Your Life's BLOCKED? ⛔ 7 CHAKRA HACKS to THRIVE in 2024 (Yoga & Breath)

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hello and welcome today we are going on an exciting and practical journey through our chakra systems so in this video we'll talk about each different chakra the psychological aspect of each chakra the problems you would face when something is imbalance in that chakra and of course we're going to talk about the solutions of breathing and pranayama and yoga exercises to balance these aspects of your life so as we go into the new year I'm sure you have different areas of your life you want to bring attention to you want to put more energy into whether it's your finances or it's your relationship Career Connections with other people or your spiritual journey all these are different aspects of life and are different vibrations and we in Hinduism and yoga relate this to your chakra system so in this video I want to relate the chakra system from a very practical aspect of your life the areas of your life which might be imbalanced so first you have to know yourself you have to go within introspect and be truthful to your desires and there is no bad desires it's just different levels of your desires see when you were a child you were really happy playing with a toy and somebody took that toy away from you you would have a Tempo tantrum now as you grow up you got hooked to different things in life and the toy is sitting in the corner and you don't even pay attention so as you grow in life all the desires you used to have back in the day are not driving you anymore however if you have the same desires you're running after the same thing for last 10 years this is time to grow it's time to introspect and see how you can go to to a different level of your life so let's discuss the chakra system but my friends you and I we have been given this gift of human body so we can experience different levels of our emotions different levels of our desires accomplishments and different levels of our experience so let's talk about the first chakra called muladhara chakra in English we call it root chakra because it's your grounding it connects you with the Earth of course the element on this chakra is Earth so think about this as a foundation when the foundation of the house is strong you can build a multi-story building and it's going to be very steady or when the foundation is shaky you cannot even build one story so think about your root chakra as something that Browns you and it's very important aspect of your life when your root chakra is imbalance and the imbalances can come from all these different areas but we're not going to go in this video into all the different psychological imbalances but we'll just mention that that when your root chakra is not balanced you don't feel stable you don't feel connected you always have fear and anxiety anxiety about your survival where is the food going to come from where is the money going to come from so all these aspects come into your life when your root chakra or muladhara chakra is imbalance now think about a tree tree has no worries because it's connected all the nutrition all the energy comes from the sun and the ground so it's able to survive and thrive without thinking too much so here we can learn the lessons from the tree we can ground ourselves like a tree Okay so so let's talk about the breathing exercise which can balance this root chakra now root chakra is at the bottom of your spine so long slow diaphragmatic breathing would help you balance or ground your root chakra you can check out this video for more information when it comes to yoga pose you can do tree pose to ground yourself whenever you feel imbalanced in life that is an indication that your root chakra is imbalance balance so when you start doing tree pose or Mountain pose you'll start grounding yourself see somebody wise said that when you are dealing with the survival problems you're starving you don't have enough food the only problem you have is where do I get enough food to feed myself and when you are fed then all the other psychological problems come into being and these problems are good because they offer us an opport opportunity to grow so my friends let's go on to the second level sacral chakra it's called swadish chakra now the element is water because it has to do with your emotions now you realize that there is more to this life than just your survival so you go up and when you're vibrating in this frequency of sacral chakra you are thinking about creative ways to expand yourself we are also thinking about emotions how can you get pleasure out of life whether it's a sexual pleasure or pleasure from food all your senses have different Pleasures so you want to see the best things in life you want to hear the best music then you start appreciating different kind of music for your ears taste you start appreciating different kind of foods smells in short when you're operating at your sacral chakra level you're fulfilling all your desires through your senses and my friends when your sacral chakra is imbalance you're going to have Block in creativity and you're not going to be able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life and how do we balance the sacral chakra so this is a water element now breathing wise you want to do alternate nostril breathing to balance the left and the right hand spheres of your brain so your emotions can be balanced so you don't feel too elated or too down from the yoga perspective you want to focus on your hips so you can do a butterfly pose or you can do cat Cow pose to move your spine more flexible your spine is more you would be able to feel the emotions and more your sacral chakra would be balanced so let's go on to the level of your third chakra let's say your survival instincts on the first level are taken care of now you have had enough pleasure in life from all different things now you want to experience life at a higher level now you want to be able to create different projects in life you want to have a positive impact on this world so now you're operating at your will power level the element of course is fire ambition in Sanskrit this is called manipura chakra solar lexes when it's imbalance of course you cannot accomplish things you have hard time bringing your thoughts into fation you cannot manifest your desires you cannot create anything you become lazy over time and when it's Balan of course you have fire in the belly you want to be able to accomplish things so you can balance your solar plexus with kapal bhati breathing or Breath of Fire so you can check out this video If you want to get more information on this breathing technique and from the yoga pose perspective you can do Warrior poses now we go on to the fourth level when three lower three levels you have experienced enough you want to go beyond that you want to go and connect with people you want to be able to feel what love and compassion is when the heart chakra is closed or imbalance you feel disconnected Ed you feel loneliness you could be in a party surrounded by 100 people and still feel lonely there is some conflict there in your mind and your psyche and it shows up in your life in different areas of your life and you also find it hard to forgive other people and when it's balanced of course you feel connected to everybody and you're full of compassion and peace your surroundings reflect that peace you have cultivated into your house heart so this is the beauty of a balanced heart chakra unheart chakra so how do you balance this chakra you want to be able to do heart based breathing so bring the left hand on your heart and then breathe into your rib cage expand the rib cage hold the breath and exhale continue doing this three four times and you're going to start feeling the energy go into your heart and from the yoga perspective you can do camel poses camel poses are by far the best heart openers all right my friends let's go on to the next level the next level is your throat chakra throat is the truth who you really are so when you start speaking your truth you start balancing your throat chakra and when this throat chakra is imbalance you find it really hard hard to speak your truths all the people think about all the people who don't love their jobs and they are stuck they feel stuck in their jobs because of money or because of some other reasons have a tendency of a imbalanced throat chakra and if you're someone who's able to make living out of speaking your truth doing what you really love to do then my friends your throat chakra is balance so how do we get this throat chakra to feel balanced again again pranayama the breathing technique is the best if you do this for 21 days every day you'll find that your throat chakra has started balancing and you can check out the O pranayama more details on oay pranayama in this video so my friends now we come on to the next level the third eye level the most important you feel connected with your purpose you know who you are and you might not know what's going to happen next but you know whatever is going on you're just flowing with life you're just there and things just come to you instead of you chasing everything things just come to you now when you're feeling your life is meaningless sometimes you don't have connection to your intuition you don't know what your next step is then your intuition might be blocked and that signifies an imbalance in your third eye and my friends the society we live in the food we eat the pollution we have most of us have challenges in our third eye so from breathing perspective you can do alternate nostril breathing again for this and by far the most effective way to balance your third eye and enhance your intuition is thara meditation looking at a candle gaze and you can check out more deta details on this video and of course now we go higher to our Crown chakra your connection with the universe that's where the enlightenment comes from that's our ultimate goal of this human life and here we connect with silence we connect with our slow long deep breathing and we go into meditation so as you close your eyes you can just connect with your breath [Music] and that's how you can harness the power of crown chakra but my friends it's very important to know that if your lower chakr is imbalance it's going to start showing up in all the different areas of your life so for example if your root chakra is imbalance you have survival problems you don't have enough to eat or shelter then all the aspect of your lives are going to be disturbed so it's very important to start from the first step make sure all your surrounding survival instincts are taken care of then we go on to the next level then we go on to the next level so think about this as progression of your Consciousness in this human body so my friends I hope you got a little value and information about your chakra system don't think about chakra system as something whimsical think about from a practical aspect how can you take advantage of this knowledge and start vibrating or start raising your vibration at a different levels of your existence so you can start seeing the world differently so you can start experiencing the world differently so the people who come into your life would be at different levels so I hope you got a little value from this video if you did make sure you subscribe share this video with everybody and of course we have an ebook for you which goes in detail about all the information all the solutions for different chakras and aspects of your life so make sure you download this and we would love to connect with you on the comments make sure you leave comments on where you are and what are you focusing in this new year until next time Namaste peace and love
Channel: The School of Breath
Views: 12,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chakra blocked, unblock chakras, 2024 goals, thrive in 2024, yoga for beginners, breathwork for beginners, stress relief, anxiety relief, positive life changes, chakra balance, chakra healing, chakra meditation, root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, crown chakra, yoga poses for beginners, pranayama, aura cleansing, the school of breath, abhi duggal yoga, abhi duggal meditation, improve your life, 7 chakras, chakra
Id: MFDMi-seHBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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