YouTube Button - Nerd Level [ESP8266, RGB LED Matrix]

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hi in today's episode we are going to make a nerd level YouTube button I'm currently reaching that many subscribers okay it's binary that will be 65,536 subscribers in decimal if you are not a nerd like me believe me that's a significant number 65535 can still be stored in 16 bits 65536 however overflows in the next higher bit that usually will be stored in 32 bits that's a whole new architecture so two extra bytes are needed to store my subscriber count on now okay you might think I'm doing this only because in six years I didn't manage to get 100k subscribers to get an actual YouTube button but it's a nice project anyways I want to make it from the 64 by 64 RGB LED matrix I have here around for 2 years already it can be driven by any microcontroller but I will use this esp8266 based we must do one mini with an additional shield by fellow youtuber Brian Locke I bought it from his Dendy store he made many cool videos on these matrices so let's get started [Music] nope when I was finished soldering I realized I managed to solder the connectors to the wrong places I should have looked in the manual at least once before soldering it okay that's my fault so I have to rework it now at least I was able to salvage the connectors [Music] but wait there is more potential to screw it up I thought I could put the d1 mini this way around but then I realized that pins would be flipped and that's not good so I had to rework it with the female connectors on the board that's an example how to not saw the kids from tindy now that that was finished I designed a simple cover for the back of the panel [Music] after four and a half hours of lowest quality printing it was time to test it Brian designed the matrix shield based on a bigger matrix on my type the LEDs are more dense but also the connectors are closer together and it doesn't fit I bought a simple extension cord on eBay to put a shield somewhere else where it's not in the way of the power cable on the 64 by 64 matrix all dips have to be on so we need the C D and E line the matrix is powered by 5 volts you can either use the barrel Jack connector or these terminals here the LED panel has this two point five millimeter threads I will use these to mount the cover simple 2.5 millimeter screws from one of these standoff kits fit nicely [Music] on the other end of the power line I will use four millimeter connectors to provide enough current I will use this old PC power supply that I modified to be a bench power supply it's really dodgy but it does the job and it's laying here round without any purpose now it's time to hack the code done let's close it up and test it I used Brian's subscriber count' A Sketch as a base father we know it connects my Wi-Fi and gets the current subscribe account for my channel so my nerd level YouTube button will be always up-to-date it's getting close [Music] oops my fault [Music] it's getting close [Music] the printed cover on the back is quite convenient it stands by itself you can put it anywhere the actual code has some animated zeros and ones in the background for the maximum nerdiness but that doesn't show very well on cameras so I removed it but I also liked it without the animation I really loved the look of the LED matrix it's a real eye-catcher and really bright I totally have to make more projects with it you can find all the links to the parts that I've used here in the description below if you liked it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon channel memberships Pay Pal o buy my stuff on tindy see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: bitluni
Views: 125,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maker, diy, tutorial, esp32, esp8266, electronics, iot, tinkering, project, coding, arduino, platform io, atmel, microcontroller, rgb led, matrix, led matrix, dispaly
Id: wvBFtz7Ioio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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