Your YouTube Audience Already Exists. Here's How to Find It.

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have you ever wondered why it seems like someone who's built a successful Channel or a large channel before has a much seems to have a much easier time doing it again or doing additional successful channels of course they have the benefit of experience yes but there's more behind the scenes than you might realize howdy howdy everyone Nate here this channel that you're watching right now is about to get monetized as I am recording this so by the time you watch this video it will have already become monetized in under two weeks and of course there was a big Advantage here of having built an audience before but that's exactly it there's more going on than meets the eye here and it's my goal with this video to open the door so that you can replicate it you see when I started this channel I had a lot of confidence that it would perform well based on the experience I had it helped thousands of other YouTube creators I had done this a lot of times so I had a lot of confidence that I could speak to an audience and a reasonable amount of confidence that if I started a totally brand new channel and I acted like I had a large audience the audio audience would show up so I got to wondering here how would I explain it and after reviewing and iterating and taking a whole bunch of notes I came up with probably the most succinct way I could describe this so here it is fix the firm belief in your mind that your audience is already there and act like it it may sound simple but I am certain that that fact alone has contributed to much of the early success of this Channel and will continue to contribute as this channel grows into hundreds of thousands so you ready this is exciting let me walk you through exactly how I would go about replicating this so that you can replicate it on your own channel number one I would fix it in my intention to play big no matter what your audience size is right now beauty of this is this applies to any channel if you came to me and you said Nate I just feel like I'm stuck I'm not getting momentum I cannot seem to grow my channel to the degree that I want to I would say first of all it doesn't matter where you are right now yes there's advantages of different channels sizes and yes we could talk about that in another video but right here even if you have zero audience size you can still apply this you see the crazy thing here is that many people think first and then act to their current Channel size and that is the subtle factor that is keeping them stuck so of course it's okay to be okay with your current audience size and to be super grateful for it and acknowledge that what you have right now is awesome but if you want more don't stay there so the way I'd go about doing this first step is to set the intention of I'm just going to play it big and not just on camera my on-camera energy but elsewhere in life if there are ways that you feel like you're just not taking care of yourself that you're beating yourself down so to speak then maybe it's time to acknowledge those things and say you know what I'm going to make a better choice next time and second don't believe what your eyes see now what I mean by that is don't take what you see with your senses is as the reality if you're looking to create something bigger and better then don't just believe what you see right in front of you so what that could look like is stop taking the interactions or the comments that you're getting on your Channel or the lack thereof as the entirety of your audience it's good to have a click of audience and people that know you super fans that type of thing but just know that in most cases there's a silent majority that you will be expanding to that will then grow that click or that core audience and in fact if you want an indicator to show when this is working for you when you start getting comments saying something along the lines of wow I came to this video I thought this channel was much bigger than it actually is only insert your amount of subscribers wow this is crazy I'm here before this channel explodes when you start getting a lot of those comments that is a really good indicator that you are in fact about to explode third thing is I want you to trick your brain into believing that your audience is already there now how I would go about doing this may be far beyond what is commonly repeated I don't know if you've ever heard the saying when you're you're first on camera and you just feel uncomfortable you feel like you're talking to a nothing on camera just take it you know to print off a photo of a friend or your audience member ideal audience member stick it next to your camera and then you know talk to that person and that works really well but the problem is that's just one person what would happen if you were to do that same thing maybe you start with one person but the next you print out a picture of 10 people and then next you print out a picture of 100 people and then next and then next and then next see what I want you to be doing here is tricking your brain into believing it is actually talking to the amount of people you want to be talking to in your audience so you start with one person and then when you feel happy relaxed and confident picturing it in that way in your mind then up the game go move on to 10 people and then on to 100 and so on and so on and you'll know you're ready to move on to the next level first of all when you feel happy confident and relaxed in each of those situations but then second of all when the audience actually starts growing to that degree the other big factor to tricking your brain here is to intentionally create what I call radical moments or moments when you act like where you want to be or moments when you you had a fear or something you were avoiding and you intentionally make a new choice in that moment if you do that enough times you'll see your momentum start to pick up as well in fact when I was planning this video I kept having a quote popping in my head it was like at the back of my head until finally I had to look it up turns out it's from Michelangelo no not the Turtle Michelangelo the sculptor the artist and the quote goes such the sculpture is already complete within the marble block before I start my work it is already there I just have to Chisel away the Superfluous material your audience is already there you see what I'm proposing here is that you take whatever your current idea of your audience is and you set it aside and you put a new idea into your brain and that is the that your audience already exists it is already there and it is so awesome when it happens and you start seeing it occur on your own channel in fact I wasn't sure I was going to publish this but I actually sat down and recorded my reaction this was a day after I published my first video on this channel so I've just been here reading the comments on the first video on my channel the emotions I've been feeling I've been doing my best to reply to every single comment I wrote down some notes for myself this is as much for me as if maybe I decide to share this in the future um I wrote down never forget it's about real people doing things that matter um reading comments on just my first video has brought me to reality like nothing else and perhaps in a long time that it's not it doesn't need to be compared to anything I just realized even if it was just one person that was trying to make something that mattered in the world and they're trying to do YouTube or video to do that I'd still want to do this and I know that I just wanted to keep a record of this
Channel: Nate Black
Views: 231,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nate Black, Nate Black YouTube Creator, YouTube Creators, Grow on YouTube, Make Money on YouTube, Radical Creators, Radical Moment, Find your youtube audience, Grow your youtube audience, how to grow on youtube, how to grow a youtube channel, how to grow on youtube in 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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