Your Home Is Under Attack | Preston Morrison | Gateway Church

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home it looks different for each of us but no matter what yours may look like there's a good chance that we all want home to be something similar it's your home what do you want it to be like good morning good morning how is everybody you doing well this morning you look good you look like you're in a good mood you ready to do a little work this morning if you've got a bible go ahead and turn to ephesians chapter six put a marker in exodus 19. we're going to cover some ground a lot of one-liners not a bad idea to take notes today while you're flipping to those two passages how many of you like to be a blessing to other people okay hold your hand up high just look around okay a lot of people who love to bless here that's awesome uh i'm gonna give you an opportunity to bless some amazing people that receive ministry here at our church we have a ministry here called embrace grace that is designed to help women who get pregnant in an unplanned fashion and we take them through an eight-week course that covers a lot of ground freedom ministry ton of teaching on identity identity in christ uh a lot of support from beginning to end in the pregnancy whenever they come to us no matter how pregnant they are and then at the end of the course we throw a baby shower for them and they register on their baby registry for everything they need to be an incredible mom to their baby and we throw a huge party for them they can invite anybody they want uh we bring in a hair stylist to do their hair we bring in a makeup artist to do their makeup like we just we we throw a party and as the church we buy them everything on their baby registry and let me say it more specifically you do and we are doing this again we're to the end of another class and i'm not announcing this because we need a lot of help i called it on thursday night that by the end of the nine o'clock service there would be no more stuff to purchase and there's only like 30 something items left so probably timpy as you're watching this maybe if you do this right now you might be able to get something but if you want to bless one of these incredibly brave women you can text the word embrace to 94 000. 94 000 just text the word embrace you'll get a link as a response that goes directly to the amazon page where you can buy some of this stuff so what's funny is people were doing it on thursday night during the announcement it was like a race to see who could get stuff so i just want to tell you how awesome you are i was back in my office just watching people come in i can't believe you come here i really i really i can't believe you're here it's still i remember when we were a year old and i never thought anybody was going to come to this church and it still amazes me that you're here but can i tell you what excites me the most isn't that you're here it's that he is and for whatever reason it seems like he's fairly present these days and i'm just so grateful i'm grateful that you're a part of it too this weekend we're continuing our series in my home and we're going to talk about something that some of you hate to talk about in church and that means i'm going to love this message because i just love when you're awkward by the end of this message some of you are going to hate me okay that's okay that's okay all right send me an email in the subject just write i hate you okay and that means i'm not gonna read it okay so fire it off make it as long as you want put it in there but some of you are going to hate me by the end of this message and it's not necessarily because of our topic it's really because of how we're going to dominate this topic what we're talking about in this message is spiritual warfare and the title of this message is strong and it's designed to be strong so that we take this message seriously from the beginning here's the title of the message your home is under attack preston i i reject that word curse in jesus name okay it's not a word curse it's just a fact the home has been under attack since the beginning your home is not exempt my home is not exempt and i i feel like i got a picture coming into this message that the two of us were at lunch and if you're a woman my wife was with us okay uh but we were at lunch and we're leaving lunch we get in the car we go back to your house and as we're pulling up to your house i kind of noticed something there are people coming out of the back of your house carrying your stuff and so i just say um i think you're being robbed and this was your response no no it's probably my my neighbor they're such pranksters they're just being funny and just as you say that they carry out the television from your living room and then they come out with the bed from your bedroom i think you're being robbed stop being so silly preston we're in an important conversation it's just my neighbors being funny no seriously you're being robbed no i'm not okay when we talk about spiritual warfare there are typically two extremes those who are addicted to it and super spiritualize and sensationalize it and walk around talking to demons and then on the other side of the spectrum it's people who pretend they don't even exist there's no such thing as spiritual warfare if that's you let me give you some homework go read through the gospels and tell me how many times jesus cast out demons from people jesus was always aware of the reality there is another team opposing what we are trying to do in jesus name ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 if you open up to ephesians 6 let's read it together says for we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world against mighty powers in this dark world and against evil spirits in the heavenly places well i memorized it growing up for we do not battle against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities in the unseen world okay it's a fact i didn't make this up i'm not trying to sensationalize this all right but i hope every one of us learn a little something about spiritual warfare that we didn't know before this message here's one of the things i need you to understand if you don't think spiritual warfare is a real thing if you're going after god his enemies are coming after you if you're going after god his enemies are coming after you and one of the most dangerous things a follower of jesus christ can do is not be aware they are under attack first peter 5 verse 8 says be sober be vigilant because so be vigilant because your adversary enemy the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour now some of us get freaked out when we talk about spiritual warfare in the church let me let me just kind of put this to bed if i played for the chicago bulls it's just a fact that one of our sworn enemies is the detroit pistons now when i was growing up in the beginning the pistons beat us but as i got a little bit older my team the bulls got in the habit of absolutely annihilating the pistons okay here's one of the things i learned watching michael jordan as a kid he never walked out on the court going oh my word do you see what color uniform they're wearing today we're in trouble today no he just went out and beat him okay too many believers get too all hyped up about the opposing team okay never give too much credit to the opposing side because my bible says the battle doesn't belong to them and the battle doesn't belong to me to whom does the battle belong to the lord the bible says the battle belongs to the lord and he's already won okay so don't get too overwhelmed and hyped up by the opposing team never be afraid of spiritual attacks just be aware of them now if we're going to talk about attacks we probably need to to kind of define how do we know if we're under attack and you might be wondering person how do i know if i'm under a spiritual attack let me give you two things to think about not an exhaustive list here's the first one you know you're under attack when you lose things while you're alone one of the things i've learned over the years is when i'm back in my office trying to spend time with the lord trying to study for the weekend message and hours go by and after a couple of hours i am losing my peace real time i know i'm under attack you know you're under attack when you lose things when you're by yourself second you know you're under attack when the people you love lose things god desires them to keep this happened to our family in december we got three teenagers any of you who raise teenagers just know from time to time they're curveballs they're typical teenager curveballs and then there are attacks when the people you love start losing things god desires them to keep you need to step back it might be under attack now let me just say if you're the type of person that likes to blame every bad thing on the devil okay your car doesn't start i rebuke you satan this card is going to start in jesus name okay listen the car isn't starting not because satan unplugged some wires the car isn't starting because you haven't put oil in it in nine months okay when when your car gets repossessed the devil is attacking me no your car got repo because you haven't made a payment in 11 months and here's the point sometimes bad things happen in my life as a result of bad decision that i've made so don't don't put everything on the devil own what you've got to own all right but also be aware of spiritual warfare three things i want to give you and the first two points are going to take some time to navigate and then the third one is going to be very plain and simple yet powerful if we're going to talk about spiritual warfare and attacks here's the first thing you need to know don't fight point number one don't fight now this is obviously not a complete sentence and there are two ways i want to finish the sins here's the first way don't fight unnecessarily with your allies don't fight unnecessarily with your allies jesus makes a statement in matthew chapter 10 that i think it's overlooked a lot but there's a lot of power in this sentence that we need to take note of jesus says your enemies will be right in your own household now listen i don't even care the rest of what he's talking about i do but i don't when he says there's a chance that my own enemies can be under my own roof that's an important thing to take note of here's what concerns me about some of the fights that go on in our homes they're unnecessary they're unnecessary just just be honest you're frustrated you want to take it out on somebody and if you're not careful you'll build up a habit of taking it out on the people you love the most okay this is incredibly unnecessary unnecessary fights are designed by the devil to drain your strength and theirs for his fight against you one of the worst things you can do as it relates to warfare is to fight with the people you love in the midst of a fight with god's enemies don't fight unnecessarily with your allies here's why there are far too many fights against the home for you to be causing or allowing fights inside your home why are we so comfortable fighting with our allies this is a war i need their help i need their strength why why would i take a bad mood out on them unnecessary fighting in my home is designed by the enemy to drain us for his fight against us second don't fight fairly with your enemies don't fight fairly with your enemies don't fight unnecessarily with your allies but don't fight fairly with your enemies one of the things i love about the family i've grown up in there are lots of things but one of the things i love is it seems like god has anointed my family with the art of the cheap shot a lot of my family not just my immediate family but my cousins my uncle we're just all we love sports most of us if not all of us played basketball and all my cousins we all played in the same high school team and we had a reputation and one of the reputations we had was obviously for winning but number two see how i slid that in there you're like he's so cocky it was just a joke but not really but honestly one of the things we were really known for it was cheap shots but not just cheap shots getting away with them it's like we all came out of the womb knowing how to elbow someone in the side of the face and the refs not see it like if god i think it's a spiritual gift if god was going to grant you a gift like that's one i would want to have if i'm playing sports like to cheap shot and not get away with it now yeah that's what i'm talking about i needed you as a ref back in the day think about this because some of you are going no president i i'm trying to be meek and mild that's great with humans not with demons steal kill and destroy some goals that they have okay fight fairly with humans fight unfairly play dirty with demons person how do i do that let me show you second corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 we are human but we don't wage war as humans do we use god's mighty weapons not worldly weapons well what does this mean if you're taking notes write this one later down playing fairly is fighting in the flesh like i've actually known people who raised their voice when talking to you know praying or you know just it's like they engage demons in a conversation and they think yelling is going to watch what jesus did jesus was so nonchalant because that's what you do when you have all the power let's see stop stop you don't have to hoop and holler and get all wild okay no no it's the pistons we're better than you stop stop and your uniforms are hitting us just stop playing fairly is fighting in the flesh but playing unfairly is fighting in the spirit let me give you three ways we do that first first way to fight in the spirit is to pray to pray prayer is the spiritual act of getting my strongest ally involved do you know every time you pray your enemies freak out they would rather you yell and scream at them than you pray to god that's why i don't want you yelling and screaming it's just such a waste of time don't don't devote your focus on the devil the bible says be aware of his ways but don't don't focus on him talk to god if you're under attack take it to the lord whom the battle belongs to all right and one of the best ways we do that is prayer daniel chapter 10 verse 12 one of the one of my favorite pictures of prayer as a weapon in spiritual warfare daniel had taken 21 days to fast and pray he was taking some serious things to the lord he spent 21 days fasting and praying now how many of you have ever fasted for a period of time asking the lord for something just put your hand up okay and how many of you have ever gotten to the end of your fast and you feel like god didn't respond okay my hands up too let me show you what might be happening when you think god is not responding daniel chapter 10 verse 12 daniel is visited by an angel and listen to what the angel says do not fear daniel for from the first day that you set your heart to understand so at the beginning of the 21 days and to humble yourself before your god your words were heard god heard your prayers daniel god heard them watch this next part though and i have come because of your words oh that's important but the prince of the kingdom of persia withstood me for 21 days and behold michael the archangel one of the chief princes came to help me for i had been left alone there with the kings of persia so see what's happening for 21 days the first day the angel says scott heard your prayers but the reason you haven't seen a response yet until day 21 as there was a fight in the heavenlies there was a war and now i'm here to deliver god's word to you but there was a fight before i got here okay question what do you typically do when after praying you feel like god is responding do you give up do you quit you stop praying about it maybe you're praying about something right now and it's been months maybe even years and you feel like god's just not responding he's not listening he doesn't care this one liner is for you when it doesn't seem like prayer is working it's simply god's way of saying just keep praying just keep praying you don't know the word that's going on that you can't see we don't battle against flesh and blood that we can see but powers and principalities in the what the unseen realm some of you are literally thinking i think preston has lost his mind unseen realm he's just making stuff up no it's your bible i'm not making anything up and trust me i could go a lot further into this pray one of god's favorite weapons you use in spiritual warfare is prayer and here's why because prayer gets him involved why don't you change the way you see prayer instead of it just being something you have to check a box i got to get up and spend time talking why don't you see it as the weapon it is for you to partner with the god of the universe who has all power in heaven and on earth how would your day go if you started every morning bowing up a little bit going i'm going to spend a few moments getting the god of the universe involved in today's fight before it even starts instead of i gotta check a box prayed today no prayer is a weapon second thing if you're going to play dirty and fight in the spirit not in the flesh you got to resist got to resist the devil ephesians 6 verse 13. if you're there in ephesians 6 read it with me therefore since in other words since we're in this battle not against flesh and blood but against powers and prince pouty's the unseen world because of that put on every piece of god's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil then after the battle you'll still be standing firm okay resist everybody likes to quote verse 13. put on the whole armor of god that's how most people quote ephesians 6 13. put on the whole armor of god there's a word before that what most people quote therefore and one of the things pastor robert raised me to do was always study why the therefore is there preston what is the therefore there for put on the whole armor of god why because we don't battle against flesh and blood but against powers and prince of authorities in the unseen world in other words this is a serious and very real fight so put your armor on every day now don't do it like a scared chicken if you want to pick a bird don't be a scared chicken be a prancing peacock some mornings you just got to wake up and just kind of blow up like a peacock and just say jesus you know one of my favorite things about you you never lose and there may be a moment today where our enemies try and scare me and try and convince me i'm going to be defeated but jesus i just want to remind myself and all of them out loud the battle belongs to the lord the enemy has been defeated it's okay to blow up in the morning resist him james 4 7 therefore submit to god resist the devil and he will flee from you what is resisting it's simply saying no not here no not here here's one of my favorite one-liners of the message the enemies of god are not stronger than the children of god because of the son of god the enemies of god are not stronger than you if you're a child of god not because you have so much strength but the enemies of god are not stronger than you a child of god because of the son of god this is why every morning should start with a conversation with jesus the one who has granted you victory okay let's just take a quick poll how many of you love to lose like you come to my house and we're gonna play some board games how many of you are like you know what my goal is preston let me just out loud verbally state my goal i'd like to lose and let me tell you this will be my response that's great because here is my stated goal verbally i want to win i was made to win i was born to reign so were you i was not born to lose why would his church ever walk around scared he defeated death hell in the grave not the l.a clippers he defeated death he reigns we've won but we've got to resist him he's been defeated but we still have to resist the only children of god who seem weaker are the ones who choose not to resist no not here as for me and my family peace rules and reigns our hearts you will not steal our peace no not here our savior quieted the storm saying peace be still you can't have that not here third thing rebuke this is a word that gets misunderstood a lot jude verse 9 but even michael the archangel one of the mightiest of the angels did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy but simply said the lord rebuke you now depending on what denomination or type of church you grew up in you may have heard this phrase from time to time and it seems to me that a lot of people think the phrase the lord rebuke you means stop it or i bind you that's not what the word rebuke means the word rebuke means to verbally censure to oppose verbally another way to say it to just call out as a liar okay rebuking the enemy is really really important let's kind of just spend a sec talking about this have you ever noticed that many of the fights the devil starts start in your mind have you ever noticed that he tries to pick fights in your mind let's say he's trying to attack your marriage now holly and i are going through a challenging time and he's just attacking our marriage and i hear that voice person she didn't even notice the good thing you did for her she never notices the good things you do for her anybody ever heard a voice like that okay whose voice do you think that is do you think that's god's voice do you think god comes to accuse my wife to me no no that's the accuser's voice so what do you do well too many of us believe that voice you're right it's like we just want someone to agree with us do you know how dangerous it is to agree with the father of all lies you're right she didn't notice she never notices what's wrong with her how could you not notice this that's how dumb we sound when we agree with the father of all eyes incidentally so how do we resist and rebuke him in those moments when he's trying to start a fight in our mind well it's really simple how do you combat a lie with the truth that's essentially what it means to say the lord rebuke you you're lying the lord rebuke you what's the lord gonna rebuke the liar with the truth so when he tries to pick a fight in my mind and say your wife is so bad look what's going on here's what she's not bad she just noticed me two nights ago do you see that text she sent me i saw that text ain't no other woman sending me that text did you notice me did you notice what i said don't lie to me my wife is amazing the lord rebuked you this is the truth i don't need to get a full full-on conversation i just need to remind myself that's the voice of the enemy he's a liar he's lying to me i dare not believe his lies the lord rebuke you never agree with the enemy always disagree with the enemy point number two let's talk about boundaries trust me i know some of you are like man it's been a long time point number three lasts like two minutes okay point number two one of the biggest ways to win in spiritual warfare is to understand boundaries so let's talk about it point number two be diligent with the boundaries a couple of things in regards to boundaries first if you're gonna do boundaries correctly god establishes them not you as it relates to your home god establishes your boundaries you want a home god blesses don't establish your boundaries let him do that let me show you a scripture psalm 74 17. speaking of god you have established all the boundaries of the earth how many boundaries has got established oh so why would i try and establish any he sets the boundaries he sets the boundaries in my home for me for my wife for my kids i don't set them he does god's boundaries always include more than they exclude some of us think that god's number one goal as it relates to boundaries is to keep fun out of our lives can i just remind you i don't have the time to fully teach this because i'm already behind but go back to the very first boundary god put in place for man remember what it was genesis 2 god says don't eat from that one tree remember that boundary okay very quickly can i just show you what god says before that the lord god placed the man in the garden of eden this is genesis 2 15. to tend and watch over it but the lord god warned him okay so we're about to see the boundary watch how god communicates boundaries for those of you who think god says stop it that's how god communicates boundaries you stop it that's bad okay let me show you how god communicates boundaries this is the first remember the first is very important to god the first is a way god communicates his desire about something or for something watch the first time god communicates a boundary but the lord god warned him you may freely everybody say freely you may freely eat the fruit of every say every every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil if you eat its fruit you will surely die god communicates boundaries by pointing at all the other trees on the earth and saying you can eat from all of the trees on the earth except this one except this one tree okay help me understand your theology for god being the eternal killjoy i just completely burst that balloon with one verse the first boundary he communicates he starts off with hey let me tell you how awesome this is you can eat from all of the trees as freely as you'd like except this one don't eat from this one because if you eat it you'll die he doesn't just say don't eat it because because i say so he says if you eat this tree you'll die i don't want you to die don't eat from that tree but you can eat from all the other trees god establishes boundaries this is how he talks when he establishes boundaries second you draw them god establishes boundaries you draw them if you put a marker in exodus 19 flip over there exodus 19 verse 12 god says to moses mark off a boundary all around the mountain so god established the boundary all around the mountain but he says to moses go mark off the boundary so god establishes your boundaries but you mark them this is extremely important why because if you don't draw the line someone will always cross it god establishes let me let me just say to the young people to the young woman woman that's here she doesn't have boundaries yet because somebody told her it's it's your body you can set whatever rules with it you want if you're a follower of jesus christ god sent his son to die for you to pay for you and if you're a follower of jesus christ you've been bought with the highest price humanity will ever know the blood of jesus and now your body belongs to the lord that means he sets the boundaries not you god establishes the boundary but you mark them and if you don't mark out the boundary i promise you from time to time some dumb man is going to try and cross it get a word from the lord on the boundaries he's established in your life and then mark them out third thing you obey them keep going in verse 12 of exodus 19. warn the people be careful do not go up on the mountain or even touch its boundaries i love that this part is in there because this this half of verse 12 in exodus 19 is for those of us who when our parents said don't touch that you literally got up from the table when your parents said don't touch the ornaments on the christmas tree you got up and tiptoed over and went just because you wanted to see what happened huh anybody ever you got that personality yeah it's okay you're an eight on the enneagram it's okay you're not bad of incidentally and i may talk about this later in the series i think this is one of the problems with men and porn the church has not handled porn theologically correct we've not been correct in our theology on porn too many churches and pastors say don't stop it don't do that if the average human is like there's just something in me when you tell me not to i just reached towards it no no no the church has been too focused on the what of pornography not going far enough in the digging process to discern the why behind pornography that's how you actually kick the spirit of pornography is behind it's not by staring at the what it's by understanding the why and doing something about it god establishes a boundary i obey don't even touch the boundary disobedience to god is the fastest way to open the door for the devil to wreak havoc in your life this is why god goes on record in deuteronomy and says hey look at all these blessings if you obey what i say and look at all these bad things these curses that happen if you disobey what i say god is trying to communicate to us nothing good preston happens when you disobey me it is more dangerous than you can understand your disobedience opens the door for the devil to wreak havoc in your life preston so is disobeying my boundary worth the assault the enemy can run right through that open door and land right in your home no it's not worth it fourth thing last thing you guard them you don't just obey god's boundaries you guard them keep going in exodus 19 12. anyone who touches the mountain will certainly be put to death no hand may touch the person or animal that crosses the boundary instead stone them or shoot them with arrows they must be put to death preston here's how serious i am about my boundaries in your life if somebody crosses it don't chase them shoot them in the back preston if these people come and touch the mountain don't chase them across the boundary shoot them right where they stand okay i am not advocating a literal carrying out of this verse but i am advocating to take the seriousness that god asked of moses as it relates to enforcing god's boundaries his life i am advocating that you take that same measure of seriousness in your life you have to enforce the boundaries if you don't somebody's always going to cross the line i wish i had more time to go through some examples let's just say a boundary god created for your home is peace will rule and reign in our home then don't let anybody bring in stress on purpose discord on purpose god blesses unity in this house we're unified then don't let anybody bring in division enforce the boundaries this is to be a home of peace then don't yet let people yell and scream in your house you see what i'm saying when god establishes a boundary enforce it starting with yourself don't cross god's line and don't let anybody else do it either that brings us to the third thing oh here's my second favorite one-liner in this message before we get to point three i've stopped more fights before they started simply by resisting the devil at the boundaries god established for my home it's one of the fastest ways to stop fights before they start live within the boundaries god established and enforce them last thing and this is going to be really quick because i want it to be i want it to be so obvious that we just carry at home with us and take it throughout the rest of our lives if you really want to win i'm going to teach you what i was taught as the number one way to win in spiritual warfare point number three come in the opposite spirit of the one coming against you come in the opposite spirit romans 12 21 don't let evil conquer you notice grammatically there's not a period right there don't let evil conquer you period i don't know don't let evil conquer you let me show you how not only to not be conquered by evil preston but let me show you how to conquer evil don't let evil conquer you but conquer evil by doing good i think some of us read over that verse and we just go oh that's that's too simple to be powerful isn't it amazing that some of the most powerful things in scripture are some of the most simple things i think that's why satan tries to minimize them preston evil is trying to conquer you every day don't freak out about it it's just the pistons don't get all riled up about it the pistons are trash don't don't let evil conquer you but let me teach you how to conquer evil like i did come in the opposite spirit so one of your teens maybe going through a rebellious phase learning the power of the tongue and they're just saying all kinds of hurtful things in anger they're just going off on you what does coming in the opposite spirit mean it means don't fight anger and anger fight anger with humble gentleness well preston that's not fun and it's definitely not fair because i kind of subscribe to an eye for an eye how's that working for you just leads to more anger if i respond to your anger and anger we're just both going to be more angry somebody has to go first and not cross god's boundary and say i'm not raising my voice come here give me a hug i don't want to hug you right now it's okay it just means i'm going to hold you that much longer go ahead yell at me all you want right in my ear they try and break away no i'm not letting you go go ahead get mad tell me everything you're upset about but do it why i hold you i could go down the list of so many wonderful ways to come in the opposite spirit the first time i learned this was when pastor robert years ago before i came to start scottsdale he said preston here's what i want you to do i want you to fly out to scottsdale under the cover of darkness like nehemiah several times and i want you just to go spend time with the lord while you're out there and i want you to ask the lord what are the prevailing powers and principalities over this city because make no mistake preston there's a war going on that you can't see so go there and ask the lord what are the prevailing powers of rinse boundaries who's winning right now in this town i did and i felt the lord say two things at that time two prevailing powers and principalities over the city of scottsdale back then spirit of mammon and the spirit of hedonism and i said lord okay i was born to win because of you how do we win he said don't fight mammon with money fight mammon with historic generosity you don't fight hedonism doing everything that they do you fight hedonism with the purest spirit of gentleness you can muster up in your soul preston and so one of the reasons that we talk so much about innocence isn't just because it's something the lord asked of me when i was 13. he asked when i was 13 because he knew when i was 33 the fight i was going to sign up for and that the way to win in war over a spirit of hedonism was with a sweet and gentle spirit of innocence like a little boy you may have sat through a message in the past and thought he talks like a little boy sometimes i do it's how i win yes it's who i am but it's it's also how i win it's how we win are made to win now we're going to do something that i know for some of you is not easy i've done this before in the past and we've actually had some people leave the church as a result of it and that's okay i totally understand but you've heard me say in the past that the best messages are not the ones you get the most excited about i think to god the best messages are the ones where i'm the most obedia or whomever is speaking but also the messages you do the most with so we're going to do a little bit of warring sweetly before we leave both campuses i'm going to ask you to find somebody around you i get it this is not going to be easy for some of you i'm not trying to put you on the spot but listen one of the things i believe the enemy has tried to do to the capital c church since the beginning of covet is attack it with a spirit of isolation you can see it and it's obvious so how do we overcome a spirit of isolation we come in the opposite spirit unified community it's called family so that's what we're going to do we're going to be family i want you to find someone around you maybe your spouse but maybe you want to do this with somebody else thursday night we had married people split up and i want women with women men with men but here's what we're going to do we're going to finish the following sentence the number one area where i feel like i'm under attack is you know what your bible says where two or three are gathered in his name he is there and i want you to get this picture as two of you say hey i'm really under attack in this area of my life the other person says i'm really under attack in this area of my life i want you to get this picture that the god of the universe is just like this let's go let's go let's go i've already won now let's enforce victory in your life some of you are going to hear a voice don't say that out loud don't say that out loud in church they're going to judge you they're going to look bad on you towards you okay whose voice do you think that is not god's that's your enemies flip the lights on here's what you're going to learn about the family of god it's the best family humanity will ever know so we're going to take some time to be honest with one another and say and i'm under attack maybe it's someone in your home somebody asked me after thursday night and said how can i pray for you what's the number one area where you feel you're under attack and i said it's with my kids fastest way to get to me is through my kids right now so they prayed for me i didn't get all worked up i didn't no no somebody's trying to steal my tv as as a family member would you join me in beating the ever-loving fire out of the person trying to rip off my tv [Music] right someone is trying to rob you and you have access to all power in heaven and on earth wouldn't it be a beautiful thing if the family of god stood up in sweet strength and said no not here not ever again the lord rebuked you so let's do it i want you to find somebody around you maybe you know him maybe you don't if you don't know him introduce yourself and maybe you've never prayed with somebody before okay that's okay that's okay just tell them hey i've never prayed out loud before we had people on thursday night say that it's okay no problem if all you pray is jesus help me the bible says your enemies hear the name of jesus and shudder they freak out you don't need to have some 20-minute prayer if all you know to say jesus help me say that and let the other person agree with you okay all right find somebody around you tell them where the fight is and then spend some time praying together introduce yourself if you don't know them make sure nobody's by themselves [Music] look around make sure nobody's by themselves unless you're married and just ask ladies with ladies and men with men just flip the lights on be honest about the fight make sure nobody's by themselves nobody in this family fights alone that's what i'm talking about some brave going on [Music] love it love it [Music] look around you make sure nobody's alone nobody fights alone nobody [Music] that way jump right into prayer don't spend more time giving your enemy credit than you do going to your god asking for victory [Music] there's some people being picked on in this room once you hear their heart fight with them best weapon we've got is [Music] prayer you don't have to lose that anymore you don't have to give it up [Music] love it love it [Music] it's okay to pray a strong prayer [Music] so [Music] so i'm gonna pray if you're praying you just keep praying even after i'm done don't feel like you have to be done we had people stay for a while after the service was over holy spirit i pray right now for every person who can hear my voice i thank you for the victory we have in christ jesus i pray whatever oppressive thoughts that have exalted themselves against god lord i pray right now every one of those thoughts will be demolished and destroyed i pray the peace of god would rule and reign in and over their hearts god i thank you that because you have all power in heaven and on earth we don't have to get all worked up and riled up we just have to walk in victory holding you by the hand and we get to do that god thank you for being the champion we needed you to be the champion we need you to be lord i pray that no matter the attack or the scheme of the enemy that's come against them or their home we just say together the lord rebuke you the lord rebuke you thank you for victory where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom not bondage freedom and lord no matter what has been trying to hold on to them and no matter how long it's been going on today i pray freedom and victory now may each of us get a clear picture and revelation of the boundaries you've established in our lives and as we leave today may we do so living within the boundaries our god of grace has established in our lives in jesus name amen
Channel: Gateway Church
Views: 425
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Preston, Morrison, gateway, church, gateway church, scottsdale, tempe, gateway church sermons, church online, arizona church, arizona churches, scottsdale churches, tempe churches, phoenix churches, gateway people, gateway life, Preston Morrison, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert Morris, Pastor Preston Morrison, Preston Morrison sermons, church sermons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 25sec (3625 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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