- We're gonna have a little fun today. We asked you what songs you
have misheard lyrics to. We got a ton of responses, including from our friend, Jen Norman, who thinks that Shawn Mendes
was actually writing about her. So, here we go. You ready, honey? (laughs) All right, also ABBA. Honey, that's great. Also, you could This woman thought R.E.M. had
a dog with a urinary problem. Okay. Rolling Stones, "Beast of Burden". We got four responses for this one. All pretty funny. One of them thought "Beast of Burden" was, They all sound like it. Okay. One of you thought that Harry Styles was trying to get your kids a job. Trying to encourage, so, 'Cause they're lazy, right? "Tickets to Ride" by The Beatles. One of my favorites. Oh boy. Ha, alright. Why was Alanis Morissette
so angry in this song? Do you know? Here's what one of our
viewers thought it was. Here we go. (coughs) Sorry. Ah! All right, "Responsible Rocking" by KISS. All right. Remember Paul Young? That's right, baby. You do it. All right. Last one. I love this song, by the way. Love this song! Aw!
- Aw! See, that's why I did that one last. I was hoping to get
one planted right here. Thanks, baby. (kisses) You're so good at this. Like, acting all that stuff.
- Backup dancer. All-time backup dancer. - You brought me a Tenderloin. (laughs) Did you take a piece of, Oh my alarm's going off. Sorry.
- Okay. She's got an appointment. - I have a therapy. - You comment below on
some other misheard lyrics! - And if you go to
therapy too, that's cool. - Yes, therapy's good for everyone. Good luck with your therapy, honey. (laughs) Yay! A self-examined life. - So awkward.
(wife laughs)