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hi guys welcome back to dimitra's dishes so today we're making another soup because it's really cold outside it's the perfect time of the year to eat this delicious soup it's super light it's gluten free and it is delicious and one of our viewers have one of my viewers have requested that I teach how to make this it's one of my childhood favorite comfort foods for the winter it's called give a like yet you like it really are meatballs that are cooked in a lemon egg based soup it's so delicious and so light I'm going to take you over the ingredients and we're gonna get started we need some ground beef chopped up onion and have it covered up because smelling up the kitchen smelling like onion this is chopped up onion and garlic it's two cloves of garlic and a medium onion you get all the recipes with the exact measurements on my website okay we need some long grain basmati rice a whole egg some chopped up parsley fresh parsley of course some freshly ground pepper a little salt a little olive oil that's going to be our for our meat our meatball mixture right and then for the sauce that we're going to make which is going to be the soup we're going to need some water you can use chicken stock if you want but water works really good freshly squeezed lemon juice there is no substitute for freshly squeezed lemon juice that stuff that comes in the container is not for cooking you guys okay that's just for cleaning and there are much better things to clean with I wouldn't even waste my money on it just squeeze your own lemons if they make the best juice and you can't substitute it back to the recipe we need some egg yolks a little bit of cornstarch and some dried dill that's it we're going to get started now and we're going to get started putting our meatballs together what we're going to do is we're going to add our onions our fresh parsley the bus muddy rice and basmati rice is really nice it's delicate it's the only rice I use other than if I'm making risotto or like a rice pudding it's really nice and light let me put some salt in here a little bit of freshly ground pepper a little bit or a lot depending on how spicy you like it and I like my food a little bit on the spicier side but make it as you like it a tiny bit of olive oil just a couple of tablespoons this is a really really light meal and then we just egg up a little bit take my ring off and then I'm just going to mix all these ingredients up together until they're all well combined that's it this is all ready to go I'm going to wash my hands cover this with plastic wrap and just pop this in the refrigerator just for 15 minutes so that way all the flavors can marry and what's going to happen is it's going to also help this mixture set so when I make the meatballs they kind of stay together in the soup and I'll show you the next step as soon as this is done okay so my meatball meat has rested for at least 15 minutes you could definitely make this the night before and leave it in your fridge it'll be even better but I'm going to begin this is also a dish that's great you can do it ahead of time or you can make it in a hurry it's really really good okay so I'm going to put my water in here so it's about 6 cups is just going to make the soup water for the former to come to a boil and I'm going to add a teaspoon of salt to it now like I said you can definitely substitute chicken stock for this or chicken broth but you really don't have to okay so now while this is coming to a boil I'm going to start making my meatballs take of my ring all right so you want like walnut sized meatballs those are a good size to make kind of roll them around in your hand like that all right so this is what the meatballs look like once they're formed and ready you see it makes a pretty big batch so my water has just started to boil you're just going to put one in carefully one by one cover it and let me lower the heat I'm going to cover it and let it come to a boil once it comes to a boil I'm going to lower the heat to a simmer and let them simmer for 30 minutes after that I'm going to take the meatballs out and we're going to make that voluminous sauce I'm going to show you what that what that looks like as soon as the meatballs are done cooking for 30 minutes I'm going to wash my hands I'll be back in 30 minutes so we have a few more minutes for our meatballs to be ready in the meantime we can begin making that will mo no sauce which is the lemony egg base for our soup and you get about a half a cup of lemons half a cup of lemon juice that is again the lemon juice that's sold in the supermarkets that comes in those funky green containers is never never ever a substitute for fresh lemon juice it's super simple to juice lemons if you don't have to have a juicer you could use your hand and just like scrape pick up all the like seeds and stuff otherwise please use fresh lemon juice that's my main point so I recommend a 1/2 a cup for this I like my soup really lemony I'm used to it I recommend that you start with maybe like a quarter of a third of a or quarter or a third of a cup and then like see if you want it more lemony from there because you really can't take out the lemon once you've started and I think I juice more than half a cup I'm just going to take some of this out and save it for my water this is a little bit more could always add more right we're going to put our egg yolks in here and that's pretty much that the egg yolks are the only thing that add richness egg yolks are healthy there they give like a creamy consistency they're very yummy in the soup with the cornstarch in here got some in my hair about a tablespoon for this amount of soup that we're making about a quarter teaspoon of dried dill now you can use dried dill here you can use fresh parsley you can use oregano whatever your favorite herb is go ahead and add that to it we're going to add about a couple of teaspoons of olive oil tablespoons that is about three and then we're going to whisk this all up look how pretty that looks it's not color gorgeous I've well and mono is a really really common base for soups and sauces and it's used really often in Greek cooking one of my favorite soups other than this one is chicken of a lemon oh and that's like a chicken a lemon a chicken soup with orzo that I make super delicious we serve it at the restaurant every day because it's that popular and this my friend is just as good okay so now the meatball should be ready because they were cooking for about 30 minutes I'm just going to pull them out okay this is what they look like once they're done cooking for 30 minutes simmering in here there's still a lot of water and you want that because you want a lot of that delicious soup that we're going to be making so here the meatballs the rice is completely cooked and so is the meat we're going to pull them out and I'm putting them on a clean plate I'm not using the same I'm using the same plate that I put the raw meatballs on but of course I washed it you never want to contaminate your cooked food with things that have had raw meat on them so you always want to wash before you put your cooked food on there so I'm going to pull these out and put them in my plate and we're going to continue making the sauce so some of the water oops lost one lost two when we get them all right so I'm going to turn the fire back on and looks like some of the liquid has evaporated straw I'm going to add just about a cup more a little less of boiling hot water to this now if I was to add my egg and lemon mixture to this hot water all of these eggs would curdle and instead of having a creamy soup we would have a curdling soup and you definitely don't want that so we're going to temper these eggs which which just means that I'm going to bring their temperature up a little bit so I'm going to take a label full of this stock or broth and I'm going to mix it up with my eggs so that way their temperature rises a little bit before we add them to this broth not one more now should be enough that's good enough it's beginning to feel pretty warm and this will ensure this simple step right here is called tempering it will ensure that the eggs do not curdle when they hit the rest of the hop liquid you put it in here and you give it a mix and you cook it on a low flame or low heat and you don't bring it to a boil necessarily you keep it at a simmer so that way this mixture thickens and the soup is going to be nice and creamy and delicious and make sure it has enough salt as that is so good the good thing about using lemony soup using lemon in the soup is it does need a lot of salt lemon really compensates for the saltiness that you need in the food is just adds that yummy gorgeous zing of flavor okay so this soup is ready and we can put our meatballs back in here very carefully you know what I think I'm going to use I have tongs here put them back in here we're just going to leave it alone and let it simmer for just a few minutes maybe five minutes and then we'll be ready serve this with some crusty delicious bread get the recipe gone WWE toast is calm I have the complete recipes with all the measurements on there so go on very get this recipe get many many I think I'll see you guys next time bye everyone joy they warm
Channel: Dimitra's Dishes
Views: 81,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avgolemono (Dish), soup, greek food, cooking show, dimitra khan, dimitras dishes, euro bakery, meatballs, lemony, egg lemon soup
Id: nRc-KFFwjEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 28 2015
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