Youth Grand Prix 25th Season Japan Semi-Final - Yuna Yamada - Satanella
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Channel: YAGP - Youth America Grand Prix
Views: 489,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Youth America Grand Prix, YAGP, ballet, dancer, yagp finals, yagp winner, ballet competition, dance competition, dance, Youth Grand Prix, YGP, ballet class, YAGP 25th Anniversary Season, international ballet competition, ballerina, classical variation, satanella, ygp japan, japan, baby ballerina, Le Diable amoureux, tutu, stage, Kinue Kobayashi Ballet Studio, yuna yamada
Id: cJXRtt4N0U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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