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hello guys my name is Victor I am born again we are here this evening to share something small from our them of 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 2 and I want my fellow panelists to introduce themselves as we continue and I'm going to start with hi W um my name is Jennifer um welcome as we dive in more on our HTH week uh theme which is preach the gospel K my name is Linette jeru I am born again and I love Jesus we want to welcome you all even as we make I do an exposition of our theme which is preach the gospel just like as just like Victor has told us okay thank you for introducing yourselves Jennifer and lyette we are going to go straight to what has brought us here and as we have been told by my fellow youths that we we are going to handle it from second Timothy chapter 4:2 and I'm going to ask Jennifer to read the verse for us um it says in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who will judge the living and the dead and and in view of his appearing and his kingdom I give you this charge preach the word be prepared in season and out of season correct rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction for the time will come when people will not put up with sound Doctrine instead to suit their own desires they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to Meats but you keep your head in all situations and do your hardships do the work of an evangelist discharge all the duties of your ministry thank you Jennifer for reading for us we are going to start with nette and nette we going to I think from the first bit of verse one it is talking about I charge you what does it mean to be charged um uh I think it means to be given an instruction that whoever is giving it out expects you to fish to the okay so thank you now P you can we can all share our background understanding from this specific writing maybe we can start with you Jennifer am I should I start so I I think I think the second Timothy is a letter from Paul and this letter SEC Timothy was a young evangelist who had been mentored and trained by Paul for quite some time and this was actually the the last set of instructions and as Jerry has said that it is a very important instruction that starts with not like an optional command but a very straightforward command as as as as Paul urges him to follow a certain instructions for him to make sure that he continues the work that Paul had started Jenifer um for me it's it's it's it's a letter from Paul to Timothy uh he was nearing his and uh he he wanted someone who would continue with the work of spreading the gospel to other to more Christians to more Gentiles Jews and uh so he was giving him a command that as I am going I am giving you this opportunity and chance for you to Contin okay thank you maybe just to Echo what both of you have said um it feels like a king is almost living and he wants to hand over the kingship to his son so this is how this Kingdom should be run this is how you should uh discharge your duties as the next king so it's similar to what Paul was doing but this is different because it was not a physical encounter he wrote a letter to Timothy this is what you ought to do even after I have discharg your duties in the office of an evangelist now a number of ways to do it so I feel like it's a handing over ceremony in form of letter okay so thank you for I think we have all understood the background on the reading I think the most important verse is verse two and I want to hear maybe from Jennifer about what does it mean especially from the first bit of the verse that says preach the word be ready in and out of season um I'd say uh as is in the context of young people there are a lot of things going on immorality stff mob and so as as Paul was telling Timothy you preach the gospel because it will come a time when it will convient convenience quo but at at the end of the day preach the word it's a fer Point you'll feel it's welcoming and it's not welcoming just preach the word that was it whatever comes Whatever May preach the word okay thank you Jerry before Jerry shares her take I'm going to say something brief from the verse I think it is also a very important them especially in our generation because we are used to preach a lot of things we preach the economy we also used to preach current affairs we used to preach challenges that you're experiencing but I think this is a very straightforward instruction from Paul that for every young Timothy out here cuz I think this word is not only for the Timothy in the Bible but it's also for us as the young people because we the Timothy of this generation that it is the high time that the what guides our speaking what guides our preaching should basically be the word of God and Jennifer had said because Jennifer had explained well that a time is coming that we won't be able to preach so akas SE on set we need to do it on a full-time basis didn't it so maybe just uh I can tackle the last bit Timothy was instructed to preach this this gospel preach the word with great patience and careful instruction whatever you're going to preach you'll find people who you have to walk the journey with them for them to actually understand the Jesus we are preaching so as much as the instruction was very St preach the gospel uh Paul gives a caveat and he's like do it with Pati and careful instruction listen to what they want to he but he tells him make sure you give very careful instruction and as Victor has said based on this word which is the gospel of of Christ yeah okay thank you for such interesting remarks now I want us to dive in into the part of I think this set of instruction the first one is preach the word the second one is be ready in and out of season the third one is convinc the fourth one is rebuke the fifth one is exalt and the sixth one is with patience but other versions say with wrong suffering I think this is a very it's a quite straightforward kind of instruction maybe and I'm going to start with rette with this one maybe you can give us an is how how can we how can we convince people that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the way to ahuh that is such a broad one but let me but let me try and summarize for me according to me one of the best ways to actually convince people that this gospel is true is through results through results let me give a very simple um example so for example if I was sent to preach to uh people who really want to in their in their mindset they view God as a father who should provide for them and somebody else goes with the same gospel but they have the results of God being a provid them if you balance those two things there's a very high probability they will believe the god of the person who has a good life so I feel like one of the best ways to preach this gospel is by having the results of course which are but the results that are results there's a preacher I love who says you can argue with our methods but you can't argue with our results yeah so thank you another way to convince someone that the word is the way to go as we evangelize uh I don't know if there's any other way because I feel um results will speak louder because even Jesus as on Earth he when he performed the Miracles the Bible says that many people believed in him so the results will always speak out for me I guess I I'll have to agree with what Jer said Thank you and but for me I have another one affirmations I think the Bible is full of affirmations and I think we don't know the kind of a person most likely the results that you experiencing may not communicate to a person who is maybe struggling with their health but I think the word is very rich in affirmation so I feel here we need to have the word of God in us to affirm people of what God can do and who God is in our life sure the second one I'm starting with you Jennifer rebuke such a strong word I know if you don't like it especially as the young people but how do you rebuke as a Christian not as a Christian more as a Believer let me say let me refer it to that well it's a tough one because um with with careful careful patient so for me I guess rebuking you just use the word of God you just have to use the word of God because to IND so through the word okay so thank you and you have to say maybe before I say I would want to ask how do you reuke using the word just get how Roman because I feel like e Bible it it it has a lot of things it teaches us it has a lot of teachings it has a lot of rebuking it has it has everything in life if this is the best book you can look into to to walk in this life so even when you when you're trying to rebuke someone because something I feel so but when you use the word I guess it it will make a lot of sense because with careful instruction and patience patience true maybe before Jerry says something I want to say something so that when she answers she answers differently I I think we live in a time where if you approach especially a young person with a rebuke most probably apart from Jennifer's method what other method can we use to make sure that P see we don't our rebuke doesn't send people away cuz p as as you as you oftenly say that we are not in on the same level when it comes to matters of Faith so there's someone who can take rebe shed some light based on whatever I've said so um for me um I think the first thing is you must understand who is this person you're rebuking especially if it's a one-on-one conversation it's easier for you introduce to that person aank you have to understand the audience you're dealing with so after understand you able to like you will know the approach you're going to use so I think the first thing is understand your audience then the second thing must do it with you must do it with and you're the one who on the right so I feel like after if you do it in love it's easier for you to that must be done in love you know like a remember with careful instruction and Pati and we say First Corinthians that love is patient so even when you're patient with someone it's somebody it means you have Incorporated the act of Love yeah so I think that with those two you able to rebuke as Timothy was instruct so thank you and for me to add something little I have been studying Doo psychology and one thing that I have come to realizes that the first thing is that you have to separate the issue with the person yeah true and you first need to understand that you're not dealing with the person but you're dealing with the issue so if you separate the two most definitely your approach will be very will be very different and as we had started as we are going to study from the book of Isaiah the first thing is that you need to to understand that whatever they are going through whatever they experiencing it's true and it's there and I think if we start to by separating the two we are going to address the issue in in a very different way and it's not going to come out like they are the bad people and if you separate the issues at the end of the day you are not dealing with the person you're dealing with you both of you you dealing with the issue so I think the rebuke will come out better and maybe just to and like saying he was able to separate the of adultery and that you go but no more so he was able to instruct him in the way she was supposed to go but still left her but he was able to separate the and the woman okay thank you so much we continue exalt what does it mean to exalt and what does your version say Jennifer I think to me Amplified the amp one it says exalt and encourage those who are growing towards spiritual maturity okay to exalt is to encourage and yours yeah mine also says encourage ex encourage okay so how do we encourage our fellow Brethren and and and and when we are talking about this we are not necessarily into a young person as a Timothy they still a 40y old who is new in the faith there is a 60y old who is even new in their place maybe in their purpose so as you're talking about a timoth you're talking about a Timothy not entirely based on age so what would you how do you encourage someone a hypothetical situation how would you encourage someone who is maybe experiencing maybe experiencing grief how would you encourage someone who is in a state of mourning I'm going to start with Jenifer hey that's a tough one because I know what you feel but at the end of the day pain different maybe but those two pains are very different so me I don't know how i' encourage someone grief but I just use the word of God just the word of God for me because but you don't understand this person because your time and I feel God unfair but if you use the word of God he doesn't live and everything works for good okay so thank you that is one way maybe to to maybe before I say something Jerry you can you can um but how would I do it I thinkon like for example when you're someone who is a Christian or a Believer let me use that word you have read the word of God you have been going to church through the same thing but this time it is you in that place you know at times it really doesn't okay let me just see maybe quote unquote doesn't really help at that moment maybe later it will help cuz but I think at that very moment for me I was encourage by my presence and just be there if they want to cry they want to talk just be there and just be within reach just in case they need somebody to talk to just in case they need anything from anyone one you are able to cuz I feel like Words May Fail us at that moment but your presence they will remember so El who was here with me when I was SC and that is also it's called the ministry of presence yeah yes thank you and also to add I think mostly in most setups I think those places are very important because at the end of the day so I think Sana it's you need to speak less and do more and whatever you are doing will later be of great impact to their because I think doing is more you spreading love more so love fail it never fails so another one with Pati with all patience I think with all patience you're going to finish with all patience and with long suffering what does that mean to you as a young believer and with the experience in Salvation because we are also very different based on maybe the time we we were born again maybe based on the experiences that we have had in the Kingdom of he of God Jennifer I guess it alling Jesus has always been there for us and have you been suffering of course salvation is not easy are you content in your single food I'm not of course continue h salvation is not easy I'd say that because I i' feel H it's a journey Mountain the valley the flat place and as Jesus always there he doesn't let you go unless why you you let yourself go so I feel like long suffering is just being patient just push on be patient keep keep knocking and keep knocking because at the end of the day just you'll just have to be there long suffering till the end okay thank you Linette what do you have to say um me I'll un it in two Dimensions patience one you have to be patient with the people you're preaching the gospel to and number two be patient with yourself also Timothy was a young evangelist Paul was veteran but of course he had more experience like he had more experience than Timothy had so I think even when you go to preach this gospel be patient with the people you preaching it to but also be patient with yourself you're also learning you you're going to make mistakes you're going to face challenges feel you're not good enough don't doubt the calling of God over your life be patient with yourself also yeah so I think it's it's it's tool it's it's a it's by directional be patient with them that you're preaching to and be patient with yourself also it's a it's a journey you're going to grow and you're going to be better than you were yester okay okay and also be patient with God someone said that he com right in his appointed time he shall come he has to understand god with patience like and also maybe to say something esally from the Bible Paul experience such kind of a moment when he he was he sent Titus to the Corinthian Church now it was a very terrible time for him because he thought that the church had already backslid and he was waiting for Titus to bring in a report but the Titus was I can't remember the verse it is that it even hindered him from from preaching so you preach to be patient and make sure that whatever you say the spirit that the holy spirit that you left to them is going to convict them at their own at its own time and because now the best thing about preaching the gospel if someone gives their Liv to Christ then the holy you have planted the seed somebody has water the Lord will cause it to be okay now I want us to to differentiate two things the word starts the verse starts with preach and it ends with teaching what is the difference preaching and teaching wow I think teaching is part of preaching I feel like a preaching is the larger picture than teaching when you're a teacher you break down whatever you are your set of instructions to very small bits that the person can actually digest so I think teaching and TS come teaching the word of God you break down this word of God to the level of the person you're teaching te kinderg it but both of them are teachers they able to break the whole concept to a point to a level where these two different classes are able to understand so I think that's that is how I would differentiate the two and after you have said that I have thought of something maybe the teaching bit is Paul giving Timothy an instruction of mentorship because you have to be within the same proximity with a person you're teaching so I think it's more to disciple more people to the Kingdom so that the work may not get to any point cut short yeah true yeah so I think that far we are we are doing good it is talking about the end time that it will come to a time when you'll be doing these things and people won't hear now I want Jennifer to take us to the the reading it was supposed to be our first reading but we have started with the with the hot one so Isaiah 61 and maybe share something and maybe after you have read it Jer will share something concerning the whole background behind Isaiah 61 and I'm also going to share something J Isaiah 611 to3 to four to four yeah okay the spirit of The Sovereign Lord is on me because the Lord has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted to Proclaim freedom for the captives and release from Darkness for the prisoners to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor in the day of Vengeance of our God to comfort all Buon and provide for those who grieve in Zion to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of Ashes the oil of Joy instead of mourning and a Garment of Praise instead of a spirit of Despair they will be called o of righteousness a planting of the Lord for the display of his Splendor verse four they will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places along Dev long devastated they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for Generation yes thank you uh so um maybe a small background Isaiah was pre preat pre Exile preex Exile pre exile meaning a prophet to the nation of Israel before they went to ex so he actually prophesied that these people will go chapters of chapter before chapter 61 rep do this think I can't remember the chap 61 he he he tells them what will happen after it's actually a show of Mercy what Willen after God has showny to the nation of Israel still has a good plan for you yes thank you and also to add something I think it is it is also for telling of the coming of the Messiah and the good work that the Messiah is going to do and the Messiah will also redeem maybe what they would have lost and also it brings a very interesting perspective of the kind of preaching the kind of teaching that the Messiah would bring he would help people who are in captivity and I think it's it's quite self-explanatory but it also brings us into the reality that Jesus came for us Jesus came for us to be redeemed Jesus came for for us to be and and whatever by maybe culture and all the things that are happening in the world today so I think it is it is such an encouraging word that we are living in the dispensation that was being called I think I think it's more of a dispensation of Grace the ox of righteous yeah the ox of rightous we see how yes Jennifer do you have something to say just a a message of Hope For Me message of hope that whatever maybe it's it's a message to to to encourage someone that after going through a hard time God and and also the message that Jesus preached after he came from the Wilderness actually the Bible that it's one of the first first things that he said after he came from the Wilderness which G gives us an affirmation that it is already fulfilled and we we should desire to live the reality of what the word says in Isaiah 61 but also maybe maybe just to a different dimension this this was um this was the Manifest of Jesus L he Wasing them this is this is my job description on Earth this is what I have come to do maybe just to link it to our our our has I don't think everything that he did on Earth you can actually trace it back to this particular scripture this scripture has been fulfilled in your presence today so it was his this is what I have come to and also maybe a verse that I I I I came across yesterday and it was talking about the same work of Jesus that I'm going we are going to share the verse somewhere within the description and the verse was talking about people who are devastated and there was not enough people to take care of him so because I was in an interview somewhere at towards the end of that verse God is instructing people to come into the ministry of being evangelist so that they may continue the good work his work is to pass but there there's need for people to make sure that they hold these people and they make sure that they motivate them so I think p in a in a in a in a way it begins to introduce a very interesting perspective that the work that Timothy was beginning it's actually the Fulfillment of what Christ had already started oh yeah true it's true so do you have something to add so maybe something else we would say because we still have a couple of minutes what are some of the ways that I think it is very I think the most common way that we know we should Evangel I don't want to say a lot but we have already seen those people and somehow we have also been those people in one way or the other so what are some of the ways cuz we need to also to understand so I want us to maybe discuss on some of the ways that we can evangelize to the world today that we broaden our mind on ways that we can evangelize that does not necessarily entail on our perception of what evangelizing means maybe we can start with Jennifer we can share a couple of ways as we conclude uh for now I feel like the social media like everything the social media like I feel like it's a strategy like I feel the greatest like Facebook we don't mind it okay Tik Tok I I feel like social media that's the ti Tok spre okay I also had the same um mindset yeah social media has opened us up to the one even what we doing now like we don't know maximum people people now that we have we will put it and like it's out there many people have the access to it so and whatever we have discussed they will not like we have preached the gospel and maybe the other thing is um what Paul said that our lives should be letters that can be but if your life is able to preach the gospel they might not even tell you you have preached but they will learn about the Christ you're preaching so I feel like we ought to be effective Witnesses and ambassadors of Christ wherever we are in our workplaces so to deeper into the word of God okay so thank you I think that is such an interesting bit and maybe to eal what Jerry has said because you have said two and they are the most important ones a story is told of uh someone a very famous DJ in our country and he was sharing a testimony and he was saying that one day he was in a deal and for the deal to be activated he had to First make sure that Kya deals another deal so there was a team that was asking him that but the DJ was supposed to ask and the DJ I'm a born again Christian and I cannot do that in the future like like five or 10 years later he came across the wife of one of the people the wife said that you don't know what you have done to my family because after that experience my husband desired to change because of the level of Integrity that you showed from that from that so as is saying that let your life preach his Integrity brought someone to Christ and I'm sure that our actions might bring people to Christ or further from Christ sure yeah and maybe to share very briefly on some of the approaches we can take as we were studying from our theme some of the approaches we can take to evangelize maybe you can share to share to I share was relational approach it's based on relationships like you make make Jesus loves you so thank you so maybe another one is is the direct approach that we are all familiar with I think the direct approach is self-explanatory is the way you approach people and start speaking about the goodness of God maybe I would add another one another we are discussing is that intellectual approach it is very important as you continue planting the word of God in your heart that you are going to come across people who will challenge your faith and you need to be to always be equipped to be in a position that you can be able to answer to Def defend Christ
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Id: S_oRg1j3mAE
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Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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