YouTube Banned Me... (the truth) LWIAY #00139

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Happy birthday felix! We love you! [plz love us too ;'(]

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IndigoSoln πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Its funny how its Pewds birthday but 90% of memes that got in lwiay is about Marzia

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/itstoboibrent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's so sad he didn't see so many birthday wishes that were there

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/riripeaches πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ilovpotatoes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Happy birthday, that's some big PP right there!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/itsDair πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dont send pewthepie videos we alredy wached and if it has enoght of the upvotes for lwhy we will not watch that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stonks_memer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

There’s always something wrong with YouTube. Small pp sigh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CrispyMan420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

German 19 year olds can see this video on their feed. This comment is devoid of emotion and efficient in its delivery of relevant information.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SirSwitchalot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IAmDaPrince πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] ah [Music] it's my birthday hold up i gotta change yeah fancy shirt birthday shirt now it's my birthday whoa now it's a business write-off thank you for all the birthday wishes don't stop it the birthday over there's no point but we will go through these weeks of memes yeah can't wait for everyone to say happy birthday yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that's sick but no one plays them august anymore cringe come on my second attempt to get on hawaii and have peter bye see the pig i saw it hell yeah a man of culture he lifts weights and then he builds tambourines what else do you need that's all you need in life baby respect massive pp to this man there you go well done sir attention felix when we start your channel name on youtube the channel doesn't pop up oh my god i forgot about this your video also has significant less views i know then you're average i don't want to jump to conclusion but youtube is shadow banning you i don't want to jump to conclusion but you're bad if you just let us know uh what's going on so there's some false rumors being spread like i am doing it um got this new knife by the way it's pretty cool now it's a business right off yeah i'm kidding or am i anyway um yeah i don't know if you guys noticed this probably you didn't notice it but because you didn't get notified but i uh we uploaded this video right and it got like 9 000 views inside was on it blessed be thy side it's like wait what's going on like is he glitched so we just skipped uploading that day thinking next day it would be fixed and then the same thing happened people started noticing my my video wasn't getting any views and it just went everywhere i think that was a bunch of news right what does shadow band actually mean youtube working on fix youtube allegedly shadow band shadow man they creep from the shadows and then they bang you and then they stab you pewdiepie youtube channel issues made fans fear a shadow ban valkyrie is now the fastest growing streaming in the world have you heard of corpse i think not yeah they fixed it at least they said they fixed it let me know if you can see this video that'd be epic i didn't think they've had shadow banned me i assumed it was just an uh a glitch but it begs the question how did how does that happen how did it how did this happen it didn't happen to anyone else i asked around like did this happen to anyone else anyone else have this not just me all right cool that's fine do you know that beards and rick ashley was classmates i have a knife now all right sorry don't demonetize i'm just saying it's very good for cutting connect your bra yeah all right garbage meme get small peepee i don't look around anymore nobody might say hearing the outporn after months of tambourines so the nightmare begins again say strong marzia honestly marxist started using it right after i recorded that video and it was the most annoying [ __ ] ever i'm like oh god what have i done i gotta apologize to my neighbors it's so loud it's so loud it does not if you think the video was loud it does not come across it is so goddamn loud let me know if you have any ideas what to do with it it's just sitting in my room now and i i have no clue what to do with it also why has there not been any birthday wishes so far i put on the birthday suit i have a tambourine physical therapist suggest gamers do five push-ups per death to remain physically active five push-ups that's it weak oh i get oh okay because i have zero deaths or you can just you know work out because it feels good just work out it's not that hard you go ooh oh oh hell yeah big peepee that's a cool photo i don't know if they took it for the subreddit but i i'm giving it a big pee pee anyway happy birthday oh tomorrow okay i thought i thought maybe i would get like a birthday wish but yeah happy birthday [Music] martha i'll hurt the tamron remember kazoo kid this is him now feel old yet but you feel old but you feel nine years old nobody might say your creations here comes my chat check what's that oh [ __ ] it's a haiku one hell yeah it's one of my favorite anime i saw it seen in a while so what so you admit i say that [Applause] damn holy [ __ ] all right i don't need birthday wishes that was 10 out of 10. well done ernest t very nice huge peepee my favorite comment on any pewdiepie video you need to stop screaming my name in the beginning of the video i get so damn excited yeah i've seen this i like that even la why lava thank you for watching lawai that's actually what we named the show for we didn't steal it from anyone appeared in among us voice chat pewds telling knock knock jokes after dying yeah because the game has to be spun somehow it's just so satisfying i'm sorry i don't mean to be threatened people all the time but all i'm saying if a watermelon approaches me in a dark alleyway i'm not saying anything actually but what i am saying is how can i look as threatening as possible by holding this i feel like the shirt makes at least at least frightening that was my threatening face that's terrible this is a problem being a swede we're the least threatening people of all time the camera angle in anime when a character is about to go absolutely insane there it is i as soon as i saw that still image i knew there was going to be memes of it thank you so much i love it so much i'm so glad i keep seeing this image it's not even of me in kindness there's evil in evil there's kindness of course we have the balance then there's pure good and then there's this [ __ ] yeah i'm not gonna threaten anyone but if i see a sheep i will build a candle freaking machine that's all calm down youtube don't shadowband me i'm kidding okay there you [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] now we need corpse on that deepening voice oh god that's uncomfortable oh hell yeah well done that's sick maybe now i'll have to play among us again eh huh if i'm gonna get in trouble for a bunch of [ __ ] that i haven't said i might as well take credit for it i haven't said it as well there you go that's the real quote thank you that actually looks in jail well done big baby i respect it all right we got a lot of sick animations thank you guys hell yeah oh yeah boy say big peepee well done all those things played al porn 19 year old okay marzia the neighbors yeah uh i did get they did ask me about it but they were okay with it i have good neighbors luckily thank you don't report me to the alcorn police please all right no birthday wishes as well it's whatever i don't really care i swear to [ __ ] on every goddamn time it's mr b's birthday subreddit go [Music] it's my cf birthday oh my god i must sim all these random youtubers i barely even heard of oh my god it's their birthday what are we doing deploy the birthday it's fine it's fine i'm not mad yeah don't give her ideas please no more ideas for myself don't stop sending these all right our house already looked like a living nightmare [Music] [Music] okay nice thank you thank you that gets a peepee of honor because finally someone realized here you go what do you get i don't know i don't want to give away money uh my meme yeah baby that's what i've been waiting for that's what it's all about that's good [ __ ] sweden does something pewdiepie swedish science is the world's finest is this jojo is that what i think it is if it's jojo and i don't approve of the jojo anymore tomorrow thank you peters for keeping me company while i'm at the hospital for having a seizure god damn i hope you're doing well i'm i'm always glad my videos can entertain you guys but if you're not entertained i am not the neighbor's kid quesadillas obviously come on tambourine and all porn companies after inventing pewdiepie it's interesting to think that me and ksi probably have a significant impact on the al porn what is it called like business feels good man yes among us please we need a tambourine in the game everyone is asking for it literally everyone hey among us look at fall gas right it was the hutch everyone was playing with it but they didn't add a pewdiepie skin game went back down faster than you could say ball guys huh as long as you don't want that to happen you want a pewdiepie skin trust me on this one okay okay happy birthday marks yeah check what's that no no pewdiepie when he gets a really good fan art i want to upload because i'm not like okay someone just gets really good feather that's actually insane you get turned in what oh powerful award for that what is that case that gives out way money to fan art okay start with the nose he's got a little bit of that handsome squidward vibe to him i'll give him that am i the only one to see it i'm feeling this oh yeah i'm sorry ksi please give me money he's gotta look good otherwise he's not gonna give me money okay cool the chain is becoming a little bit like uh we have a little bit of uh abdul vibes to this i like that maybe we'll do like a crossover dude he could totally he's got the bandana he's got the chain if kesai doesn't dress up as abdul on halloween i'll be disappointed that's all i'm gonna say huge shoulders huge breastsicles tiny nipples the pinnacle of man will do the jojo signs because they look like a jj so it makes perfect sense all right let's save this spend a lot of hours on this hope it's worth a ward and then and then you gotta have some self-deprecating like or just like pitying a pity bait like uh i just want him to see it really would make my life there we go boom all right upload this please for the love god upload this wait i can't upload my own what is this [ __ ] come on kiss i please i got i spent all that money on the tear on the outboard where's the dick richard yeah it you can explain it that doesn't mean it makes sense dumb asses oh my god why did i not see this hell yeah and maya nugget too that's amazing huge peepee pigeon lover hell yeah that's sick what the [ __ ] and they used to imagine so a lot of people are confused that me and uh me and maya and edgar had the birthday on the same day i can prove it every time we uh i i register my dogs i always put the the birthday as my birthday so we we share the birthday it's legally it's entirely legally possible okay where's my it's entirely legally possible okay we have the same birthdays honestly the truth is it's in reverse i will delete my youtube account if i get close to pewdiepie subscriber account now i'll delete my first mr beast you need to go on you're the chosen one stop with this photo big peepee though yes i mean no please for the love of god stop don't give her inspiration oh thank you there it is a jojo oh look at that you're so cute you know what you get the tarnian award a metaphys a spiritual version turn in yeah that's better isn't it yeah oh you get a tambourine hit yeah that's better yeah you won that yeah hey pierce after you uploaded your first workout video it really inspired me hell yeah let's get it good progress man keep it up it's cool that i inspired you guys start lifting immediately immediately [Music] how can you be scared of this it's so cute it's lit it's the least threatening i need to get rid of this this is going to cause problems i'll put it away in arm's length i made a pewdiepie skin without legs well done what can i say but just good job you did it when pewte sees your post but scythe cuts it out of the way why is that such a good meme i'm glad grease ball is popping up man this one this one i will let slide that that's a good one oh happy birthday martial oh marcia the pasta i just finished season two i know everyone was crazy about me watching avatar and it was so annoying and it's so childish the first episodes but it gets actually good it gets really good so you were right and i'm willing to admit i was wrong guys i made a mistake all right i pre-judged avatar and it was actually great oh my god never seen photo of pewdiepie and his father will show that's freaky man he's got the pewdiepie gloves on even what the [ __ ] all reality football pewdiepie family [Music] side editing videos and seeing felix's donate to brad for the second one all right this time is online i will i will i'm just okay [Music] he got shadow back our biggest creator no i'm not youtube trying to explain my pizza's shadow pen yeah yeah it was weird it was weird what in the world hey come on nice all right oh yeah oh going up hey [Music] nice [Music] it's so good jack's films did the melody and the whole song by the way i stole it off him as a meme just want to be clear like that's his song but that's cool to hear it though sounds great oh i couldn't turn 19 without a pewdiepie cake that's so sweet happy 19. that's epic are we moving to 29 soon because i'm 31 now the fiercest looking snail ever oh my god that must be a 19 year old snail right there holy [ __ ] dude the oldest condom was invented in sweden you are welcome you are welcome what can i say except you're welcome yeah how big is that that's a tiny pt what the dude from sheepskin someone saw a sheep and was like i could put that on my peepee hell yeah go sweden yeah oh there it is are we blind deploy the birthday wishes thank you guys so much i had a great birthday it was really really fun i'm just really thankful that such a cool fan base and thanks for uh supporting me throughout the years i like it i like support so you know smash like subscribe and all that jeep jabber and i see you guys tomorrow hey dog bro fish yeah [Music] one
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,882,098
Rating: 4.9729114 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: cne9Dc3bqYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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