Ah, she knew it, she's like, yeah, I knew it. - I knew, even in high school, I used to-- - 'Cause you had that vision. - I had that vision and I always used to joke around with my friends, I'm gonna have more money than my husband and, you know-- - Yes. - And because I grew up with seeing how hard my parents worked, that I was like, I have to own a house, I have to, I wanted all the things that my parents didn't have and I knew that they were just doing whatever they could and they were working their nine to five, and they thought that was the way to do it. And when I started my business, they didn't get it. They were like, "Why, just stick to your job "and you'll move up in your job." And they just didn't get what I was doing. - The world's changed, hasn't it? - And now that they see, they're like, I'm the youngest in the family and I help my mom, my brother, and they're just like, wow, you know? So I always knew, I just didn't know how I was gonna achieve it. - They must be so proud of you. - Oh, they're so proud. My dad is like, he's just like, he comes over every Sunday and every Sunday he's like, "You know, I thank God everyday." 'Cause I'm his only daughter, my mom-- - You're the baby girl, you're the baby girl. - My mom has two but my dad, and my dad's, one of my dad's like, you know, I got one, but one good daughter with a good heart, and that's the one thing that I always carry with me that dad instilled, it's hard work and being a good person. And he's always like, "If you're a good person, God will always reward you" and that's always been so important to me. People will do shady things to you or whatever, and I'm like, it's fine, it'll always, karma will always come back, and I'm such a believer in karma that I'm like, nope, and that's exactly what I'm tryna teach my daughter. I'm like, I'm so blessed now to be able to give her this life, and I want her to be a little entrepreneur and look up to me and I make sure I take her to the shop, and I'm like, you know, but I also wanna show her that we're so blessed because where we come from and where my parents grew up from, they didn't have a pair of shoes till they were 15 and 16 years old. They were barefoot their entire life, you know? So to me, it's really important for me to show her that. So I'm planning a trip to El Salvador 'cause I'm from El Salvador. - Tell us, I'm so, honestly, I'm so interested right now. I'm locked into you. - My parents are Salvadorian. - Okay. - Central America. - Central America, got it. - And it's really poor out there and there's just a lot of underprivileged kids out there that I really wanna help and this year, mostly after I had my baby, she's two now, but after I had her, I just became more in tune with what really matters in life and how can I give back now that I'm in a better position. I'm still definitely nowhere near where I wanna be, and that's I think another level of success is like the higher you get, you feel kinda further from where you wanna go because you're, the heights, the levels keep going up and you're like, okay, now I need to reach for this, and now I need to reach for that, and then you have a baby, and you're like, oh, god, I gotta give her this, and yeah. But I also lately this whole year, I'm like no, what can I do to help back can give back to my community and also show my daughter you're blessed and you need to be grateful and you need to be kind and we need to give back. So that's a whole another journey that I'm on right now. - I'm just absolutely obsessed with you right now, I'm just gonna tell you, I'm literally loving this interview. That's amazing. Let's talk about your husband. You and your husband, so you've been together how long? A long time? - We have been together... He's been in my life way too long. Let's see, like 10, it'll be nine years. - Tell me about your wedding. - My wedding was very intimate, it was 85 people, we had 40 people from London fly over here. - Oh, my god. - And then all of my, I had more people than him, but whatever. (laughs) but yeah, like I said, I was very laid back, I cared about my dress. My dress being, that was number one, I was like, my dress has to be perfect. - Yeah, that's the one. - So I designed my own dress. - You designed it? - Mm hmm. - Stop. You just keep surprising me, I'm obsessed. - Yeah, I went to a really, really good, my friend's dad actually makes wedding dresses, he's amazing, and I told him this is how I want it, he sketched it for me, and he made it literally perfect. She'll ask me all the time, can you send me pictures of your wedding dress 'cause I have clients bringing me your pictures, and I'm like, I loved my wedding dress. And yeah, so it was like my wedding dress, hair, and makeup was really important to me, and then everything else, I was like you know what, everything else, oh, I got a wedding planner, she's really amazing too, and she handled all the little details from flowers, and made it really nice. And then we had, it was such a good day. All of our friends were there, family, it was beautiful. - And what did your family think? When you got engaged, to this guy from London who, had they met? - No. - Oh, my god, so you got engaged and your family hadn't? Ooh, come on. - No, when I first met, when I first even started going to London, my dad was very against it. My dad's very overprotective, my dad's very, doesn't trust people in general and he's very, growing up, my dad was like, one time this little boy gave me a watch, I think I was in seventh grade, and I was like, that was my first lesson. - That's a decent present. - Yeah, a watch, a Winnie the Pooh watch. He came and brought me a Winnie the Pooh watch and I remember I went home-- - Oh, Winnie the Pooh watch. - And I told my dad, oh, my god, look, this guy brought, this little boy brought me a Winnie the Pooh watch, my dad was so upset, my dad was like, you're gonna go tomorrow to school and you're gonna tell him, my dad can buy me this watch, here's your watch back. And I was like, what? - Your dad sounds amazing. - But I like the watch. - (laughs) Yeah, I'm not giving Winnie the Pooh back. - And he said, no, he said you do not take nothing from a guy, you have a dad, and that, he always instilled that in me that I used to feel so uncomfortable if I go on dates or anything, I'll pay, and I would just feel weird receiving anything from a guy, you know? Girls would be like, yeah, I asked him to buy me this and that, and I'm like, I wouldn't, makes me so uncomfortable. - That's why you're so independent then. - Yeah, I'm so independent that I'm like, I don't want anybody to say I did this for her, I got her that, I don't need none of that. So I grew up with that mentality because of my dad. - Wow, so what did they think then? When they met? - So, oh, yeah, so at first he was like, "This is crazy." We don't know him, or whatever, and then he came here. He asked for my hand before he married me. 'Cause I was like, listen-- - You're gonna have to. - If you're gonna have to, if you're gonna do this, you're gonna do it right, you know? - Oh, my god. - Yeah, but my parents met him and they, my dad's like my dad's son now, he's literally like, "My son." Like everything if anything, it's like, he's so obsessed with him. I'm like, you don't even know him. (laughs) I'm like, you don't even know him. So yeah, that was that. - You also have a beautiful daughter together, Ayla. She has 100,000 followers on Instagram, by the way, guys, if you don't know. - She does? - I mean, I'm shook. - Does she? - I can't believe it, wow. Tell me a little bit about her. - Oh, my god, her personality is just, I think she's gonna be an actress. I'm gonna live through her, because she is just, her personality, I could not have made a better little girl with that personality. Her personality is I'm just, oh, my god, I love her personality. And she's so fun, she's so smart, she's so girly. I wanted a girl so bad, I never wanted a boy. I was like, what are you gonna do with a boy? (laughs) and I remember my gender reveal, I was like, if I, I did a gender reveal. - Tell me about, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me about that. - Gender reveals were kinda starting, it wasn't-- - It's like a big thing in the US. I mean we've started doing it in the UK as well. - We try to do everything as a holiday or whatever-- - Oh, yeah, we just follow suit. - Yeah. (laughs) so I had a gender reveal, and I remember, I was like, oh, my god, the doctor had wrote it in an envelope and Kylie actually was the only one who knew what it was. And I was like, if it's not, she was like, I'm kinda nervous because if it's not a girl, you're just gonna be, I was like, if it's not a girl, I'm probably gonna cry. I'm probably gonna cry and I was like, my heart was shaking, and we had a baseball and when it popped pink, I was crying 'cause I was so happy. I was like, (sighs) I got, I really believe in the Chinese calendar. Have you heard of the Chinese calendar? - Yeah, explain it to anyone that hasn't though. - Okay, so you go by the your birthday, your age, and the month you conceive. - Okay. - So I base my life around that Chinese calendar so my next baby will also be around that calendar, 'cause I was like, I need to have a girl, so I was like, these are the only months that I could have a girl. - Got you, okay. - So you see your age and it'll say June, and it'll say, let's say I was probably 25 or whatever, it'll say 25, whatever, it'll tell you May, June, July is your time to have a girl. - Okay, so that's it, you have to plan it in. - Yeah, we really believe in the calendar, it's worked for all of my friends, it's been true. - Really? - Yeah, I'm such a believer of that calendar. - No way. - Yeah. So I got my girl, and I literally, I'm like, me and my friends say it all the time, you really manifested Ayla, where she looks just like my baby pictures, she is so girly, I just, she's into bags and makeup and I know 'cause I'm into it too, but she's just like, I'm like, I love this. She's so excited about, like if my nail's done, she's like "Mommy, let's see, let's see, mommy?" - No, oh, my god. - And then she'll be like, "Mommy, pretty mommy." she's just like, I'm getting dressed, she'll be like, "Wow, mommy." she's just, I'm like, my cheerleader, I love her. - What a queen, I have actually seen her on Instagram, I've watched her stories and I mean, she has got a personality. - Her personality is like, I get packages and she's so excited to open my packages and she's like, I'm like, this is crazy. - So you've got big dreams for her, what made you decide to start that Instagram channel for her? - I just knew, I just knew her personality was gonna be this, I just, no, what it really was, why I started the Instagram was because I wanted to document and have a lot of pictures and I actually wanted to start YouTube when I first got pregnant, I was like, I wanna start a YouTube, whatever, I never got around to it. But I was like, at least let me get pictures and try to really have her look back, I have an email for her, I email her a lot of stuff and I want her to get older and be like, my mom's so cool. I have everything, you now? - 'Cause I look back and my mom doesn't have a lot of stuff that I'm like, I wonder what I was doing when I was that age, or I wonder what, you know, and I don't have a lot of memories like that, and I'm like, huh, Ayla's gonna have all these lit memories, she's gonna have the coolest pictures, she's gonna be like, I was like, what, wearing Gucci bikinis when I was like two? - Oh, my god. - And I'm like, that makes me excited for her. So that's why I started her little Instagram. - Okay. - And now I have brands reaching out to her. - No way, she's, that's it, she's got a life going on for herself, she's killing it. - So I'm like, we started her little college fund and told her dad anything that I pursue for her or anything that she can do is gonna go into her college fund and we're gonna set her up for college. - Absolutely incredible, what an amazing thing to be able to do for your daughter. - Yeah, and to just be able to think about all those stuff, because my parents, I didn't have a college fund or nothing like that, so I'm like, I need to really, really be smart with my money and with her. I wanna make sure that she's good. If god forbid something happens to me, I'm like okay, my baby is gonna be okay. - She's one very lucky girl, she really is. Now let's talk a bit more about you. So you had your baby, well, let me tell you, your body's insane. - Oh, my god, it's still not where I want it to be. - Stop, I saw that bikini picture the other day. Tell me, how did you bounce back? - I'm trying. I mean, I'm working out a lot. I'm working out, my diet was really, really bad, I naturally have a sweet tooth, so now I'm like, okay, the cravings need to stop. So I'm really more into eating healthy and really working out, I'm doing skin tightening 'cause after I had the baby my stomach just doesn't look the same. Your boobs go different, I breastfed, so I'm trying. - So other than physically, how has becoming a mom changed your life? - Oh, my god, I mean, it changes you in every aspect, but I think in a way, you're stronger. I just feel like I'm so strong and I feel way more caring about everybody. You're just more conscious, and more, oh, my god, I have to care for another person, you know? And you're responsible for their life, and that is-- - It's a big responsibility. - Yeah, it's a big responsibility and it just makes you, it makes you more aware of everything. So I'm just more aware, stronger, and kinder. - You're definitely strong, definitely strong. - Thank you. - How do you balance being a mom and being a CEO, a boss bitch, I'm gonna say, okay? - Thank you. - You're a boss. - Thank you. I think, I don't even know if there's a balance sometimes. Sometimes, it's like I have to bring her to work sometimes, and luckily for me sometimes my clients are okay with me bringing her. I've formed that relationship with my clients that I'm like, hey, I don't have a babysitter right now, I have to bring Ayla. - That's amazing. - And that's fine for me to do if I have to. At the shop, I have toys for her there, I have in my office she has a crib there, and I'm blessed now that I could take her. But I also, when I'm working, let's say I have three days where I'm like, oh, my god, I'm fully booked with work or something and I'm physically not with her, then the next two days would just be for Ayla, because I'm like, I feel that guilt, that I'm like (sighs) you know? And I read this book, oh, my god, what was the book called, it's one of my favorite books, and it's about a woman who's very successful and she battles with this guilt and she was saying how men don't have this guilt and that's why they succeed so much more in businesses 'cause we're always thinking, oh, my god, I haven't seen my baby, I haven't spent time with my baby, or I haven't cooked dinner, I haven't, you know, and all those guilt really mess with your mind, where you're like, oh, my god, I have my days where I'm like, I only saw her for an hour today and now she's gonna be asleep when she goes home and I'm like, am I losing the bond with her? And I feel guilty and now she's at a age where she's so attached to me. I wanted this, I was like, I hope she's so in love with me that, you know, and now it breaks my heart anytime I have to leave and she's literally yelling, she's like, "No, mommy, don't go." or if she sees me putting on my shoes, she's like, "Mommy, I wanna go with you, I wanna get ready." and she just wants to come with me everywhere that I'm like, this is hard now. Now, I'm like, is it worth it for me to go there and leave her crying? You know, I really, really, and then sometimes I sit there and I literally have to talk to myself, and I'm like, you're doing this for her, she's gonna grow up and see that her mom was a boss, her mom had to go do this and go do that, and at the end of the day, it's all for her. And that's what I always tell her dad, too, anytime he's you know, men love to guilt trip you too, they love to guilt trip you. And I'm like, at the end of the day, everything I do is for my daughter, it's for her. Once she was born, I was like, that's it, she's my only purpose, reason, everything's for her. - You getting me emotional right now. - I know. - Like literally, you're actually so inspirational, like it's so amazing to listen to. - Thank you. - Absolutely incredible. Do you plan on having any more kids? (clears throat) Oh, okay. - Yeah, I want more, I, for sure, want more, just I don't think no time soon. I think, maybe when she's five and, I just would feel too guilty to bring another baby in right now and then not have the time for two and then I think about Ayla and I'm like, if I have another baby, I have to share the time that I do have left with another baby and I'm just not ready for that. So I'm like, once I get to where I wanna get to, I'm trying to finish my product line, and I'm trying to, there's so many goals that I feel like I need to reach before I can even think about bringing another baby in, so now I just wanna focus on her. But I love kids so much that I didn't think that I was gonna be this type of mom. My dad says to me all the time, I love the way you're so hands-on with her, and you're like, you know. And I'm like, I did not think that I was gonna be like this. I was like, I don't have a, I remember I used to think I don't even know if I really want kids. That wasn't me, and I was like, I don't think I'll ever be ready, and that's the thing, you're never gonna be ready until it just happens and you get ready, you know? And even then, I read all these books, I read, trying to prepare myself, and every baby's different, half of the stuff I didn't even use or, you know? So I definitely want more kids though, I want another girl 'cause I want her to have a sister and then I want a boy. - Oh, she wants a boy too. So you're starting to welcome in a boy. - No, yeah, well, I hear that a boy's love for his mother is, you know? - Yeah, let me tell you, I've got a brother and yeah. - And no, my mom and my brother-- - Mommy's boys, definitely. - Yeah, so I'm like, I definitely need my boy. - And he will look after your daughters as well, that's it, he's gonna be the strong boy to look after them. - Exactly. - I'm sure they won't need it, being as strong as you, not gonna lie. - Oh, no, she's super strong, my daughter is like, no, she's literally me. She's my clone. - I love it. - Yeah. - Oh, my god, I'm obsessed. Okay, and your journey just sounds absolutely incredible. Everything you're doing sounds amazing, but what is next? What are your next goals? - My next goals are to finish my product line, so I wanna do more teaching now. - Yeah. - I'm gonna do a Starlash tour where I really go to every city, state, train girls, open more stores, I wanna have a little store everywhere. And I'm actually planning to do one in Miami and London next. - Hold on, there's one coming to London, we have an exclusive, UK babes right now, I'm obsessed, I was hoping, I was gonna say, is anything coming to London, tell me. - Yeah, for sure, for sure, I'm already looking. I've been looking for spaces, I'm just trying to find the perfect space, but yeah, I'm gonna go train some girls there and just have little Starlash popups everywhere. - Will you promise me that you will let us know first? - Yes, what? - Let the PLT girls know 'cause we'll all be there. - We're gonna do a podcast there. - We'll do a podcast there, we'll just full on take over. - Yeah. - I'm obsessed, and if you're ever in the UK, you've gotta let us know. We'd love to see you there. - Yeah, I think I'm gonna come, I'm bringing Ayla 'cause all her family's there. All his side of the family is there so I'm bringing her, I believe September. I'm gonna take her to London, I'm gonna take her to Paris, and then I'm gonna come back home. - She is a lucky girl. And you are an amazing woman. Thank you so much for joining us-- - Thank you so much for having me. - This has been amazing, getting to know you. - Thank you. - I'm sure all of our listeners are just gonna be obsessed as I am. - Thank you. - Thank you to everybody for listening. If you have enjoyed our podcast, please make sure to leave a review and subscribe. And we will see you next week.
Channel: PrettyLittleThing
Views: 33,433
Rating: 4.9409761 out of 5
Keywords: behind closed doors, yris palmer podcast, pretty little thing, prettylittlething, yris palmer interview, video podcast, yris palmer, inspo, personal style, plt podcast, podcast, behind closed doors podcast, natalie o leary, plt, look fantastic, pod cast, interview, prettylittlething podcast, female podcast, beauty podcast, interviews, fashion podcast, kylie jenner
Id: mj1d1Ig6TS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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