Youthforia Foundation Drama & Meeting Bella Hadid! | BEAUTIFUL and BOTHERED | Ep. 70

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these black women are creating lines knowing how hard it has been for black people to get shade matched it makes me like nauseous because it's so dehumanizing they've won once you hit check out and you give them your money they won sweetest celebrity I have ever met Bella haded to come out with fragrances that smell like that can you even this like me like yeah yeah girl yeah Drew Barrymore kamla Harris interview someone said I can't believe the Secret Service let this [Music] happen you know what all right you know what oh my God hi hi welcome to a new episode of beautiful and bothered um are we in the right spot everything's fine something's wrong something's something's you know what we're here we're here that's all that matters um with something's a foot don't tell Dan Schneider that no why did he like feet he liked feet put fetish he was weird he was always did you I need to watch a documentary I have seen so many it's going to ruin my childhood of like all the shows that I used to watch and knowing how much of a piece of [ __ ] he is absolutely we're talking about the Nickelodeon documentary and that's you know what I laughes the yes and the other Executives at Nickelodeon that's what makes me laugh about people who say the thing about drag queens being predatory who like show me cases equal to heterosexual men that are pedophiles Predators yeah um and then it's like all the people saying like drag queens whatever like let their kids watch Nickelodeon not biting an eyelash not real you know what I'm saying it's always the people you in plain sight that are the most yeah absolutely they say it's like teachers doctors lawyers priests everything yeah yeah then I'm like yeah but we're the problem yeah exactly got it um we haven't filmed in two weeks and we always say it feels like one of us like you go off to war yeah and so much happened in this two weeks yeah like two girl yeah it yeah it just feels like there's so much to catch up on we have so much to talk about so much to talk about uh we have youor girl so youth Foria is a makeup brand that did something horrible which we will get into um and then yeah in the past two weeks for me I have met Bella Hadid I am Bella and it took every fiber of of my being not to do that in her face so I yeah uh I met haded for her new fragrance line which we have right here not sponsored but Kevin hasn't smelled them so we're going to do that and then we uh I went to the rare Beauty mental health Summit which I filmed a segment for the Today Show for that which I'll tell you how that panned out and then um I had a Laura Mercier event I had I went to the a Met Gala watch party with Tik Tock I was not invited because Tik Tok has never acknowledged my presence it was uh Aon Dugan your Che who I love love love um the yes she invited as one so we had a blast tell you about that we had the me Gala which we'll um get into and kind of let you know about that and then um you wearing bottom eyeliner today looking so nice and fresh and I love that yeah you do like it I do it looks very nice thank you so so much to get into let's take a break and we'll come right back with uh all this hot too yeah the hot gos could you stop breathing so thatly honey [Music] hi everybody we have a very special announcement if you enjoy beautiful and bothered we would like to officially announce Beyond bothered after show on patreon we told you it was common it's here it's here and here we have one fulllength bonus episode at the end of every month but we thought we would celebrate the premiere of Beyond bothered after show on patreon with 2024 me Gala makeup police episode what a better way to kick it off girl you can head over there right now it is very affordable and check out the very first bonus episode which there will be another one at the end of this month so this is a little like Premier party bonus bonus a bonus bonus a bonus bonus so head over to the Beyond bothered patreon and check out the 2024 Met Gala makeup police there will be so much more coming as as far as Beauty content Beauty content every single month ability to ask us questions leave us voice memos at the end of every single episode they'll be uh bonus bloopers bonus Clips we can squish a cake with my toes if you want I'll do will sit on cake we have music reviews cuz there's no copyright reaction videos so so so much more you do not want to miss out so make sure to head over to the Beyond bothered patreon which you can find in the description of this podcast if you're streaming it or uh watching us on YouTube but we are so excited to start this journey you guys have been requesting a patreon for quite some time so uh we're in our patreon era we're in our patreon era Beyond bothered Smokey after show we just smoked cigarettes the whole time God it was a total Bank Fest check out beond bothered [Music] patreon uh God where should we start okay well I'll take you through the week so really last week was I feel like crazy it was um an emotional roller coaster and we were kind of talking about it when you got here I feel like it was it's I have felt so stuck in a rut for so long like and so certain things aren't going anywhere and I just want it to like come on and um but I will last week really felt like probably the lowest I've been in a while where now this week I actually am starting to feel a little bit like okay I've been at what I have felt like emotionally Rock Bottom for so long that I'm starting to feel an uptick in things like things happening Etc I think it was last Tuesday I want to say was the Laura Mercier event it the whole day I spent in bed like it was a really bad like just depressive episode like I was like under the covers I want Total Blackness we were supposed to film that day yes and I said I was like I we were just like yeah we're not going to do it and ironically the next day was the rare Beauty mental health Summit so that worked out well in a way um and then I got a DM from the team later in the night saying uh Hey like and I love the team from rare Beauty Courtney I feel like I've seen so much recently we talked about it um who we used to know works the brand now um and I got a DM from them basically saying that for the mental health Summit they The Today Show was doing a segment on it and they picked I don't know how many people but they were like can you come a little early and we would love for you to get interviewed for the Today Show like talking about your journey with mental health Etc like your relationship with the rare impact funds Selena Gomez's kind of like impact on the mental health space Etc so I was like oh my God yes um went there it was really cool it was very brief like it was maybe like I don't know 2 3 minutes and they were definitely looking for like sound bites of like you know to Pepper in cuz she did like a sit down interview with the Surgeon General like of the country um he was there at the mental health Summit like he was like everything he was saying was great but Selena and him did like the Today Show interview like in the studio and then they were going to Pepper these in it was going to air the next morning at 8:00 in the morning and Casey and I like woke up like put it on whatever ever cut the segment so it was just like Selita and the uh surgent General so we were like why I felt like opro where I was like it Wass so yeah what now yeah what now so they cut my Today's show appearance but that was yeah I honestly just wanted to use it finally to maybe get verified on Tik Tok so people stop stealing my comedy skits but I yeah that was about it that's wild that you're not verified there yet but you're verified on Instagram girl well that's Tik Tok which I met people finally from Tik Tok at the maala thing which we'll get to and then the rare Beauty mental health Summit was oh my God it was incredible it was like 5 hours and it I felt like you were like the way if you're an employee of a company if they have like a summit like it was like 5 hours of like unbelievable speakers like it was like the director of emotional intelligence from Yale University like just in and it was so cool like the resources they provided that's a thing as well I just like my Testament to like just loving Selena Gomez and the brand and the whole and she said during her segment how like the rare impact fund was made before rare Beauty and the whole point of rare Beauty was almost to just like be another Benchmark or springboard to bring even more awareness to the rare impact fund which is why everything rare Beauty all the names and everything are like positive like it's all mental healthy related like and I think what 1% of every single sale goes to the rare impact fund which I think she was saying too that their goal in the beginning was to raise $100 million in 10 years and so far I want to say in two and a half three years they've raised 14 million I want to say for the rare impact fund so it was like really it was just very cool to be there and like see it it was awesome to get to be around other people that do this and in that context especially after coming off of such a horrible day like the day before day before and I'm yeah I'm glad you didn't go because sometimes it's like your body knows and your mind knows what's gonna be worth it so that was the rare event that was really good and then it was um Bella Hadid so she launched Bella launched her it's called orabella The Brand so I want to get this right but I was actually pretty impressed when I was reading about it beforehand and then saw everything in person but normally again when you go to these events they're not intimate it's especially when it says like you're meeting the person I'm like oh God girl it's going to be a 60 person cattle call and I love her but that's anytime I met Selen go as that's what it is it was like 60 people you get up there she's ready to collapse you're just like in and out and it's and it's fine but I've told you guys how I feel I don't like meeting famous people because they don't want to meet you so it's just such a hollow transaction you know like $30 to Comm Insight like it's just very that like so I'm just I don't know that doesn't interest me if it's going to be especially that a Turn Style of like people transactable too they're like okay I just wanna I want to go home yes with this so it's called orabella Uh a new era of skin nourishing fragrances so it is um you notice when you grabbed it like you can see it's clear and it has oil in it and then as you shake it you see how it gets like white or like bubbly if I don't even know this is my fragrance descriptions but uh it almost yeah looks like frosted so you have to shake up it's like a bhase so she was saying she was like shake to activate it because then when you spray it so it's hydrating alcohol-free elevated with essential oils and there's a little bit of like uh Shimmer in it so even though this is as concentrated as a fragrance you can use this almost as a body oil so when you put this all over like the chest and the body mama like Shimmer City beautiful everything so I was actually really impressed cuz I felt like it was like different but I like that because oils trap fragrance so that's what keeps it on longer gives you more longevity which I love that are these sprayers or rollant sprayers we love that the full bottle is it's like this very it looks like cut glass almost like this kind of very I don't even know like Stone kind of a situation and then what happened was you were asking me and I said I only smell one of them because when we get there there was 15 of us were invited we were like like so when I tell you and this was like the cool part just about meeting her she like gets out of the car immediately goes over to all of the public there and like starts saying hello to everybody for like quite a while like not like your typical celebrity and halfway like you know which still I get why and halfway did that because it was Paparazzi but I mean she was so nice the girl she was like hugging was like crying they turned this place in the village into a popup shop which I'll insert the videos so beautiful and they made it look like this beauty in the Beast library with like and it like an apothecary like absolutely and you see there on the table are the fragrance bottles girl the fragrance bottles are stunning stun oh my God so nice wow what she did was everyone one I want to say one is called salted Muse this one is like the oceany then there is blooming fire which is fire yeah and then window to Soul yeah so the fire was in like a desert display this one was the soul the one you have in the like Greenery and then it transitioned into like the amethyst like oceany was The Salted Muse so the cool thing that the team did was since there was 15 of us they split us up 55 and five we went in we saw Bella was right in front of us so sweet I'm not kidding you okay oh this so this was the thing I was going to say I've met a lot of people at this point in my career hands down the sweetest nicest most downto Earth celebrity I have ever met she hugged all of us five times six times it was like we literally were like she invited us over for a dinner party for an hour and a half just the most normal cool just chill person I've ever she was so she has that personality oh it was Unreal where like I yeah she's that nice it almost reminds me of how Selena Gomez is it was like it was just someone a friend of our age that was just like w couldn't have been cooler yeah so she was talking at first and then they split us up into five five and five we each went to like a different section the front of the space was one the middle was one and the back was one all different three activations and for the different sense so I was in The Salted Muse Group which this is the only one that I and I am not kidding doused myself in because this is erotic and I was so happy and I told her this I was like this is the like what I love the androgynous more masculine girl like this is how much how good this is and how you can wear this like look hit it even on the body ooh I got to say for Bella Hadid to come out with fragrances that smell like that can you even this is they're so like earthy and very like cuz when I was just sniffing this I was like girl this even smell I was like yes this is like very odd so are these supposed to be unisex fragrances uh yeah cuz I'm like this is very cool for her I was expecting like Fruity warm and like fun and the reason I also wanted to wait to I know you smell me the fact that it's not no alcohol the whole nine so now I haven't even smelled the other two cuz I kind of wanted your nose cuz I feel like you're better at this than me I'm nervous yeah so now which one is this this is the bloom and fire yeah this one is manoi manoi man not manoi yeah manoi bamon I canot say bergamon like that yeah bamon bamon and pachuli this is up my ass okay Mama and I'm not kidding you I did not smell the other ones because I was so I was in this section and so covered in this okay so any of you out there that know Miss Kim Kardashian when she did her gardinia FR oh sorry not me not having the mic in front of me so any of you that knew Kim Kardashian's gardinia fragrance or the Gucci gorgeous gardinia this doesn't have gardinia in it which is so weird that it's remind but there must have been notes in both of those fragrances you would love this fragrance if you loved Kim Kardashian's like gardinia fragrance in that stone packaging this is more like a beautiful more natural earthier scent and equivalent to that oh my god wow there is so many things in this okay so that's that's beautiful I thought I like that God I like this okay now this one mama I I think this is going to be my least favorite just by smelling it real quick the fire one I was reading I was reading like the quick one but okay so the the top notes of this one the fire are bergamont Cedarwood clove leaf and cardamom middle are tahan manoi manoi manui Jasmine the bass notes are pachuli but then the crazy thing is it seems like in those notes some of those notes are essential oils which the cedar wood is an essential oil in this supports Tranquility inhaling with its comforting Woody Aroma the Clover Leaf is stimulates the soul with layer depth and spicy and Smoky qualities and then the cardamom is a balance energy with its sweet spicy and sensual essence you put the other one on yeah window to Soul I might be retracting my statement that I don't like it now that it's on my skin I think I like it top notes of lemon geranium and mint middle notes Jasmine damis Rose bass notes tonka bean so I got to say it's the lightest of the three okay let me smell that one yeah that's my least favorite it's still nice though is my this is my number three out of all them I got to say my favorite is that this is your tea this is your gig wow like isn't it crazy I was just so shocked for Bella Hadid how almost like risky these scents were you know what I mean that it was just Kylie Jenner like Baby P baby cotton candy prostitute like that's what I would you know what I mean oh my God no that's what I would expect out of Bella no shade no but I would expect a more that stock celebrity fragrance Hilton fragance this feels like this has a lot of Integrity behind it too and the fact that they're they're so unique to have the alcohol-free them have this like Body Oil essential oil Shimmer like experience itself is nuts I know they're not just like sweet vanilla sweet this sweet that like that's all we're getting pumped out lady with is all vanilla things and I would take her for that because she is trendy she is a very popular icon in a way of like doing everything very popular sister you know this is so incredible I mean what a risky yet gamechanging totally good for her I really wow yeah like I'm like very impressive I know I'm very impressed good for her could you imagine if she expands these like especi I can't handle that my gay heart can't I know and the whole Vision behind everyone like the the to have this like Earth Wind and Fire kind of a situation the activation had that and drum roll I saw on um her Instagram story guess who did the makeup for every single campaign Miss Aaron Parsons so she did all of and I was so bummed because I was like wondering if she was going to be there she wasn't there when I went there but then she said her Instagram story she's like oh I'm going to like orabella like popup I don't know where it was if because it didn't look like the one I was at and she was like and it's the first time I'm seeing the campaign images she said they shot them and did them in October but I was like oh my God to get I would like have died to like cuz I haven't seen her since I had her on the podcast and I just like love her Leah like I said hugged us all 50 times like and then there was a part at the end where they wanted like a group photo so it was like all 16 of us including her and the person who worked for the brand was like taking the photos and the girl who worked for the brand was like yes girls like and I'm just only guy there yeah yeah and then she like she was like and guy like threw it in at the end and I like to make everyone laugh I was like I'm one of the girls like and I said it like that and Bella such a good sense of humor like Bella started cracking up and we were like really like from me to the camera away and she starts cra backing up and she's like he's one of the girls like and goes like yeah the Spongebob meme of yeah she had a really good I was just like really FL like I I would out of any celebrity I've met I would Kiki I would hang out with B hi to she was that cool oh my godol yeah so then to add in and that would be one thing but then to add insult to injury of how good this is I was just like this is dope so I highly recommend checking these out yeah love it [Music] wow before we get into youth Foria uh a couple others was uh went to the Met Gala watch party with um Aon Dugan your CH invited me first time I ever met anybody from Tik Tok I went yesterday because it was watch party have you seen any looks Zenia if she did that makeup as we said already you check out patreon for uh the mechala um makeup police but girl and you know what it was even being there watching it it was the gayest thing I have ever done where it was like they had the I'll put the video in it was like the screens and then it was these round velvet couches like this and it was all of us sitting watching this like uh and it was all of these she's gaze and N just like yes like as people were coming up and I mean Zenia first one on the carpet at least what we saw and it just gave the vibe of like follow this like try and it was unbelievable and at first I thought it was like surprised that she came on so early and it was because she had something up her sleeve the whole time she went somewhere wiped off all the makeup and did a complete second look oh yeah both looks better than anyone else it was unbelievable and she understood what the theme was we'll get into it check out so but that it was a really cool experience for that just to be there and see everybody um and meet people and they had some Brands there oh they had Brands there um it was almost like a little Tick Tick Tock shop thing I know you've heard of this I love that's one of my favorite fragrances from them can I ever get one up on you um that is one of my alltime favorite fragrances from them and it's so funny Dan loves the salt fragrance have youever did you smell the salt one the blue I didn't cuz it was overwhelming they had everyone displayed this brand has 59 fragrances I didn't know they had that many grow yes because you would know okay so I asked her I was like how many were sold in are sold in Sephora and she was like oh she was like you know like myth and this and that oh so she said salt sunf fruit yeah apple like some of the other ones that's um she said yeah about 10 they have to have them not 30 it was like a rainbow I was just like I can't physically smell all these like to put them on and of course I gravitated towards this one cuz it was the most masculine looking bottle oh my gosh my God gave me a thing it was unbelievable one of my alltime favorite scents yeah Ellis Brooklyn yeah this was really cool the Tik Tok thing was awesome and like I said just to watch the Met Gala thing in real time so it was kind of cool too to get First Impressions knowing that we always do makeup police to get Rolodex like taking notes you I couldn't believe some of those some of the makeup looks what what makeup looks there was very few that I was like Blown Away Emma Chamberlain in the brown yes with the brown done deceased she looked so unbelievable always basic that's the time you turn it up was it the theme no Gigi Hadid the blush draping the heavy blush with the blonde Cinderella pixie with the red lips I don't think I saw all oh girl I got a yeah I I I don't know why I don't I don't want to spoil it for myself cuz sometimes I like when we do makeup police for it to be like yes yes yes to pull react to the photos I'm like yeah um and then we were also um two little funny things we were saying Barbara stri and on Melissa McCarthy's Instagram if you guys didn't see this Barbara stran comments doesn't God bless her doesn't understand how Instagram works and Melissa mcarthy posted a photo holding hands with a guy I don't know who this was someone in the industry whatever that Barbara also knew and she comments on the photo on Instagram and goes give Jeff my regards did you take OIC yeah and everyone was like oh my God like like gag [ __ ] and Barbara knows Melissa McCarthy because Melissa McCarthy did her Duets album with her like they did a song together so she knows her and then Barbara posted an Instagram story so just because she's like in her 80s barbar and she posts on her Instagram story going like thought I was saying hi to my friend Melissa we did we did our song together on my Duets album forgot other people could read it like just whatever she said thought it was like a private DM or something yeah yeah and but it became iconic like and even like TMZ was going up to Melissa McCarthy being like were you insulted and she was like no like and that's one person because oh oh oh OIC was it OIC okay so was going to say I feel like Melissa McCarthy is the one person that out of so many people currently probably taking OIC I feel like Melissa McCarthy it it was an OIC because kind of a Kelly Clarkson situation where even Kelly Clarkson recently talk about revenge body after her divorce is looking unbelievable but Kelly Clarkson came out saying that she found out it was because she was that her doctor told her she was pre-diabetic so I feel like people like KY Clarks and norala McCarthy their weight Journey especially in relationship to the public has always been more transparent and honest and aspirational for the people that maybe look up to them with with their Journey with it so I feel like she has had fluctuations before that so Melissa McCarthy is someone I could see not taking it but who knows we don't know any of these [ __ ] people but um she in TMC they asked her they were like you insulted and she was like no she's like it's she's like it's Barbara strand like she can say whatever she wants and then the other thing I was going to say did you see the Drew Barrymore kamla Harris interview we need mam mamala Drew baramore needs like girl yes we'll post put that in the video I was I was saving this to show you because I screamed back up like because it's this is not someone said I can't believe the Secret Service let this happen yes soone said two I don't know if you ever saw beat but they were like it's giving Selena Meers smiling through cringe I never saw V the V like if you saw V literally kamla Harris on that couch you could tell was dying inside was like the cringe level was at a thousand but if you haven't seen it it was Drew baramore interviewing kamla Harris and she's again as usual 5 Ines away from her face every guest always looks so uncomfortable like they're like this as Drew be trying to have a serious conversation you know what it's like you know the you know the bill hater um SN El skit where he does the old man and he's like oh how did this happen and he smacks the mic up against their face like right here that's what it is back up if you don't know how to be a host of a show and No Boundaries you never saw Ellen getting in anybody's face yeah can we get a balance could we get something between Ellen who was C we need sit on different couches who was cold and tried to scare people into having heart attacks and then Drew baramore who's like like licking their face if I went on the Drew Barrymore show I would to be like I want her in her own couch and I need a table it doesn't matter she'll get off that couch crisscross applesauce in front of you at your crotch like she needs to be stopped like she doesn't know physical boundaries and I know she means well but it's to the point of like read the room if kamla Harris isn't also doing the same and you're not does she though you remember that te we got I think there's going to be a little bit of an allen thing I don't know how she even has a show in a couple years because to me I see to me I just there is so it's so the Kelly Clarkson show for the modern day uh talk show host it's so much more organic the way it starts with these covers better than anyone who sang it originally first of all like every song becomes hers and then even her style it just she she clearly is such an extrovert and a talker so it's so organic but she's it's not cringe like I can't deal with this like over performative cry oh she just did it too another clip came out it was um I don't know what for but it was Timothy shalam and what's his face uh Hugh Grant the overlay was toxic positivity clapback and it's Drew baramore asking Hugh Grant do you have a positivity journal and him being like don't be ridiculous just as and the audience like erupts and laughter like he was like don't even say that to me he's like I have a list of people I hate like cuz and it was basically like you could tell so bed by her that fakeness is hant the one that I'm thinking of he was in saltburn and everything I don't think the dad no I think you're thinking of someone else who am I thinking of okay anyway so for her the K Harris thing oh my God I'm sorry we go on side tangents was um she was literally saying to KLA Harris the cringe of that of I didn't see the country you didn't see what she she literally is going she's like in such a tumultuous time we need mamala and people were also saying they're like you would never say that to a male politician a vice president the vice president of the United States could you and people were in the comment section going could you imagine if someone said like the president was on and they were like we need like Daddy Jo daddy Biden like Daddy Joe could you imagine no mama cuz it's dehumanizing or not dehumanizing but it's disrespectful in way here's this person this is madam vice president to you that's what I mean would you go up to the boss at your company and let's say your boss's name is Helen Smith would you go up to the boss at the uh you know the CEO of JP Morgan and call her mommy mama Smith you'd be fired like because you're you're downgrading their role and their and they were saying that the racial element to it it was like to call her M uh M no like girl you thought you ate when you said that Mama like I thaty the mama there's been so many pop culture things since we haven't seen one another Jo jwa come as a [ __ ] can we since you since you brought it up yeah do you know who choreographed all that who gagas choreographer yeah Mama So com a [ __ ] yeah and why he's not fired girl can you even no I would I would have him fired did you see Chloe uh I don't know her name I love her on SNL the cast member she did JoJo siwa on Weekend Update she was like you never met a you probably never met a gig girl before like talk how she's the first no and she I'm like being a Trailblazer doing and no one's ever done anything extraordinary they said like Bottoms dying their hair blonde they were like nobody has ever done anything this extraordinary before and I was like no it's [ __ ] true watch delusional what is she 18 calm down Colin joose was like um he goes how old are you and she's like well from 2011 to 20 uh 22 I was 8 years old and now I'm 20 like and I was but that she's like you probably never met a gay girl before and she's like does that make you uncomfortable like I was like cuz you know how not everyone yeah you know not everyone I don't want to hear it but let's just and I went through it newly out LGBT people they are the only queer to the face of the Earth like it's that feel I was Untouchable they've been out joj Jo Jo Jo what was that powerp girls Mojo Jojo Mojo Jojo she is in her villain era Mojo Jojo that's her new name Mojo Jojo has been out for a while like where is this like you know what I mean like I'm the only me like Punk yeah yeah girl yeah that Mama I don't know what we're doing this my god did you see the meme of like this is what you get when you give a homeschool kid Mountain Dew I [ __ ] lost my mind oh my God I did see that God yeah girl she is like a homeschooled kid Mountain Dew oh my God God I'm going to be sick even though but it's one thing whatever like it's it would be one thing if she was just acting this way but the fact that it's a coupled with these like cringeworthy lies and [ __ ] where she was in the car saying she wrote that song and then they found out that it was just literally taken from another artist that they paid for the rights that car and now the a real artist the the writer of that song just released her version which is exactly this like Jojo Jo mocho JoJo or Mojo jojjo didn't change a word mocha JoJo mocha Jo's yeah per your enthusiasm uh Mojo Jojo didn't change a word same thing and then is in her car before anyone found out going like well when I was writing that song like and yeah lied about it like girl get it together like but you know what this is what you get though when you are give Mountain Dew to a home giving Mountain Dew to a homeschool kid girl I forgot that she was on Dance Moms as a kid when you were brought up from childhood B there's going to be documentary about that in 10 years I mean yeah yeah Abby Lee Miller is out of [ __ ] control yeah comes in with her hair mess and they were like couldn't you just brush your hair Abby and she was like I'm thick and everyone's like brush your hair literally Naomi Smalls brush your hair [ __ ] brush your hair before you come for me oh my God it was oh it was but there's something about it too where I think JoJo siwa has gone through weird experiences as a child and I think now she's trying to find her footing as who she is this isn't who you are you're trying to do your Born This Way era thing and it's not working this isn't this isn't who you stop trying to be like this is the real me because this isn't the real you it's a it's a very performative act and it's got to stop she was like jeene Simmons ites like girl stop she's gonna like to bite the head off a dub no cuz mark my words this is her quote unquote Born This Way era I can't wait for the Joanna era the stripped down pink cowboy hat goes on and she goes I'm straight again I [Music] know all righty we are back with the euphoria a girl uh okay so if you have not seen this tart found shaking like girl you know what I got to even say though oh in tart's defense they have never tart is breathing a sigh of relief because tar has never done something no nobody has ever done anything this ins something this ins insulting and I will say that there have been a lot of things like the REM Beauty concealers that have a white and a black as more Artistry driven Shades absolutely where they're meant I don't know for fact if youth Foria said this or this was just something said by another creator that this was supposed to be a mixing medium shade no it wasn't this was not shade 600 of the youth Foria date night skin tint was not a mistake this was made on purpose it thinking that they were being inclusive because the backstory let's do it yeah if you don't know eforia this is the brand pop-up photos they basically they came out with the skin tint and people were liking it but very quickly the darkest shade was embarrassing Med it was tart this brand was like basically founded on Shark Tank really yeah like they were on youth for was on Shark Tank and I think it was Mark cubin who said it that was like oh I want to come out with like other shades of this like lip and blush thing he's like well if this is like the perfect blush shade for everyone why do you need other Shades clocked by a straight man clocked girl yeah Laura Mercier Mark cubin was like bluring setting powder Mark Cuban I thought the first one was blurring yeah like Mark Cuban clock the tea I think it was him that said it on Shark Tank and it was like so I never really like got behind this brand or anything either so the founder of the brand uh Fiona Coan she was born in San Francisco and has spoken to how her Asian Heritage and living in Asia influenced the brand and what she was doing Etc like kind of how she was developing it the whole nine but it's not like it was a let's say like a K Beauty brand that we see you know cushion foundations that are coming out of K Beauty which the lipic lesbian shed a lot of light on that a lot of the biggest cushion Foundation Mana manufacturers are definitely South Korea and then I believe China and she was saying she's like cushion foundations really haven't taken off in the United States so she was explaining how they were for a while do you remember Lancome and Dior and all of them however they were unapologetically pale horrible and they weren't they didn't go dark because she was even saying um Alexis from the lipstick lesbians um being in these Manufacturing facilities was saying she goes the people making these Brands and developing the makeup in South Korea and China she goes they've never seen a person of color so she goes they don't it's just not for they're they're made for a Asian market so there's not that you know inclusivity if you will but they have been saying and now even with Gucci launching the foundation the cushion Foundation Alexis was kind of predicting that we're going to in the next year or so see an influx of cushion foundations in the US and she's hoping that it starts to get likeus inclusive but that being said with Euphoria that's not the case darkest shade was abysmal and then came out with a shade that she and the whole company thought was a flex that was pure black pigment yeah which you can speak to that you um I'm going to bring up the Creator galoria who swatched this on she swatches the darkest shade on her skin tone and she always uh compares so she's like this is the darkest shade from house labs this is the darkest shade from all the brands unbelievable Creator if you have dark skin she every single brand she always SWAT says this is the darkest shade from blank this is the darkest shade from blank to clock them and yeah so oh my God and she quite literally the day I saw her post this video I it was hours after she had posted it I saw her Swatch the eth Foria and I said oh my God that looks that looks wrong yeah I said and then she's like I'm going to go ahead and Swatch a black paint yes next to it when I tell you because it the youth Foria was almost a little bit gray looking Y and I was like oh my God it almost looks like black face paint that added a little bit of like white oh it's like grayish on her when I was like oh my God there's like no difference between that and the youth Foria the black paint versus black face paint yeah and this skin tint quote unquote yes so then now we're doing deeper Dives deeper Dives and people started looking at the ingredient list and come to find out that the only pigment shade that was used was a black iron oxide so when you look up like the coating of like the the pigment it's just black pigment yes and they also added titanium dioxide I believe yeah titanium dioxide was added to the shade too so like into this formula but it's still black yes now apparently to the brands they said oh we went to go shade match people and we found two men in Dubai that this skin tint matched she went to an airport and was just trying to find people who maybe this would match had posted a photo of the second the old darkest shade and then this one the 600 shade both of them swatched on this gentleman that she thought it would match the old darkest shade was five Shades too light and this one was 70 Shades too dark cuz it's pure guess what it is scientifically proven no matter how dark your skin is you have an undertone yes an undertone that is warm cool or neutral it is biologically impossible to be to be have black iron oxide as what matches your tone it is such an insult and quite literally uneducated held a quote unquote open casting call to try to find a model who this matched it didn't match anybody in the US right I don't even know wherever they held this casting call didn't match anybody so then on in the meantime on the website had models for every single thing this shade just had a Swatch of the color no model just a Swatch on the website took this photo and used that for the website and that's yeah that's the part where she that's where I think it was getting Mison about the two men from Dubai that this allegedly matched and it does not that was the guy she swatched on oh okay neither one match and yeah the one was too light and the one was dark it couldn't match anybody whether you were the lightest shade or the darkest shade yes you could be of the lightest or darkest complexion you always have an undertone and to come out with this is such a backhanded thing to say there is no okay so here's the thing if this darkest shade had an undertone work absolutely Mama this didn't even have an ounce of another color in it girl you know who's even and I have so many things swirling in my head you know who's even stupider than the brand for doing this is the people in on social media trying to argue that it could match someone it cannot scientifically can't I'm going to find someone I'm going to make a foundation that is pure white paper white no undertone no nothing you've seen that person before go get a white face paint and try and match somebody I'm so tired of everybody thinking they're going to get a medal for excusing shitty Behavior you being Devil's Advocate doesn't make you a good person this and the other thing swirling around my head was a a guy in the comment section and he's a person of color hysterical he goes this is giving your foundation range is uh inclusive we want darker Shades and they go all right damn God here and just throw out a black pig and and oh and then the people defending it as well saying this could be a mixing medium to add to other darker Shades to make it dark I'm like that's impossible yeah this is only going to make that shade gray exactly it's not going to do anything cuz there is no there is no red yellow blue green any other pigment in there to make it have an undertone because typically there is red blue green and yellow pigment absolutely in it to make an undertone yeah Mama girl even the lightest shade when we were using it for the Pat McGrath video the lighest shade of um REM Beauty it looked super white on our skin but it was pink it was pinky pinky like that there was an undertone it wasn't white face pain Mama it had an undertone it has to have an undertone for it to match anybody now if it did and it was let's say the darkest shade I'm trying to even think of like because I think there between Fenty house Labs so and made by Mitchell just came out with a skin tint that galoria also swatched and she was like and the his Contour yep and uh danessa myrix and the amount of times like the especially Fenty like they really did it so well with the neutral undertones especially going as dark as um Fenty does incredible where Gloria said she was like this is how you do it yes she's like this is how you do it because you understand what to do with these Brands it's like unexcusable like I just even the win skin tint Serena Williams this is a brand new brand she has watched that one too one one million the experience the owner of Youth Foria in the in the uh retrospect of how long you've been around nailed it yeah but look at that though look at Fenty danessa these black women are creating lines knowing how hard it has been for black people to get shade matched in Sephora in an Ulta how hard it is that shades are not inclusive because even something like years ago Lancome was redoing their Shades and at the time Lancome was probably the most inclusive in like 2015 2016 where we were we had deeper Shades but still they didn't go dark enough no but they were the first ones that I remember using ultramarine pigments which the blue to make super deep Shades have the rightt so they weren't so red and that was the most groundbreaking thing to me where they Lancome was really like they had a specific team at the time yes that was helping them like basically redo the tint a doll Foundation to have ultramarine pigment in it and I don't know I don't think we're giving enough credit to these brands that are doing it so well and youth Foria to kind of just take this misstep and say double down on it and say this is the shade this is the darkest shade yeah that's what I mean girl it makes me like nauseous because it's so dehumanizing it's so that's exactly like oh God all right fine stop bitching here you go and it's not even a physical shade that could human beings are biologically capable of being it's so derogatory and dehumanizing of like almost a a combative insult it's confrontational of here you go like as the intended to be insulting you know what I mean like throwing a pure black thing and being like there you go like what is this like original Dumbo movies with like racist characters in it like girl what are you doing yeah cuz it really does it shocks me that in 2024 and how many people did this have to go through that's what I'm saying this wasn't just one person this went through product development this went through testing I think the the shocking part is that trying to match people if you have to go through something so strenuous to find somebody that this matches and it's not working maybe because it can't physically match anybody exactly and I I know there's going to be people saying oh the stop defending don't look it up it is scientifically impos this is so the darkest skin in the world still to it needs a different pigment in it it needs more pigment in it of a color an undertone it needs a red it needs a blue it needs a green no human being is pure black pigment or Pure White pigment even the palest human being in the world is not going to be they're going to have Warm Neutral one1 one like zero like the purest form of white that is physically impossible and it's just so disgust I can't I can't wrap my like these people in these positions that you have this brand you have these opportunities the foolishness and the like do these people just hang their brain up on it like take the brain out put it on a Shelf at the end of the night and especially for a smaller brand there's not that many people on this team so this went through everybody I'm sure at this company and nobody thought not one person at this company thought maybe this isn't a good idea I know car maybe this isn't going to match because you thought you ate making the darkest shade possible girl Google it you know what I'm saying Google it like before I even did that let's say you thought you were going doing something you thought you had a great idea Google is that is is human skin biologically capable of being pure black pigment cuz and then you know what I would have done res results say no if I were Euphoria I would have brought galoria on my team and said let's partner to make the darkest shade since you Swatch the darkest shade let's do this together let's collaborate and let's come out with a more inclusive range I would partner with people in the industry to do that if you're unsure that takes a effort element of respect there's clearly no respect for people of color in this in this brand culture of this brand that we you know and that's what I mean about the confrontational it literally felt like you're bitching fine here you go cuz how think about the amount of time that went into developing this shade that's what I mean we had so many opportunities to turn back put this put the black iron oxide girl right in here and that was enough and then you added a little bit of white can you believe it that we swatched this and didn't think wow that's I know yeah well we'll put on the market it'll match somebody and to me I mean we talk about all the time kind of the nature of cancelation or like people we should support and shouldn't support whatever but like this is I think I I think they should go away forever like but they won't because people will still support it like James Charles I don't know James Charles girl he's The Benchmark well that's true they'll be fine they'll wait a little bit they'll whatever and there will still be that base that it's the best skin tent I've ever used have they even like put out there's no other product in the world can that can do what this does so I'm going to keep buying it yeah and they will and they'll be fine well yeah because other people are going to keep buying the other Shades because it matches them yeah yeah and there's not one post on here about the recent shade and also you know what Robert Welsh oh no they shut off all the comments on everything girl every Tik Tok oh they T nothing everything well you know what I give Robert Welsh a lot of credit because he called creators out for trying to make content around this he said stop buying the shade 600 giving them your money on the shade to say look how horrible this is stop buying the product I'm gonna get aggressive yeah because hon because look at what you're doing calling out this shade you're calling out 600 and saying wow this is not acceptable your message behind it as a Creator fine pull up a photo of it we no it's not acceptable but don't buy the product and give them you're selling the shade out yeah you qu literally you you're making the product sell out that we're trying to make light of that this is not okay why are we why are we producing products like this girl and y'all are going out buying it giving them your money of that one specific shade too so now you're telling them oh yeah it's okay because you do something wrong but we'll all buy it to show you how wrong you are they're winning they are they've won once you hit check out and you give them your money they won yes shame on you for anybody that's buying this put up the photo put up the photo yes here it is that's how easy it is and we didn't give up and you don't have to give them any money don't have to give them a Cent and I can't even believe I is that shade still available online cuz I will throw up if it is so help me God if it is up I will wow yeah after all this if they hadn't taken a town it's still up does it say like add to cart yeah and it says it's a neutral undertone gray oh and here's the photo of the man the only excusable reason that that is still up is because she fled the country you know what I mean the team like that the headquarters is empty papers are still flying around these men have no makeup on their face no it was taken from like a passport office I'm almost positive I quite literally cannot believe that tired that is still available to purchase andoria just shut their comments off on every social media so people can't like call them out on it anymore they need to be they need to be shut down done done the fact that it is still available to purchase on the website I know I know yeah cuz people are buying it so stop buying [Music] it thank you guys for watching a brand new episode of beautiful and bothered uh make sure to hop over on patreon we got uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight whatever Etc PR packages here what do we and we think it's the new Natasha denona powder foundation which I could use a little touch of I could too yes girl so we're gonna open up uh this PR uh over on patreon as well as um you'll see the Met Gala of course meala makeup police so yeah we're gonna have like we're Ser as well as that little ma te oh yeah told you so make sure to head over to the Beyond bothered after show patreon thank you guys so much for watching this was fun this was we had fun I'm a little bothered after the last conversation but we had I wish we started with it because now I'm bummed now I'm ready to fight I know we started it was like all fun I'm going to go to the youth headquarters and just start throwing everything on the floor I know now I'm pissed thank you guys so much for watching go follow Gloria on everything unbelievable thank you guys so much for watching wherever you thank you guys so much for watching subscribe to the make sure to subscribe to the do you have a YouTube channel make sure to subscribe to YouTube for your video episode one day early we hit 1,000 reviews on Spotify wo if you haven't already leave us a review on Spotify Apple podcast anywhere you stream this little Dy and uh where we are we hope you're happy safe and healthy and remember mamala you are beautiful bye bye [Music]
Channel: Beautiful and Bothered Podcast
Views: 24,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beautiful and bothered, Johnny Ross, Johny ross, shopping at sephora, working at sephora, nars shade names Johnny Ross, when straight guys shop at sephora, tiktok, erin parsons makeup, beautiful and bothered podcast, johnny ross trevor, johnny ross youtube, youtube johnny ross, erin parsons, robert welsh, James welsh, the welsh twins, beauty community, makeup, makeup drama, jaclyn hill, high end makeup, makeup review, viral makeup, Kylie jenner, kardashian
Id: 2h7bJFOwf_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 1sec (3241 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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