YOUR TREES WILL BURN! | Avoid Tree Damage by White Washing / Collab with Charles @ IV Organics

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hey this is Cameron welcome back to the busy gardener Channel we've got something really cool planned today today we're gonna be joined by Charles from I have you organic let's get busy [Music] well this is so exciting if you're like me and you've been on YouTube looking at gardening channels you for sure of CNIB organic you see Charles painting those tree trunks but also grafting things and doing if they've got now fertilizer so right Charles once you tell my audience a little bit about Ivy organic and so Ivy organics was founded on the gardening concept known as whitewashing which is simply painting your trees and the value of painting your trees is more so a winter phenomenon protecting protecting your plants from winter Sun scald even though we predominantly sell our plants in the summer as people are buying their plants in the spring bring it on the home of their home gardens to interesting their plants burn and die due to summer heat so it kind of insulates from winter Sun scald summer sunburn and also offers protection from insects and rodents damage as well now the cool thing about this is this is one Emery organic listed right rug okay so and we're gonna get into some of the ingredients and why this is a better option than what was has normally been done when I started out many years ago I watch Tom Spellman as you've heard me say before on YouTube and he would talk about how you need a whitewash your trees to prevent all these things Sun scald sunburned pests getting in and so we take interior paint makes it 50/50 of the water and paint these trees white and actually it's done pretty good in the orchard that's what I've used up into this point correct because it's kept a lot of that stuff off even though we had this crazy heatwave this last year 115 degrees out here and 117 there in my house insane yeah it was bad most people it's almost like mulching where the average person doesn't know about why washing they don't know about mulching they are very clueless about feeding their trees right and so we've seen these trees actually really thrive and really not experience too much damage because of sunburn I'm gonna show in the video a little bit later some of the examples where we did see sunburn incidentally where I didn't whitewash that I should have been so it's neat though that we're able to move away from that latex interior paint that was made for the inside of houses I'm glad you mentioned that so when it comes to paint 99% of the research out there you research whitewashing then what do I do - I wash my tree it's gonna redirect you to paint and then they're gonna talk about latex paint endure pain outdoor pain what do I use and all the research is surrounded by that do you happen to know the difference between indoor/outdoor latex paint like which one is better why yes and I do because I bought exterior paint and put it on my very first trees and freaked out when I found out the difference okay the exterior paint has fungicides and other side and algaecide plants yeah which are designed to keep plants off of your paint yeah more of a microscopic level to preserve the wood at the end of the day but it also I mean depending on how young the plant is or if it's green tissues you're putting on algaecides at your plant killers on implants it's causing you know an opposite effect but the one of the big differences would be also between indoor/outdoor is there's more chemicals it's more potently harmful the outdoor pants compared to the indoor so you'll notice that there's a drive towards using in indoor latex paint versus the outdoor stuff which is more harsh but at the end the day they're both toxic and that's the reason for doing whitewashing organically and that was the birth of the ivory organics three in one plant guard it back in like 2015 what intrigued me and the reason I you got my attention the reason I happy come here is you've been whitewashing your trees for like a decade and beyond I've noticed in all of your videos that you've been sharing and you talked about all these different lessons in you sometimes barely talk on the whitewashing concept but I noticed in the background all the view trees are painted why and I'm like this guy gets whitewashing I gotta get over here and so thanks for inviting me over yeah this has been fun and so we've been walking around doing some of the whitewashing identifying some issues and so I'd like to walk around and show you guys some trees that it's been done well on and some trees were either it didn't didn't do well or needs to be reapplied and we're gonna worry you didn't even do it at all at all yeah so we saw that damage as well and we saw the I got what I deserved on that work so let's go walk around we'll take a look let's do it how long is this tree been here two years okay so this is really so you planted you immediately whitewash you took the central leader down to create these lower branches but it still has an open canopy hopefully be full before the end of the year yeah all that my apples are growing really slowly and I think it has to do with them getting shaded out that's one thing that I've noticed is that all of my apples are shaded out kind of really early in the afternoon so they're only getting maybe five six hours of Sun which is enough they're healthy and they're happy but yeah they're not really having that vigorous blow I can tell you right now this year is a major handicap right here tree down here Oh No yeah like half the life is oh no I didn't even see that I think this is a critter or something else I don't know I didn't I don't know and I've seen and I've visited trees here in Redlands um next door where the summer will again now we're on the north side of the plant so I would say this is more girdling not sun damage yeah but it was like the entire primary trunk was all Deadwood and you can see the beetles and termites that are eating the inside but they're still harvesting a solid two to three hundred apples a year yeah so I'm like we're still gonna continue whitewashing your plant just to keep the beetles and termites at bay so we can hopefully extend the longevity of the supporting structure but otherwise I mean the plants health has definitely been shortened but you can see over here I mean this is something you're gonna want to whitewash and then monitor over the next couple of years hopefully it's gonna heal over it will as it continues to grow remembering Mike one of my kiddos drove a remote-control car into this know that's this is like this is I don't know we haven't kind of fast this looks like chewing they I think when it comes to girdling if it was a rodent it would be I'm typically a winter phenomenon so when there's no fruits and no seeds that's when they typically resort to chewing on a tree so this is something that could have happened you know four to six months ago yeah it's kind of in line I mean it looks like it you know it's since tried healing with the spring growth you can see the cambium tissues have since expand and trying to heal over it well I'll have to get this but girdling for us in Southern California is predominantly wintertime like now the rats are hungry we'll start chewing on the tree to get to the underlying steps and sugars of the plant so well the reason I wanted to show this one was because this doesn't hardly have any canopy on it and the reason I wash this immediately because I know you should why wash was because it's young tree I wanted I know that they're so sensitive when they're first put in the ground and it doesn't have a lot of canopy to protect the rest of it and so this has actually been out here like this for the two seasons that's been in the ground including the really really hot clusters last year 115 degrees yeah for a couple of days and it still except for this thing down at the bottom which looks like some sort of rat or rodent activity yeah I mean you don't see that seems sunburn no it's in wonderful condition and you can see that the I can see that the plant has grown you can see the central leader you have since pruned it off it's created all these now lateral shoots and now you're gonna have a low growing canopy which is going to be ideal just as we saw with your other apples in the orchard low lying apples that are easy for harvest and you know enjoyment yep so this is one of those things where as I'm seeing spots come out and Charles was nice enough to bring me some of the ivy organic three and one plant guard to put on this we already have done a couple of the other trees but I want to show you in addition to this area right here which we may come back and paint in a minute why do we do that right now let me get the brush okay alright so Charles you just noticed something she has so if you come around like this side over here right where you can see here's the rootstock this here's the grafted Scion wood that was put onto that root stock and if you come over right in there you can see right at that junction between the root stock and the Scion wood there's a tunneling action happening either by a beetle or termite action that's happening there and there's some other splits you can kind of see throughout this entire region even right where this last prune was created on the root stock there's a lot of cracks in here that need to be sealed and eventually this tree needs to you know continue growing and establishing health and it will heal over all of these wounds but it's gonna take a solid one to two possibly three years with good health for it to heal over this but the plant can continue performing at optimal you know conditions you mentioned earlier that this trees not as vigorous and as healthy as some other apple trees that you visited and I would say it's losing least 50% of its resources because it's only surviving off of one side of the tree instead of you know capitalizing on you know pulling up the resource in the waters in the minerals from the earth and back and forth between the leaves back to the roots because this whole section of cambium tissue is lost yeah I mean those are all like lanes of a highway and we essentially have half the lanes shut down right now have four more so and so it's trying to still pool that stuff through it it's getting jammed up um so the cool stuff about this is we were painting I noticed is it it's really it's a really thin mixture correct the goal when whitewashing whether it be if you're gonna do things chemically using the latex paint or organically using the ivory again it's the goal is you're using something in the consistency of 50% of paint and by being also more water you can actually apply more protection to more trees than if it were a thicker application less water it'll have something like 50% the water we added they can will give you more of that consistency of paint but with having that full can of water you're gonna have that 50% dilution ratio and that can can also make up to 20 to 25 bottles it's equivalent a 5 gallons a foliar spray which can give us a total plant protection a nice thin you know sunscreen protection just as you would do for your skin if you're going to go out to the beach for more than 20 minutes your skin will start burning and the goal is to do the same thing to the wood as we're now here in June we're going out up against 14 hours of daylight hours and also heat and the goal is to offer the plant protection so it's not just combating sunburn but instead can put its resources towards growth and eventually flowers and fruit the reason I'm wearing this this was handmade by mrs. busy gardener and so I thought this would be a good time to bring it out when I'm working with pain because I seem to net inevitably get paint all over myself and so the idea here is is just make sure that it's kind of stirred up well right alright and then grab some and I'm gonna just paint over this area I want to close in on this so you can see it happening and I want to make sure I'm gonna be paying the special attention to these where that bore hole is I'm gonna go all the way around really I'm just trying to cover all of these areas now when we mix this up originally there was wasn't just the paint solution the color solution but there were those oils in it as well right and those oils like you're saying are gonna help keep out all the little critters from yeah both insects and rodents the oils are includes Castro cinnamon cloves garlic peppermint rosemary and spearmint and all of those plants are naturally pest resistant plants both from insects and rodents hey there's another tree that I want to go take a look at our mango it's just been having some trouble let's go take a look at it that's it okay so we we were walking over to our mango and then I noticed these this granny smith apple charles noticed that it has some serious issues going on here now it's not evident to me Charles I'll know if I'm looking at the bottom I noticed a distance some serious trunk stuff going on at the very bottom there - yeah take a look at oh yeah look at all this damage happening here you can see that there's been some definite chew action happening here historically could have been six months ago cuz in a year ago it's the plants been since trying to heal over you can see the cambium tissues on the side are expanding over here you can see if we can peel some of this dead bark off you can see that the cambium tissues right they're expanding eventually it'll heal over but we've got it be active on this you can see over here dead wood and underlying with all that dead wood that's coming off you can see the cambium teacher is trying to heal over but this pools just not only action happening almost everywhere we're beetles and termites are trying to get into that supporting wood and the goal is we don't want this all a tree how many times did you see trees topple over in the neighborhood and and then you see that the whole inside of the trees is hollow yeah it all happens in my opinion from a pruned branch beetles and termites enter and then begin hollowing out the tree even one day those wounds can heal over but it's been eaten out from the inside out pretty much and the next wind just topples it over so the goal is to preserve the heart of the tree being you know that inside wood supporting structure and take a look at that trees performance compared to for example this guy over here yeah huh big difference when there's girdling happening to a tree and and damage happening to the bar compared to this one over here that's got a protected tree trunk all the way from the base down to pull back on the bark you can see this one is almost twice as thick and again with three Oh excellent whitewashing Pratt you can see that the plant health is doing way better not just a more beautiful trunk but a much beautiful way better performing two dozen apples on this tree compared to the probably one dozen yeah that's that's over here so the goal is to protect it manage it mitigate disease mitigate girdling and and the plant is going to perform that much better I noticed something too is that so normally wait when you plan your trees you want you never want the soil level to go above the graft you always want the graph to be above the soil I noticed the mulch when I got applied that somebody else coming through here and apply the mulch and I notice of the mulch is applied over or kind of a graft what appears to because I'm having trouble finding the graph either this is the graph where the graph that's happening here yeah so here we're getting down to the surface rinse you can see the roots that are working away into the the mulch and I mean my guess would be the graft is here this is the root stalk this here is the Scion wood and the goal whenever mulching your plant is to pretty much have close to zero mulch at the level of the tree like where the tree is in the soil and it basically build the mulch up as you work your way out into the drip zone of the tree so it's gonna start off low we're gonna cover up these roots that were growing into the mulch we don't want those roots to be exposed but we're going to then based create a berm that's about two to three inches thick as we work our way into the basically drip zone of the fruit tree yeah we have a really healthy mulch layer here trouble right now probably six solid six inches about four to six inches here but you need to make sure that you are pulling that away from your the trunk of your tree you don't want that stuff covering because I think that contributed to it I noticed there was some moisture underneath that and I know that knows the gardening concepts known as now stem rot so the mulch is absorbing water as is the bark the bark is also dead wood as is these woodchips and together they're just absorbing too much water that leads to stem rot we know that root rot is when there's like too much water in the soil and and under you know poor aerated condition - poor drainage condition it will lead to root rot depending three trees that are very sensitive to too much water on the ridge so root rots below the ground stem rot is where it's just too much moisture against the stem so you're gonna want to make sure you keep those wood chips away from the tree trunk and then again build that gradual thicker layers as you get around the drips on the fruit tree I'm gonna use this right now I'm gonna apply to all of this area this is the same situation where about half of the the bark and that cambium layer are all at least half yeah all the dead wood you're gonna want to get that out dead stuff my goodness yeah there it's and it's pretty significant yeah and knocking all of this stuff off so that way what we're sealing is just this healthy wood so I'm convinced as a critter that's enjoying chewing on your trees and enjoying the underlying you know sugars that they're getting from these trees and more like an audit is it's a winter phenomenon that's happening here in your garden so for you I would seriously consider that next year late fall to reapply and re whitewash your plants not for the protection you're gonna get from just winter Sun scald but to protect your plants and make sure that all the oils are the Castros and the mints the spearmint peppermint SAR there which are all anti rodent repellent on protection and to make sure you basically whitewashing a plant for the anti rodent protection that it'll offer your trees yeah rodents don't want winter fresh breath and so they don't you know I have a like a wildlife cam one of those you know did you just set it and forget it kind of things and I'm seriously gonna set it up over here and see if anything comes and tries to sniff around I wouldn't be surprised we have a lot of wildlife here lots of different look we have of possums and we've got squirrels and we've got rats and we've got mice and we've got birds and we've got raccoons and so lots of different types of wildlife all of the other stuff too Bobcats and mountain lions all though they're not interested in fruit trees so as I get this and really I want to cover every bit of this so that way there isn't some bug that finds you know some way into the middle of this tree and bypasses all of this paint we're trying to create as good as seal as we can right every correct you're gonna wanna yeah fill that in the I'm gonna get my brush now and I'm gonna help you we're gonna continue adding a more thick coat I've know you've whitewash this in the past but we'll add a second coat protecting the tree trunk the lower branches to make sure that again the tree trunk and the lower branches will be supporting you know many years and hopefully decades of fruit full productive years yeah and none of this none of this has been painted so even though it's whitewashed with paint it hasn't it doesn't have the benefit of those oils and those things that are gonna deter pests and some different things so that's what we're really adding to the top of this here is the benefit of all of those oils as well even though we're adding the color for this whitewash but we're also adding those oils the oils are most beneficial aside from these girdling zones wherever there's a pruned area again the voles to keep the pests out so wherever there's like a prune spot such as this I can see a central leader you've pruned it off at this point over here on the very top yep and by pruning it you've now encouraged all of this lateral growth happening so I'm now also going to be sealing the central leader prune to also keep again pests and disease especially again those termites and beetles from finding that exposed wood and beginning to bore into it and again I can see some more damaged wood as we get higher up into the branch I'm gonna continue offering protection to all of those exposed wood areas [Music] okay we just finished whitewashing this tree and it's there I'm gonna let it kind of soak in a little bit I'll come back and clean up a couple of the other spots correct so this looks a lot better than it did it now has all those oils repelling all the pests and so yeah it smells so nice it is it really does just kind of WAAFs so sometimes that is that's another big difference is used to smelling that nasty paint smell misses it's really nice I always say smells like a delicious Italian kitchen yeah that's pretty you know something that I think is important to understand is that you can do everything right as far as all of the techniques with these trees you can put all the mulch you can feed them you can prune them well you can prune up all the dead wood and all of this stuff but if the Sun comes out and burns it that's gonna damage your tree it's just like some critter coming out and chewing on it the Sun does it just a little bit more slowly but it still has this kind of effects and so it's a great point and like I always say about even our own skin if we're out in the Sun you know 14 hours a day we're approaching now you know first day of summer in a couple weeks you know if we got 14 hours of Sun in our bodies doesn't matter what we're eating what we're eating like we're gonna be burning yes so in the plants getting exhibit that stress as well so my washing is I would say really high up there with you know good fertilizer practice a good watering practice good mulching practice whitewash your trees yeah let's go let's walk over and take a look at this mango we got a little sidetracked by that poor Granny Smith granny wasn't looking so good you know so this is an interesting thing that I discovered a few weeks ago and I noticed that this strange gurgling type effect was happening where the the bark was being pulled back and receiving there was this big opening and it was starting to grow I came through and cut off some of that just to create some lines how do you think this even happen in the first place well we had these huge buccal industries maybe you remember seeing in some of the older videos where there were gigantic ones and as they did that work I know that one branch came down and hit part of the canopy in this out would make size and some of them may have come through and smack this as well or bruised it or whatever Allison citizen I guess that was a some park damage you cleaned it up and this is now another excellent opportunity to now whitewash and protect you can see that there's no cambium tissue here the cambium tissue is that living green layer of tissue that underlies the bark of the tree this here is the underlying supporting wood so it's wood cambium layer and then bark and the goal is we're gonna protect the underlying wood so the beetles termites and other disease doesn't go and start weakening the overall structure of the plant and eventually the plant as it continues to grow will heal over that wound and it all eventually disappear you know the first thing that caught my attention was the foliage going bad on this now what is going on with that mango it was looking so good and then all just that's when I realized that this has happened and I'm sure that this is impacting the canopy up top well we got to figure the flow now water and nutrients from the ground and also from the leaves coming down to the roots it's now being obstructed as you mentioned those lanes so you know driving on a freeway or lines on a highway they it's obstructed here it's now gonna go around the back as there's no obstruction here on the back side of the plant but the obstruction is here on the front so eventually the plant will heal over it's gonna take a solid I would say year two years maybe even three years for all of those lanes of highway to be rebuilt and hopefully no further damage you know going forward although I will note that incidentally this is on the south-facing side so it's possible that this receives some sort of maybe I'll weaken by some sort of sun damage as well it's not totally evident but we're gonna we're gonna paint this thing right now I'll leave this here we could maybe just at least clean this area there together yeah that's a great point usually when you see that the bark of a tree is exposed it's typically on the south side in the northern hemisphere the sunny side of the tree as that'll typically cause the weaker bark and then eventually bark death and then the underlying wood to be exposed so typically see that on the south side of the plant again the northern hemisphere and so there's some pretty deep cracks here and so do you recommend just dripping in the paint into those cracks yeah just get it in there um you can also allow it once it dries for you know 10 20 minutes you can come back and and refill anything that you still see that should be patched up but this protection will last a good year if there's any reason to reapply it one more time and another six months you can add a second coat but a once-a-year application will be sufficient to you know protect the plant and you can see all the growth since you last whitewash they should have pointed this out but I just got the idea you can still see it in this upper part they can see all of that new bark of growth as the plant does continue to expand a lot of the older paint has since fallen off another important reason again to be doing this organically so you don't end up with you know layers upon layers of latex paint in your soil but you can see that as it's expanding there's now new bark being exposed another reason to be continuously whitewashing your trees at least once a year [Music] at the heart of the tree being I can protect the obviously I like the main organ the main part of the plant being tree trunk primary branches if those are protected if there's any sunburn or wind damage broken branches that are outside of the heart of the plant no big deal I can prune those off and a new branch will regrow within the heart region of the plant and it's the heart that I'm hoping will last for decades whereas the other branches that come off the heart no big deal if you know those die or die back there's any injury or damage to those now or you know what's one of the most dramatic things is when you come out and it's maybe been a really hot day and you notice the scaffolding or sorry the canopy of the tree the foliage is all burned and looks really bad and you freaked out cuz you got it's dead but it's like you want that foliage to take the hit so that way the wood still protecting the underlying structure yeah because that foliage is gonna all of these trees is gonna drop off anyway on based on average and some trees are different but on average the foliage is only in the last one year this is your solar panel it's there for only one year and every year it's gonna recreate new solar panels to take over you know you know creating new panels or creating the sugars and proteins and all the life-giving supports that the tree needs [Music] all right we whitewash this tree and it's looking pretty good I mean we've got most of the trunk all the way down to the bottom definitely that affected area all of the main supporting scaffolding is whitewashed and this looks really good this hopefully is going to give this mango a chance you were giving some instruction the second to go to about maybe during the hotter points of the summer coming through and either spring on yeah so the cane you're holding makes up to five gallons of the foliar spray that highbury organics also has there's this product as well that all that comes in they're ready to use spray bottle but you're talking about like with the leaves wilting yeah you can go and spray also the leaves and if you come in a little closer you can see I don't want to spray the whole plant because it's a little breezy right now I don't know which way the winds blowing I don't want to end up with product all over us but you can see that it's offering like a you know a milky just says it would a Sun screen protection to the plant so that the Sun beating on the plan especially during the extremes won't be as great so you don't just need a whitewash the tree trunks lower branches you can whitewash the entire structure and this is going to be a lot thinner you know protection and you can also get into like you know the little branches and stuff but otherwise be impossible to get a fresh image especially with these sub tropicals that have such tender skin really it almost looks like skin more than bark yeah compared to some of the more deciduous hardy or things like avocado this mango citrus can be good like this where it's totally green and can get burned so easily so having that spray on there's pretty correct but one thing I want to share that if it's a hundred and fifteen degrees you said here is 117 degrees at my house last summer that why washing your plant doesn't change the temperature of the air right yeah so whitewashing still offers the protection from against summer sunburn which your Sun scald but if it's 117 or 115 degrees the plant is still in the oven at 115 degrees and it's still gonna have to deal with that stress and of the temperature but the goal is you're not dealing with all of this exposed skin bar from taking a directive beating so you'll notice that even if your plan has to go through one of these extremes the it'll bounce back it'll rejuvenate itself a lot faster than if it took the beating directly than it otherwise would with the protection of white washing yeah that's a really good way to say it this has been such an awesome time I you know we've got so many things we could do worse we're even short on time our wives are calling where are you guys we're here playing around in the orchard so I view organic if you've not been part over to their channel on YouTube go look them up hit subscribe you like it and you and you're gonna be posting a video some other stuff we did in here correct we visited the urban gardener before this educational lesson so be sure to check out that and and I really appreciate your time and again I'm always going to give me credit for being the master of whitewashing as you've been whitewashing your trees almost a solid decade before ivory Ganic never put up its first whitewashing educational video so I'm always gonna give you credit for having you know embrace the concept and the value whitewashing brings to your plants and trees well I've been I've been a following ivy organic on YouTube for a number of years now well the years that you've been on YouTube and they've got what we've been using today this whitewash the color white you got it in brown you've got it in green also in green something we didn't get have time to get to you in today's video is hoping I know your fertilizer you guys have a website that what's the best way to find you guys so you go to ivy organics calm and there and regards to the fertilizer there's a six macros plus fertilizers super and premium blend fertilizers that give your plants all the macronutrients six macronutrients nitrogen phosphorus potassium that NPK you'll find them pretty much all the fertilizers but with lacking and pretty much all the fertilizers is the magnesium sulfur and calcium plants need six macronutrients and six macros plus has it all yeah in pretty good quantity to correct we've got the eleven point eight ounce bag that I'm holding this year a tablespoon to a gallon makes twenty gallons of liquid fertilizer for your plants or the four pound bag 120 gallons of liquid fertilizer so yeah we've got those two you know varieties and two different brands being again the super and premium blend fertilizers well this has been so huge I want to thank you for tuning in if you've not yet subscribed to my channel I'd love for you to do it hit the subscribe hit the notification bell so you can be notified when I post new content trying to do that about once a week and Charles thank you so much how this was so much fun thanks for having me whether you've got one tree in your orchard 500 until next time stay busy stay busy and happy gardening [Music]
Channel: The Busy Gardener
Views: 1,907
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: iv organics, tree care, organic paint, tree guard, iv organic, painting fruit trees, tree paste, fruit tree care, organic fertilizer, organic gardening, organic paint for trees, charles malki, tree guard paint, paint for trees, white wash, white wash fruit trees, rodent repellent, avocado tree, sunblock for plants, fruit tree, organic pest control, backyard orchard, front yard fruit trees
Id: 3j2LuRS0NoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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