YouTuber’s Body buried in Neighbour's Garden - Was this Murder?

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with almost 2 million subscribers on YouTube and 88,000 followers on Instagram Carlos Henrik Maderos gained widespread recognition as a successful Brazilian YouTuber with a flourishing career but after he disappeared on Christmas day of 2023 his family and the town of itap pakara desara began to panic and sadly their search efforts would end in one of the wildest stories of 2024 to date but this story goes far beyond the surface delving into a complex web of drugs lust desperation and deceit so what happened to Carlos madas and what do we know so far welcome or welcome back to Coffee House crime folks my name is Adrian and today we're looking at the mysterious death of Carlos Maderos now this story is both wild and very very recent with investigation still currently ongoing there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what actually happened and so in this video we'll look at everything that we know so far now I do want to point out that with this case happening so recently all of the information that we know is subject to change though it will be interesting to see how all the opinions and facts develop over time before we begin this is your gentle reminder that I serve coffee and Darkly fascinating stories so if You' like to caffeinate while you investigate please consider subscribing and now with that said please grab yourself a coffee pull up a seat and get ready for the Deep dive this is the case of car Los [Music] mados bom dear folks and welcome to S Pao with a population of 12 million residents and a wider population of 44 million sa Paulo is Brazil's most inhabited City it's found towards Brazil's Southeastern Shoreline and is only a Stones throw away from Rio de Janeiro interesting fact but did you know that more than 1 million pizzas are eaten here every single day anyway our case today pulls us to the municipality of itaparica desara an area which can be found on Sal Paulo's Southwestern outskirts now this town is a little less busy when compared to the city's many inner suburbs but for Carlos and the Maduros family that was perfect born in the Year 1997 Carlos Henrik mados was raised in itap pakara desara even from childhood he was known to be a natural prankster and enjoyed pushing his family's many buttons especially towards his sisters ktia and Christian despite this it can only be assumed that Carlos loved his family and had a great relationship with them through childhood and his teen years he was often seen with his sisters despite getting on their nerves every now and again now Carlos was definitely a family man but the one that he was especially close to was his father Antonio the two of them did almost everything together including days out going going to football games and even making pranks speaking of which it is probably time to address the elephant in the room here but Carlos would eventually become a rather massive YouTuber beginning his channel in June of 2015 Carlos found Fame after uploading many videos focused on pranking his sisters it's worth mentioning here that although his online name was Henrik mados his actual first name was caros now as previously mentioned Carlos had always been passionate about pranks and filming he was the type of guy to bring a camera just about anywhere filming both stunts and pranks with his family and friends from a very early age furthermore he had this innate talent for shooting his videos very well and coming up with creative ideas that were made to go viral with the backlog of material Carlos decided to open his own channel on YouTube which included posting videos of various pranks that he regularly got up to fortunately for him his YouTube channel quickly began to Gar traction during an infamous time in YouTube's history those who have been on the platform long enough may remember the time when prank content and social experiment videos Were King over any other type of content YouTubers such as Sam Pepper vital TV and fzy Tube were Supreme in this area of the internet and knowing that this was the formula needed to become successful Carlos paid close attention to those kinds of videos garnering the most views and sought to emulate them himself in Brazil a quickly growing untapped Market was just waiting for someone like Carlos to come in and take advantage because while many English-speaking prank channels were raking in millions of views there was little to no one doing it on the same scale that was Brazilian or spoke Portuguese recognizing the opportunity Carlos jumped at the chance to be the first one to fill the Gap and it didn't take long for his videos to reach an audience either and almost overnight he was amongst the top Brazilian Portuguese speaking YouTube Pranksters his videos covered the whole prank YouTuber Spectrum this included running away from the police giveaways stealing from Neighbors pranking his dad and even sexualizing his female friends and family it's clear from his thumbnails that Carlos was marketing his videos towards teenage boys they were a considerable portion of YouTube's consumer base especially in South America and regardless of what you think about the content it was being eaten up by Carlos's fan vase as Carlos began to EXP expent with YouTube many of his newer videos featured both family members and friends and he leaned on the man that he cared about the most Antonio kalos's father was seen in many of his new videos with both of them often joking and laughing around together and through these videos it is very clear to see that they had an excellent relationship now Carlos was very proud of his father too he regularly posted pictures of them on Instagram and while Carlos sometimes sought to get on his father's nerves for a reaction his father was always begrudging patient with him and even as Carlos began his Venture into YouTube he had his father's full support behind him with success found in his formula it seemed that nothing could stop kalos's meteoric rise on YouTube over the next few years his channel would grow to a mass of whopping 1.8 million subscribers with over 23 million views across his videos now known for more than just pranks Carlos posted other lifestyle videos too including vlogs and days in his life most of these videos were intended to look outrageous from the outset which is probably why his most popular video named I test how naughty my cousin is and it went horribly wrong received almost 10 million views on the platform in the background Carlos's audience was also growing on both Instagram and Facebook gaining upwards of 85,000 followers throughout the years his Instagram profile would offer a more personal lens to his life again f highlighting just how much he loved his father the father and son would also start creating skits on Instagram with Carlos focusing on the upbeat dynamic between him and Antonio and Antonio creating humorous memes about his family now this channel often focuses on murderous people with terrible parents so with that in mind can we just take a moment to appreciate how refreshing it is to see Carlos and Antonio as best friends the two seemed absolutely Inseparable but sadly what they didn't know is that 2023 would begin with incomprehensible heartache and this would be sure to end Carlos's career behind the scenes Antonio was dealing with an increasingly worrying illness things were not looking good for him and sadly shortly into the new year he passed away friends would testify that this absolutely devastated Carlos where he was once a bright and rather ambitious young man he was now a sad lonely and depressed shell of his former self it was at that very moment that Carlos abandoned his YouTube career entirely with his father now gone all of that drive and determination seemed to collapse and needing some sort of relief to help him from this NeverEnding nightmare he turned to the world of drugs to help him cope while Carlos would still occasionally see his old friends he also began to spend time with another group of people this new group which was a mix of newcomers and Old Friends alike all had one thing in common and sadly that was cocaine throughout the year of 2023 Carlos slipped further into this newly Dark World it is evident through his Instagram photos that he missed his father dearly and he was not managing to get through it in February of 20123 he posted an image of the two with the caption Rest in Peace Dad hope to see you again soon you taught me everything except Living Without You he followed up with another post by saying it's Friday without you the world has lost its Grace I swear I thought nothing in this world could shake me but losing you was like losing myself I don't exist anymore and it's only a matter of time in July of 2024 which was half a year after his father passed away he posted another video of Antonio this one captioned with missing the best dad in the world my best friend my recording partner my singing Duo one day we will be together I just hope it won't be long as you can tell Carlos was finding it very difficult to come to terms with the death of his father and as the family approached the first year anniversary he was still just as distraught but before the family could even finished 2023 they were met with more grief and mystery because on Christmas Day Carlos mados disappeared his sister Christian hadn't heard from him in a while which was highly unusual between the two she began to grow worried that something might have happened to her brother while she too was mourning the loss of her father she knew that her brother had taken it especially hard she also knew that he was quite destructive in the way that he coped now according to Christian the last time that she saw her brother was in the early hours of Christmas morning when he was seen watching fireworks with family and friends in the local Town Square apparently Carlos told her that instead of spending Christmas with family he wanted to spend it with his new friends and although this was quite disappointing to hear she wasn't surprised but after her brother failed to show up the following day she knew that wherever he was he likely needed a help his disappearance over Christmas dinner was wildly out of character following her concerns Christian managed to Rally her family with the situation at hand they began to search around the town for him checking in at the local hospitals and scouring the surrounding Fields but after a long and exhaustive day of searching he was still nowhere to be found the anxiety really began to sink in overnight when his silence remained for an abnormally longer time than usual it was at this moment that his sister took to Instagram announcing his disappearance in a desperate bid to find him now before disappearing Carlos told his sister that he had planned to stay with friends who lived just minutes away from their property and so with this information at hand this reasonably was the next place to look for him those friends were a married couple a 28-year-old man named renan Jose and his 24-year-old wife kolene Milo after asking them if they had seen him renan and carolene told Carlos's family that he had left shortly after dinner that night and that they hadn't heard from him since and although they had no idea of his whereabouts they did seem eager enough to lend any help that they could now sadly without any other substantial information Carlos's disappearance thawed over the following days no one seemed to have any any idea what happened to him and over the next week his family and friends scoured the area to no avail whatsoever the couple that last Saw Carlos joined his family in their search also taking to social media themselves to ask for any information which may help find him but as the week dragged on the search party would grow further and further desperate it seemed as if Carlos had vanished Without a Trace and although everyone knew that something was wrong they just didn't know what precise ly happened many of Carlos's childhood friends knew that despite his struggles he would never disappear under his Free Will and to make things further suspicious some of his friends did not trust the couple he was last seen with one of those friends in particular who is named Robson casemiro was very suspicious of ran and carolene he believed that the couple were simply lying to the authorities and that perhaps they knew more than they were willing to share and so on the night of New Year's Eve Robson decided to take matters into his own hands and under the cover of Darkness he investigated the couple's property for himself the plan was that he would begin with their Garden before then peering Through the Windows and going from there but while surveying the outside garden Robson noticed an unusual pile of recently shoveled Earth he made his way over to investigate and that is when upon closer inspection he noticed something that almost made him collapse to his shock and despair he could already see Carlos's t-shirt sticking out from the dirt he called the authorities immediately and after arriving at the property officers discovered something far worse than just a garment after all of this time and despite the couple spending their entire week searching for him with his very own family Carlos mad's body was in their Garden all along and now that his body was finally found all eyes were on renan and Caroline suffice to say things were not looking good for the couple it immediately became apparent that they alled the authorities and kalos's family for the best part of a week and now they had to come up with a better story so with this case happening so recently this is what we know so far according to ran and carolene Carlos had come over to the property for more than just Christmas dinner apparent ly cocaine was also on the menu they further claimed that shortly into their binge Carlos started seducing Caroline's younger sister who was only 16 years old at the time and shortly after that the two went to the bathroom to have sex while the two are having intimate relations and apparently when Carlos was just about to climax he started to feel unwell and at that very moment he then suddenly collapsed and died ran and Carolyn claimed that they then checked his pulse but it was clear that his heart had stopped beating and although they tried to revive him for 3 hours it sadly was to no avail now obviously their confession held some very serious allegations against Carlos but it's very important to highlight here that they are not yet confirmed this is a story that has been created by two people who have proven that they are capable of Deceit and so with that in mind this may just be chapter two of their Web of Lies now while the exact cause of Carlos's death is not yet recognized it is possible that heavy drug usage in combination with strenuous exercise did create fatal heart complications according to their own story they were so shocked and disturbed by his sudden death that they had absolutely no idea what to do next rather than call for help or contact the police it only seemed natural to them that the alternative was to bury him in a shallow grave in their garden and this is the main reason that people doubt their story because if they were totally innocent then why would they escalate the situation by concealing his body following his death ran and carolene asked her 16-year-old sister to help move the body they dug a grave overnight placed him in the grave the following morning filled it back up and then played D throughout the following days they made it appear as if they had no idea what happened to Carlos even looking at his family right in the eyes as they lied about their knowledge and to take one more deceitful step they even took to social media to ask for any information regarding his whereabouts because surely you cannot be a killer if you're both a good neighbor and a Good Samaritan right in the current stage of the investigation officers are still trying to determine if the couple story is plausible and can be trusted or if other Foul Play was involved Sal Pao police chief lisis FIA announced that upon initial inspection there were no signs of shooting stabbing or strangulation an official autopsy of the corpse is current currently underway and depending on what is found the charges currently placed against the couple could change quite drastically if the report indicates that his death was accidental then the couple will be charged with concealing a corpse on the flip side if it is proven that he was murdered then renan and carolene will be charged with homicide while the police continue their investigation Carlos's family is understandably outraged ran and carolene were people from their Community people they trusted and were supposed to be helping them with their search Carlos's Sister Christian believes that there is much more to kolene and renan's current story and she further believes that her brother's death was more than just an unfortunate accident in a statement to the Press she said if my brother got sick as they claimed then why didn't they call an ambulance to help him regardless of what people thought individually it became quite clear that some in the local area to demanded immediate retribution and after the authorities confirmed that the couple were in custody residents in the local area equipped themselves with torches and firebombs you can probably see where this is going but they attacked their property in an attempt to burn the house down while the house was not completely burned to the ground clear evidence of smoke and fire damage is visible all over the exterior walls with some reporters even recording the scene as it happened now regardless of their emotion this was an extremely unwise thing to do possible evidence to confirm or deny their involvement in his death may have now burned down in the process making this story even more challenging to unravel interesting enough no suspects have currently been arrested for arson so what precisely happens next well to begin with we must first wait for cis's toxicology reports to return the results will determine if drugs were in his system at the time of his death or not if the results come back strongly positive then ran and Carolyn will likely face charges of concealing a corpse and nothing more I mean they may have merely been scared that if they called the police then officers would have found cocaine in their possession or even assumed that it was murder from the outset in addition to this the police chief also expressed his belief that Rena knew that if he was found to be in possession of cocaine then he would have lost custody of his three children and his pregnant wife on the other hand it is also possible that one of these two lovers experienced a psychotic break while high and then assaulted Carlos resulting in his murder we also can't exclude the possibility that they murdered him for his money because Carlos had quite a fruitful career on YouTube and for that the authorities must remain Mindful and that fire that burned their house to the ground and potentially destroyed all evidence well maybe it was not an angry neighbor who said it perhaps it was somebody who is also culpable of the murder just a thought honestly it is not clear how this story will turn out out however saying that I do think it's worth talking about right now because it'll be interesting to see how these facts and opinions change over time regardless of what actually happened that night the local community's response was both Swift and brutal and everyone seems to blame ran and carolene to some degree for what happened to caros moving forward there are only two possible theories really either Foul Play was involved and the couple murdered him in C blood or they mishandled his unfortunate death by not alerting the authorities doubling down when they lied to the Midas family's faces and then helped in their search party when locals hear of his death they think of a bright smart and enthusiastic young man who was faced with terribly unfortunate circumstances in the year leading up to his demise his father's death put him on a sad and desperate path one filled with cocaine and drug abuse and sadly this path was one that he could not free himself from Carlos Henrik mos' YouTube channel continues to stand on YouTube as a digital collection of his memories and his Instagram profile also remains up to this day showcasing his unwavering love for his father and his darkest moments after Antonio's death tragically with Carlos never recovering after his father's passing Antonio's death was kind of his death too some of his captions Left Behind eerily display his prediction that he would not be far off behind his father in his final post on Instagram he finished his comment by saying one day we will be together I just hope it won't be long tragically his hopes were granted now these stories are always tragic but what really got me in this one is the pain that Carlos felt in the death of his father it is a real tragedy to know that his final year on Earth was filled with so much to spare as always folks I'll keep you updated with anything that happens to this case either in a new upload video in the coming months or through Instagram what I would love from you right now is to let me know what you think happened in this case because right now it could theoretically be murder or just simply an accident what I think will be very interesting to see though is how our opinions change after the story develops and while you're there let me know what you think about this type of content because usually I cover cases that are pretty much done and dusted but with this happening so recently I'd like to know if you found this interesting anyway folks that's the end of the video today thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate you being here and if you're new to Coffee House crime then welcome please consider subscribing it does help me out very briefly if you want to support the channel then please check out my patreon alternatively if you want to keep up to date with what I'm doing please check out my social media anyway folks that is it for me today thank you again for watching and as always I'll see you again very soon for another video Until That moment arrives though remember to look after yourself look after each other and of course stay safe thank you and goodbye
Channel: Coffeehouse Crime
Views: 506,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffeehouse crime, true crime, coffee house crime, crime, youtube, youtuber, death, mystery, mysterious, strange, bodycam, report, when a killer
Id: 2CfhSoymM0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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