Your Name/Kimi no Na wa/君の名は。 Orchestra Concert: Nandemonaiya/なんでもないや (Movie and Credit Versions)
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Channel: K2SMOH42
Views: 53,634,242
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Keywords: Your Name, Kimi no Na wa, Nandemonaiya, RADWIMPS, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, なんでもないや, 君の名は。
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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(Sorry if this is obvious but this hit me today)
I realized today that the lyrics that come up when your name appears on the screen at the end are a two stanza poem.
The first stanza describes the start of the movie where they awoke feeling incomplete and lonely without understanding why;
The second stanza describes the ending, where they find one another and cry under a clear blue sky.
I guess I always just kind of glossed over those lines as being pretty but they really are significant.
This reminds me, I need to figure out a way to get the movie version of Zenzenzense up without getting blasted by YT copyright bots. Here's a live performance of Sparkle also. thanks to whoever it was on this board that provided these links a while back, I greatly enjoy them.
For my fellow German brothers, reminder that you can watch it again on free tv on 27th, just like last year
These live performances are the perfect versions of every song
Never fails to leave me with goose bumps and tears
Only in Japan where the soundtrack is live
I listened to this when I just woke up and now I feel very sad and lonely.