You're Making Me Nervous | Long Island Medium

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um I'm here in st. Bernard Parish right outside of New Orleans where I just surprised Liz and her friends with a group reading I even no idea who I'm talking to but I was told that I'm making you very nervous very nervous that every time I move he's like keep that on the other side of it I didn't know what to expect I don't think I know what it consists though I just want the harvest they showed it was ray on it and I didn't know what thing um is your dad departed my father passed away 27 years ago I was six years old and um I have no memories of him at all you know I see pictures I speak to my sister and she tells me things about him and my mom and then you know sometime you think is it a curse to have memories cuz then you got things to be upset about those are the curse not have memories to not know who he was you know to not have those things to look back on your father said tipped up your hat and said he has a scar under him he has a scar in his head is that true if I can hey monkey perfect I have a scar on my head and you really can't see it it's covered by hair and it's covered by a hat so the fact if she knew that that song that's crazy so now do you connect with fishing that's something that you did with him to date my dad dragged him I was six in huh I was supposed to go fishing with him that morning and I got really sick the night before and my mom won't let me go fishing they were in a little small boat a lot of crew boat traffic up and down the Mississippi River Gulf outlet one flew past them and didn't slow down and it's off the boat flipped the boat over a couple of guys over with him said that on they saw him come up once or twice and then never they didn't see him again he didn't come back up again I was supposed to be on the boat we're team in I was only six years old and it could have been me too are you afraid that something's gonna happen to you like why should I get Mara and have kids I don't want my kids to lose their father and to feel what I feel does that make sense who's your dad just looked at me and he said just tell my son that nothing is going to happen to him he says I want you to know how much I love you and how proud I am of you you deserve every happiness that life has to offer try to be the best man that could be you know to honor his memory it means a lot to know that it's noticed that was there was a lot well good you didn't even know who I was
Channel: undefined
Views: 483,698
Rating: 4.9041724 out of 5
Keywords: reality tv series, long island medium, theresa caputo, group reading, new orleans, tlc, discovery channel, talking to ghosts, spirits, ghosts, talking to dead, departed, deceased, touching stories, long island medium full episode, long island medium tv show
Id: KIq_3Mc74D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 57sec (177 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 03 2014
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