Your Integrity: Our World // Part 5 // Andy Staley

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hey good morning south side online my name is eric and i'm mitch and we're the middle school directors here at southside church we've been a part of creating an incredible environment called transit that is just for middle school students where they can have a ton of fun and they can discover a faith of their own mitch quick question for you uh this morning uh when was the last time okay that you spent a weekend with 250 sixth grade sixth graders last weekend exactly right yep yep that was a little event we had called boot camp yup sixth grade boot camp is an incredible overnight camp experience just for sixth grade students where they get to bond with their brand new middle school small group they get to have a ton of fun they blobbed they zipline they raced on the slides and they got to hear about a god who loves them and how to make the most out of middle school that's right and if you're a sixth grade student and miss boot camp it is all good if you're at peachtree city or noonan we meet at 9 15 and 11 o'clock every single week for transit and also the same in henry county at 10 o'clock we'd love to have your student there but if you're in seventh or eighth grade don't worry it's your turn next for camp with a little thing we call frequency frequency is going to be awesome if you want more information or you want to register you can go to frequency and hey we're so glad that you joined us this morning we're going to do a little bit of singing we're going to hear from our teaching pastor andy stanley so jump up grab a cup of coffee sing with us we're glad you joined us [Music] you are here moving in our midst i worship you i worship you you are here working in this [Music] [Music] i was [Music] you are here working in this place i was [Music] light in the darkness my god that is [Music] my god that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are here healing every heart [Music] you are here [Applause] [Music] you are here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the is that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] even when even [Music] [Applause] my god that is [Applause] is is [Music] that is [Music] that is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] so [Music] is [Music] worthy of every song we could ever see worthy long [Music] worthy of every breath we could ever [Music] jesus the name above every other name jesus the only one [Music] worthy of every breath we could ever breathe [Music] [Music] [Music] show me who you are [Music] worthy of every song he could ever worthy of all the praise [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] there is show me who you and are me [Music] um [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is show me who you are is yes [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] so we got any uh no one's allowed to look in there folks here no one's gonna look in your closet no everybody's a neat freak that's why you're here at the early service because all the neat freaks next service it's all the people don't look in my closet um if for those of you who married somebody super neat i am and i love it um it trickles down into every area of our lives you know i've learned with sandra when she's i'm cleaning up i'm working on my closet which i'm like okay it's the neatest place on the planet earth but yeah or the pantry i'm working on the pantry i've learned that when she's finished she doesn't want to ask me she wants me to just voluntarily walk into the pantry or the closet and go darling this is amazing this isn't me so for those of you who are married to people who really like things neat the more you comment on it the better they don't want to ask but if you don't eventually they're going to ask and that kind of ruins it so let's close in prayer that was the sermon today that was because so um once upon a time most of us can remember this it was it was kind of challenging if you wanted to dig up dirt on somebody if you wanted to find out all the stuff you know skeletons in their closet all the stuff they've done in the past it was kind of challenging um to expose secrets indiscretions you know business deals that weren't all you know on up and up unethical things but now of course we can all dig up dirt on just about anybody in the world from the comfort of home right and as you know if you ever consider running for office right you better look back because it's going to come up it doesn't take much of course in our culture these days to be cancelled we all know this this isn't new information um and a little bit you know a little bit of bad this is the problem with the cancer culture of course a little bit of bad can cancel a lifetime of good but here's the the other side of this that we are not if we're honest we are not equal opportunity cancellers right because when it comes to the people that we don't necessarily like anyway we kind of maximize it you know when it's the other parties candidate we maximize their dirt you know clearly they're disqualified um but then we turn around and we minimize i do this too we minimize you know our candidate the person we already like we kind of well that was a long time ago and they've apologized and everybody does that but then this is where it really gets kind of dicey when it comes to us we justify our stuff right when it's our dirt we just justify it we in fact we look at and this is natural this isn't bad this is what we do we look at our personal failures our indiscretions our you know lack of integrity didn't quite tell the truth didn't disclose everything that needed to be disclosed when it's us we basically look at our failures within the context of our entire lives right it's like that was just one time that was one season i just got out of college it was my first job it was my first year of marriage you know whatever we just we contextualize it right and um you know we consider you know because we look at it within the context of our whole lives that was the exception to the rule not the rule the interesting thing is we rarely extend or you know if we're not careful we rarely extend that courtesy to others right but we really appreciate it when people extend that courtesy to us today we're in part five of our series your integrity our world your integrity our world and for the most part we know what integrity is but we have a working definition for this series and we've decided the working definition is simply this that integrity is doing what you ought to even if it costs you doing what you ought to even if it costs you because when we don't do what we ought to do it always costs somebody else the stress created by our lack of integrity is transferred to some other people or the way we've said it throughout the series our irresponsibility ultimately becomes somebody else's responsibility that tension that stress goes somewhere it just doesn't evaporate our lack of personal integrity always impacts some other persons right um then we have an anchor verse that we've kind of anchored this whole series to so um i haven't asked you to do this for the last couple of weeks but even if you're watching um online i would love for everybody to sit up straight for a minute okay just good posture gonna sit up straight because that's the point of this person sit up straight look at everybody moving yeah here's what the verse says it says the integrity and here's why i had you sit up straight the integrity of the upright the integrity upright to maintain integrity it means you sit up straight you stand up straight and you take the long look the integrity of the upright will guide them but the crookedness the bentness the bad posture the bad posture of the treacherous will ultimately destroy them because they make decisions based on what's right in front of them as opposed to taking the long look now previously on your integrity our world and i say previously because this is a series if you have not been tracking along i want to highly recommend that you watch the entire series especially last time because last time sets us up for this time you can find those on my youtube website you can find it on all of our local church websites sandra and i ran into a couple this week we were having dinner and a couple came over an older couple and he said andy the message you preached this past sunday i sent it to all nine of my grandchildren it's required listening or watching and i want to encourage those of you with kids or grandkids last week and this week they go together these would be two extraordinary messages that if you have to because we did this all the time pay your kids to listen or to watch sandra would say 20 bucks gotta listen you know because they were in upstreat and doing all the stuff with our other environment so these two messages in particular as we think about the next generation because it's about a kid who understood the importance of making a wise decision when he was young so previously on your integrity our world teenage daniel teenage daniel and a few of his friends are carted off from babylon or carted off from jerusalem excuse me to babylon to be hostages to ensure that their families their wealthy royal influential families back in jerusalem behaved themselves and even though they were carted off as hostages it was kind of a sweet deal it was sort of the opportunity of a lifetime because they're going to be trained to serve in nebuchadnezzar's palace or his household and the reason that's a sweet deal is because they get to eat and live indoors okay they're gonna have a there's a meal plan food plan they get to live in a fabulous place and they have a job and they have this three-year internship but as we discovered last time or if you grew up in church you know this story as soon as daniel gets there and sees the meal plan he refuses to play along in fact the text says that daniel resolved he set his heart he made up his mind not to defile himself that is desecrate himself undignify himself lower himself he wasn't going to participate in the charade with the royal food and the royal wine from the king's table and i went into detail last time explaining why this was a really really big deal but without going into that detail this was a drop the mic moment for daniel and for everybody watching and for everybody that knew what was going on in the background this was like draw a line in the sand this is hey this is make or break because daniel made up his mind as we said last time ahead of time daniel didn't know how his story was going to turn out but he bumped up against something that would cause him to to compromise his integrity and compromise faith in yahweh his faith in god and you said even as a teenager i'm just not gonna do that that's what integrity is it's doing the right thing even though you don't know what the outcome's gonna be it's doing the right thing even if you suspect you know what the outcome might be and as we said last time this first decision as a teenager set him up for all the decisions the difficult decisions in his life that would follow and the most famous of those decisions happened this is amazing don't rush by this 55 years later so he has served nebuchadnezzar and he served in the palace for 55 years maintaining his integrity and now he's 70 years old and he has a new boss because the babylonian empire has gone the way of ancient empires and now the persians are the big dogs and it's the persian empire and darius is the king of kings and he keeps daniel in his palace because of his reputation because of his integrity even though he's not from there even though everybody knows he's a hebrew and was kidnapped basically as a kid so darius decides to reorganize the empire some of you have reorganized your office some of you organized a company imagine reorganizing an empire and so he sets it up this way there's going to be 120 governors and then over those governors there's going to be three administrators and those three administrators will then report to darius the king and daniel was one of those three administrators and that's where the story picks up and a quick review from last time now daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators there's just three of them and the governors there's 120 of them by his exceptional qualities that the king darius planned to set him over the whole kingdom now he's 70 years old so that i mean by ancient standards that's really really old and he's not even from there he's a hebrew he's a foreigner at this the administrators who they all wanted to be one of the three and the governors they always they all wanted to be number one tried to find grounds for charges against daniel in his conduct of conduct of govern government affairs so he's been in government for 55 years and they're like goodness surely there's some dirt surely there's some skeletons in the closet that we can bring up to undermine his credibility with darius i mean surely there's something somewhere but as we saw last time but they were unable to do so they were unable to find anything they could find no corruption now these are government officials who have access to all the records they could find no corruption in him because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent and here's the point of that daniel was that way at 70 and was that way through all those years because he made up his mind when he was 17. he made up his mind when he was a teenager so finally these guys get so exasperated finally these men said we will never we will never find any basis for charges against this man we're never going to create any space between him and darius unless it has something to do with the law of his god so they set a trap for daniel here's what they do they without daniel go to king darius and they say oh king darius live forever we just had a meeting and we all agree daniel's not there we all agree that the king darius you should issue an edict and enforce the decree that anyone who prays to any god or human being during the next 30 days except of course for to you your majesty shall be thrown into the lion's den so they're appealing to his ego and basically they're saying darius we want to celebrate 30 days of you it's going to be 30 days of darius there's going to be floats there's going to be jugglers there's going to be music there's going to be bobble heads there's going to be t-shirts there's going to be public executions it's going to be fabulous ok and we just want to help the whole nation or empire reaffirm your authority now of course they knew daniel's not going to go along with this he's not going to pray to a person he's not going to pray to darius because he's made it clear he has a god yahweh is this god they know he's not going to compromise because he's so predictable and as you know as king darius is sitting there kind of mulling this over like oh yeah yeah one other thing one other small thing your majesty what we think you should do is we want you to issue the decree and put it in writing don't just say it we want to have you document it so that it cannot be altered so there's no misunderstanding in accordance with the law of the medes and the persians which cannot be repealed even by a king this would give the edict special status irreversible it would be absolutely enforceable so king darius under their influence put the decree in writing 30 days of me he just fell for it right now when daniel learned that the decree had been published because he goes out all over the empire right he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened and what would you do what would i do well what would we do what this is the point what what do you do when you are certain not you suspect what do you do when you are certain doing the right thing will cost you and the answer is it depends on what is most important to you this is when we discover this is when we discover what our who we are most committed to this is when we discover whether or not our integrity is disposable this is when we discover whether or not our integrity really is integrity or it's just behavior that's a means to an end and i would say blessed is the man and blessed is the woman and blesses the student the teenager the college student blesses the man or the woman whose integrity has been tested and they passed that test because when you pass that test you are at peace with god and yourself so here's what happens now when daniel learned that the decree had been published he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward jerusalem when daniel made up his mind as a teenager not to eat the king's choice food he did not keep it a secret he in fact he went to the administrator and said hey i just need to let you know i'm not eating this stuff okay i don't want to desecrate myself he didn't keep it a secret and feed it to the dogs into the table he let it be known i'm not going to eat it here's why and it i for integrity sake i just need to let you know i'm not going along with the meal plan well that's how he's lived his whole life so now he's going to do what he's always done he's going to pray but he's not going to pray in secret so the text says so three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed by an open window facing jerusalem giving thanks to his god just as he had done before why change now i mean this is how he thought who's who's in charge who who determines outcomes years ago for daniel nebuchadnezzar thought he determined outcomes but now nebuchadnezzar is dead in fact not only is nebuchadnezzar dead the babylonian empire has just gone the way of ancient empires darius his current boss he thinks he controls and determines outcomes and daniel's thinking we'll see which causes me to ask causes all of us to ask who do we think determines outcomes who determines outcomes when we think we determine outcomes when we think our the powers that be in our bosses and the people who seem to control the economy determine outcomes then we will always be set up and tempted to compromise our integrity in an effort to control the people manipulate the people influence the people that we think determine outcomes daniel knew better now of course his enemies had spies they were they were looking for him and so daniel is spotted and so his accusers go back to the king and this is how the conversation go um oh darius live forever um didn't you publish a decree you did you remember this on that during the next 30 days 30 days of darius the floats are almost ready anyone who prays to any god or human being except to you your majesty would be thrown into the lion do you remember this yes of course he remembers he goes yeah what's the point well we dropped by daniel's house to give him his 30 days of darius swag bag you you remember daniel right you remember daniel daniel just in case you have forgotten daniel is one of the exiles he's not even from here from judah you remember conquered judah they you know they pay you a monthly fee just to not you know take anything else well he pays no attention to you your majesty and he doesn't pay any attention to the decree that you put remember you put it in writing this is hard for us to to tell you but he still prays three times a day and not to you and we guys in the truth we are so disappointed aren't we fellows we're just so disappointed with this and darius you read the text darius is so distressed because he he i don't know if he loves him but he just so appreciates daniel he was going to put him in charge of the empire because he trusted him i mean he just completely trusted him because based on his past experience right so he decides to do his best to save daniel so he pulls in all of his lawyers and he says there's got to be a loophole there's got to be a work around there's got to be a way to get around the law of the medes and the persians i know it was written i know it's got my signature i know it's got my stamp but isn't there a way to reverse this order but he can't he's stuck so the king gave the order and they brought daniel he's 70 years old and they threw him into the lion's den actually they don't throw they lower you through a floor but before they lowered him through the floor onto a rat infested human gore saturated floor the king leans in and he says this the king said to daniel if i had my way may your god whom you serve continually rescue you may this is so powerful may the god may the god you are more dedicated to than you are your own preservation may that god rescue you and then a stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den and the king the text says the king returned to his palace and spent the night without eating and without any entertainment being brought to him and darius could not sleep and he's tossing and turning thinking 30 days of darius yeah right who came up with this idea at the first light of dawn the king got up and he hurried to the lion's den and when he came near the den he called out to daniel he didn't say remove the stone he just called out he didn't want to look he had seen the aftermath of this too many times and he calls out he says has your god whom you serve continually been able to rescue you from the lions now when we were kids we were kids it we went straight to the rest of the story if you're reading this you just go right to the rest of this story but here's the problem if you rush to the end of this story you miss the point of this story to rush to the end of the story is to actually overlook and to rush right by the point of this story because the point isn't what happens next the point of this story is what has happened all ready the point of the story is that daniel's primary concern was not the outcome of his decision if his primary concern had been the outcome of his decision he would have made a different decision his his primary concern is doing the right thing i'm not going to pray to a person i'm not going to pray to the emperor i'm not going to pray to the king i'm not going to pray to the person who claims to have my destiny and my future in his hands for daniel doing the right thing was the win before we know how this story turns out he already won he did what he ought to do knowing it may cost him so here's the question or we put a different way and because he was a yahweh follower godfather he obeyed god for him that was the win and the outcome daniel's like well that's up to god and there were no and for us there are no guaranteed outcomes so this is the question i want us to kind of land on today what what what's your win for daniel the win is i'm going to do the right thing i'm going to obey god and leave the consequences of the outcomes to god but that was his win he'd already won before the story ends he's already won that's why the point of the story happens before we know the end of the story what's your when what's your when and why you're thinking about that let me just throw this out do you know the one thing you can't lose the one thing that can't be taken away from you the one thing you can't lose the one thing we can't lose the one thing you can't lose is what you do no one can take what you do away from you and everything we gain some of us has lived long enough and made enough mistakes to know this would be the case everything we gain when we compromise our integrity can be and will eventually be taken away that everything you gain everything i gain when we compromise our integrity eventually can be and will be taken away it's a lose-lose we lose our integrity and then eventually we lose what we got or gain by compromising our integrity we lose what we gained by losing it daniel won before he knew the outcome because his win wasn't contingent on the outcome daniel knew what is so easy for us to forget especially we forget this woman are under pressure and that's simply what i said earlier you can't and i can't we can't control outcomes the only thing you can control the only thing i can control is me so here's the challenge what's your win what's your when what's you win now this is a really big deal to me because uh when i was in the eighth grade my my dad's a pastor when i was in the eighth grade my dad's in his late thirties and um his pastor actually he was the associate pastor of a large church and without going into all the details he faced a potentially certainly job ending decision but it could have been in fact that was the threat a career ending decision and the right thing looked like it would definitely cost him and our entire family and doing the wrong thing would be the easy way out and there was actually a pay out and he would come home he would come home from you know the office from church and our little family the four of us would get around our little pecan coffee table on our knees like daniel and we would pray and he would sort of give us the details as much as he could share with us about what was going on at church and he'd say here's what i feel like god wants me to do this is the right thing to do but if i do this here's what they're threatening to do i'll you know i'll lose my job for sure and they're threatening my whole career as a pastor because they're gonna say things about me but if i do the wrong thing if i do what they want me to do um it's a conscience issue i just don't think it's the thing god wants me to do and i remember as an eighth grader just feeling this pressure i mean this was job and career and he was so transparent about all of it and it was i could tell from my parents it was just agonizing and in the middle of all that there was a handful of people at the church who knew what was going on in the middle of all that an elderly lady in the church came to him one afternoon and brought him this picture brought it into his office this is it put it up you know where he could see it and then she asked him a very interesting question she said charles charles she said she said what do you notice about this picture and he said daniel is not looking at the lions and for him and eventually because him for me for us this this moment this what do i do where am i going to go what's going to happen decision there's a defining moment it was a defining moment he would tell you if you were telling the story this is when it dawned on me even though i'd preached it before believed it i told other people this is where it became very personal for me that outcomes are not my responsibility that my responsibility is to do the right thing my responsibility is to do what god would have me do and to leave outcomes to him so he wrote down a little statement that became a north star statement for him i was raised on it i saw him pay a price over and over and over because of his commitment to this big idea and i've shared it with you before this is when he wrote this statement my responsibility just obey god and leave all the consequences to him my my responsibility the win is to obey god and leave all the consequences him my responsibility is to obey god and leave all the consequences them so do you want to win in life of course you do do you want your kids to watch you win really when of course you do you want your kids or your grandkids to win of course you do then you do what you ought to do even when you're certain even when you're as certain as you can be that it's going to cost you because that's the win and the reason i know that's the win is because that's the world you want to live in the world you want to live in is a world full of people who do the right thing regardless back to daniel has your god whom you serve continually been able to rescue you from the lions and i think daniel pauses for dramatic effect just lets it hang there you know my god he answers through the stone floor my god sent his angels and he shut the mouths of the lions they've not hurt me because i was found innocent in his sight nor have i ever done anything by the way your majesty nor have i ever done anything wrong before you your majesty now when you read a miracle story like this the question that always comes to our mind and it's a fair question is well will god do that for you will god do that for me i mean well god if you you know if you trust god do the right thing is he going to close the mouths of the lions are you going to keep your job anyway is she going to call you back anyway is it going to work out anyway will god do for you what god did for daniel will he deliver you when you do the right thing and the question is does it matter does that matter because of integrity if your integrity if my integrity is simply a means to a happily ever after ending that's not integrity that's bartering that's trading does it matter does it matter when the outcome doesn't matter as much to you as a clear conscience when the outcome doesn't matter to you as much as being able to lay in bed at night knowing that things are good between you and your creator that's when you know it's integrity it's not a means to an end now if you're a christian i want to say something to you specifically because this this kind of relates to everybody but for jesus followers let me kind of tease it out a little bit differently if um i can say this way if the outcome matters more to you than doing what your heavenly father wants you to do if the outcome matters more to you than simply knowing you did what your heavenly father wants you to do are you following are we really following or are we users and honestly i mean i hear lots of preachers preach all kinds of sermons and i've heard this story told a thousand times you know here's the outcome if you do the right thing god will deliver you that's not the point of the story daniel 1 before he knew the end of the story that is the point of the story judas judas you know new testament judas now he was a user as they get to jerusalem jesus and his guys go to jerusalem judas gets to jerusalem he realizes this is not going to be happily ever after they're trying to arrest my rabbi so if i'm going to get something out of this i got to switch sides now so judas switches sides he compromises his integrity and there's a payoff he got 30 pieces of silver and at the end of his story he loses his integrity and even if he had not had an untimely death eventually he would have spent the silver it's lose lose which means when we decided to tr when we decide to truly follow jesus following means we stop bargaining and we follow because of who has invited us to follow i mean if we had been with the apostles on the way to jerusalem and we realized this is not going to go well and we say jesus don't go to jerusalem they're going to arrest you and they're going to kill you i mean you keep telling us this is what's going to happen don't go to jerusalem they're going to arrest you and kill you jesus you're going to lose jesus would have said lose ah you don't understand my win for i have come down this is my win i have come down from heaven not to do my will i've come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me that is the wind i will obey the father and i'll leave the outcomes to him and then he would say to them he would say to you and say to me follow me and he would say this because he said it on multiple occasions follow me and what you gain can never be taken away what is your win may i suggest the win is going to bed every night with a clear conscience going to bed every night knowing i did what i was supposed to do and heavenly father the consequences the outcomes those are up to you nebuchadnezzar didn't control him darius didn't control him my boss doesn't control him the economy doesn't control him the win is to go to bed every night knowing your conscience is clear that if you believe in god and if you're jesus follower that you've done everything you know to do to follow and obey your father in heaven i think that's the win for jesus followers that's the win for theists who believe god and believe in a personal god that is the win for our culture for our society for your family for our world come on that's the win so i think my dad was right our responsibility is to obey god and leave all the consequences to him that is the win and that leaves you at peace with god and that leaves you at peace with yourself and that sets you up for god to control and work out outcomes in such a way that he gets glory and you have a story a story worth telling what is your win and like daniel would you decide ahead of time we'll pick the story up there next time we'll wrap up the series next time before you go though um i do have some questions for you i'd love for you to discuss over lunch or discuss over dinner whatever time you can get some folks together to talk about them first question is this have you ever done the wrong thing anticipating a positive outcome only to be disappointed it did not turn out the way you thought it should and now you've compromised your integrity and you didn't get what you thought was coming your way number two have you ever done the right thing anticipating a negative outcome that never materialized you thought oh here it comes i've done the right thing this is the end and the end never came if you have stories like these these are stories the people around you and closest to you will find inspiration from and if you have kids these are the kinds of stories that you need to share around the dinner table the lunch table and breakfast when you have breakfast with your family because these are the kinds of fam the stories that may not be this dramatic but these are the kinds of stories that mark the next generation and inspire them to trust god with outcomes and the third question is have you memorized proverbs 11 3 yet i hope you will and i hope you'll teach it to your kids and i hope you'll model it for this generation because imagine just imagine it's hard to imagine imagine a generation of kids who do what they ought to do just because it's the right thing to do imagine a world full of people like daniel who just do the right thing regardless of outcomes and if we're going to teach our kids and if we're going to model it for our kids that means that we all have to go first at work at home in the community whatever we do because at the end of the day that's the win so what's your win we've suggested perhaps a better win i hope you'll make up your mind and then we all win because it's your integrity but collectively it's our world heavenly father thank you thank you for um the woman who brought the picture to my dad long gone thank you father for that defining moment his life the way it's trickled down into my life so many decisions so many memories the father is convicting for some of us is scary for some of us somebody today watching or listening part of this thinking wow it's like you just just read my mail i'm just two days away from having to decide wherever this lands with us would you give us the wisdom to know what to do with it would you give us the courage to do it and father would you raise up a generation generation of jesus followers who understand this and just live it out day after day after day after day that we would write stories worth telling stories worth being remembered and then every single day we would just trust you go to bed at night with a clear conscience and say hey the outcome is in your hands we know there's no guarantees that's okay we know there's not necessarily happily ever after endings we're okay with that if you'll just guide us and direct us instruct us and teach us in the way that we're to go counsel us with your eyes upon us as the psalmist wrote and we pray all of that in jesus name amen yeah you can check out transit for more information about middle school there's also great resources for kids of any age we can't wait to see you soon thanks for joining us we'll see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Southside Church
Views: 198
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cBKf-4pGSIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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