"YOU'VE BEEN HIDING YOUR SKILLS" Making My Friend Watch Solo Leveling 1x9 | Reaction/Review

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welcome back everyone now I think you do it howdy hello I think just a nice little hello yeah little yeah we're back hi um episode 9 episode ning we're getting very close to what I have not seen yep I've seen nine and 10 12 is now out and I so I haven't seen 11 or 12 so that's the goal of today yeah we're going to get all those out I'm so excited I'm finally going to be able to like say things not have to hold back we can actually have discussions and stuff like that um but he's going to be all caught up today yes yeah um man it's going to be good last episode uh we got the old gang back together we're doing this I think it was a SE rank dungeon um Kang yep I know his we know his name now um he's there supervising the convicts we're thinking he might have like ulterior motives for being there he might want to be observing Jin Wu because he's been the only Survivor in a couple of these weird incidents might be a might be a good opportunity to kind of naturally be there to see what's going on actually goes goes on in there and I I forgot to talk about it last time but last episode 8 there was like one little scene where someone someone was like I wrote it down o it was uh pull out the notes yeah here let me see these late night thoughts I'm not going to read that out but someone's like please I'm begging you they have to die I I forgot to mention that last time wait what yeah there was someone setting that we saw the guy's face I wasn't sure if we were supposed to know who that guy was about oh oh the last episode yes okay sorry I'm tracking yeah it took me a minute no you're good um so that that might be the they might be this original party of people okay so maybe that's why they're gathered I don't know the person he was talking to had like nice shoes so maybe it was like a an association member they like dress shoes like people I don't know I don't know so you're thinking that um the person who was begging is asking for the original possibly yeah original party to be taken out mhm that's what I'm guessing right now okay okay that's who who the day is I'm guessing very interesting okay yeah I can't say a word oh yeah but you soon can soon I can um we'll see if we get another double dungeon we'll see if Jin Wu skills are revealed um this one's called yeah this one is you've been hiding your skills so very telling um w we might he might debut here his dungeon debut um yeah that's it for me I I speculated a lot last time on how this season's going to end but we'll save that when we get closer to the ending yep yeah but I'm ready to see how this dungeon goes my God I'm so excited I a this is this is one of the like I said love all the episodes but this is one of the ones especially I'm very excited okay okay very excited for we'll see we'll see how it goes I say nothing more okay let's jump into this oh actually wait let me got to do the connections real quick wait this W's really hidden right now all right let's go we're diving back in time yeah let's dive back in time all right we got the goblin right away oh this guy yeah I know these guys are liking this a little too much yeah that's cool as funner so bashful mhm he's proud he's proud of him he can kind of see this guy's like what is up off meum me just leaning against the cavern wall doing shadow puppets a triple dungeon okay isn't that so sick MH nice okay she's gone with them as well mhm oo I think he likes him he likes him makes me so sad when they call him that there we go good man mhm I like them you're a coward no I'm this is the guy yep yep yep yep it's the purple oh the they is the coni yeah okay dude I love it so this guy's the opposite type that I assumed he's like he's fine with be dealing out his own Justice like outside the system mhm oh well okay maybe he doesn't have a rock solid sense of justice um okay okay oh God the real the real boss of this dungeon oh man oh man is he going to have enough time to apologize for for not her first yeah man that makes sense though for the Healer this guy's actually a menace what the hell he has such a strong sense of justice over that okay this guy's actually a little more unhinged than I and he's another like dagger user which is cool okay he's just a dick it's like right now I'm a swordsman I like that it's not useless oh it's illusion oh my God oh my God I know right I [Music] know oh yeah o bubbles cool no no no yeah classic like like outgrowing what you're born with like you know what I mean yeah in his heart he's a swordsman all right JM come on buddy this guy's a clown this guy's a clown compared to what you can do oh he's got glowing eyes too oh this guy's off the I know yeah dude Kang you woke you poked the bear buddy look at his little pose son e rank yeah buddy you're about to get a rude awakening here that's true every one of his stats he's he's like every build yep isn't that so sick yeah like come on man music wow he didn't even recognize him wow yeah I mean understandable this guy's piecing a little too much together he needs used to go he looks cool too though yeah he does yes he cares yeah yeah why then come on that's true he didn't kill him right away yeah he's a freak exactly exactly buddy oh my God this guy's a man I know oh my God bro when I saw that for the first time I was like what like the last thing that I was expecting yeah he's like oh I just like to murder people for f and his creepy ass smile now I get XP yeah he's saying yeah yeah this guy needs to go now he said that warming up yeah man oh man rare skill they all die you are her what's cool yeah yes he's saving these now very smart just so cool bro he has no reservations and that we'll go back to that that fire [Music] dude murder sentent is that the debuff so unceremonious just you're dead man bro yeah like natural selection you know he's fine I level oh I like that I like that a lot is it his only way forward is through fight fighting in battle yep classic the Gaz Gaz of the ab oh oh Stone okay yeah like losing touch with things yeah he's so yeah he's so cool he's so cool see how how are they going to report this I know he was always a little he's a little sketchy yeah you know he's going to be like these same people man yeah yep he's [Laughter] hot cat out of the bag are we getting invited to the island now oh okay yeah so cool how he can how he can tell so he's like a high B rank right now what a good guy mhm he's like I'll let you keep your secret you know you have your reasons are they going to go get dinner oh even better Mana crystals oh wait that is the dinner let's go I was like oh my God he's he's breaking my heart a little bit of like like all the all the [ __ ] or all the stuff that he's having to go through to get stronger he's like like my I'm losing my emotions like like the fire is going out like he's becoming colder it's like the uh the guy's monologue like yeah when it is just natural slow ction like who cares about like morals or laws when it's like if you're stronger you win it's very Attack on Titan like similar themes I like I love those kind of themes yeah um but you also are distanced from like you know Society like when you get stronger and stronger yeah it's hard to keep in touch I guess with like Humanity yeah is that a good way to put it yeah yeah like what are when you get to a certain point of strength like just being so far about the rest you yeah like what are morals what are laws like when you can just he is the law yeah like I am the law like you have to I don't know you have to have your own like internal values that will guide you guide you I think he he can find them I think he has them yeah I think um what he has going for him is that he was a really good person to begin with yes he just needs to focus on not losing that part yeah with the him being able to like kill so easily now yeah yeah and cuz he's killed seven people now at this point in a span of couple couple weeks days and Justified very short you know they are they have all been in self-defense yeah so I feel like it's still easy to maybe uh I don't think that I don't think that ruins any maybe like set of values you you can have like I feel like that's very easy to maybe maintain sense of like good yeah if you're like it's only in to protect right um I can see what he's saying like it's a slippery slope though it is you know like when you start getting that mindset it's hard to I don't know I think it' be very easy to second guess yourself like if you are kind of Above the Law like if I can do this act but should I you know like you do start second guessing stuff yeah I mean it's not so silly to say but like it even happens in like video games like have you ever just like ranked up like so high where you're just like like I'm I'm thinking specifically like Skyrim where you like go into like the NPCs mean nothing to you now yeah fre going like rifton or something just like killing the kids in the orphanage like just because you you and ker two PES in a pot but like but seriously like it it's just when you have power it's hard to differentiate and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I like the imagery when he was like oh like more of my emotions are going out or whatever do you remember that it was the blue flame like from the original like the D um the timer yeah I like that I like how they included that yeah I liked it too he emotions have a timer I don't know o I don't know um yeah Kang was a little freak I thought he he had a crush on Jin Wu in the beginning but oh really it was a power the little SM yeah Oh I thought you were like messing around about that I I kind of I mean yeah yeah he did give him he did give him a Tre little smirk meet me in the meet me in the boss room or something oh my god um but yeah he had to go so it's cool seeing so Jin Wu hibe High B tier High B rank um it's cool him knowing though like I would not be a match against these a ranks yeah so it's cool he he his perception is really helping him out MH good good skilled level MH it is more interesting like fighting people I think you know like bosses are difficult but when you start getting people that are like really high rank like that's how you know that's how you canest yourself I guess yeah I mean I'm I'm surprised we finished that in one episode so yeah that's good so we have 10 11 12 to do whatever we want I know maybe episode 10 is just going to be their dinner oh I can't wait for that you excited yeah does he have like a different set of skills he should have been leveling whole time Charisma is his charisma skill yeah that's like a big reveal so so you're thinking they're gonna go to dinner you think it's gonna go well do you think he likes her I can't tell with him now because he's just like he's just like colder yeah and he might take the crystal oh thanks you know thanks ji I could buy something buy a tool magic item with this yeah but I feel like he has to remember their deal yeah maybe he you're thinking he might just be like laser focused at this point at leveling yeah like he might not have time for all that I think um back at the very beginning when we first saw him he had kind of like the endearing type of RZ you know like she I think I think if I mean I don't want to like speculate and say that she loves him but like if she did like she definitely fell in love with him back then it wasn't it wasn't like a current like oh she sees like like the Chad change yeah the Giga Chad the Giga Chad version I don't think I don't think she like she's a real after he like trained she I think I think she really liked him before liked him before yeah we got we got a lot of info with this one I've been waiting a while for you to see everything that was up with Kang mhm because like the weirdo yeah I mean it it was just really hard to place him and like I I never suspected I like I never was like oh yeah he's just a sist like you know like psychopath he wasn't really on his tail I guess no I thought I thought I thought the same thing as you I thought that he was like bring it I thought it was we're getting the band back together and then I thought it was that um Kang was using the prisoners as an excuse to be close to Jen Wu to like watch him and like see like okay like how's this e- rank actually doing this and stuff so yeah that was that was I thought it was crazy I do like how they're also saving like Jin Wu's kind of big debut as well to the world you know cuz uh what's his name the guy without an arm the Mage song um song and ji are kind of going to keep a secret you know but he needs to be revealed to the world at some point yeah it's going to be that's going to be a cool moment all right I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of the season is if we have to deal with that guy's brother or if that's going to be later on I'm not sure right because it could just be the demon Castle stuff wrap that up y so we'll see all right I think that was good all right well let's just get into episode 10 mhm
Channel: FTF Media
Views: 5,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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